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Husband-and-wife counseling team and co-creators of the eHarmony marriage program Les and Leslie Parrott urge their readers to try Trading Places. Trading Places is all about empathy. They claim that if we truly emphasize with the other person–imagine what they are feeling and why–that there will be less conflict, less yelling, and more happiness.
Leslie shared a story with which I could relate all too well to demonstrate the power of responding empathetically. I’ll share my parallel story with you. Actually, in thinking about how to share it, I realize (sadly) that I have several stories that are completely similar, but I’ll stick with one.
I was driving towards home along one of our narrow country lanes, and–BAM–my side view mirror slammed to the side. I pulled over quickly and realized that I must have hit a mailbox or something. I didn’t seem to have damaged any property–except for my mirror. In the age of computer sensors and auto-adjust and defogging, those things are pretty expensive. I was immediately filled with regret for my careless error and dread about breaking the news to Terry.
In the end I called him up right away. I couldn’t wait until he got home, because I was so worried about it. I called the dealer and found out how much our repair costs would be (and it actually wasn’t as high as I thought it would be). When I called him, I apologized and presented the facts, and waited to see how he would react.
He showed empathy (and a heaping measure of mercy and grace) in his response. He understood that although I was careless, it was just a mistake–a mistake that I did feel sorry about. But in analyzing it, I realize that I showed empathy in my attitude as well. I understood that my careless error would cost us money. I understood that he had a right to be upset with me about it (I sometimes feel like the teenager in these situations). Because I portrayed the humility and regret I was feeling when I told him about it, his response mirrored that emotion.
Living out this situation (and several others throughout our fifteen years of marriage) has shown me the importance of making this effort to know and understand one another in this way.
The book has a wonderful format. First there’s a walk-through of how the material will be presented, which is great for those of us who want to know what’s coming and what will be expected of us. The information is presented in an easily digestible, conversational tone. The appendix has some great words to use (or avoid) when expressing yourself, and also some additional help for those with special needs: trading places when your spouse doesn’t want to, and a special message for those who have been burned.
If you would be interested in looking at your spouse in a new way (or encouraging a fresh look from him towards you), you can enter to win one of 5 copies of Trading Places by leaving a comment. The winners will be announced next week.
To see what others’ had to say about the book and to watch a little video clip of the Parrotts, check out the Zondervan Blog Trading Places Blog Tour post.
The winner of last week’s book, The Joyous Gift of Grandparenting, is #78 Helen.
MerryMom says
I love this, thought I’d share …
The Quick Change Baby Crib
Adriane says
This looks like a great summer read. Count me in!
This book would be very helpful to me
Gina Stratos says
What a great message. Would like to read the book. Thanks.
Forgetfulone says
Please enter me! Thanks.
Fruitbearer says
Please enter me in this book giveaway. Thanks!
Andrea says
Ahh…this book could come in handy!
stampedwithgrace says
I’d LOVE to win this book!!
thanks for the opportunity 🙂
Kari says
I’ve heard GREAT things about these authors…..please add me! Thank you this one sounds super!!! 🙂
kathy pease says
please enter me 🙂
Jen says
I love these authors, and love the idea for this book! I’d greatly benefit from some encouragement on “trading places” with my sweet husband. He is much more empathetic than I am…
L McLendon says
I’ll take a chance too! Thanks!
Pamela White says
I am interested in seeing my husband from his view. this would surely help our relationship. He has told me that he is more superficial than I think.
philip halter says
enter me please
Heather C says
This would help many households, I do believe. Thanks for a shot at winning it. 🙂
Sally Baldwin says
Sounds interesting! Enter me please!
Karrie says
sounds good
naomi bailey says
I guess alot of times we don`t think about our partners problems and tasks. This would be a great book for me and my husband. Hope I can win it.
Inventing Matilda says
I would love to read Trading Places. This looks like a book for anyone who has ever thought that their partner just does not get it. I can’t wait to read it…no offense to my husband.
-Inventing Matida
Kara Poulios says
Hope I win!
Julia says
This sounds like an interesting book!
dallimomma says
This looks like a great book.
Angela Brasier says
I would love to win this book!
Allison Frey says
Sounds great…would love to read it!!
ter says
I’d be interested in this book, if it can be shipped to Canada. 🙂
Jane says
Looks like a great book!
Michelle ~ [ real neat ] says
Hmmm… Looks like a very interesting book! Count me in!
Nikki Evans says
I love to read (when I can get a spare minute) and usually do it when I am waiting in the car pickup line for the kids to get out of school. I would love to win this because I should at least have a little more time during the summer to read.
sandra kao says
sounds interesting
Kathy Conley says
This would be a great couples book
jenni!!! says
Hubby and I could really use this; its hard adjusting to parenthood.
Toni says
I would love to win this book I love to read and it seems very interesting
Heather G. says
I’d like this book!
