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Designing Diva – Jewelry Giveaway
Okay Ladies – this is a GREAT one!!!
Of course we couldn’t have a Mother’s Day Giveaway without fantastic jewelry! And thanks to Designing Diva, we have some gorgeous jewelry to sweeten up our special Mom’s Day contest.
Designing Diva is run by Randi-Sue, a Texas stay-at-home-mom and former clinical scientist. After falling in love with jewelry design, Randi-Sue left her scientist days behind her and opened Designing Diva. She runs this independent company right from her own home studio, where she passionately creates each piece by hand.
I thought the pictures on Designing Diva looked impressive, but when the bracelet and earring set arrived for me to review, I was blown away! They are stunning, perfectly crafted pieces – simply gorgeous jewelry! I can’t imagine how incredible her other pieces must be! Photos just simply can’t convey the beauty of Randi-Sue’s work.
And here is the great news – Designing Diva is offering one lucky winner her choice of one these pieces (matching necklaces and earrings are included as a set for the prize) OR a $75 gift certificate (includes free standard shipping!) Is that wonderful or what?!?
So take a look at this beautiful jewelry and click over to check out more at her site. And if you don’t see one that suits you, Designing Diva will custom design a piece for you!
Also – for the month of May, Designing Diva is offering a 15% off discount to our readers. (Just let her know you are from 5 Minutes for Mom.)
I am sure you all know how to play by now, but in case you are new to our Mother’s Day Giveaway, you can read the rules here. Make sure you leave a comment at this post so we know you want to be entered in this contest.
edited to add: Canadians may enter, but please remember that there may be duties or taxes you need to pay when the item crosses the border.
Good luck!
PS – There are still a few more contests to come this week – so make sure you check back! 🙂
Rochelle says
What mother wouldn’t love jewelry!? Im in! 🙂
marcia gaskins says
please enter me and please pick me my mother and iare both crazy over your things.
Andi Parent says
That jewelry is gorgeous! I need to learn how to make some.
Ronny Scott says
I think my Mother, Denise Scott would love to have this for mother’s day. She is recovering from a triple bypass surgery in February, And I have been out of work due to her illness and cannot afford a mother’s day gift.
denise says
Thought these were just brilliant. I just had a triple by pass heart surgery and thought it would be wonderful to have something to be so special. denise
this would be a great mothers day gift to myself.
denise says
Thought these were just brilliant. I just had a triple by pass heart surgery and thought it would be wonderful to have something to be so special. denise
Lesa Arcement Durley says
please include me in the drawing, thank you
Steph says
Will the draw be chosen at random?
Betsy Cade Pape says
I love all of this jewelry! : )
Tazim says
There would be so many beautiful pieces to choose from!
Hailey says
I can’t be with my mom this mother’s day- I’m a province away with a little one of my own now. But I wouldn’t be half the mom I am today without her as an amazing example and hero!
Beth says
Thank you for the giveaway
tina says
moms love jewelry!
Mapeline says
From the day that I was born, everything little things that she did for me matter and shape me into who I am today. Because of this family, my mom no longer has her personal favaourites: her favourite song, television drama, food and so forth. Her favourites had became our favourites. All she was thinking about was this family: wake up early to prepare breakfast for the whole family, make her way to the wet market as early as 6am so that she can pick the best ingredients before the other housewives… Yet, most of us take those for granted. But I know that every woman wants to be pretty. My mom is no exception. Everytime when she saw her friends, and had their chat, she will ask me if she was fatter than that friend of hers, or whether her clothes were skimpy compared to those of her friends. And everytime I told her the truth, that sometimes some of those friends of her are slim compared to her and so forth. Because I know what she wants to hear is the fact. However, there is one thing that I didn’t tell her, and that is probably a jewellery or two would have made her look perfect. She didnt want to spend unnecessary money on jewelry. Therefore, I hope that I can win this contest and present the prize to her, so that i can finally find my courage to tell her that Mom, even if you are not pretty, I will make you the MOST CONTENTED mom in the world.
Terrell Harding says
I know my Mom would really love to win this. I can just imagine the look on her face, she would be like “Awwwww…..where did you get this!” Then I would be like “I won it in a contest Mommy.” It would be such a perfect gift, I never really give her surprise gifts nor can I really afford anything real or nice enough. But she always appreciates us acknowledging her and being thoughtful. Every time I ask her “Mom what would you like?” She says “its ok” or “don’t worry about it.” But how can I not, she is the best and doesn’t ever ask for a prize. She works her but off, but still finds time to show us her love. She deserves to be….spoiled. Oh snap she’s coming..
