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Chances are high if you’re a mother, you’re not taking good enough care of your health. We’re guilty of putting everyone’s needs above our own, too. But here are some easy ways we can all take small steps to improve our health.
This post is sponsored by Colgate.

If you are one of the few mothers who are successfully keeping their health high on their priority lists, we want to hear about it and give you a virtual pat on the back, so please leave a comment. But for the rest of us, we can use a few reminders.
I admit that I struggle every day with trying to get enough exercise and keep my sleep on a regular schedule. As a single mother trying to juggle everything, it feels almost impossible to get the sleep and exercise I know I need. So when the folks at Colgate asked me to share some tips for National Women’s Health Week, I decided this was a great time to remind other women like myself how we can make small changes to improve our health.
We all know sleep and exercise are crucial to our health but working enough of both into our schedules can feel overwhelming and cause us to give up entirely on looking after ourselves.
I’m guilty of the “all or nothing” mentality, are you?
But I want to encourage you to not fall into that trap of feeling hopeless about your health because you’re not making it the gym regularly and you’re not getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
Here are 7 easy things you can start doing today that will improve your health…
- Carry a water bottle with you everywhere.
And when you’re at home, have a tall glass of water near you at all times.
Drinking tons of water is one thing I do really well. It won’t solve all your problems, but it is an easy way to improve your health.
- Meditate.
I used to be intimidated by the concept of “meditating”. But there are simple ways to clear your mind with different meditation techniques.
I struggle with anxiety and about a year ago, I actually took a few lessons from a specialist who taught me a basic but powerful technique. Even though I don’t take as much time as I should to sit and meditate for 20 minutes at a time, I use the process to relax and clear my mind at various times such as while I’m snuggling with my girls at bedtime.
- Breathe in the scent of a lemon.
Our sense of smell is powerful. You can use essential oils and aromatherapy to help you relax and improve your mood, but if you don’t have any handy, simply cut open a lemon and breathe in the aroma.
My daughter who struggles with ADHD and anxiety absolutely LOVES lemons. At homework time, a glass of water with some lemon juice helps her enormously.
It amazes me how even smelling a freshly cut lemon helps improve her mood.
- Keep a container of washed, cut-up veggies ready to eat in your fridge.
My youngest daughter prefers to eat her veggies raw, so I often have a bag of leftover carrots, cucumbers and broccoli in the fridge.
It’s shocking how much easier it is to eat a few extra vegetables during the day when they are already washed and staring at you when you open the fridge.
If you need a little dip to improve the taste, go ahead… it’s better than grabbing a cookie.
- Add Epsom Salts to your bath.
Adding epsom salts to a bath is an easy and relaxing way to treat yourself and improve your health at the same time. The magnesium absorbs through your skin and helps your muscles relax. There are numerous health benefits and it’s simple and affordable.
While I generally choose to shower for efficiency, I recently started a new habit of once a week soaking in a bath with epsom salts.
- Stretch.
Stretch your muscles — they need it. A few times throughout the day, take a few minutes to stretch. If you can put on a yoga video to follow, that’s even better. My favorite way to stretch my back is using a Chirp Wheel. But at the least, get down on the floor and do some basic stretches.
I find that it’s easy to do a little stretching while I’m down on the ground playing lego with my kids or watching TV together. And it’s a good way to let your kids see you taking care of yourself.
- Keep your teeth and gums clean.
Obviously you brush your teeth regularly — you’re an adult. But did you realize how important oral health is to your overall health?
The first time I learned about the correlation between oral health and heart health was when I took my dog to the vet. His poor oral health was literally affecting his heart. I was shocked.
I’ve always brushed and flossed regularly, but I still struggle with poor gums. In fact, about 15 years ago I had to have surgery on my gums to remove a patch from the roof of my mouth and transplant it on to the gums below my lower front teeth. It was literally the worst experience of my life. And I’m at risk of having to have the surgery again!
So I can honestly say how thrilled I am to have received a sample of Colgate Total’s New Gum Health Mouthwash which can provide advanced gum protection for 45% stronger, healthier gums. I will definitely continue buying and using it to try to strengthen my gums.
Even a small change like switching to a Colgate Total regimen can help improve your oral health. Remember… a healthy mouth is key to a healthy body.
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Photo Credits: Dollar Photo Club
Disclosure: Thanks to Colgate-Palmolive for providing me with products samples and sponsoring this post.
The information in this post is not to be considered medical advice.
Written by Susan Carraretto, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
Talk with me: @5minutesformom and
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We love using menthol crystals to make a homemade menthol rub. It’s a lovely way to relax and take care of yourself.
rosemary says
walking 10 miles a day
Carolyn Daley says
I am going to start drinking more water a day and use my Waterpik more often when I brush my teeth.
