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Janice’s 4 year old son Jackson constantly cracks me up with the things he says.
The other day our neighbor Julie gave us some homemade muffins. As usual Julia wouldn’t eat hers, and so Jackson got to eat both. A couple hours later, as we were playing outside, Jackson announced,
“I want to go over to Julie’s house and thank her for those nice muffins.”
Surprised and smiling to myself at his thoughtfulness, I said, “What a great idea Jackson. But, she’s not home, she’s at work.”
He replied, “My mommy works at home, so I’m lucky. Julia and I are lucky because our mommies work at home. But my mommy has gone to work today. She doesn’t usually go to work, but she’s gone today.”
I asked, “Oh, really? Where is she working today?”
“Well, she hasn’t really gone to work… she’s gone to bed.”
I laughed with relief that he had said that to me and not someone else or Janice might have been rather embarrassed. In her defense, she did have a bad cold that day and so going to bed was an appropriate thing to do.
Janice says
This was a riot! I laughed when Sue told me – that little kid is too smart for MY good!
flipflopmamma says
Haha!! If my daughter gives me the phone when I’m in the middle of a nap, I try to put on my most “awake” voice that I can muster!!! I’m sure people can tell I was sleeping, as a lot of times when I’m awake people ask me if I was sleeping!! I’ve been attempting to be more chipper when I answer the phone.
e-Mom says
Really cute! Your two little ones are going to grow up like siblings. That is just awesome. (I hope Janice feels better tomorrow.) Blessings, e-Mom
Judi says
I just did a similar post with several “funnies” my little girl has come out with. You should visit and read them for a good laugh.
Jill Shalvis says
I love that age, I could sit and talk to a four year old all day. Not sure what that says about MY age, lol . . .
Kailani says
I guess we all need our rest! LOL!
Heidi says
LOL! Oh, they are the best!
Susanne says
What?! Going to bed is not work? :vD
I love that boy’s chatterings!
Diane says
I love the heart of a four year old!
MamaDuck says
LOL they do say the funniest things! How cute!
Heather says
Haha! They are funny little creatures, arent they!
Have a good weekend Susan 🙂
Jodi says
Gotta love em!! Kids do say the funniest things!