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Every time I slip behind the steering wheel, I turn on our local Christian radio station. More often than not, the songs that play are just what my beaten up soul needs.
The first time I heard Sanctus Real‘s song Lead Me I almost had to pull the car over, the words ripped open so much of my own past, present, and future.
Even though Sanctus Real‘s lead singer Matt is singing from a father’s perspective, his song inspires me just as much as a mother, wife and daughter of God. I am so broken — and this song brings me to my knees.
I always wondered about the story behind Lead Me. Was Matt’s marriage the inspiration behind his words? How does his wife feel about the song? Where are they now?
I searched on You Tube to watch Sanctus Real’s Lead Me video and found this behind the scenes video where Matt and his wife share the real story behind the song, Lead Me.
I hope these videos are a blessing to you as well. Life is hard. And it brings us all to our knees eventually.
I love Sanctus Real’s music and ministry because they are “real.” They sing from the broken places, the shadows that many Christians never want to admit exist in their lives. That truth is what I need in my life. I can’t stand “perfect.” I don’t know about you, but I will never pretend my life is anything close to “perfect.”
When I was reading Sanctus Real’s blog, I was surprised to read the bass player Dan sharing openly about his divorce and the painful struggles with spiritual and emotional healing. (On his own blog, Dan shares the story of his divorce.)
If you are also need some “real” in your worship and healing, check out Sanctus Real.
And God Bless You!
Written by Janice, co-founder of the Mom Blog, 5 Minutes for Mom. I love talking with you — find me on Twitter at @5minutesformom and
Billy Ordona says
Where was this video Lead me by Sanctus Real filmed at…looks like to me it was shot in Brunswick Ga because I noticed that I correct on the location?
tj21 says
I’m a Husband and Daddy standing for my broken marriage. This song came to me one day on the radio, and it sums it all up so well. My weaknesses of the past, my strengths of the future. Thank you for linking the “Behind the Scenes”.
Jeanine says
Thank you so much for posting. I too had the exact same reaction and felt it was speaking right to me as the wife/mom. I really relatd to the words Matt was singing and it tugged at my heartstrings and made me want to be a better wife/mother/daughter/sister and friend. I even made it my ringtone 🙂
silver tarnish says
I usually don’t post remarks but in this case I feel it is bonded. This was a helpful news content.
cindy says
I heard, really heard the words one day while driving down the road and knew I had to get the CD and send it to my husband for Fathers Day. He has been in a Christian mens home for the past 6 months in NM. We are hoping that when he is done with rehab next month he will be able to move closer to me and our 8 yr daughter in NY to show her (by example) that he is ready to lead us (clean and sober) and eventually re-enter our home so our family can be together again. We miss him so very much. I cried so hard driving down that country road along the lake…….thank you Dan for writing and sharing this beautiful song. I hope and pray that millions of men (dads) hear this with an open heart.
Adena says
This is one of my fave songs and I’ve always loved Sanctus Real. Thanks for sharing the video; even though I listen to music all the time, I rarely look up videos to go with them.
Alexandra says
This is an incredible story..
Painful, and real.
Thankyou for this post..true life.
Robin ~ PENSIEVE says
I liked this song first because of its musicality, but then I *listened* and heard its message and loved it all the more (and I had to blog about it, too! Though I did so more in the form of a question–
I hear your heart, girl!
still Blonde After all these YEARS says
Beautiful. THanks. Never realized you never knew you were a Christian before. So thanks for revealing this to me.
mindy says
This was great to watch. It definitely spoke to me today. Thank you.
Janice says
So glad! 🙂
Kelly says
I love this – I remember the first time I listened to it….
Sarita Edgerton says
My girls sing this song too and it cuts to my heart and my hubby’s every time! Thanks for sharing
Janice says
awww so sweet! I also love to have Christian music playing so my kids are singing such positive lyrics.
Erica Mueller says
We had them here in concert a few months back and when Matt shared this story, live from the stage, I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house. It is such a touching song and message and a wonderful reminder that we can’t be good family leaders without Him!
Janice says
Oh I would LOVE to see them live. 🙂 They are so inspiring!
Katie says
I had the same reaction to this song also. I still catch my breath when I hear it. I love the words and the meaning that we always need to ask God to lead us to be a better person, mother, daughter, wife or whatever we are. thanks for sharing.
Janice says
Toni says
I ADORE this song. I remember the first time I heard it I had about the same reaction as you. The one that gets me now is Blessings by Laura *I forgot her last name LOL*. And Francessica Bastelli’s Beautiful, Beautiful.
Janice says
It is such a beautiful song!!
I will try to track down those songs too. 🙂 THANKS!