Angel says
Although my mother and I don’t always get along, she really is pretty awesome. I am the oldest of two kids. My sister is only 8, and we want to surprise her for mother’s day. My sis was born on mother’s day, so it’s extra special for my mom. My madre teaches pre k, and is kind, considerate, and patient. She really diserves this, and I know she will never buy for herself, so this is a perfect way to get her lookin stylish:) thanks- Angel
Tammy Beach says
Beautiful jewelry! Very nice!
Danielle Zeris says
My mother is an amazing woman, God has really blessed me. She is so caring, and doesn’t judge. My mother works at my high school, and I love it. A lot of people ask me if it bothers me having her work there but it certainly does not. Everyone at the school loves my mother, and comes to her for help. She has a huge caring heart, and she will help anyone. My mother is a strong Christian, and she is also my personal taxi. My mother takes me everywhere that I need to go. She could say no but she doesn’t. About two years back my mother took in a girl who went to the High school, who was having family problems, and needed to get out. She stayed with us for a while, and my mom treated her like part of the family.
Everyone tells me that I am just like my mother, and I am glad because she is an amazing role model. I want to be just like her. She is a very honest and outgoing person. Also she is an animal lover, and she will stop traffic and get out of her car and save a turtle if it is in the road. If me and my mom had it our way we would have a lot of animals. I love my mother so much and I wouldn’t be who I am without her. I love her forever and a day.
Michelle Dotson says
Mom is just awesome. I don’t know a woman that I look up to more than my mom. She’s mom to me first and foremost. She’s mom to a whole ton of others also. She’s a national chaplain who helps with domestic violence advocacy. She and my dad have a ministry together that includes helping others with exercise and health, summer youth camp, parenting classes, etc. My mommy is the best.
Julia Wamboldt says
There is this one special woman in the world she taught me how to talk, she talk me how to walk, and she taught me how to be me. I followed in her footsteps because i wanted to be like her, she was my roll-modle. She made me who I am today a thirdteen year old, that is heathly because you helped me when i needed you, when I had to go to sick kids. I am the girl that everyone knows as the good girl because this woman taught me how to be one. In my mind she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I love this woman more then anything in the whole world, I could not have a better person then her. She makes the house clean,, and cleans my laundry because I am to lazy, but when she needs my help I will always be right there. The house is nice, clean, and it smells good today because of her. She is a very stong woman, and she likes to do things on her own. You would never see one tear in her eye because she doesn’t cry, and you know why she doesn’t cry: it is because she is a very strong woman. Do you know what her name is. Her name is mommy, and that will be her name until the day that I DIE! I LOVE YOU MOMMY/ MOM( best woman in the world )!
Ruth says
how pretty!
Dominique D. says
My mom is selfless and very giving person. She has 11 grandchildren and 5 kids. I am the youngest of her children. She watches 6 to seven of her granchildren at once all by herself. At times she put her children needs/problems before her own. It seems her happiness comes from her grandchildren and kids. Unfortunately, over the last 3 years she has lost 3brothers and her mother. In which, I think she needs a little pick me up. However, I lost my job over a month ago and can’t afford to get her gift for Mother’s Day! So I would like to enter her in this contest, so she can at least feel special and appreciated since I can’t afford this year. THanks for your consideration!
brianna gaddis says
My mother deserves this, she works hard, and always puts me and my brothers before herself, no matter what the situation may be. She’s battled many illnesses, yet she continues to keep going until she has nothing left. I wanted to win her a makeover, I’ve never saw someone put so much into their family as she does. She recently lost her sister that was her best friend. My mom isn’t just my mom, she’s my hero, and my best friend. So please, consider her for this it would make her so happy and mean so much to me. I am 17 years old.
Adam Raso says
My mom deserves this jewelery because 2 days after mother’s day I’m having a very expencive surgery so I want my mom to look stylish and feel good about us! I’m only 11!
casey says
My mom is seriously the best mother in the whole world! I am so blessed! xoxox
Danika Wolfe says
mom does everything for us me and my brother never go without….we are gone every weekend to sports and she always follows us even if she has to skip out on treating herself…this would be the perfect gift for my mom to give back to her after all her hard work!!!!!Thanks
Gabby says
Sign me up for sure!!!
morgan says
hello,please enter my mom in this ! (:
she is the greatest person in the world!!
