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Do you Twitter?
I don’t. But I think it is a cool idea and I’m curious how many of you use Twitter?
>>> UPDATE: I do now! Janice and I have started twittering. Follow Us and join the fun!
And how many of you wonder what the heck Twitter is?
I’d heard the cute term a few times, and I’d even checked out what a friend was doing, but I’d never been that intrigued until I saw this great, little video.
I love how this video was made… it’s so darn creative… you’ve got to check it out.
(I stumbled upon the video on Karlyn’s site while I was adding her to our website directory. We’ve been working madly at republishing all the old listings in our blog, store and site directories.)
I can imagine that it would be fun to follow a bunch of friends and keep updated on what we’re all doing. But my problem is that I can’t imagine doing anything even remotely interesting enough to say… it would be all… changing dirty diaper, trying to force feed toddler, checking email, writing post etc. My life is just the same old stuff over and over and over and over.
But what about you? Is your life more interesting than mine? Do you have people following you on Twitter?
So leave a comment and tell us if you Twitter, or if you’ve never heard of it before. And if you do Twitter, feel free to leave your link so that people can follow you.
pikavippejä says
Peruste multia neuvonantaja suosittaa tekeillä diktaattori
;( hahmottaa lujaa kanslia ykkössija aleksander laatiminen älykäs rikollinen työyhteisö katoaminen maineikas meriläinen?
Jenny says
I don’t twitter normally. I use it to promote my website and I aggregate my feed to it.
Jodi W says
I twitter – not sure why..but I do…and my twitters also show up on my blog in the side column. I always feel ridiculous using it though – like it is meant for people MUCH younger than I am…but nonetheless I do have people following me. They must be bored. =-) It was fun twittering from inside our caucus site though – you could get a better feel for how it was going before the media announced things.
Simple Mindz says
Actually, instead of “SimpleMindz” I changed my Twitter username to – TheBlogLady. Wanted to be able to use it with both my sites!
Simple Mindz says
I’m not sure why, but my last post did not go through. It said it was spam? Or something like that…I LOVE Twitter. Use it all the time. My username is simplemindz. Look me up!
CaraM (The Household Helper) says
I twitter daily!
Mel says
I goofed my link is
Mel says
You all should get paid by Twitter for your free advertisement! I joined now I just need some followers!!
Leah says
I’m afraid I’m already hooked enough without Twittering.:-) It does sound really neat, but, hey, how will I have time to change all those diapers if I’m constantly Twittering about it?
Heather says
I Twitter. I have 21 followers right now. I’m not sure if I’m all that interesting though!
mary says
I used Twitter. I am following and being followed by a lot of people I don’t know through my job at etc. =( I think that if a person could get close friends and family members to use it, then it would be a great way to keep up with one another.
There are gadgets you can download for your desktop, your blog, webpage, phone etc, that updated the “tweets” that people leave.
Could be fun if, as I said, your close friends etc were on board with it as well.
You could message your sister and tell her “I’m going to the bathroom right now”..and important stuff like that. =)
Tara says
I twittered my labor and haven’t stopped since…it’s on my blog, too.
Ginny says
I use it some:
Brenda Prentice (Time and Season) says
Sounds like a wonderful idea for college kids who have no life. LOL. No, seriously though, do I have time to run to the computer throughout the day to tell everyone the little details of my life?
I think it sounds potentially fun. Just time consuming.
Amy W says
Okay, so I changed my Twitter profile, here is my new one…
Ties in more to my blog.
Raesmom says
I have just started Twittering and like it. I had signed up last year but never did much with it and kinda of forgot about it until recently. It seems everyone is talking about Twitter. I was intrigued enough to give it another go.
SJ says
I twitter! And I have been for a while. It’s fun and it’s addicting!
Follow me here:
AmandaK says
I don’t twitter. Everyone in my circle does Facebook, so I get the status updates from there.
Nodin's Nest says
I have heard of it. My problem is finding time for the sites and online business I already do. There just arent enough hours in the day between Etsy, my blog and a 3 yr old!
Pamela Kramer says
I’ve been invited to twitter but I haven’t tried it yet. I have so many pages to keep up with as it is and I don’t think I am interviewing for new gadgets but you never know. Mine would be a lot like yours! LOL – Change diaper, bathe little guy, do laundry, write post, boring!
Raquita says
I twitter spordically..
