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Stephanie left her career as a lawyer 6 years ago to be home with her two children.
And like many of the moms we feature here at “5 Minutes for Mom”, she decided to turn a problem into a product and add to her family’s income.
Stephanie liked to exercise at the gym, but she hated placing her towel on the dirty floor or having it fall off the machine and land on the dirty floor.
So she solved the problem and invented a product that is great for all women and men who like to exercise.
Introducing the Go4-It Towel… A magnetic exercise towel with detachable pocket. The towel sticks to all exercise equipment so you can keep it near you and off the germy floor.
The detachable pocket holds up to 2 lbs. of your personal valuables such as your keys, ipod, cell phone, money, jewelry, gym card, etc.
The pocket and magnet are removable so that you can easily toss the towel in your washing machine.
Although the inspiration for the towel came from exercising at a gym, the uses are far broader. Here’s a few ideas of where the magnetic towel would come in handy:
- Exercising on your own home gym equipment.
- Playing tennis.
- Shooting hoops at the basketball court.
- Working on car repairs.
- Jogging with your baby in a stroller.
- And of course exercising at a public gym.
This clever invention makes a perfect Christmas gift. Visit to stock up and start checking names off your Christmas shopping list.
Stephanie is donating five Go4-It Towels for prizes in this Christmas Giveaway.
If you want to be one of the lucky five, all the instructions are in the Christmas Giveaway 2007 post (including the code to put our Christmas Giveaway button on your site.)
But here is the quick run through:
- Leave a comment on this post to be entered.
- Either post a link to this contest OR post a button linking to our Christmas Giveaway post. (If you post the button and link to the Christmas Giveaway, you are qualified to enter in all the upcoming Christmas Giveaway contests. And we have many more contests to come!) Non-bloggers are welcome too – we understand you can’t link – but feel free to pass the word on to your friends.
(This giveaway is open to US shipping addresses only.)
Darci R says
Please enter me.
Erin Maurer says
I want it
Nicola says
If we stick it to the fridge, do you think the children would stop leaving their cute little finger prints everywhere?
Celeste says
Neat! My mom would love this!
lcahill says
This makes me want to take up exercising. 😉
Brandi says
OHHHHHH! Something for me!
Romie says
What a great idea – would love it!
melissa l. says
how practical!
you da mom! says
maybe this will motivate me to get on the treadmill! please include me!
Kellyn says
A much needed item! Great idea!
Sarah Berry says
Boy do I need to exercise this would be great
Abigail says
What a cool workout towel!
Laurie in TN says
What a great idea! Count me in!
Laura M says
SUPER idea! Please enter me!
S.P. says
Great idea!
Rosanne Morrison says
cool idea
trish says
my hubby is a fitness trainer…what a cool idea!
Reiza says
This sounds like it could be very useful. Very neat.
Jennifer Smith says
How handy.
Brit says
I’m actually working out at an outdoor bootcamp right now and this would be great!!!
Modern Mami says
This is so great! A towel with a pocket! Why didn’t I think of that?! 😉
Christy says
Would love to win.
Stacey Moore says
We would love to win!!!!!!!
jessica says
enter me please!
Ginger says
Count me in
Danny S says
great idea very cleaver
becky huffman says
pretty neat
Jennifer Parrett says
Count me in. I’m always looking for ways to make exercise more fun.
Melanie G says
This would be a fun gift. Please enter me 🙂
pat says
I DEFINITELY need one of these towels!
It will be great for treadmilling.
Jessica A. says
Very Clever, Enter me please.
Spring says
sign me up please
Karen Matlock says
please enter me.
Elizabeth says
I’m in!
Heather C says
Fabulous idea!
JoAnn zimmerman says
Wow this would be neat to take to gym
Charlene Kuser says
Oh this would be nice when I workout and what a
great invention.Please enter me
Kim Myers says
towel looks great. What a nifty idea
Natalie says
Great idea. Clever
Nina says
I’d love to win this…thanks!
Marlene says
What an awesome idea, I could really use one when I use the treadmil.
Tina says
perfect for the gym!
Michelle Carter says
Thanks for all the contests!
philip halter says
love to win
Jeannie says
This would go great for me and my treadmill, count me in!
Julie Lawrence says
Janice says
This would be great for all my workouts.
gina says
ha, if I win, I’ll have to get my butt to the gym- perfect inspiration. 🙂
Noralee says
What a great idea!!! My son is a personal trainer and this would be a great gift!!
jayedee says
please put my name in the hat! thank you and good luck to all!
Vicki says
What a great idea!
Joleen Larsen says
what a wonderful product.