Deana Honeycutt says
I’m going to try to walk some everyday !!
Jennifer Herman says
I drink more water!
charityk says
staying active
Kathleen Gereg says
Floss and oral irrigate more than once a day.
Carrie Conley says
The lemon, I will start buying whole lemons and lemon juice and drink a warm cup of lemon juice at night.
Lesley F says
I am going to drink more water
Kristi C says
I really need to exercise more.
Pamela Michelle says
I plan to work on my fitness beyond the yoga mat to increase my strength and endurance!
Nicole C. says
I am going to breathe in the scent of a lemon.
Sue J. says
You just reminded me – I have heard about drinking water with lemon, so I’m going to start doing that every morning – I think it’s supposed to be warm water!?!?
Brian E. says
Thank You for the giveaway…I am getting 8 solid hours of sleep most nights !
Lisa V. says
I am going to eat healthier. We added 3 more beds to our vegetable garden. Being I prefer foods that I grow, I should have plenty of greens and tomatoes to eat.
Dulcie Bowyer says
Wow, I love blogs I stumbled on this one because of the give away ( not going to lie) but now I’m a follower. WhaT great pure do good blogging you rock!
Trisha McKee says
I am going to be more active – more hiking and kayaking – things I enjoy so it isn’t something I dread.
Tammy Woodall says
I definitely need to drink more water. I need to start carrying a water bottle with me everywhere I go.
The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia says
I am going to drink more water and eat more veggies.
Rebecca Lock says
I am going to try to practice yoga and add more fruits and vegetables to my diet.
Sharonc says
I am trying to move more: daily walks and an exercise, stretching program.
Lisa Garner says
I’m making sure to maintain great oral health.
Jennifer Reed says
I am going to be more diligent to floss at least daily. Plus I have started logging my food daily to be more aware of what I am eating.
laurie murley says
I plan on walking a mile a day to help me get into shape
Debbie Hinson says
I am trying to add more water to my daily routine.
Rose Santuci-Sofranko says
I’m going to get back to walking more…I lost 80 lbs that way and need to lose the rest!
Valeen N says
I’m going to keep cut up veggies in the fridge for a quick, healthy snack!
Breanne says
I plan on eating healthier.
Samantha Daleo says
I am going to drink more and more water and consume less and less sugar!
liz l says
Run a half marathon in under 3 hours in 6 mos
Stephanie Larison says
I’m going to drink mostly water, cut out the sugary drinks.
C. M. says
I’ve slowly gotten into meditation.
Sherry Conrad says
I am making better food choices and drinking plenty of water.
Francine Anchondo says
Walk more and drink more water.
steve weber says
I’m cutting out all fast food and sugars.
jules m. says
i already carry water everywhere i go, but i do need to work on flossing!
Kate Newton says
I’m going to start drinking more water. That is the one thing I always have such a hard time with. I’m really going to try this time!
brittani adams says
I need to remember to start taking time to relax and breathe, meditate. I over look it most of my life and I am just running around in shambles and never fully calm or relaxed.
Angela M says
Along with drinking more water, I would also like to start soaking in an Epsom salt bath.
brandy c says
I am drinking more water.
Jeanna Massman says
i plan to take a yoga class.
Amanda Jordan says
I plan to commit to doing yoga more often.
wen budro says
I will meditate more often and remember to breathe properly.
bn100 says
to exercise more
allison greene says
I plan to start taking vitamins to improve my health
Shannon says
Drink more water.
rebecca kellerman says
To improve my health, I will eat in moderation.
K Johnson says
Definitely drinking more water and eating more veggies!
D Page says
I will start stretching daily.
Kim Keithline says
I am going to try to learn how to meditate I have heard that it is great for your well being
Stephanie Galbraith says
I will exercise more.
shawna says
Workout and get lots of fresh air.
Erica B. says
I’m going to start exercising more often.
Morgan Hood says
Drink more water!!!!
Carmen Desueza says
I’d like to focus more on me. I.e. destressing myself through meditation, regular exercise. My goal is to set strict time and space for that during the busy day. I’d also like to take the time out to cook and actively engage in healthy and eco friendly eating.
gene d says
more tranquil mornings
Jessica says
I have been drinking more water.
Kelly Minyard says
Strength training!
Alison Gibb says
Iam going to drink more water and get out for a walk everyday!!
heather d says
I need to drink more water and I love the lemon idea to help relax
Kelly says
Get more sleep.
Candace Galan-Calderon says
Pay more attention to my oral health.
