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Yes – it is here – the big Mother’s Day Giveaway!
But before I hand out the prizes, may I wish each of you a wonderful Mother’s Day.
Those of us who have been given the gift of experiencing motherhood are so richly blessed!!! So many women who desperately long to be called “Mom” would change places with us in a second.
Some of you reading this today may wince at the word “Mom,” with heartache and prayers unanswered. So for you a special {{{hug}}} and an extra special “good luck” as I draw the winners…
And for those of us who do have children — our days may not be easy and our lives may be far from perfect, but we have had the joy of loving our children. Really — it doesn’t get much better than that! So if you aren’t the winner of the iPod – go comfort yourself with a big hug from your kid(s). 😉 And keep reading 5 Minutes for Mom — cause with contests running all the time, you are bound to get lucky soon!
And the winners are…
- We know you are dying to find out, so we will start off with our first contest for Best Buy’s Special Mother’s Day Apple iPod Nano and Chocolate Gift Set!
The winner is… Vivian from Danieldoo
After I drew Vivian’s number, I went over to her blog and found out what she and her family are enduring right now. Her husband, who suffers from MS, has started experiencing symptoms of yet another condition. They are now in that fearful place of waiting to find out the diagnosis and wondering what lies ahead for their family. I know an iPod can hardly minimize their pain right now, but maybe it will make them laugh and smile that out of 1101 numbers, it was their lucky day! And hopefully a little bit of music might brighten the days ahead…
- Our second contest is for a beautifully handmade Mei Tai baby carrier made by Jenn from All Natural Mommies.
The winner is… Tracy W. Tracy is not a blogger, but she mentioned in her comment that they are hoping to win this for their little girl coming next year from China. How perfect is that!
- Our third contest is for a copy of “Hannah Keeley’s Total Mom Makeover – The Six Week Plan to Completely Transform Your Home, Health, Family, and Life.”
We have two winners for this contest…
Modern Mami from Modern Mami @
Briana from Issues - Our fourth contest is for some fabulous jewelry made by Designing Diva.
The winner is… Janne from Janne’s Jabberwocky
- Our fifth contest is also for jewelry – a $40 (CDN) gift certificate to Alli’s Originals.
The winner is… Mamabeck from A Modest Home
- Our sixth contest is for a set of Mommy Cards from Fruition Designs. Cute and convenient – Mommy Cards make planning play dates or getting together for coffee easy.
The winner is… Wendy from Showered With Grace
- Our seventh and final contest is for a copy of Amy Knapp’s Family Organizing Handbook. With 314 quick to read tips, Amy will help get you and your household running smoothly!
The winner is… Kristen from This is the Life
Congratulations to each of the winners and a big {{{hug}}} to the rest of you. We hope you have a very special day with your families! Kick back, relax and enjoy life – you deserve it!!!
(And remember, we keep giving away stuff… so check back often! This Monday, in our 5 Minutes for Books column, we are giving away three copies of a beautiful children’s book. And later in the week, we will have another contest to announce. So no worries ladies — we will be sending you a prize eventually! ;))
Janne says
Thank you so much! This is so exciting!
Atasha says
Congrats to all the winners. Now I will go sulk in the corner 🙁
Wendy says
Hooray for all the winners:)
Faerylandmom says
Congrats to all you winners!
Karla says
WoooHoooo! Congratulations!!
tanyetta says
congrats to everyone! happy mother’s day!
Lani says
Happy Mothers Day!
oh amanda says
Happy Mother’s Day to you 2!
jen says
Happy Mothers Day Janice and Susan 🙂
Meritt says
Just popping in to say Happy Mother’s Day! But also want to add congratulations to all the mama’s who won fabulous prizes too!
Wendy says
Thanks so much! The cards look beautiful!
Happy Mother’s Day!
melody says
Congratulations to all the winning moms.
Happy Mother’s Day to all.
Melinda says
Congratulations everyone. 🙂
Suzanne says
Congratulations winners and Happy Mothers Day to everyone!
Tessa says
Congrats, and Happy Mothers Day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda says
Congrats ladies! Happy MOTHER’S DAY!
military mommy says
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
Congrats to all the winners.
Love, Michelle
Sue says
Happy Mother’s Day Girls!!
Kara says
CONGRATS to all the winners! Happy Mother’s Day!
Adventures In Babywearing says
Oh wow- another wonderful contest. Thanks again!
Jana says
Congratulations winners!
Robin says
Well, now…I couldn’t be more happy NOT to win the iPod…believe it or not, I truly agree that’s it’s not ALWAYS about winning :). I think it (and all the other surprises) went just where they needed to go.
Lu says
Congratulations to all the winners!