My brother had got into a really bad car accident almost 3 years ago and she stayed with him every single day while he was learning how to walk and talk again she stayed for the whole 12 weeks(maybe more) day and night and would not leave the hospital, she clearly is the reason my brother is here today and without her being by his side 24/7 he probably would not have recovered the way my brother did. She still manages to fight for everything because during this time we lost alot financial wise was not good and still is not good! So i just think my mom deserves something for herself! <3 (:
thank you
Julia says
This jewelry is beautiful and perfect for a very special mother that I like to call my second MOM! The love of my LIFE past away a little over a year ago at a very young age and he was her son. My twin sister is married to her other son and therefore we are already family. This time has been very difficult for her and her other son serves in the military and spends a lot of time overseas. She is an extraordinary woman and I can only hope to be as strong and amazing as she is one day. She has given so much to her community by teaching and volunteering. I would love to be able to make this a special Mother’s day she will never forget. I hope to be able to win this wonderful jewelry for her. Thank you so much.
ernest jackson says
My mom is not only my but a lot of other people inspiration,she is now 87 yrs of age and don’t move like she once did but she is pretty sharp and continue to help and give guidance in the small community in which she live,she use to work for self help housing authorities and other organizations and continued to help build well into her late seventy’s.they call her the unofficial mayor of the small town call Harlem Height’s in which she lives. she raised nine kid’s practically by her self and has given so much to her community i can’t think of anyone more deserving,
Danielle says
My mom hasn’t gotten any pieces of jewelry in a long time, and I don’t recall her getting any homemade pieces at all. This would be great for her-she has had to sell most of her jewelry to get some money. I appreciate you guys putting theese contests up-I hope if you guys are mothers you guys get pampered to the extreme on Mother’s day. 😉
angel says would love to win this for my mom and do something nice for her to make her feel special.
ann says
these are absolutely amazing. im definately in!
paige j douglas says
wow thats so pretty, i would love to win, but i never do.
Marina says
WOW – I likey!! 🙂 Enter me, please!?!
Lauren Threatte says
On behalf of me and my beautiful mother, Bonnie, I want to say that this jewelry is amazing. I would love for my mom to wear it. Enter me into the contest!
Camille says
Who doesn’t love jewelry? And these look absolutely stunning!
Emily says
My mom would love all of these! Count me in for the drawing!
Rebecca says
The jewelery is absolutley gorgeous and my mom would love it. Please enter me, My mom really deserves it she works so hard cleaning and cooking and dealing with two teenagers who dont always treat her like she deserves to be all the time, this would make her day.
Betty Newberry says
I love earrings and necklaces oh my.
Laurel says
I need some new jewelry.
Kari says
My mom and I love jewlery, count us in please!
Erika says
I’m in!!!
Trinity says
super cute. would love it!
Angie says
great jewelry! Like very much!
Sharon May says
Wow, I love the designs and colors used here.
Lashika says
it’s on
ola says
I am 64 and has never won any thing or had any thing that looks this good, I am in, sign me up.
Karan says
Catie4991 says
Please enter me in to this contest.
Diana says
WOW. this is reallllyy cool 🙂 sign me up.
shelby says
My moms a great person,she is a single parent raising 2 children left at home 2 older ones that moved out,is a grand-mother of 4.She workes hard everyday to make ends meet.It’s not often that she gets to buy herself somthing as nice as these things above,she’s always concentrating my little sister and I,and rarly thinks about herself,i feel really bad most of the time because i feel she deserves much more than i can afford to give her,we are teenagers going to school,so dont have much time to work and make money to get her things…It would mean soo much to both me and my younger sister if we won somthing going towards our loving caring mother!
Thank-you…Sincerily Shelby.
shelby says
my mother loves jewelery.i would love to win these beautiful accesories and see the look pon her face when she would open her gift! thank-you:):):)
Alicia says
My mother would look beautiful in these pieces! 🙂
Arlene Fortune says
Please sign me up! as a mom of 2 tots, I already forgot how to wear those, pls. help me remember! Thanks!
Sandy G says
She is the best Mom a daughter could have. She has been there everyday of my life. She trys her best to guide me in making good choices to become the best woman I can be.
shi says
oh oh it
iowa girl says
Silver is the new gold!!!
Jaleana says
“when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I WIN beautiful rings, These are a few of my favorite things!” 🙂
Krisinda Smith says
Love the turquoise earrings
susan says
The Jewelry looks handmade, “something a little different”than most of the cheap quickly made jewelry from china etc.I a a single mom of 27 years raising three boys totally alone and this would be a nice treat, we have had no money and they have had to put
themselves through college on their own, I always felt a bit sad I couldn’t provide for them so In ever let them get me any gifts anytime, I told them to put it away for themselves. great boys Thank-you for this contest
carolynn says
count me in i really want to win that for my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
carolynn says
add me in.
vicki says
I’m a jewelaholic!!
Julia says
What woman doesn’t love jewelry!!
Marsha says
Thanks for giving me a chance to win a gift for my mom
Monica Lu says
All of the jewelry is so pretty! I really want to make this Mother’s Day special so sign me up!
Cathy says
Very unique stuff…. just like my mom is!
Laquish says
Beautiful jewelry! Sign me up!
Karen says
very flattering…beautiful pieces!
Karen in VT says
sign me up! thanks!!
K says
My mom would loooooooooooooove those!!!! Especially the circle ones, because she loves marbles as decorations(she even has chairs with circles cut out of the back)!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura says
Great idea for a mommy to be!