Candy Adams says
My seven children are grown now and I have 10 grandchildren. Over the years raising them I took very little time for myself. Now that they are grown and out on their own, I have been working on my Bachelor’s degree in accounting and only have 6 more classes to go. I enjoy taking time for myself which still takes some getting used to, without feeling guilty, but it is getting easier over time. Good luck to everyone.
eguiver Yol says
Drink more water
Melissa Johnson says
I’ve cut soda out completely…Only mostly water & less processed foods!
Amy L says
I’m practicing yoga and drinking more water to improve my health. I’ve also cut back on processed foods.
Danielle Marie says
for me it is meditate i need to take a break and be zen.
Dorrie Turner says
I am going to maximize my water intake daily to stay hydrated.
fran says
cut back on meat, become a vegetarian
diana g says
Cut back on sweets
Christina Sparks says
I already started being healthier by stopping drinking soda and walking almost daily.
Kelly says
Where do I even start. I guess my first plan is to get more exercise. I get so busy, and my priorities never seem to be anyone else’s. But that is going to change. I am on it.
darby says
I will try to get me time-a challange with a baby!
janetfaye says
I am going to add Epson Salts to my bath.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Kayla Bowe says
I have been eating healthier and exercising more.
Robin says
I plan on eating more healthy and drinking plenty of water.
stephanie landeros says
I’m going to be sure to floss daily!
Kathleen says
I need to start to carry a water bottle with me.
kport207 at gmail dot com
deana says
I am going to meditate to improve my health
Megan Scharlau says
Drink lots of water!
golden storm says
walk an extra time with the dogs so they have 2 walks aday
Steph D. says
Stay active and drink more water 🙂
Megan Hipp says
Exercise more and loose weight!
Laura Lane says
Julie L says
One thing I can do is to eat a healthy breakfast.
Holly Kennedy says
Floss every day.
Jennifer Hess says
Eat lots more green vegetables and drink way more water
James Cooper says
I’m going to cut down on processed sugars.
Ron Miller says
I have got to get active for even just 10 minutes a day, a fast walk, something. My sedentary life is killing me, literally and figuratively.
velder dixon says
keep water with me at all times
Elsie says
I plan to drink more water!
Jan P. says
I’m spending more money on my walking shoes. There IS a difference, and good shoes help me walk longer and farther.
Lindsey L says
Drink lots of water!
DeAnna Keller says
I’ve been getting more rest, and taking time out for myself when I get overwhelmed.
Jill Rivera says
I am going to try to stay on the cardo machines a little bit longer.
Jill H says
More clean eating and focusing on preparing meals with fresh foods.
Michele C. says
Thank you for the giveaway. I’d really love to improve my oral health and weight.
Laurie says
try to get 8 hours of sleep every night
Laurels Bruner says
getting plenty of sleep, drinking water and keeping my mouth healthy
robyn donnelly says
Use mouthwash regularly and drink more water and less sugary drinks.
Lauren says
I am going to drink more water.
sandra says
I need to get more sleep
amelia carrington says
awesome giveaway…Im going to drink more water! Although I work outside in south texas and drink lots of water, Now im going to drink even more!
Erika Chilton says
I am going to start working out so I can lose some weight.
amy guillaume linderman says
i am committing to getting outdoors and excercising with my boys every day after school
vickie Couturier says
drink more water
Darlene Carbajal says
I drink lots of water! 🙂
Diane says
i always feel better when fully hydrated. I’m getting a new water bottle for the summer and taking it everywhere.
Dreama says
I work out every day using PiYo! Angela Stephens is my fitness coach. utotallyamazing dot com. i’m always energized and ready to take on the world 🙂
Seyma Shabbir says
I am drinking more water and earring more veggies! Of course better oral hygiene. Hd a root canal and crown in past 30 days… I could have prevented it1
carolyn g says
I am eating better and exercising more
connie danielson says
I am going to drink more water and walk more for my health. Thank you for this chance to win this awesome giveaway! connie danielson
Allison S. says
I am keeping track of my calories to lose weight.
Stephanie says
im trying to cut back on po
Kelly D says
I will remember to take my vitamins every day.
Ashley C says
I need to cut back on sugar. I eat WAY too much of it!
Jessica M. says
One thing to improve my health is to spend more time outdoors, and less time in front of the television snacking on foods! LOL.
Wendy R. says
I’ve cut way back on sugar in my diet and am doing well with having lots of fresh veggies to eat.
Samantha Wagner says
I have quit caffeine, and only drink pop a couple days a week instead of 1-2 cans a day. I’ve been drinking more water and eating less.
Reava Bennett says
Listen to music. It can easily de-stress me and improve my overall mood.
