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P.S. No – we don’t have that much snow. All our snow has melted. This was on our New Year’s Vacation. After a day of cross country skiing with his dad and cousins, Jackson still had enough energy to toboggan for a couple of hours. It was getting dark, but Jackson still didn’t want to go in. I don’t blame him – I tried that hill out. It was a great hill!
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Check out the Official Wordless Wednesday HQ |
Stephanie Hyne says
Awww… HOW FUN!!! I am jealous and so is Joey!! We haven’t had a good snow in YEARS and we are in Wyoming!! We are in the middle of the longest running drought in the history of our area and I am really tired of it!! When I was little we sledded our little hearts out, built snowmen and snow forts, and always had snow days. He’s had one snow day in the two years he’s been in school!! I am so sad he hasn’t gotten to experience the fun of a truly snowy Winter!
Michelle in MX says
An Ordinary Mom says
Talk about a good workout! I am sure he slept well that night!
Tammy says
That looks SO fun! But it makes me tired just thinking about trudging back up! 🙂
Amber says
Man am I jealous!! That is the hill of my dreams. Growing up in a Boston suburb, we had no open hills like that and were forced to improvise. So we’d sled down ambitious paths forged in the woods, over rocks, branches and other pointy things, and sometimes diretly into trees (ouch). I’m glad to see that Jackson appreciated his good fortune and made the most of it 🙂
Erna says
A great picture! Lots of fun! He’s a brave soul! My girls chickened out on a little hill nearby. Oh well, maybe it’ll grown on them in the future. :0)
Heather says
Wow. That looks like some hill. We have a huge hill out back, but not that big. We do however have LOTS of snow.
YoungMommy says
How fun… What a perfect hill for sledding! I’ll bet he climbed up that hill countless times, huh?
Happy WW!
Kristen says
Kids are tireless, aren’t they?
Tonja says
I’m here in the deep south and we NEVER see any thing like that. It’s beautiful. But having grown up in a warm place, I’m not sure my thin blood could take so much cold. Sure looks fun, though.
jen says
what a lot of snow!!!
Mary (Mert) says
Cool pic… though i am jonesing for spring!
TheScrapPrincess says
I am so jealous! LOL We have had barely an inch of snow here in Connecticut all winter! My little one is begging to use her sled but it’s only ice/mud sledding for us this year I think…
Stephanie says
I have a snowy picture too!
Ours all melted too and then it got cold, So now we are freezing with out the beauty and fun of the snow! 🙁
Heth says
Wow. That’s quite a hill! How fun!
Holly Schwendiman says
Remember how much work it took to get up those hills? But the ride down was ALWAYS worth it! No wonder we slept so well. ;o)
Holly’s Corner
Tammy and Parker says
Such a beautiful setting! I wish I had that kind of energy still!
Rena says
Looks like a lot of fun – was that Kelowna? Looks like somewhere in the interior. Glad you had fun.
michelle says
The kids areound here were still trying to sled on the frozen grass after all of our snow melted! LOL I’m up!
OneCoolMama says
Wow – that looks like fun!! Wish we could do that here. 🙂
EaglesWings98 says
Beautiful photo! Yes – what goes up must come down 🙂
I miss the snow – only for this kinda fun!
Heather B says
Looks like so much fun! Beautiful. My kids have been begging to go sledding!
Kim Priestap says
Don’t you just love sledding! What a great picture.
My WW is up as well. Please stop by!
Michelle says
All that word seems to pay off on the quick ride down! Love it!
Tracy Hurst says
Oh how I miss the snow! I grew up in Illinois and loved dragging my sled up and down those hills full of snow! This is a great word picture that even through we experience the “down” times in life – this too shall pass – and the “up” times are next. Blessings sweet sisiter!
Crissybug says
That is a beautiful picture. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in a place that it snows for my childrens sake. They don’t get to experience things like that….but then I realize I would take the heat any day! For me, Snow is something you visit. 🙂
Char says
My kids would be loving that hill! I’m a first time Wordless Wednesday girl – it was fun. Our 9+ lives cat gave me good camera fodder this morning when he decided to get a drink from the center of our partially frozen pond. How do cat’s know when the ice is thick enough to walk on?
KC says
That looks like fun, my kids haven’t had the chance to go sledding yet this year
Judi says
Woo Hooo! Looks like fun!
ChupieandJsmama says
That’s a beautiful picture! The hill looks really big. He must be very brave to go sledding down that hill.
Life With All Boys says
That is a beautiful view. We have your snow now, but not those mountians!
Melissa says
That looks like fun. I used to love to go sledding.
Barbara H. says
Love your title with this picture. So much work for that few moments of thrill coming down! Yet such fun it’s worth it! Beautiful scenery.
Karen says
Wow!! My kids have never even seen that much snow – they would have loved it. What a gorgeous view!
Kari says
What a great hill!!
Carey says
My kids would have loved that hill. What a great place..where did you go? happy WW. mine is up too…its a snow picture as well.
Jaime says
Boy that’s quite the trek!
Jodi says
It does look like a fun sledding hill. Glad he had fun!
Have a great Wednesday!
Adventures In Babywearing says
The least favorite part… having to come back up the hill! You must have sent all the snow to us- we’ve had quite a bit every day and I love it!
Laura Peric says
Wow, what a gorgeous view!!
ADDIE says
I am sure it was more fun coming down the hill then going back up, but I take it all the fun coming down just made it more worthwhile going all the way up again. Thanks for sharing and happy WW.
Come share my daughter’s close encounter 😉
ADDIE says
I am sure it was more fun coming down the hill then going back up, but I take it all the fun coming down just made it more worthwhile going all the way up again. Thanks for sharing and happy WW.
Come share my daughter’s close encounter 😉
IRENE says
There is no place for fun like the outdoors! Lovely picture!
Liza's Eyeview says
Great Photo going up – is there a going down photo too?
Christine says
I’m sure he had more fun sledding down the hill. What beautiful scenery in the backgrond!
Aimee says
Looks like so much fun! I want to go sledding before the season is over. Simple pleasures are the best!
Taya says
Great picture! It looks very much like where I live!
Local Girl says
I bet the going up isn’t as much fun!
New Mama's nest says
Sounds like a blast! What a beautiful vacation that must have been!
crickl's nest says
That looks like quite a hill! (an view!) Looks totally fun!
Jenny-up the hill says
That does look like a great hill!! What a wonderful photo…you have some great shots of Jackson….the scenery is beautiful too!
Chris says
I love this photo of him walking up the mountain and the beautiful scenery in the background. What fun!