Cherrei says
Very crafty, great looking Jewelry. Happy Mother’s Day!
Tina Lopez says
Please enetr me for this giveaway, it would be nice to win something. Thanks, Tina
vikki Bryant says
I am in work and trying to do a sneaky for my mum and enter the special jewels promotions because she is worth it.
I am axious someone will see me and can not see how to enter, so please can you do it for me !!!
cheeky or what
thanks vikki
Michelle Keller says
What terrific jewelry!
Shelley says
Let’s test my luck..
Carley says
I wanna win for my mother.
div says
Great blog ! I really enjoyed reading it. I have also created a lens , it tries to unreveal the secret of “Why Jewelry Stores Don’t Want You to Discover These Little Known Online Jewelry Auctions Sites “. It has got number of useful articles .Visit-
Holly says
Wow! Don’t forget me!
Deborah says
Heather says
Oh yummm…. Beautiful
kailani says
Count me in! Mahalo!
Amanda says
Love the jewelry! WOW!
Scarlete says
Comment ftw!
I love circle jewelry. Nice work!
Cynthia says
jewelry! Would love to win jewelry!
Victoria says
Oh that is sooo pretty.
Suzanne Dunford says
Oohhhh, sparkly! Me, please.
Leigh says
Oh, so pretty. Sign me up, please.
Denise T says
Please put my name in the hat 🙂
Kimber says
Beautiful! Especially the turquoise! Enter me please.
Kat says
Please enter me as well!
heatherly says
very pretty. beautiful colours
erin says
How could anybody pass up jewelry?? seriously…This is really beautiful jewelry, and I would feel honored to wear it proudly…here goes to hopin’!!!!
Sheena says
I absolutely love jewelry. Hope I win!
Shelly says
Please enter me!
Cindi says
Sign me up please
kelli says
Brenda says
Please count me in. Such lovely jewelry!
Judy says
Beautiful jewelry. Thanks for hosting this contest.
Janelle Goins says
Unusual and beautiful. would look great with the makeover offered on the previous contest
Brenda says
yes, please!
Sandra C says
Love it! count me in.
Nikki says
very original and creative:)
Rosemarie says
Count me in! Beautiful jewelry!
Sallie says
wow, that’s all VERY pretty… I love necklaces!!
Mandy says
Beautiful pieces! I’m in.
Billie says
I like it all count me in
Bond says
raises hand.. thank you
Lundie says
I’m in!
Erica Johns says
Count me in!
Mandalyn says
I love jewelry! Sign me up!
Hilary says
Enter me!!
Shauna says
Please count me in!
Amber says
What gorgeous jewelry! 😀
Dollymama says
Cool! My wardrobe could use a kick. 🙂
Heather says
Lovely Lovely jewels. Please sign me up!
FunkyP says
Wow. There are such talented people out there. Count me in.
Lorie says
Please enter me!
Sarah says
Count me in!! Gorgeous!
Katherine says
Oh, I love jewelry…
Jeanne says
Beautiful Jewelry! Count Me In!
Christy says
Beautiful! What a great contest!
Vanessa says
oooooooo accesories.
Theresa says
Ooh! Shiney! I’m in!
Tracy says
Gentle, be gentle with mama’s earing…Ouch! that hurt.
Ruth says
You can NEVER have enough jewelry!! =o)
Lisa says
I’m usually not big on bling, but this is some beautiful jewelry — count me in!
Kari says
OH yeah girl, count me in!! 😀
Handy says
Count me in too!
lorinda says
Count me in!
dana says
please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top. I need a new look
Angelika says
Enter me, please. 🙂
Crystal says
Pretty! I’m in. 🙂
Heather says
ooh, beautiful!
Michelle says
count me in.
kris says
Very nice!
Amber says
Jan says
Heidi says
Betsey says
Jewelery! Pretty!
Dawn says
Gorgeous! Me too Me Too!
Amy says
Beautiful jewelry!
Perky says
Oooooh! Beautiful! Who wouldn’t want beautiful new jewelry for Mothers Day??? Sign me up!
Homemom3 says
very interesting designs, sign me up. 🙂
michelle says
Can’t go wrong with jewelry! Count me in!
J. Fergie says
Count me in!
Sue says
Reese says
Happy Mom says
Lovely, this is such a great idea.
Beth says
Beautiful! I want to play!
daedra says
Yes, please include me in the jewelry contest, mama needs some new bling.
Karly says
Those are gorgeous!
Stephanie says
Wow, just beautiful!
Karla says
Love jewellery! These pieces are amazing!
SarahS says
That is way more shiny than the macaroni jewelry I get sometimes!
Gwen says
So pretty.
Penny says
ooh pretty enter me please
Tammy says
Love this jewelry! I would love this as a gift!