Wehaf says
I’m going to drink more water!
Mary Cloud says
I’m trying to drink as much water as I can
Meghan says
I started Weight Watchers & have lost 50+ pounds. I just got a fit bit today to help with my fitness goals!
Suzanne says
I have recently become a vegetarian and am working towards becoming vegan.
Laticha A says
eat better, exercise more
Denise S says
I’ve lost 14 pounds in the last month walking and eating much less.
Daniella says
I am going to drink more water
Katy S says
Drink MORE water!
Angela Robinson says
I’m willing to start immediately adding epsom salts to a bath! That will be a good place to meditate and calm down from the day.
Mary W says
I am moving more and sitting less. I have become more aware of this and try to park farther away, get up and out to walk and hike more often and encourage the family to join me.
Lasonda says
I will drink more water.
Carol Solar says
I started to use a water drinking tracking app to help me get enough water. It reminds you to drink and you an enter what you have had throughout the day. You can also see your history up to 45 days.
Erin F says
I’m trying to do better on most of the suggested changes, but I’m especially working on eating better.
pu ye says
I’ve been working on keeping up a dental hygiene routine
Laurie says
to improve my health I am getting more sleep at night…8 hours.
Tracy C. says
I will get back to the gym.
Tari Lawson says
I am changing up my exercise routine.
breanna pollard says
I need to watch what is going into my body.
denice p says
I’ve been trying real hard to cut a lot of sugar out of my diet. I love sweets but they are not helping. I’m also trying to cut down on caffeine. It’s been pretty good.
Jenny Q. says
I am trying to drink more water and eat a healthier diet.
patricia c says
I am making an effort to switch from soda to organic tea.
Caitlyn says
I need to exercise more regularly.
Debra S says
I have to get off my hind end and walk everyday. I know I sit far far too much.
Robin W says
I have started adding more fresh fruit and veggies (organic when possible) to my diet.
Sara says
I am giving up diet soda
Wilma P says
I am trying to eat healthier and have pretty much given up soft drinks…even diet ones.
marie yoon says
stay healthy
Jesse S says
I am looking to improve my weight and get more fit. Probably the biggest thing right now.
Dawn Monroe says
I recently started taking daily walks. Its for health reasons and relaxation.
Lindsay B-P says
Not feel guilty about getting extra ZZZzzs.
Nancy Marcho says
Carry a water bottle! I’ve been trying to drink 64 oz of water a day and it’s not easy.
I’ve been going on the treadmill 4 days a week for 40 minutes for the past several months!
nickie says
I am trying to drink more water.
Karen says
I am going to start riding my bike more.
Robin M says
I walk at least 3 miles every weekday morning.
Anne says
I eat healthy foods, walk daily and drink water.
Sharon Kaminski says
I vow to eat healthier and exercise more.
Kat McQuaid (@KouponKat) says
The main thing I do to stay healthy is a 30 minute walk 5x per week.
Annamarie V says
I am cutting out processed food and trying to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
sue14625 says
i have cut out most junk food=more exercise and drinking more water
PaigeP says
I am always working on improving my health. I run 6 days a week and try to make healthy food choices, but I definitely NEED to drink more water!
ken ohl says
starting to drink water instead of soda. thankyou, ken
Brandy Y. says
I am giving up soda. It is so horrible for you, but addicting!
Brittney House says
I will be walking more and working my way up to jogging.
barrie says
I am feeding my family and I clean foods…no more processed or artificial foods. It’s more work on me but we find that food tastes better and we all have more energy and feel better overall!
Sherril McGann says
I am going to start stretching more.
Stefanie Gladden says
I’ve been drinking a lot of water & eating more organic foods to be healthier!
Nancy says
We’re centering our meals around fresh produce.
Lana Bradstream says
I’m eating less processed foods
Lisa says
I am trying to drink more water.
kris lindsey says
i am going to keep things simple
Jalisa Brown says
I have changed my eating habits along with a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity daily.
Sandy Klocinski says
Reduce my intake of soft drinks, juices, and sports drinks that are full of sugar, and opt for water, milk and healthier options instead.
Danielle D says
lots of walking.
pamela says
Great piece. I definitely want to try the mouth wash. I’m trying to load up on fruits and veggies in our meals. It’s not always a spot on effort, but one can only try. Good luck with your surgery.
ron schnell says
drink lots of water!
latanya says
I like the idea of keeping a container of washed, cut-up veggies ready to eat in your fridge to avoid snacking on junk food
chickie brewer says
I’m always carrying a bottle of water with me…Especially living here in Arizona. It is so important!
meagan bs says
I’ve been working on keeping up a dental hygiene routine.
jim zahorian says