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Kids and movies go together.
Let’s be honest, as moms we like the idea that if we put in a movie, we know that it could buy us an hour and a half of peace and quiet. And it’s not (always) just a selfish motivation. Kids often get so ramped up, especially with the added stimulation of visiting friends and family and extra sugar that comes with holiday treats. Watching a movie can sometimes ensure that they’ll all sit down and relax for a while.
We also enjoy watching movies together as a family experience. Nothing brings you closer and breaks down walls than laughing together (Maybe those of you who only have preschoolers don’t know what I mean about breaking down walls, but as the kids get older that division between parent and child naturally comes up as they try to establish their own identities).
In addition to laughing together, a movie like Opposite Day might open up conversations about the frustrations that each of us are feeling about our particular roles. I haven’t yet seen the movie, but here is the summary:
Opposite Day is a hilarious new comedy that puts the kids in charge and the adults in the place. Nine year old Sammy and his eight year old sister Carla go on vacation with their grandparents when their overworked parents are unable to take them. On the first night of their mountain vacation, Sammy makes a childlike wish, “I wish kids ruled the world.”
Little did he know what was about to happen!
You can also watch the trailer:
We have a great gift pack for one of you (U.S. shipping only, please), worth over $150:
- Portable DVD Player
- Opposite Day DVD
- The Velveteen Rabbit Christmas DVD
- The Dog Who Saved Christmas DVD
- All Roads Lead Home DVD
Disclosure: We have received financial compensation in exchange for sharing and administrating this giveaway.
Leave a comment if you’d like to win (U.S. only). The winner will be announced on January 8.
trixx says
This would be fun to win. Thanks!
Lisa L says
This would be awesome for my son since we take lots of trips in the car!
Jill H. says
Oh my my kids would love this for our upcoming trip…pick me! 🙂
crystal allen says
we would love to watch all of these movies on family night. we would have enough to last for a month! the Portable DVD Player would be great for road trips too! thanks clallen at ntin dot net
Jen B. says
My kids always think they are in charge, I keep telling them that mom and dad are the bosses! It would be nice for them to get a taste of their “dream life” by watching Opposite Day together! 🙂 I’d love to win this prize, the portable DVD player would be fantastic for my 2 year old who is constantly dragged around to sporting events. Thanks for the chance.
Richard says
This would be great for my family.
Staci A says
The movie sounds great! We would love to see it!
Michelle says
I haven’t heard of this movie, sounds cute!
DB says
I’d really love to win!
Marie says
my family would love this
Kimberly says
My family woud be overjoyed if I won this prize pack. Awesome!
Betsy Hoff says
Thanks for the chance! My son would love this for his birthday this year!
Jill says
Thanks for offering.
Claudia N says
I would love to win
Megret says
This movie looks so fun!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
Sarah - PS Mom Reviews says
This looks like a good family movie.
[email protected]
noreen says
I laughed out loud, looks like a great movie
Jessica Harwood says
This looks so funny! Thanks for the giveaway!
John says
Nice giveaway!
Natalia says
Would like to win!
Stephanie says
A personal DVD player would be awesome for our 4-year-old on our upcoming Give Every Day trek across the country. I bet she’d really like The Velveteen Rabbit.
Stephanie says
I meant PORTABLE DVD player – oops! 😉
nan says
this would be great for us
nannypanpan at
mrsshukra says
Would like to watch this film, count me in!
Terri says
This would be so great to win, Super Giveaway!
[email protected]
Idaho Jill says
looks great for the whole family!
Terra Heck says
These would be fun movies to add to our DVD collection. Thanks.
Samantha R says
I would love to win! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Melissa P. says
Oh boy would I love to win. Thanks for the opportunity
Celeste says
Yes, please!
Linda Kish says
These look like fun movies.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Mellamommy says
Fun. I would love to win the player. We have to travel a good bit to see any of our family. I hope I win!
Brenda Rupp says
Would love to win one! Great for travel!!
LaVonne says
I’d love to win!
shelly says
This sounds like a fun movie! The others sound great too. Thanks for the chance.
Marlena U. says
wonderful! we’ve been wanting to get one of these and the DVDs are great options for the whole family!
Vilmarys says
The movie sounds like a lot of fun. Great Giveaway! I would love to win 🙂
Marj M. says
What a wonderful Christmas Movie Day package that I would really like to win.
Susan P. says
What a nice prize pack – especially with the portable DVD player.
Payal says
Cute trailer. Thanks for the giveaway!
Stephanie Brown says
I know my kids would love this! It looks like a pretty good movie.
Aura says
For my 7 year old who wants to know why he can’t be in charge ever- he would be THRILLED!!
Jen says
This would be a fun gift. I’d love to win.
Lachelle says
I can see this being a very popular movie!
Annie says
Looks like a fun time!
Amy Brewer says
These look like awesome prizes!! I have a preschooler and 2 older children. We love to watch movies together… Opposite day seems like it would be a great movie..
Amber says
Cute! Thanks for a chance to win!
Adele says
Always looking for some home time family fun. This sounds perfect.
Daniel M says
i want to win, looks like a fun one
Dawn says
This would be so cool to win! Thanks for the chance.
Stacie says
That look great! I’d love to win!
Angel S. says
This sounds like a lot of fun – count me in!
Barbie says
Would love to win this prize pack!
Tamara Cosby says
Oh how my children would LOVE this! They would think I was the COOLEST mom ever! Thank you for the giveaway!
Christine says
Looks like a great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!
Alison S. says
That movie looks really cute. (And all the other goodies with it!) Thanks for hosting this!
Regina says
Looks like a super cute movie and that portable dvd player would be awesome for the kiddos when traveling!
Jessica says
Great prizes!
Shonni says
That looks so fun and would love to win also!! Thanks for doing this.
Sherri V. says
Fun videos and the Player would also be great for homeschooling. Thanks for the opportunity.
Becca says
Showed my kids the trailer, looks like fun! I would love to win! 🙂
Jenn says
This looks hilarious!! I would love to win!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!! 🙂