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We are very excited to announce that we will be having one of our Ultimate Blog Parties twitter style tonight with the fabulous Mom It Forward gals Jyl and Carissa!
Every Tuesday, Mom It Forward hosts the fabulous #gno (Girl’s Night Out) party and tonight, they have invited us to be on their guest panel for their Ultimate Blog Party—twitter style!
Do you blog? Do you want more contacts, more relationships, and a way to take your blogging conversation to a whole new level? Then Twitter is the place for you!
Blogging and tweeting are ways to build online relationships and tonight, the #GNO party theme is a great place to get some tips and tricks about ways to strengthen online relationships through blogging and tweeting!
What’s on the line up? Wendy Piersall from Sparkplugging and Marie LeBaron from Make and Takes and myself will be sharing the tips and techniques to and the perks of blogging all with a focus on building relationships through blogging and tweeting. Come join us and share your advice, experience, and ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask on this topic.
- When: Tonight from 9 pm to midnight EDT (8 CDT, 7 CDT, and 6 PDT)
- Where: We’ve set up a tweet grid just for tonight’s party. Click here to access it. (use the #gno hashtag)
- Who: @5minutesformom,
(Susan Carraretto),
@eMom (Wendy Piersall) , and @makeandtakes
(Marie LeBaron)!
RSVP: Use Mr. Linky on the Mom It Forward site. The purpose of this list is to allow you to follow and be followed by other twitterers. The key is to enter your twitter URL and your twitter ID (e.g., and not your blog URL. If you would like to include your blog, please enter it next to your name in parentheses and not in the URL line. Instead, make sure to include your twitter URL in the URL line.
What Is Mom It Forward?
Mom It Forward is the newest trend in mom groups and makes giving back fun, sociable, accessible, and stylish—the new “in crowd” of moms where “mom” is a verb. Not only is Mom It Forward fun, fosters friendships, but it’s all for a good cause—serving and teaching service to our children!
Mom It Forward’s mission is to change the world one mom at a time by
1) strengthening women, 2) helping them become the best moms/influencers they can be, and 3) providing ideas, opportunities to, and recognition for carry(ing) out the Mom It Forward mission in small and large ways, in their communities and beyond. #GNO is one where the community gathers to discuss meaningful and fun topics that help achieve this mission!
Click here to learn more.
Carol- Wall Dressed Up Murals says
Thanks for the GNO on Twitter. Lots of fun! I must admit I am new to Twitter, but I’ve learned a ton by just jumping in. I just did a little search and figured out the #gno and Tweet Grid. VERY cool!!
Thanks again!
Robyn - Mom All Day says
I sure wish I knew how to participate! I don’t understand how to get involved!! LOL I see the links, but don’t know what I’m doing. I just started on Twitter a month ago and am behind on all the fun stuff you can do! I see all the 5M4M tweets with the #gno and #UPB09 but don’t know how to get in the loop.
Lisa says
Twitter. Ya gotta love it. It’s all this power, wrapped up in a teeny tiny package. Makes me think of the Power of Small (new blog/book from an NYC ad firm): do something tiny, and the ripples spread.