Leslie says
Love it! Love it! Love it!!!
Stefanie Lin says
I would love this gift!
Susannah says
So elegant and dainty, very beautiful.
Angel W says
LOVE this jewelry!
Montserrat says
I love, love, LOVE the turquoise colored pieces!
Kathleen Marie says
Wow, now wouldn’t that be a heavenly Mom’s Day gift. Count me in the running and God Bless you guys!
Canadian Telecommuting Mom says
Randi-Sue you make beautiful jewelry!
Caley says
Stephanie says
I’m in!
Tanya M. says
So pretty! What mom doesn’t love jewelry! I’m in!
Kathy Beaver says
Beatiful jewelry!!
Turtles says
Beautiful pieces! Count me in.
Ronda Del Boccio says
This is great! What a wonderful prize!
I told all my readers by puting the logo posted on my blog at
Megan says
Oh, I would love to win this! It’s so beautiful.
CL says
Oooh, pretty. May I please be entered into the draw?
Carmen says
Gorgeous. Please sign me up for the draw.
Jenn A-V says
would love to be entered! 🙂
TeaMouse says
Please enter me.
Cura says
Very nice indeed – sign me up!
Jessica says
Sign me up, no one deserves such nice jewerly more than my mom. Thank You
Tracie says
oooh pretty! I would love something feminine and pretty!
Nancy G says
Very cool! Please enter me into the contest.
Shannon P says
Gorgeous jewelry! Please enter me!
Gretchen says
Oooh, me, please! Very pretty
Chrissy says
Beautiful! Sign me up.
Shelly says
i’m in :o)
Dawn says
Beautiful jewelry. Beautiful presentation. Beautiful contest!
Jeannine says
So pretty! Please count me in!
Jennifer says
I haven’t had new jewelry in a long time. I’m in!
Kristen (Quirky) says
oh wowsers!!!!! every girl needs jewelry! And a mom could really use it! I’m in! Linked up already
Rebecca says
I would love some new jewerly! Add me, please!
Kristarella says
I would love to be included here!
Cindy Ericsson says
Wow, beautiful! I want, I want!
Miranda says
Beautiful jewelery, count me in!
Heather A. says
Me too!!!
Michele says
Love it all!
Joanne says
These are lovely!
Candi says
Very pretty!
Monya says
Count me in too!
Kassie says
Those are beautiful!
Abby says
Great jewelry! I’m in for this contest 🙂
pisecomom says
These are beautiful pieces!
Wendy says
I’m in! Thanks 🙂
Michelle says
What beautiful jewellery, I hope I win!
Just Mom says
Sign me up.
Cheri says
Oh, pretties! What woman doesn’t need more pretties? Sign me up!
blondeblogger says
Gorgeous! Count me in for this one, too. Thanks! 🙂
Mrs. X says
eXquisite original designs! Please enter my name as well. thanX
Jessica says
I was just thinking I could use some new jewellry! Sign me up!
Michelle says
I’ve never been much of a shoe, bag or jewelry girl, but lately I’ve found myself very inclined toward these things! These look really nice!
Ellie says
LOVE THE JEWELRY…….so unique and beautiful….LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!
Jessica says
Beautiful! I love handmade jewelry!
Megan says
Please add me to the increasingly impossible odds! 🙂
Sarah says
I will definitely be checking out that site!
Jennifer W. says
I just love it!! I love unique jewelry.
Heather says
Very pretty. I’d have a hard time choosing, but I’d love to have that problem!
Amber says
Gorgeous! I would love to enter!!!
Donna says
Please enter me in this one!
Adria says
Those pieces are lovely. I would love to enter the contest.
Celeste says
Oh oh oh! I want!!!
jacqueline r daley says
Pick me pick me!
Heidi says
Looks great! I’d love to win!
Julee says
Beautiful…thank you.
Dee says
Umm.. jewelery – count me in!!!!
Romie says
This would be nice – count me in 🙂
Angie says
I soooo need some accessorizing help! This would really give me a boost!
Vicki says
Beautiful work — appealing to a lot of different tastes.
The Preacher's Wife says
Just lovely…sign me up!!
Emily says
Kelley says
utmommy says
I LOVE jewlery! I’d love to win! Count me in.
RT says
I’m in!
Christine says
Those are beautiful! Add me to the list, please.
NDFosterMOm says
I just started a new job and WOW would jewelry be a great accessory! I’m in it to win it!!! 🙂
Debbie in NNY says
Oh, how lovely! I would love to win! LOL Thank you for hosting this contest.
Sandi says
Please draw my name! Pick me! Pick me!
Drama Mama says
Oh – very pretty! Thanks for the contest! I’m in!
karen young says
Very beautiful. Sign me up! Thanks!
Elizabeth Christie says
What a beautiful collection! Please add me to the drawing. Thank you!
