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The Ultimate Blog Party is brought to you by:
We are gearing up for The 6th annual Ultimate Blog Party and this year is going to be bigger and better than ever! We have tons of great prizes in store for you, and we are bringing you four LIVE events this year — the #UBP12 Twitter Party and 3 after hour events Live using Spreecast!
The #UBP12 Twitter Party
This year’s #UBP12 Twitter party is sponsored by Abingdon Press. We are so thankful for all the books that they work hard publishing. One of my favorites is Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms.
During the Twitter party, we are going to discuss things like
- not comparing yourself to other moms
- realizing the uniqueness of your family
- learning to say no to some things
- how taking just 5 minutes a day can help you get a fresh look
- not being a perfectionist–being okay with “good enough”
And we’ll be chatting about the #UBP12 and giving you the chance to share the links of YOUR UBP party post and a new friend you’ve made.
Prizes you can win
We will also be giving away fabulous prizes during the live Twitter event. By just being at the party and tweeting on the hashtag #UBP12 with us, you could win.
Grand prize: Nook Color (valued at $199)
1st prize: Target Gift card -3 winners (each card valued at $100)
2nd prize: Signed copy of Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms – 10 winners
Did you know that the beautiful new Cottonelle roll covers by Jonathan Adler can be used for more than just a toilet paper roll cover? The fashion consultant, Vivian St. Claire says “First and foremost, of course, they should be used to respect the care-worthy rolls of Cottonelle Clean Care Toilet Paper,”. But if you have multiples of a design, there are a few ways to use them to spruce up other areas of your home.
Twitter Party Details
What: Join @5minutesformom, @abingdonpress, @janicecroze, @susancararetto and @judypchristie for the #UBP12 Twitter party
When: Monday, April 16th, 2012 from 9:00pm until 10:30pm eastern
Where: Follow the hashtag #UBP12 for all party tweets and prizing!
Why: Fun, fun, fun; an hour and a half with @5minutesformom, and lots of great PRIZES!
RSVP for the Party
If you are planning to attend the #UBP12 Twitter party, please rsvp using the linky below and include your Twitter profile URL
Enter Your LINKY here. . .
We look forward to partying with you!
Pearl says
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Avec d’une puissante interface de programmation, notre entreprise
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Il est possible dee mettre au point vite fait vos
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Lally says
Hi Susan, Is there a blog party this year? I had a blast last year and Im really looking forward partying with you guys this 2013!
CinnyBBS says
Twitter party was fun last night! I’m still in shock that I won something. LOL
Elise says
Stupid question: soooo, to join in on the party we just TWEET? Where do we follow them all without all other feeds showing up. lol, sorry. Im new to this type of party.
Looking forward to it though!
Blessings, Elise
Isabelle says
I also messed up the first time I entered my link. I’m so glad I’m not alone :-), and I’m totally blaming it on the fact that it’s Monday. Looking forward to meeting some other moms tonight! (Entry 227 is correct; 225 is wrong.)
That Odd Mom says
I have a feeling that this is going to be a SUPER fast party but fun! Can’t wait!
Tweeted about party at:!/EarthAngel2b/status/191856353151696896
and also different one at:!/EarthAngel2b/status/191856930623459328
Also Google 1+ed this party post
Liked this party post on Facebook as well.
See you there! : D SOOOOOO looking forward to it, sounds fun. : )
[email protected]
Janie Reinart says
I made a mistake too! Didn’t link to my twitter account. I’m #166.
Obviously need help in deleting and reentering linky. Thank you.
Dina K. says
Hi…this sounds sooo exciting! Can’t wait until Monday 🙂
BTW – the link @susancararetto – says that page doesn’t exist 🙁
Chasing Joy says
I’m excited for the twitter party
Kate says
I messed up mine too…. I put my website instead of my Twitter! Could you please delete #81? Thanks!
Vanessa says
I messed up my entry, can you delete my first one #70. Sorry.
jen says
hi! this sounds awesome! i rsvp’d but i forgot to include my twitter handle. i’m keekoin (#55). my twitter handle is @JenSenecal. is there any way to add it in? i’m so sorry- i hit submit too quickly!
Renee Rhodd says
Good Morning, I have two entries 41 & 42. I was not sure of what to put in the website area, my twitter handle or my actual website. Entry #41 has the twitter handle. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Candy Olivares says
Excited to join in this year!! I hope my Linky is ok. I didn’t add the space between my Twitter handle @candypo and the title to my blog-The Skeptical Sweeper. Is that ok?
Heather says
Oh Almost missed out on the Party
Shannon says
Thanks for hosting the UBP again this year! And this Twitter chat sounds like a fun kick off! Looking forward to it:)
Emiliana Martin says
I made a mistake. Can you please delete my very first entry, i.e., the one that doesn’t have my Twitter ID? I don’t want to spam the list. Thanks. Emiliana