Tamara Leonard Merritt says
Great prize!
It’s Mahhhhhhhhhhvelous!
Linked back
Valerie Mitchell says
R Hicks says
Great accessory
Pauline Burns says
So cool
America says
exercise me
martha brannan says
thats a great idea thank u
Brenda Howard says
Great Idea, sign me up
Shakeia Rieux says
enter me
Pamela White says
Count me in to exercise even during the holidays with these clothes.
Kristin says
Count me in!
Julie Zep says
super smart. Count me in!
Carliss Williams says
Cute towel why didnt , I think of that !!!
Sleeping Mommy says
Enter me please!
Patricia Hill says
Perfect for my oldest son
Jennifer Kmita says
Very clever.
Cheryl says
Perfect for my aerobics class!
Shaun Wallner says
Wow thats a great idea, I’d love to have one
Jackie says
Brilliant idea – I want one of these!
esther says
great contest
Tammy says
Yes, please enter me for this.
Denise says
What a great idea! count me in 🙂
Jennifer Barr says
would love to win 🙂
Michelle says
I would love to be entered. Moms really do come up with some of the best and most creative ideas.
Michelle says
Jynell says
Pick me! Pick ME!!! 😀
ElleBee says
What a great idea!
Jessica T says
Count me in!
Monique says
Great idea!
Doreen says
What a unique ‘tool’ for working out!
Sarah says
count me in…looks handy, and I know someone who could really use this!
Thanks so much!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net
Lesha says
Kristin says
My SIL needs this!
Dawn says
What a great idea. I would love one.
Ginny says
Hope I win 🙂
Mama Pajama says
Please count me in! Thanks!
Megan K says
Sign me up!
Nicole says
Whoo Hooo. count me in….
The Estrogen Files says
Thanks! Count me in.
Deanne says
Cool invention, and so practical! Sign me up!
Jennifer says
Sign me up!
Not the Queen says
Great invention! Count me in, please!
Mommy Brain says
What a great invention! Since one of our family presents is a membership to the Y, this would be great.
Heather Walker says
Cool – that would be fun.
CoachJ says
I love it!! I hate putting my towel anywhere at the gym ’cause you don’t know who’s been there before you! Great idea, and I want one!
Melanie says
Great idea- I love one.
Ron Miller says
win this, and I’d need to start working out… oh boy
Alicia says
what a great invention – anything to keep all my stuff together
melissa says
Very cool. I always put stuff in my pockets that falls out when I lay down to do sit ups!
Marianna Ballard says
Cool idea! Thanks for the giveaway!
Diana says
Interesting invention! Sign me up!
Kimbrah says
How clever!
Thanks again for hosting. 🙂
Lindsey says
Please add me in
Kristi says
great gift for hubby
Linda SS says
Now this is one of those ingenious ideas that I’m asking myself “Why didn’t I think of that!” Great idea – I’d love to win this:)
rod says
Kristal says
This is such a great idea. This would definitely be a great towel for the gym. I love it.
Amy says
Oooh! This is great. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway. Please enter my name!
Mommy Bee says
This is so smart! Wow!
T. Thomas says
Sounds interesting. Thanks!
Laura says
Great giveaway!
Blogged ya:
Carrie says
count me in.
spaghettipie says
Gym? what’s a gym?
Just kidding. Please count me in.
Janine says
perfect for the treadmill! 🙂
Nissa H. says
That is Way cool!
Heather says
This will be great to help me stay organized at the gym!
Cute2Carry Handbags says
I’m a runner, and this is a really cute idea for the treadmill!
Kierra says
Nice one for the gym! Thanks!
Amanda Rigsby says
Great gift for that fitness buff. Great idea too!
Two Sisters says
Oh wow. This sounds like a wonderful invention!
Pamela Kramer says
Sure count me in! Give me a reason to get back in the gym. lol
Barb Szyszkiewicz, sfo says
Genius idea!
My link is up.
A Bishops wife says
Really nifty.
@nnaliza says
ahhhh awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerith Collins says
i want in!
Tab says
That is awesome, sign me up!
Saph -Walk With Me says
Please enter me!!!
Nancy Jachcik says
Great idea!
Michelle says
Wow! That is incredibly clever! I never knew where to put my towel and this genius. Please enter me!
Melissa says
Very clever! I just started working out again and this would be perfect!
HollowSquirrel says
oooh that’s a good idea. My mom would love it, too!
betty rood says
grown kids could use this! enter me…
happy holidays!
Regina says
please include me…i’ll pass the word…my blog is down
jo evans says
love it soooooooo much.
Fuzzy says
love it. Please enter me!