JC says
Very fine work, good eye!
Teresa says
Please include me in your contest. The jewelry is beautiful. Thanks!
Kristin says
Sign me up, it is beautiful jewlery!
Jan says
Just lovely!
Rayna says
I love handcrafted jewelry! These pieces are gorgeous. Please sign me up!
Haley says
What gorgeous jewelery! And made by a Texan! I’m all for it!
Allison says
I love matching sets of earrings and necklaces. There are beautiful!
Mikki Jo Howard says
Wow, gorgeous jewelry! Thanks so much!
Julie D. says
Count me in!
LivingforGod says
Please enter me in this contest. Thanks!
Mrs. Guthrie says
Awesome!! Jewelry is always good! 🙂
Elizabeth Silence says
How lovely. Please sign me up.
Julie says
How perfect for Mother’s Day! Sign me up please.
Jessica A. says
Very pretty! I know some deserving Mom is going to love these!
sara - The Estrogen Files says
GORGEOUS!! I’m so ready for some of these – WIN WIN WIN!
Stephanie says
Wow, those are so cool. Very trendy and young! Sign me up!
Jessica says
Beautiful! Can’t wait to win it!
CoachJ says
I’m excited!! Count me in, please.
Tammy says
Jewelry Addict here! count me in!
Suzanne says
Designing Diva is so very talented. I would be honoured to wear a piece of her Jewelry.
Cathy says
What gorgeous jewelry!
Cecilia says
My mom would love the turquoise jewelry. Please include me in the contest. Thanks.
Deb says
I just love jewelry, please put my name in, thanks
Leticia says
Fabulous, count me in!
Erinn says
Those are lovely pieces!
Jennifer G. Miller says
What girl doesn’t like beautiful jewelry?
Sonja says
I’d like to enter. Thanks!
Chyrll says
The jewelry is very pretty!
Eliza says
Looks beautiful!
fromthepines says
These look great!
Island jen says
Please count me in! This looks too good to be true!
Angela says
Gorgeous. Please add me for this one!
Literacy-chic says
How beautiful! Sign me up!
Melissa says
Count me in!
Leah says
what a work of art..please add me. I want to win it.
Lori says
Ooh, pick me, pick me! Thanks again for organizing such great contests!
Margie says
Beautiful jewelry! Would love to win this! Thanks for offering such a great prize!
Jennifer says
Add me! Oh la la!
Mama Lily says
lovely!! sign me up for this one too. 😀
Jill H. says
Stunning pieces, here’s hoping I either win, or can get the hubster to take a hint….:)
veracity says
So pretty! Can’t pass up a chance at free jewelery! I’m in!
RookieMom Whitney says
Please enter me. I think accessories are the best way to bring a boring old outfit up to date. Would love to win!
momrn2 says
Count me in on this one too! My link is up! 😉
Jessica says
I am in!
Tina says
Please enter me. Thank YOU!
Barb says
Please enter me in. Thanks
Carol says
Throwing my name in the hat, too! 😀
Lara says
i’m in!
stacey says
ooooo, me, me, me!!!
Joshua says
my wife would love these. sign us up for this one also. This could be from our 23 month old or our 16 week old.
Beth Carpenter says
I love jewerly! I never get any for myself cause my husband thinks it is pointless object but I think he is terribly wrong. I love it and think it is gorgeous.
Charis says
Count me totally in! Beautiful!
Ginny Parker says
Beautifu! Count me in.
melody says
Ooooo, sparkles, jewelry, Oooooo. I’m so in for this.
Linda J Percy says
What pretty jewelry! How could I not enjoy wearing it? Please enter my name!
Stephanie K. says
Beautiful! Please enter me too!
amy says
Of course I’m in! Amy from LadyBug Picnic
emily says
Wow, gorgeous stuff. Please add me to the contest.
Jodi says
Oh oh pretty!!
Lori says
Love it!!
Jennifer Jett says
Gorgeous! Please add me to the drawing.
florence says
soooo pretty!!!
Aimee' says
PEA says
Such fabulous jewelry, please add my name to the draw:-)
Judy says
What lovely jewelry. I’m in 🙂
I love Mineral Girlz! says
Beautiful Jewelry! I may have to just order some of these now! 🙂
Tracy w says
I’m all about the great bling!
Nikki says
Jewelry is a girls best friend . Count me in.
bebemiqui says
I’m in
Beth says
I would love to have one of each !!
Becky says
very unique and beautiful jewelry
Leslie says
love it!!!!!!!
Kim says
Oh wow, that is some good stuff!!! Count me in for this one! 🙂
relevantgirl says
I’m jewelry challenged, so this is lovely. Count me in.
Kim says
Whoo Hoo. I’m always up for free handmade jewelry.
