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This is Susan here… Janice is again enjoying another long weekend at our family’s cabin in the wilderness.
So I figured I’d take this time to join Judi (aka Preemie Mommy) from Mommy of Two and reflect on my week. She has a great meme she started last week called Weekend Reflection. The idea is to:
“…look back over the week and really think about what has happened in your lives. Then, list at least three things (more if you like) that were positive in your life that week.”
If you’d like to share some of your little blessings this week, add your name to the list at Mommy of Two.
So, let me think… some nice little blessings this week…
- Julia has started to really enjoy signing and has started using some new signs.
She loves to watch her “Signing Times” dvd and often goes to the TV to turn it on. Her favorite sign is by far “bird”. She just loves chasing the birds with her little fingers signing away. Her first sign, months ago, was milk and some of the other signs she’s picked up this week are “cat”, “dog”, “ball”, “shoes”, and “daddy”. Her signs can be a bit hard to figure out as they’re not exactly right, but close enough that we know what she means.Her sign for “water” is hilarious… on the dvd the little boy who is signing water has his mouth wide open saying “water” so Julia opens her mouth as wide as she can and puts her finger to her chin. She hasn’t mastered the three fingers making the “w” at her chin, so instead her sign for “water” is her index finger at her chin with her mouth wide open. Soooo cute.
- Julia and her Daddy had wonderful daddy/daughter time today. All week long, Rob gets home so late from work and Julia doesn’t get to see him much. So when Saturday comes, they finally get a long day to play together.
- We again had a nice week without rain, so Julia and I enjoyed lots of outdoor play. Julia is a real outdoors girl, so I’m not looking forward to our soon-to-be-here rainy fall/winter/spring.
I hope you had a wonderful week too… remember to stop by and add your Weekend Reflection list.
Also visit Faith Lifts. Janice’s Saturday post about discovering her life’s purpose will be up most of Sunday. Then join Heather for Faith Lifts’ Monday Meme – Faith Builders.
Pass the Torch says
I think it’s so good to reflect on our blessings. Even the smallest ones make such a profound difference in our lives, if we notice them.
Off the top of my head? We tackled several organizational things as a family (garage, basement). We also bought pumpkins and plan to carve them. My daughter moved up to the “women’s shoe department”. And we were blessed with two families of friends dropping in this weekend.
Lovely post.
Judi says
I bet she is so cute! I will have to get that DVD for my little ones. Thanks for participating!
Heather says
We absolutely love the Signing Time DVDs. My girls (8 & 6)and my son (5) watch them all the time, which is great since tey have mastered quite a few signs. It works out really well in curch or other “quiet” places since I can sign things to them instead of a whispered yell. (They know the sign for “no” really well!)