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A year ago today, you completed our family.
Sophia Vanna — my second miracle baby and the sixth, and likely the last grandchild, for your grandma.
Your first birthday could not have fallen on a more fitting day — Thanksgiving Day. Today all of Canada gives thanks, but I am convinced that I am the most blessed Mommy in the entire nation.
After waiting for over three years for your sister Julia to be born, I couldn’t imagine that I could be blessed again with a second beautiful baby girl.
But the Lord created you and let you grow inside of me to become a most beloved daughter, baby sister, cousin and granddaughter.
I couldn’t be more thankful.
You are an amazingly sweet and sensitive baby.
As I look back on your first year, I can barely remember those first couple of months where you spent a little too much time in tears. You were sensitive to light and sound and your favorite place to be was in my arms, nursing, or in the dark with the calming white noise of the shower.
You loved to be snuggled and carried and to sleep nestled in bed next to me. But you also loved naps in your buggy while cozy in your snowsuit. Pretty much the only two ways you would sleep were in your snowsuit in your buggy or in bed with me.
After a few months, you still insisted upon those two sleeping arrangements but you became a most relaxed, dare I say “easy” baby. You take your time enjoying toys and calmly observing the world.
You love your routine and every night I’m amazed at how you blissfully fall asleep nursing and enjoy an eleven hour sleep. (With midnight nursing of course… but with you snuggled next to me, we hardly even notice.)
You are an amazing little person and, as my heart breaks that you’re turning from baby to toddler, I am delighted each day getting to know you better.
Happy First Birthday My Beloved Sophia!
Your Auntie Janice made this slideshow for you…
Sophia’s First Year from 5 Minutes for Mom on Vimeo.
BlapherMJ says
Your Sophia is so precious! And I thoroughly enjoyed the slideshow! My youngest child was born in the afternoon on October 12th, albeit 10 years ago! Treasure each day — they go so fast!
Shara says
What a beautiful tribute!
Lynn says
Your daughter is SO adorable. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
RefreshMom says
What a beautiful birthday gift for your precious girl! Happy birthday Sophia!
Bertie says
What a beautiful baby girl you have! Happy Birthday Sophie:)
christine says
It seems like yesterday we were reading about your pregnancy. She is gorgeous!
Pamela Kramer says
What a great video!
Sherry says
Happy birthday! What a cutie pie!
Elaine says
Oh Happy Birthday to Sophia! I hope she had a wonderful day and I loved seeing all the pictures!
Lorie says
Happy Birthday to Sophie! She is beautiful!
Musings of a Housewife says
Happy birthday!
Marissa says
Happy Birthday to your sweet one! And Happy Canadian Thanksgiving…I’ll be thinking of you while I’m “stuck” here in the States 🙂
Laura says
Happy Birthday!!! Loved the video 🙂
susieshomemade says
What a little angel!! Congratulations on making it through the first year with flying colors!!
Petula says
What sweet pictures of Sophia! She was the cutest newborn… wrinkly feet and all. 😀 Her and Olivia really are twin cousins, huh? That was a wonderful slide show – all the children are so beautiful and engaging even through digital film. Happy birthday little Shophia and wishes for many more.
Barbara Baker says
What a wonderful video of your little princesses!!!! Too cute!!!
SarahHub says
Happy birthday, Sophia! This letter is such a nice way to remember her first year.
Adrienne! says
Happy birthday, beautiful Sophia. <3
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
What a beautiful little girl she’s becoming – Happy Birthday, Sophia! 🙂
Gem says
Awww, so sweet! That first picture she looks like a dolly. I didn’t realize our babies were so close, my Fiona will be a year in another month or so. How time flies!
fidget says
Happy Birthday Sophia! She is beautiful!
DJ says
Happy Birthday Sophia! Enjoy this day mommy!
AmyG says
How sweet! Happy FIRST Birthday, Sophia!!
Maddy says
Delightful. Many happy returns of the day.
Trisha says
How sweet! What a beautiful girl. I honestly want another baby, but i am so afraid of so many things. Society gone to crap, what if the burden is too big, am i too selfish, will i screw a new child up….how will the child i have be affected. ARGGGGGGGGGGG