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NOTE: Head over to the main Ultimate Blog Party party post if you are looking to add your party post link or to leave a comment to enter to win a prize.
The Ultimate Blog Party 2010 week is packed with bloghopping — and we know the party is already spilling out onto Twitter — but we simply have to do a “Twitter Party” too!
So, Monday night, 10-11:30pm ET, we are gonna take the UBP party officially out to Twitter — hashtag #UBP10.
Originally, we said the party was just going to be for 1hour. But really, there is no way that will be long enough for your party animals! Now the party will fun for 90minutes — 10-11:30pm ET.
We are sorry it is so late for you Eastern folks, but we are trying to give the Pacific coasters a break since all the parties hit right at dinner time! So set your coffee machines for morning and get ready to tweet the night away.
This Twitter party is dedicated to YOU! We want to help you get to know each other on Twitter and make new bloggy friendships. We will also be answering your questions about blogging, social media and whatever else you want to fire out at us!
And yes, there will be lots of prizes. Really? Did you ever think we would leave you without prizes.
There are tons of prizes waiting for us to dole out Monday night.
So make sure you sign up on the #UBP10 Twitter Party MckLinky below so all of the participants can find and follow you, and show up ready to tweet on Monday night! Don’t forget to use hashtag #UBP10!
(Yes — you can have your twitter handle here AS WELL as in the Twitter Handle MckLinky in the Main Ultimate Blog Party 2010 Party Post. But THIS MckLinky is only for people who plan on participating in the #UBP10 Twitter Party on Monday, April 12th.)
Lois says
Missed it…aww
was giving out baths to twins….oh well.
MageeMommy says
Yahoo! Just left the party! That was fun!
Mel's Box of Chocolates says
Pshew, made it to the end of the party after I dozed off for awhile. THanks for hosting a fun party.
Cindy H. says
YAY!! Party! I’m there! @lifeonprint
@mom2linznokie says
I Love Twitter parties! I’m ready to P-A-R-T-Y!
mandy says
@pobrokefolk trying to rsvp, having issues
sari says
Can’t wait 🙂
Miranda Johnson says
I’m here. Yay! 🙂
vidia2be says
vidiainjail on twitter now that im locked up in twitterjail lol
Christine says
Can’t wait – let’s get this party started! 🙂
Marcella Cook says
I will be there if I don’t end up in jail…hehehe
Faith and Family Reviews says
I am relatively new to Twitter Parties too, but am hoping to particpate even if I have to cut my conference call short!
LissaL says
Looking forward to the #UBP10 twitter party 2nite! Woot!
Lesa Rumbalski says
This is my first Twitter party, and I am not quite sure how it works, but I am sure I can figure it out!
Angel says
I have never done a twitter party either I am so excited about this.. slowly adding everyone one by one lol.
Rachel says
I’m really excited about tonight! Never done a Twitter party before! I hope I can figure out what to do!! =)
Heather says
I can’t wait!
Brandy says
Sounds like a blast!!
Amiyrah says
I’m with Teri….I’ve never done this before. Do I have to follow everyone on the list to do it? How do we chat? Is there a chat room that we all enter? This looks like its going to be confusing lol.
Angie says
Can’t wait!
Teri says
I’ve never been to a twitter party before, how does it work?
Louise says
The time is perfect because our kids go to bed at 7. I’m going to be there for sure
Lolli says
Do I get a special prize for being #100 on this MckLinky list? 🙂
BTW–I’ve created a #ubp10 twitter list and will be following everyone here.
Simone says
I’m so excited! This will be my first ever twitter party! I’ll have to make sure the three year old has been read to and is tucked snuggly in bed before I join but I’ll be there!
Christi says
I think I’ve followed everyone on this list up to where it’s at! WHEW!
Kasie says
This will be my 2nd twitter party!! I have joined 1 before and I was sooo lost til the end lol!! Can’t wait!
chana says
@cposen looking forward!
Tania L says
This will be my first Twitter Party. I am looking forward to it! Thanks!!
Vidia2be says
I so cannot wait for my first #UBP10
Laura Jane says
This will be my first official Twitter party. Very excited!
Ruth says
I have never been to a twitter party before!! I am looking forward to this one, I am sure it will be just as fun as the blog party has been:-)
Linda says
Sounds fun!!! cannot wait!!!
Lana says
I love Twitter parties…I always learn so much!
Blessings to you,
Lana-like banana 🙂