Meg says
Yes, I’m twittering now, thanks to the nudging of my husband, a Twitter fanatic. :0)
I do have about 10 people following me. It’s fun. I love that you can text in a twitter from your phone, too. And I try to limit it to only “twitter-worthy” happenings.
Example of something that’s NOT a “twitter-worthy” happening:
I’m cleaning out the refrigerator.
Example of something that IS “twitter-worthy”:
I am riding down Brown Road and just passed a peacock! What?
It is also a fun way to share with others those hilarious “kid sayings” my son is always spouting out!
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Whoops – link doesn’t work. Try this:
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
I use Twitter, just a little bit but I’m finding myself becoming more and more addicted. 🙂
I’m at
Jules says
I started twittering a little while back.
Trish says
I have heard a bit about it, but haven’t tried it out. I am not sure I can handle another computer thing right now!
BTW, when I clicked play on the video, it told me it was no longer available. It would have been nice to see it.
Amy W says
I twitter too, and it’s addicting…and fun to follow people..
Ivan Girl - Dear Me says
i do twitter! 🙂
Storm says
Heard of it but not enough to peak my interest. I don’t know if I can maintain my two blogs and Twitter too.
Amber Stevens says
Well, I don’t twitter, but I’m hearing a lot more buzz about it lately!! Maybe I should start!
Mamacheryl says
I’ve been twittering for a little bit now. It can get kind of addictive, but sometimes I feel dumb posting stuff about my kids. But it works as a nice mini-blog for little stuff I want to share with my family and friends. My last 5 tweets are in a side bar on my blog, and my mom can’t tell the difference between my twittering and my blog posts. 🙂
Stephanie says
I actually posted that same video on Sk*rt several weeks ago. It is a great video with a simple explanation of Twitter…but I don’t Twitter. I have too many things on my plate to add yet another thing.
AmyL says
I’ve just been twittering for a few days. FYI, the folks at have quite a few hilarious yet educational videos.
Busy Mom says
I Twitter all too much.
mom2triplets04 says
I have never heard of it before. I do blog but just don’t have time to twitter too.
Heidi says
I’ve thought about it, but I’ve had the same train of thought- “what in the world do I do that people want to know about on a consistent basis?” 🙂
Nell says
I do a bit. I’m a bit more intersted in interacting with the other twitts, though. Not just posting what I’m doing and then reading what others are doing.
Mine is at:
Jenny 867-5309 says
I’ve just recently started….it’s fun when you know of others that are doing it.
Adventures In Babywearing says
I just started!
Kristen M. says
My husband twitters. I created an account but never have used it.
Alaina says
I don’t twitter…I guess I am out of the loop.
Michelle Potter says
I did Twitter. I used it to leave little messages for my husband. (Mine was set to private.) But then the software on his phone got messed up and he could only post updates, not read them. So I quit.
Monica says
oops. I guess I should just make it easier…
Monica says
oh, I love Twitter! 🙂 I’m following some interesting people and I hope those that follow me get a kick out of some of the stuff I say.
I think of Twitter as a micro-blog. And it certainly is – you get 140 characters to say what you want in each update. Kind of like a good writing exercise. Be concise, yet a bit informative. It’s also a good place to drop a quick, “I just posted to the blog.” Maybe add a few readers to your site. Give it a try.
My Twitter ID is monicabrand if anyone wants to come follow me. I’ll be sure to return the favor.
Penny Raine says
uuhh, no, blogging is enough, my children need me 🙂
blessings, Penny Raine
Phyl says
I Twitter~ I just post whatever…people who love will understand the diaper updates…lol.
My addy there:
Beckie Tetrault says
I Twitter pretty regularly 🙂
Tami says
My husband Twitter’s quite a bit. I have not started yet.
Miss Krississippi says
I Twitter, but inconsistently.
Colleen says
I do (sort of) Twitter. Not regularly though. I did when I first signed up. Now I just check in once and a while to read what everyone is up to. Some people write hysterical things.
Magnolia Mom says
I twitter, just not on a regular basis.
bee says
I’ve heard about it. I’m just like you, though. I don’t do anything remotely interesting enough to share. I mean, have you seen my blog?! 🙂
Jeni says
I hadn’t heard of it before, but it’s a lot like status updates on Facebook. You fill in whatever it is you want people to see, and any of your friends/family who care can see the update.
Tiffani says
Never heard of it before… interesting.