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5 Minutes for Mom contributor, Marya Mesa, is here with a great book suggestion for parents with kids nearing or currently in middle school. In this sponsored giveaway post you have a chance to win a copy of Middle School: The Inside Story.
Do you remember middle school?
Most parents would agree that it was not the best time of their lives. Those years are frequently filled with social awkwardness, frequent bullying, peer pressure and increasing conflicts at home. Worse, children often start keeping their feelings to themselves.
Written by learning styles expert Cynthia Tobias author of The Way They Learn as well as several other parenting books and Sue Acuna, a veteran teacher, you’ll gain many helpful tips to help your middle schooler succeed. Discussion topics include the physical and emotional changes of adolescence, parenting and discipline tips, friendships and school issues.
This looks like an incredibly helpful read for parents of middle school students, possibly even older elementary school kids or high school students, depending on where they are developmentally.
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Would you like to win a copy of Middle School: The Inside Story? Use the form below to enter to win 1 of 5 copies of the book.
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- Set of Captain No Beard Books
- Gloves for Every Job – Clean Ones & $75 Walmart Gift Card
- Razor Kick Scooter
- Middle School: The Inside Story
- Carry and Organize Almost Anything with Caboodles
- Truly Scrumptious by Heidi Klum
- Trapper Keeper
- Fellowes Neptuneâ„¢3 125 Laminator
- Star Wars To-Men and Kendama Pro
- $100 Target Gift Card from SignUpGenius
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- Baby’s Brilliant App – $50 Visa Gift Card
- The Orb Factory Combines Science and Art
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- Dragon Speech Recognition Software
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Brenda Elsner says
Yes, I have a middle schooler!!!
susan smoaks says
our son is in middle school this year
stephanie sloim says
Yes, my son just started 6th grade 🙂
Linda Bradshaw says
Yes, I have a middle school aged child. High school child also
Brandi B says
I don’t yet, but my son will be next year.
Ed says
I have a niece.
victoria says
Yep I do. My son started 6th grade this year. I just don’t know where the time went.
Mihaela Day says
Yes my oldest daughter is in 8th grade 🙂
Leela says
Yes, I do have several.
Gail Fernandez says
Yes, I have a daughter in eighth grade this year. My son will be in middle school next year, in fifth grade.
Paula Noyes says
Our oldest son starts middle school this fall.
Denise S says
Yes, I have a middle school aged daughter.
Jenny Moses says
No but my nephew will be in one year. I think this would be perfect for my brother and sister in law. Then, they could share it with me in 8 years. 🙂
rabia says
My daughter is in grade 2 but she has all the problems of middle school
Staci A says
My son heads to middle school next year.
Janice Crespo says
One of my grandson’s half sisters is starting middle school and this would be good for her.
Jenny says
My son will be in middle school next year.
Mia Dentice Carey says
Not yet but I’m already trying to prepare him for it!
sandra says
in another year, i’ll have a middle-schooler
Barbara Platt says
yes, a grandson
vickie couturier says
yes I have a granddaughter in middle school
Rebecca Parsons says
I have a grandson that is in middle school.
Caitlin McClure says
My boys aren’t in middle school yet.
Francine Anchondo says
Yes just this year.
Emily says
Yes, I have a 7th grader!
Angela Saver says
My kids are not in middle-school, but I have nieces & nephews that are in middle-school!
[email protected]
Tracey Brewer says
Yes – I have a 13-year-old 8th grader!
Lynelle says
Yes, I have a new middle schooler and we just went to an all-girls event today before school starts next week. Would love some advice!
Gina Brandt says
I have a son in middle school
Charlene says
Yes, my only son begins Middle school in two weeks. I am more nervous about it than he is, I am sure. EEK!
Laurie Emerson says
Not yet but I will in another year.
rickel bart says
no, but my wife writes fiction for middle schoolers. she could use this!
xty cruz says
No, I dont have one
Nannypanpan says
I don’t but my nephew is starting middle school
Daniel Darcy says
Not quite yet, but this will be good preparation.
Mary Martin says
Do you have a middle school aged child?’
Yes, I have two! A 6th grade girl and 7th grade boy!
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
i have a grandson that age.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Suzanne h says
I do not have a middle schooler yet, but soon enough will.
anne hill says
no but my sister in law does & she is a teacher so i would give her this book after i read it in the hopes it would help her out. i would like this book cuz i can always get more insight into kids reading anything about them!
amanda hardesty says
I have 2 in middle school this year
Cindy Brooks says
Our grandson (we are raising him) is going into the 6th grade. In our district middle school is 5-8.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
My nephew is starting middle school this year!
Shirley Martin-Tutolo says
My grandson is in middle school. Would love to win
Melanie says
My son is starting 7th grade. Last year was a challenge. We really hope this year goes more smoothly.
Heather A. says
My daughter starts middle school in September.
Donna Lamontagne says
I have a Middle Schooler this year and will have another next year. I truly could use all the help I can get. Can’t wait to read!
Staisha says
Middle school teacher 🙂 This would be helpful during PTC’s.
amanda says
I don’t have a middle schooleer of my own, but my husband and I are youth pastors and I work in a middle school. This would be a wonderful resource!
DanielM says
nope not yet another year to go
diane says
Yep, my son is going into 7th grade!!
anne says
Not yet but waiting.
Vicky Harinski says
Yes new middle schooler
Vicky Harinski says
I have my youngest starting middle school I the fall and I am starting all over again. I havent been heree in 5 years