CommonMom says
Shiny objects! I’m definitely in on this one!
anna says
Awesome jewelry! Count me in!
Cammie says
I love it!
Lauren says
Ohhh… Beautiful pieces! I hope I win!
Karmyn R says
Very pretty – could easily become “My precious”.
Sign me up!
Trish says
Oh definitely sign me up for this one, ladies! 🙂
Susanne says
Beautiful stuff. Count me in!
KarenW says
So beautiful! Sign me up too.
Analisa Roche says
Me, please!
Marla says
Absolutely beautiful work! Please sign me up.
Multiple Hats says
Sign me up!
Jenny says
Oooh. Sign me up please!
Amy says
Very nice!
jessica says
Please enter me!
Michelle M says
Beautiful! Please enter me! Thanks.
Fran says
Please enter me in this one too!
themuttprincess says
Oh wow, they are beautiful.
Please enter me. Thank you!
Faerylandmom says
I’m entering this one too, thanks!
Wendy says
Jewelery is always fun!!!
Terra says
BEAUTIFUL, I want in!!! Yes I do!!!
Val says
Add me please! 🙂
Ashley Nichole Navarre says
alright, i was just looking through my jewelry box and sadly realized that it’s all stuff that would look better in my daughters dress up box! I’d gladly exchange the bulk for one precious piece like these
Geri Romeo says
How pretty! Happy Mother’s Day
Lorelai says
What beautiful pieces. I would love to win this for my sister (who just found out she’s expecting her 3rd child).
Jenn says
Ooh – fun stuff!
Anne says
OOOH!!! I love them! They’re so trendy and beautiful! Please, please, please count me in on this one, too!
Mommy Brain says
Beautiful! Count me in.
Holly says
She really does beautiful work.
Mommy Dearest says
Those are nice!
Leanne says
Ally says
Wow, their stuff is really beautiful.
Katie says
Pretty! Pretty!
Amy says
Very nice!!
Christy says
I love jewelry! Sign me up!
Alexis says
These are gorgeous! I’d love to win one 🙂
Myrna says
Gorgeous jewelry! Count me in, for sure!
Patty says
Beautiful!! Count me in!
Kris says
Count me in please! thanks!
Kelly says
This mama needs some new jewelry!
Beautiful work Designing Diva!
Raising Daughters says
How pretty!
Kristi says
throw my name in the hat! very pretty!
Carolyn says
Holly says
I’m a jewelry girl! Sign me up! Thanks!
jenn says
ooooooooo………pretty………..i want one!
MamaLee says
Count me in. Those pieces of jewelry are beautiful!
dexie says
ahh, they’re beautiful. my kind of accessories. definitely.
Cindy says
Absolutely beautiful!
Caryn says
Beautiful! Would love to win. Please sign me up.
Dee says
The jewelry is gorgeous! Sign me up for this, please.
Sunny says
Please enter me also………these are fantastic…I heading over to her site now….
Be Blessed
Janne says
VERY NICE! Count me in!
YoungMommy says
Designing Diva’s jewelry is beautiful! Enter me, please! 🙂
mama k says
gor-geous! me please.
Atasha says
Oh they’re beautiful…oh pick me, pick me. my kids just destroyed 2 of my most favorite earrings and somehow another one fell down the garbage disposal.
Aimee says
Sign me up! 🙂
Julie says
I’m in, I love any kind of jewelry.
Carrie says
I’m in! Her jewelry is just gorgeous….ohhh I hope I win???
Tendrils says
Count me in! BEAUTIFUL!
Amy K says
I’m in! Beautiful stuff. I love turquoise!
Crickey says
I’m in!
Fuzzy says
I love jewelry! It ALWAYS fits!!! 🙂 Please sign me up!
Rebecca says
I’d wear those earrings. Which is saying alot because I am rather boring when it comes to accessories. 🙂
Bri says
Pick me!!!
Tessa says
Those are very pretty. I ecspiecally like the torquise set. Now I am going to look at the rest.
The Pumkin Patch says
PRETTY PRETTY! Sign me up!
lifeasamama says
oh. oh. oh. oh. that is beautiful!
Chappyswife says
OHHHH! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! Please enter me in this drawing! Thanks!
Deborah says
please…count me in! her stuff is gorgeous, and I’m in desperate need of some new baubles.
tanyetta says
Count me in. thank you 🙂
military mommy says
I’m in. She has stunning jewelry!
Alexa says
Definitely visit her site. Her stuff is so nice!
JennaG says
I’m in!
Heather Slater says
Those are beautiful!
Leslie says
Pretty!! I want.
Linda says
Sign me up for this one!!!! I am a jewelry girl for sure.
Krissy says
Beautiful!! What a fantastic job to have, too. 🙂
Angela says
These look beautiful! Thanks for sponsoring this contest.
Lani says
Sign me up and count me in!
jen says
Great stuff! I’m in!
