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Since I became a mother almost six years ago, the question “For What Are You Most Thankful?” has never required a moment’s hesitation.
I am most thankful for my daughters.
My blessings — Julia and Sophia — make me more thankful than I could ever have imagined being.
Today on another Thanksgiving (here in Canada), I cannot stop thanking God for my precious girls.
I spent a quiet and profoundly simple day with them today. We started the morning with snuggles on the couch. We walked to the park, picnicked, baked pie, made Thanksgiving dinner, read stories, and said Thanks to God while we snuggled in bed again at the end of it all.
I am so thankful for my girls and thankful for the beautiful day we had together.
What About You?
For what are you most thankful?”
Julie Anne Rhodes says
That my daughter seems to have found her path in life. She graduated from university last summer (I feel like Rip Van Winkle, the cliche is true, “blink and they are grown”), and is successful in finding film editing jobs in a very difficult job market. She is obviously very good at what she does, but more importantly, she is the happiest I have ever known her to be.
Christine says
First, I am sorry I was not around to wish you a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Day — so please accept my best wishes for a bountiful year …. it sounds like you had indeed the best possible kind of day! <3
What am I most thankful for:
*My Children
*My Family
'nuf said. 🙂
Corinne Kurzmann says
I have made a habit of getting up every day and saying 3 things I am thankful for before I start the day..sometimes it is a pretty, we have coffee, but I make it a habit to always be grateful.It is a good way for me to stay grounded!
Abel says
I used to think like most of you. But after my recent ordeal, I regard health (I mean basic health) as the most important asset we have. Because without it, we can’t even enjoy the smallest things in the world. As I mentioned in my recent post, we have to be thankful for what we ALREADY have.
Irene says
Hello Susan,
I am thankful for my family, my husband and children, and for my mom who brought me up to be who I am. I am also thankful to God for bringing me right where I am. And I am thankful for blogging and for meeting lovely people like you.
Wishing you happiness and a thankful heart always!
Stephanie says
Happy Thanksgiving to YOU!
I am most thankful for:
* my handsome, hardworking husband
* my spunky, sweet 4-year-old
* my peaceful, compassionate 19-month-old-old
* our health
* our family & friends
* AND Christ in our lives
Amber Strocel says
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
I am, always, grateful for my kids and my husband. And homemade ice cream.
We must never forget the ice cream.
smilinggreenmom says
Beautiful post! I am most thankful for my sweet babies too! I love having one girl and one boy as they both fill my heart with every good and wonderful in life 🙂
Debbie says
I am so thankful for my children, family and friends.
Jaclyn Rubly says
I’m thankful for all my 4 buggers. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be so inspired everyday to get out of bed, cook, clean, blog and do everything else I do for them. Any other moms feel this way?
Rachel says
lovely post (and picture!); Yeah, I’m pretty crazy about my kids, too. I’m most thankful for my family, home, knowing Jesus and being able to be home with my family. I appreciate that more and more all the time.
Tarasview says
Susan- I adore that picture of you and Sophia!! And I agree 100% – since my children were born there is absolutely nothing in this world I am more thankful for than them. Even when they drive me crazy I know I am so very blessed to have them in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
Margaret says
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jacqueline says
I most thankful for a sound mind. Good health. and God’s grace to endure when those two fail.
Susie's Homemade says
What a beautiful day of thanks you had! I can’t wait until ours:-)
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Definitely the most thankful for my beautiful girls as well. Happy Thanksgiving!
Eileen says
With my health failing the past 8 years and not able to be included in some of the kids events I am most thankful that THEY are healthy! It would break my heart in pieces to see my kids not able to run, play, skip, sing, giggle, (and even make messes like they do~~~ 😉 I am truly blessed to be given the title of MOMMY times 6 AND Grandma times 3 (so far) AND know they are healthy for the most part. Nothing else matters much. You learn to prioritize when things go tragic or you are scared into learning the important things in life!
Rocio says
My family…♥