Danielle S says
THis sounds like an awesome book!!!
Valerie Mitchell says
shellie says
I am excited! count me in!!!!
naomi bailey says
love to watch trading places …would be interested in trading places!!!
megan says
Sounds like a good read!
Jen G says
Sounds like a good read!
Mary says
Great giveaway, thanks!
JoAnne Strezo says
This book would be of great use at this point in my marriage; I feel soooooooooooooo unappreciated!
Heather Brandt says
I’d love to win this!
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
Tisha says
This book looks really interesting… I would love to read it!
LN says
One of the constant goals in marriage is to work on understanding one another, and this would definitely help 🙂
Jean says
Things are good with us, but they can always be better! =)
Elizabeth M. says
I really think this technique would work. I’d love to read it.
Kristinia says
WOW I definately would like to read this! Very intriguing! Thanks for the great find and review!
israel y says
thanks for another contest!
Patricia says
This looks like a great read! Thanks!
Lindsie says
Sounds like a great book! I would love to read it.
Colleen says
I know my hubby and I could benefit from this book. The anecedote you shared sounds very familiar. Thanks for sharing your review!
lindsey says
It is always a good idea to try and see things from alternative points of view. I think this book would be an interesting read
Liz Varghese says
I would love to read this book. Need to be constantly reminded to be humble and think of others. Thanks!
Morgan M. says
I’d love to read this and then give it to my husband.
cheryl kelly says
This looks v-e-r-y interesting. Imagine if we could trade places with everyone we meet for just a few minutes. Life would be so different!
Bree says
This book looks great!
Belinda says
This would be a great book for my Husband and I to read. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sandy F. says
looks like a great read…count me in. thanks!!!
annalizav says
great for summer reading!
christy says
It seems like a really good book.
Kelley says
Please count me in! I’d love to read this book.
Shakeia Rieux says
I wanna win
Tanya Peila says
Looks good!
Jill says
I would love to read this to help us as we teach marriage prep
Ramie says
I would love to win one of these! I’m off to my library’s site to see if they have it yet! (probably not)
Katie says
I’d love to read this book with my husband!
Emily N. says
I think the Parrotts are great authors!
jane jakins says
great books
Cindi says
Hi, Our 22nd anniversary is at the end of this month!
For awhile now, I have been telling him that I don’t like his approach to certain happenings anymore. Then, I realized I was partially to blame. We would use this book as a helping tool. Please enter us in your drawing. Much appreciated…..Cindi
Caroline says
This looks like a great book.
Sarah says
Pick me!
Katie says
This would be wonderful! I think every marriage could certainly use this type of advice/encouragement!
Alicia says
Wasnt this a movie with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd?
Judy J says
Empathy is exactly what my husband and I needed for each other this last weekend. This book would help!
Faye says
Looks like a great book to reaad. Count me in 🙂
Charissa says
Great giveaway, sign me up please 🙂
erin says
this book would do us a world of good right now!
jenny hebert says
Great sweeps
Natalie says
I’m always on the lookout for a good book. Count me in!
Melissa says
I would love a chance to win a copy of this book! Thanks!
Julia says
I read the Parrott’s Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts and it was great. Count me in for this one.
Linda Pinto says
I can apply the lessons in this book in my life.
Laura H. says
I need another book to read! 🙂
Jessica McGhee says
Could use this right now.
Carol Harrity says
I am a reader and this book sounds great.
Tyler says
I’d love this book! Thanks for entering me. 😉
Becca says
Sounds like what we need right now….
Melissa Waters says
Oh yes I think me and my husband would greatly benefit from this book.
I love their other books.
Liz says
sounds interesting
Heather says
This would be a good read.
Ken says
This 5 Minutes for Books — Trading Places sweepstakes has been featured on Sweepstakes Advantage, The Web’s Largest Directory of Free Online Sweepstakes. Good Luck to Everyone!
Cathy says
Oh my goodness,we need this one!
Hannah says
Meg says
Oh, my. I love the Parrott’s wisdom. This book would be a wonderful read. Thank you!
Belinda A. says
I want it and yup, we need it!
Courtney says
Sounds like a great read!
Mommy Bee says
This sounds GREAT!
Ashley says
would love it
Shaina Pearce says
hmm – not sure if I can wait to win it – might have to buy it instead…. Thanks
WherestheBox says
This sounds like a really neat book – thanks for sharing it!
Ginnie says
This one’s been on my wish list for a while. Please enter my name. Thanks!
Beth says
I love the Parrott’s! Thanks!
tanyetta says
yes! thank you.
Tara R. says
sounds great! count me in please.
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry says
Oh boy, would I love to read this book! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!
jenna says
I like Les & Leslie’s work. I’d love to win this book.
Sally says
Oh I sooo want this book!