Shera says
Sounds Fun!
LeAnne says
Really nice! I’m in too!
Stacey says
Whoah! Some bling bling to shake off any of the blah blahs! Nice!
bee says
I like shiny things!
Kathleen says
Beautiful! I’m in!
Julie says
melissa says
I’m in! Beautiful Jewelry!
T with Honey says
I’ve fallen in love with the Cherry Bomb necklace… must. have. it. Count me in on this contest, please!!!!
Jennifer says
Please count me in!
qtpies7 says
Wow, those are incredible! I’m in!
SaraR says
Very pretty things!
Pam says
wow I like jewelry..Hope I win..please enter me
Tricia says
I love jewelry. Enter me!
Kim says
Hope I win… Kim
Elleoz says
Oooo! Pretty!
leah belle says
I love jewelry! I hope I win!
chris says
Oh! I have a ‘circle’ jewelry problem! These are amazing!
Randi aka Dallas Designing-Diva says
You have just made my head swell. Thanks so much for your positive comments.
With kind regards,
Randi aka Dallas Designing-Diva
Crissybug says
I would love jewlery! She makes some neat stuff!
Laura says
Awesome, count me in!
Kara says
Beautiful jewelry!
Addie says
Beautiful jewelry! I would love to be entered.
Rae says
Wow her pieces are fantastic! Count me in!
Rach says
Wow, beautiful work!
Jessica says
Very lovely! 😀 I already have a favorite!
Liz Monkeykisses says
very pretty
Myfriendconnie says
Please, enter me. Thanks!
Lisa Knight says
Nice stuff!
Whitney says
how beautiful! Count me in!
Vicki says
I want in!
Adventures In Babywearing says
Get me in on this one!!
Sarah (In the Trenches of Mommyhood) says
Love it! Please add me.
Brooke says
Fingers crossed!
Karen L says
Love her stuff! Heading over to her site to check it out. Count me in for this one, please. 🙂
kelly jeanie says
Very nice. I’m in!
Tonja says
yep, could definitely go for this jewelry!
Girl Gone Wild says
Those are beautiful pieces!! She’s very talented. I’m in and heading over to her site….
Kristin says
Very nice! Please add me to the drawing!
Wendy says
Please count me in. Thanks! 🙂
dirkey says
Oh So pretty!
Sign me up! 🙂
oh amanda says
Heather says
Pretty, pretty!
Lauren S. says
Please count me in!
Jean says
Sign me up, they all look great.
CPA Mom and Soccer Mom Angela says
Absolutely beautiful jewelry! She is very talented.
Julie P says
STILL waving frantically!! Pick me, pick me!!
Beautiful jewelry btw…
Rebecca James says
Who doesn’t love jewelry! I’m in!
Briana says
Pick me! I love all of it. 🙂
JessicaB says
Very nice. Sign me up please.
JenniferB says
Wow — gorgeous! Sign me up — I’d love to head out on the town feeling like a million, and wearing any of these would do that for me!
Wendy says
WOW! Those are so nice! Please count me in!
Jil says
Beautiful! Sign me up! I added this contest to my post on your whole extravaganza:
kindredheart says
Stunning! Please throw my name into the hat! Thanks!
Sharon says
Beautiful pieces! Please count me in. 🙂
Alyson says
Nothing better than being dressed up in nice jewlery! That is something I never seem to treat myself to any more.
tracey - extreme adventures in knitting and motherhood;) says
count me in!
Mama Russell says
Oh goodness, wouldn’t I love some of these?!
MommaBlogger says
Oooohhhhh, sparkly! I’m in!
Mrs. C says
I’m in!
Bad Sheep says
Live the 3 ring bling bling!
Kenyetta says
OOOoooo…sign me up please!
Gina says
Oh I love jewelry! Please add me to the drawing.
Heather (Heather's reality show) says
Wow! How pretty!
mamabeck says
Lovely work, Randi-Sue!!!
ChupieandJsmama says
Gorgeous!! Add me to list please 🙂
Jana says
very pretty jewelry!
Nichole R. says
JUst Beautiful! Sign me up!
Lissete says
Love me some jewelry! 🙂
staci says
very pretty!!
Carey says
Very pretty, count me in.
Ruth :) says
ooooooohhhhhh…. yes please!
Lu says
Ooooh! Count me in! 🙂 Thanks!
Dana says
sign me up for this one too!!!
Natalie says
Sign me up!
Becky says
Beauuuutiful! Count me IN!
Christina says
You can never have enough jewelry!
Bridget says
sign me up please!! I love jewelry but then again doesn’t every mom
BChsMamaof3 says
Very pretty! Please add me into the draw : )
annaliza v says
everyone can always use some jewelry!!! these are niice!
Melinda says
Oooo…. pretty! 🙂