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Today’s guest post is written by Kelly King Anderson, founder of Startup Princess.
It is common for entrepreneurs to start a business because they felt “inspired” to do so. Perhaps an idea flashed into their mind and their heart said “Go for it! This is what I want for you! You will be happy doing this venture and bless others!”
They felt the concept resonate in a deep place within them and they wished to see it to fruition, not just for themselves but because they felt it was God’s will for them. They might even say that the business was part of their role here on the earth and held significant meaning for them as part of their life’s mission and purpose.
That was the case for me. Once upon a time (June 2006) I decided to start a blog and write about amazing women entrepreneurs and my own startup journey. The first step was to name it. I wanted something clever that people would remember. There wasn’t much planning or consideration before I tried to purchase a domain name so I literally just started looking to see what was available with the word “Startup” because I wanted to appeal to entrepreneurs.
The first domain name I tried was “Startup Moms” then I tried “Startup Women”, then because I was out of my own ideas– “Startup Pioneers” LOL then I thought “this is really ridiculous…I am trying anything and everything…let me stop and think a minute.” I considered… “Who am I? What do I do? Who do I want to reach? What do I believe?” Then in an instant the name, “Startup Princess” came to my head and feelings of love, joy, and excitement washed all over my body from head to toe. I was overcome with emotion. I knew the domain would be available and the second I purchased it God gave me a quick vision of what He wanted Startup Princess to become.
I understood that Startup Princess wouldn’t be a simple little blog of interviews about women, but much more than that, a worldwide organization with women mentoring women. The creative concepts unfolded quickly and I saw the powerful force that the organization would be. I was a bit surprised for this gift because it wasn’t what I intended when I went to purchase a blog domain name but there was no denying the feelings and emotions I had experienced. I knew without a doubt that God gave me this insight and inspiration and that He would manage all the details and He certainly has.
As I think about it, every good “idea” in my life has come from God—and I’m guessing it’s been the same for you. The beauty of being inspired to start something of any degree is that not only does God give us the great ideas to start, but He gives us the great ideas to keep going. I can’t tell you how many times a new idea has flashed into my mind to try a new approach, talk to someone, or move in a different direction. Praises to God that He keeps me going, pushes me forward when I want to quit and gives me the passion I need to fulfill my work.
Another way that God inspires us is through the experiences of others. Please share with us how God has inspired you in your life, business, blog, or beyond.
Kelly King Anderson is the Founder and Managing Director of, an organization dedicated to serving and connecting women entreprepeneurs through a blog, events, retreats, and conferences. J Kelly offers faith-based business phone and email coaching. Janice Croze, co-Founder of will be speaking at the Startup Princess annual conference in SLC on September 11th.
Elizabeth says
I love her. She is such a blessing to so many. I wish she would get over onto the east coast and do a start up conference. Love her!!!
Sarah says
What a great mission & vision! How often we forget to praise God for the inspirations He gives us.
Thank you for sharing!
Felicia says
Such a beautiful and well written post. I could relate to the beginning of purchasing the domain name. I prayed about the name of my blog before I started it because I truly had no idea where I was going with it. Go Graham Go is not exactly the most inspiring name.. but it means so much to me and the blessing that God has given us. Our son. It is amazing to see where God has taken this little humble blog and the people I have met because of it. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring!
Carmen says
Kelly –
Thanks for your touch of inspiration! I, too, am a small business owner and I struggled with “Is this what the Lord wants for me?” for such a long time. One day, I read something by Max Lucado (my fave Christian author!) and I knew God was speaking directly to my heart.
To summarize, it said “Want to know God’s will for your life? Then answer this question: what IGNITES your heart? Heed the fire within!” (The Great House of God) So I heeded. And now I’m a professional organizer and doing what I was born to do!!!
It’s an amazing feeling. Thanks for sharing your story!
Kimberly/Mom in the City says
Great post! I just know that every time I feel that I need to make a change or adjustment career-wise, God opens a new door in a natural way. My failures I own as learning experiences. My successes are definitely from God!
Laura says
I love that you give God the glory that He so deserves. Amen sista!
Rebecca is Thrilled by the Thought says
Lovely. I believe God inspires us daily if we just listen.
Connie Walsh says
Wow, I love that. It is so tempting to forget to praise God in the moments of inspiration. Good for you for putting Him where He belongs. King of the Universe and Father to you, Princess.
Fruitfulvine2 says
This post is so encouraging. I’ve been making steps on my blog that I felt the Lord had been tugging at my heart to do and the result has been peace and a greater sense of purpose. This post served as motivation to keep on following that voice – the voice of the Holy Spirit within me. Thanks so much for sharing your story.
Tara B. says
What a beautiful post! I’m not the emotional type…but this really really hits home for me! I’ve been up and down the roller coaster thinking my life was going to take a specific path….but when the Cherish Bound opportunity fell into my lap I knew it wasn’t by accident. I knew somehow that my passion for family, story, family history, genealogy, and traditions was going to be package up right there at Cherish Bound. I’ve had plenty of conversations with those involved in founding Cherish Bound and i know that I’m not the only one that feels like we’ve been given a mission and purpose and it is VERY inspired. I thank my Heavenly Father EVERY SINGLE day for giving me this path…it’s such a blessing to KNOW this and keeps me moving forward.