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Oh the joys of working from home. My kiddos have such a knack for knowing when mommy is completely immersed in work. For it is at those times, when they decide to go a little crazy, and do things like,
oh……..dump an entire box of powdered sugar all over the house.
You should see my kitchen floor!
It is cute though, isn’t it? Yep, definitely one of those moments I will look back on and just laugh and laugh about, right?
So humor me ladies. I know you have to have similar stories and pictures, let’s see them. Leave them in the comments below. 🙂
Written by 5 Minutes for Mom contributing editor: Erica.
Lynn says
From my scrapbook —
I was recovering from out patient surgery. Daddy was in charge. That’s diaper rash ointment all over the child, the changing table, the walls, the laminate floor, and the shag area rugs!
Wendy says
This is one of my favorite memories! When my younger son was about 2, we were living in military housing in Colorado. Our washer and dryer were in the basement, and I was (as ever, it seemed!) doing laundry. I came up the stairs and saw my son, in just a diaper, facing the couch. His arms were in front of him, so I couldn’t see what was in his hands – and he was walking sideways back and forth along the length of the couch. I called his name … he looked over his shoulder at me without turning around – BAD sign! He turned back to the couch, tossed – over his shoulder – a BOTTLE OF KETCHUP! – and frantically started trying to rub the “evidence” into the cushions. Thankfully, the covers on the cushions were removable and no lasting stains … but I still laugh when I remember him trying to rub that ketchup away. 🙂
mummyof5monsters says
umm, a tin of milo (milo stains carpet BTW) Indian Ink (Also stains peoples skin) but the worst??? Parmesan cheese, which I decided to VACUUM (WHAT was I thinking) we needed a new rug AND a new vacuum, and the house smelt like spew for 3 weeks, oh that reminds me, once Cara spewed chicken enchiladas from the top of her LOFT BED!!! There was enchilada spew EVERYWHERE,ew ew ew:)
Lorie Shewbridge says
So funny…. no pics on my account either… it was so long ago as my boys are now 18 & 21. We were visiting The Hubs sister, and her son & his best friend, who were around 14 at the time, decided to put shaving cream all over my boys (then ages 4 and 7) in the middle of the night, then start to tickle them. I was awoken at 3 a.m. by 2 upset little ones in desperate need of showers with shaving cream in their ears, hair, eyes, and every other place imaginable. My nephew was NO place to be found — he hid all the next morning.
Lisa says
The second I opened this to comment, I heard a farty sound from behind me. I swing around to see my toddler, holding the bottle of ketchup, having squeezed onto her hands. I look at her and she shrugs.
I completely relate.
shelly says
LOL I hope that sugar didn’t attract any ants. My son when he was 3 drew all over the hallway walls & his bedroom door & my bedroom door with crayon. It took a lot of scrubbing to get that off!
D. says
I’ve had a similar expreience. My daughter likes to help in the kitchen. My mom even made her an apron and a little chef’s hat. I let her help with cookies once and the poor kid was covered in flour, as was the kitchen. To top things off, she even iced her own cookies. She really enjoyed herself though. You should have seen the smile on her face.
Anna says
I had the almost the same picture with formula. My then 2.5 year old son got hold of his sister formula and decided this is a good thing to imitate snow with. He was happily snowing when I caught him. Now with him being 4yrs and 5months and she 2yrs and 7 months. I can’t even go to the bathroom without locking all my kitchen cabinet doors, once I forgot and they were running happily giggling one with lentil container another with beans. Let’s say I had to go shopping next day.
As you say these are funny when they are out of this stage I think I’ll miss it.
Healthy Moms says
That is funny! My kids do similar things while I am working. I work from home as well and that is when my kids make the worst messes. Once they spilled oatmeal all over the floor, scattered their toys everywhere and smashed crackers into the carpeting all in less than an hour while I was working. I guess I was concentrating too hard on work and wasn’t paying enough attention to them. It can be challenging to balance the two.
Jeanette says
Haha, mine was not so sweet. Seriously. It took us a LONG time to clean this up –
Felicia says
Oh.. you mean like 2 minutes ago when i went to the bathroom and suddenly heard an aerosol can spraying? I ran into the kitchen and Graham was “Pledging” the floors. Lovely!
Such a cute picture by the way!
Karen W says
My almost 2 year old son (he’s 18 now) was “taking an extra long nap”. I went to check on him and was surprised to see nothing but blue eyes shining through a completely white head. He put powder all over himself!
Geri C says
Just had a powdery accident today. My boys like to wrestle each other on the “Big Bed,” which is our King size bed. I don’t care if they do, as long as they fix it up when they are done. For some reason, one of them grabbed a bottle of baby powder that has been in my bathroom for over 2 years now (No babies!) and thought it would be fun to make “smoke” with it by squeezing it in the air. He tossed it to his brother to try and the lid came off, mid toss. We spent about half an hour vacuuming up the powder today. My room smells very lavendar-y now.
Suzanne B. (Crunchy Green Mom) says
When my second and third child were about 2 or 3, I was working a lot to make ends meet, however we were surviving.
Meals were planned out and the only food in the house was the food for those meals.
Suddenly I started noticing a single bite taken out of the hot dogs when I would get up in the morning.
I was at a loss… totally, I had no idea who or what was getting into the fridge to scavenge cold hot dogs.
So one morning as I was stirring in my bed, my boyfriend had gotten into the shower and I heard something in the other room. I slowly opened the door and snuck out. Crawled down the hall and saw the fridge door, I peeked around the corner and standing in the dim light was my two year old son, hot dog in hand.
He took a bite, put the hot dog back into the package, closed the door and ran right past me back to his room.
I just laughed, I had no idea that he was such a hungry beast.
He is now 14 years old, 6 foot and 200 pounds on the freshman football team. Had I known he would be such a bottomless pit.. I would have fed him ALOT more food back then!
Wendy says
How about finding out that your 2yo found a way to get into the markers?
thatgirlblogs says
no photo but lots of sympathy. I want a self-cleaning floor.