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Are you a worrier?
How often do you get stressed?
I’m constantly amazed at how some people don’t seem to worry as life tosses them about, while others — like me — are in a permanent state of panic.
I’ve told you before how I struggle with anxiety and lately I’ve been a mess.
For the last few weeks, despite my medications, I’ve been battling constant nausea from anxiety. I’ve been walking daily and trying to do yoga more often, but I still can’t seem to beat it. My anxiety tends to go in cycles and once something triggers a panic attack, I often get into a vicious cycle of stress that can last for weeks.
So I’m wondering… how do you de-stress? Or are you one of the lucky ones who never seems to get stressed in the first place?
Written by Susan, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
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Heidi says
A great remedy for worry: I imagine the very worst outcome of the troublesome situation, and acknowledge that it might happen. It seems 90% of worry is anticipation.
Forgetfulone says
I am a huge worrier. i worry about things that can’t happen, might happen, will happen, won’t happen, etc. I take an anti-depressant, but I also usually need something to help me sleep. Sometimes prayer helps. I wish I could say it always does, but I’m just a huge worrier. It’s hard to let go. Sometimes a long, hot bath with aromatherapy helps a little. Sometimes exercise helps. I wish there were one thing that always did the trick, but sometimes, my anxiety really gets the best of me.
Megret says
Prayer, sitting in a quiet room and doing deep breathing, yoga, and last but not least, being outside. Just walking outside my door and being enveloped in nature (day or night) calms me down tremendously.
Misty Dawn says
My nature photography walks are how I de-stress.
Darcy says
I get stressed often, even if it doesn’t show. I talk things out a lot… even if I’m telling 5 different people about the same awful thing. Each time I share I feel better. Blogging helps too, reading, cuddling with my hubby and or kitties… I just wish it was easier to de-stress WHILE I am at work since that’s where I get stressed most of the time.
Lisa at Heaven Sent says
Starbucks, chocolate, prayer, and a good cry…not necessarily always in that order. 🙂
Hugs from my little girls help A LOT, as do long showers and giving in and finally turning on PBS for my girls. A few stolen moments to read a good book or actually put on make-up do wonders for my soul.
It’s about finding ways to let myself breathe WITHOUT the Mommy guilt. Today it is letting my hubby take the girls shopping for trees while I get inspired by blogs and leave the laundry and cleaning for another morning.
Petula says
Oh Susan! Stress and anxiety seem to be my middle name lately. I hate the feeling that I get: heart racing, feeling like I can’t get a deep breath… it’s awful. Lately has been bad for me as well; I’ve taken more anxiety pills in the past week than I’ve taken since they were first prescribed. Sometimes I read to de-stress, sometimes I write in my journal… sometimes just drink a cup of coffee and zone out. I really need to exercise regularly because I have picked up the bad habit of emotional eating. I don’t understand people who don’t have stress or say they don’t let it get to them or something. My anxiety, depression, etc., started more than three years ago and I hope to one day get it under control. One day at a time… I hope you have a restful and peaceful weekend.
Susan says
Thank you Petula for sharing with me. It’s sooooo awful feeling like you can’t breath properly isn’t it?
I know what you mean that it’s hard to understand how some people don’t feel like this, but we can’t seem to stop it.
It’s amazing how much exercise can help, but it can be terribly difficult to force yourself to do it when you’re in the midst of the stress. For me it’s always a struggle with time. Much of my stress is that I don’t have enough time to do everything and so it’s a vicious cycle.
I also hope you have a restful weekend!
Let’s both make sure we get a lot of exercise.
Petula says
That’s one of my problems too: stressed about too much to do and not enough time. There has to be a solution to that. I keep wondering if there’s something I can do to reduce the to-do list, but – as you know – with children, a home and a home-based business it’s tough. You have a hubby and my BF lives with us. Whew! It’s just tiring thinking about it.
I really need to make that step to commit to an exercise routine. Thanks for the encouragement – that needs to go to the top of my to-do list.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
I write long, rambling blog posts that I never publish, lol. At least I did this week when stress and frustration and worry pretty much overtook me. I spent hours writing that post, fully intending to sit on and then publish it – but realized afterward, that just the writing helped enough. 🙂
I also tend to shut down and ignore things that I know I need to do – both in blogging and life, which of course then just makes the stress part worse. It’s been really bad lately – I think I need to talk to my doctor about going back on medication again. I just hate that! 🙁
Susan says
Oh Deb, I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling too. It’s so hard isn’t it?
That’s great that writing that long post helped! Sadly, I’ve been doing the opposite. Not writing at all and that makes it worse. Blogging makes me feel better, but lately I was so stressed I couldn’t seem to get anything done.
Vickie says
Yep, right there with ya. I worry and stress daily and it seems to be getting worse as I get older. I started noticing it when my son was born (he’s 18 now) and I think for me it’s hormonal. Instead of post partem depression, I was full of anxiety.
I have not tried medication yet. So far I just deal with it by talking to my husband, (& my mom, who is also a worrier, so she can relate!) And I agree with Alexia, getting lost in a book is a huge help. Any story that can transport me to another place is great. (I admit it, Twilight series was perfect for this!) TV/movies also help in the same way. Walking is my other de-stresser. Helps a ton.
Susan says
Yes for me the post partem stuff was all about anxiety.
That’s great that you’re coping without medication. The side effects can be a real drag.
Oh I used to love reading novels… I haven’t indulged in a while though.
And yes, I do love to walk.
Thank you so much for sharing with me!!!
Anne says
i force myself to watch something funny. Even when I’m not in the mood, I put in season 2 of 30 Rock or Season 1 of Arrested Development and it really does work.
I’m sorry that you’ve been having a rough time lately. i hope it gets better.
Susan says
Isn’t laughing the best thing ever.
When I’m in the middle of a full tilt panic attack I can’t even make myself watch TV, but in general, yes a good laugh helps.
Alexia says
Reading my Bible is a great way to de-stress. I have certain verses that speak to me…that remind me of what I’m on this planet for and the God is watching out for me. It really helps to calm me down.
Also, losing myself in a book. It’s like a whole other world where none of my concerns matter.
Susan says
Yes, I really need to focus on reading my Bible more. As a teenager and 20-something I used to really meditate on certain verses but over the last few years as a busy mom, I find myself not doing that anymore.
Must start again.
Susie's Homemade says
I just spent an hour in the pool! That was very relaxing:-)
Susan says
Oh I LOVE swimming. It’s my favorite way to exercise and relax, but I almost never do it anymore just because the time involved going to the pool etc. I need to do it though. Maybe this weekend.
Allison says
Oh yes, I stress, on a daily/ hourly basis. On the really bad days I crumble down in tears.
To de-stress I exercise, do yoga, read, and vent to my hubby. Oh, and indulge in some good chocolate. Can’t live without it.
Susan says
Oh yes, some good chocolate can do wonders. LOL
But seriously yoga is wonderful isn’t it. I must do it more often.
Thank you for sharing with me!