Heather says
I know just the person I would give this to.
Julie Sivley says
I am so excited about this product! I whipped up a homemade version of this about 5 years ago (without the magnet), but this is amazing… so great! Pick me— and I’m ordering more!
Andrea says
What a fabulous invention!
Kelly says
Please enter me. 🙂
Richelle F says
How clever! Sign me up!
Stephanie J. says
Great invention! Enter me please!
Christine says
Brillant idea. Please count me in!
Barbara says
You go girl! Great idea!
Charlotte says
Wow! This is something that I could definitely use. Count me in!
Amy P says
Please count me in for this one!
rachel says
oh, that sounds like a great idea! I’d love to win one!
Cindi Hoppes says
Hi, Please enter me in this great idea contest! I have always hated gyms floors, etc. I would love to win one of the towels. Thanks, Cindi
Andrea P. says
what a great idea! good job stephanie.
Heather says
Great idea and a wonderful website!! I posted it up at work!
Courtney says
What a great product. I could really use this.
Chondra says
How cool is that! I gotta have one!
BP says
What a great idea!
Keara says
Very cool!
Laura H. says
Great invention!!
Mary_Freebies says
Interesting towel!
Wendy says
This would be perfect for my husband! Please enter me:)
Jenny M says
Great Idea;). This would be good for our umbrella stroller too with the metal poles. Thanks for hte chance!
April Russell says
Please enter me. Thanks!
Bess says
Count me in! 🙂
Carey says
Count me in please! I know exactly who to give this one too.
Renae says
I would love to win one for my sister. She’s a gym-a-holic!! 🙂
Cryssy says
Cool, my hubby would love it.
Sheena says
My future mother in law would love this.
TNChick says
Wow, that’s a pretty nifty idea! Please, enter me, too!
melody is slurping life says
Oh, oh! Ms. Exercise Fanatic Former Personal Trainer And Aerobics Instructor breathing heavily for this one. Me! Enter me, pick me, please and thank you. 🙂
Katie says
This is great! Please enter me!!
Natalie says
That’s great! Count me in!
LifeofFaith says
Please enter me. Thank you!
LivingforGod says
Please count me in. Thanks!
Caryn Bailey says
Very cool! Count me in!
cheri says
I’ve mssed out on the inventing gene, but I’m more than willing to take advantage of others. Sign me up!
heather h says
I’ve had my towel fall on the floor a zillion times and the gym and it totally grosses me out. Ewww. This is such a cool invention!
Amanda says
this is awesome. hubby and I could both use it
Melanie says
What a neat idea!
Stephanie Lanza Harvey says
great idea! count me in…. =)
sue says
How cool is that…I would love to win one of the towels.
stacey says
how cool!
Angie says
Very cool product! Please enter me.
Elizabeth says
I exercise at the gym! I want. I want. LOL
So many cool giveaways.
Lisa says
I would love this—thank you!
Donna says
I’d love to get one of these for my sister!
Noreen says
Wow, a really great idea and I could use one!
Jill at the Well-Read Child says
Very cool invention! Please count me in!
SJ says
Oh that is the neatest little idea! I could use that for sure!
Jill says
this would be so great for the gym. Thanks for the contest.
Sara K says
great idea!
Julie Robinson says
How smart . . . I bet a mom created this! Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to win!
Alice says
My husband exercises at the gym every morning. He needs one of these.
Rhen (yestheyareallmine) says
That is such a spiffy idea! Sign me up please.
Angela and Nate says
I work at a gym and this looks great! I’d love to win one!
Sara says
This is GREAT! Sure wish I was creative enough to come up with something so neat and useful! This would be something we could all use around here! Thanks for the info….And the GREAT chance to win!
Krista says
This sounds really handy! Sign me up please!
robin says
what a cool thing! I can think of a few people these would be great for. Thanks!
devildogwife says
My husband would absolutely love this. Sign me up!!
Michele says
Great idea! Perfect for my workouts!
bebemiqui says
I would love to have this at the gym.
Mama Zen says
Very cool!
michelle says
Sounds like a handy towel to have! Count me in!
Shana Bell says
Super idea! Count me in!
Peggie says
I love it! Count me in.
Heather says
What a great idea!
Ginny says
Very cool, enter me!
sue says
MAN, I wish I had thought of that!! I am forever tucking a sweaty towel into my pocket etc and carrying a bag with all my stuff. Hope I win!!
ELLIE says
now this is something that I could so use!!!
Count me in!!
Angela says
Oh what a great idea!
Courtney says
How clever! Sign me up!
Melissa Styler says
This is the perfect gift for my hubby! Sign me up!!