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Here are the button codes for the Christmas Giveaway 2008 event and for our Under the Tree project distributing Christmas presents to families in need.
Thanks so much for being a part of the 5 Minutes for Mom community!
udon thani expat says
Rhonda Gautier sorry for your loss its never a good time i hope your mum is at peace
so sorry
john noi jamie xxxxxxxx
Lucy says
Hope the holidays goes great for everyone. Winning the 100 dollars sears gift card would change my families holiday. Happy Holidays to all LOve LUcy
Rhonda Gautier says
Not sure what to do about the button?
Rhonda Gautier says
First of all Merry Christmas to all. This Christmas is going to be a sad one for our family. We lost our mom on November 24, 2008 after a 10 week battle with Multiple Myleoma. Our family has had so many tragedies this year. I am a 47 year old mother with 2 children in the home and a husband in college to earn his degree and I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I have undergone the Whipple procedure, which removed 40% of my stomach, 1ft1/2 of intestine, 1/3 pancreas and spleen. I am undergoing chemo for the second time and I have lost approx 100 lbs. I am a registered nurse and have not been able to work since Jan 08. My sister is 31, single parent and was diagnosed in 2004 with Hodgkin Disease, she is in remission at this time, but she has scans on Friday to make sure that she is okay. On top of this, my dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Our family is going crazy here. We need help. If you feel lead to help financially for our children for christmas, you can call me at 910-592-2737 or mail your donations to 7039 Roseboro Hwy Roseboro, NC 28382. I have always helped others as a nurse and now I am crying out for help.
Thanks in advance.
brandy t says
thanks for the button
john says
well its holiday time Thailand again Udon Thani issan north east Thailand for the festive season it as been very cold here in the uk but hopefully Thailand.s north east will provide a great climate the local.s in Udon Thani really make us feel welcome and the lifestyle is laid back it takes twenty years of me when i am in asia
take care on the board
regards john noi jamie
Michelle Bentham says
I linked up to your blog and give-aways last week (11/24/08) by adding your buttons to my blog before the deadline and followed the instructions on your blog… but I did not get added by the “ping back.”
Am I signed up for all the give-a-ways or not? I’m so confused.
jody1940 says
So cute.
john says
all the best to the forum its nearly time for break thank god
regards john noi jamie
Marlene V. says
Samantha says
I posted one of the buttons on my MySpace and I plan to blog about the site. Great site by the way!
Angie Brady says
I love the Raising Triplets is an Extreme Sport. I’m the mother of four year old triplets.
Christina E says
I added you to my myspace profile under books.
Cassandra Pierce says
My daughter would love to have the Lego playstation
Jody Smith says
Since I am an ‘old’ grandmother, and sometimes computer challenged, hope this is what I am supposed to do. As with most everyone today, us retired people need all the help we can get. I think the moms today are so great.
Lanetta Hanna says
I could really use some help this Christmas, I am a single mom of 4 kids, hoping not to dissapoint them this year.
john says
this year there seems to be a big downturn 35 hours for me this winter i also service the motor trade
never mind we are a familey and really wont go without thank god
pamela says
I added a link and blogged about this, thanks
Mom24 says
I have a post and a button.
Suzanne Reichard says
What a great giveaway! Christams is about giving. We always adopt a needy family every year and help them have a good Christmas.
shana snowden says
im a Brownie Leader this would be great for the girls and things thanks
Jenifer M. says
What a great prize–I feel so lame I don’t have my own printer! This would be great!
I want to sign my daughter and grandchildren up for some christmas help they are in bad need of anything this year. Please consider them there are 4 of them in all.
sandy says
Thank you, hope to find something for children under tree:)
Beth Davis says
I’ve posted a button on my sidebar! First thing you see!
Tiff says
Posted 2 of those on my sidebar. Thank you.
Kel says
I’ve posted a button on my sidebar! Can’t wait to spread the news!
Queen-sized funny bone says
okay I’m in and I got a button.
Jennifer says
I posted a button on my side bar. Thanks for for the wonderful giveaway.
Stephanie says
Button added!
susanna aughtmon says
I found you through Kelly@lovewell. Put up the buttons for both links. Thanks for spreading some cheer and the love of Jesus around this season! :)Susanna
Colleen says
I put a link for both on my blog…hopefully the help under the tree one will find its way to someone very deserving.
Cindy B. in Montana says
Thanks for doing this for families. It will mean so much to those receiving help. I’ve put a post with the Under The Tree button on my blog.
Cindy B. in Montana says
I’ve got a button in a post on my blog! Thanks for the giveaways!
michelle ballard says
Hi, I am nominating my sister for christmas help under the tree. She has been a nursing assistant. She lost her job in September 2008. She had pancreatis and called off from work. The job she worked for wanted Family Medical Leave Act papers filled out. She told them she had a note from the emergency room doctor but she has no health insurance so she couldn’t get the family act papers filled out.( Emegency room doctor won’t fill out doesn’t know your history to say if this is a re-occuring thing ,how long will it last etc. ) She had a release also to go back to work but the job wouldn’t accept without papers filled out. The job said she was volunterally terminated. She has not been able to get unemployment and her husband is disabled and his money goes to pay the rent. Her son is austistic he is 14 years old and beleives in St. Nicholas. She doesn’t know where she is going to get money to buy him anything this year. I have been helping her with her other bills and food and I won’t have anything left to buy anything for my family please help her with her time in need. Thank you and God Bless! sinerely. Michelle B
Cathy says
Button is up!
john brook says
my wife likes your site but her english needs to get better so she can understand all the terms used
regards john noi jamie
Carrie Zeiter says
I posted your button and linked back on my blog
kathy says
please enter me. thanks. can you explain how i put the button onto my blog?
karissa says
I snatched a button! I have it on my blog at
and now I am also subscribed!
conni says
im not sure if im doing this correctly.but with my 40 hour a week job cutting back to 30 and my husband working for the automobile industries doesnt look good for our kids this christmas.ranging in ages from8-17.3 girls and 2 boys.were making sure to have the things we need on a day to day basis.we as parents are really starting to stress.wish everybody happy holidays.
john brook says
i will show your site to my wife am tuesday
regards john from england / thailand
susan varney says
looking forward to winning
Jennifer Williams says
I posted the button on my sidebar!
Heather says
I’ve posted both buttons on my sidebar. 🙂
Jennifer Williams says
I would love this
Andria says
I have a button on my sidebar and blogged about the giveaway.
Colleen says
I’ve got the button up and I was already subscribed to the newsletter and in my reader.
jennifer bowen says
hi well i’m going to take both buttons and put them on my site.