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This weekend, Olivia “made strange” for the first time.
When my friend Crystal, whom Olivia hasn’t seen much lately, came over Friday night, I passed Olivia to her and left the room for a moment. Olivia cooed and played with her until I walked back in the room and Olivia saw me. She realized she was with a strange face and that she wanted to be with her Mommy. She burst into tears.
After settling in my arms, we tried again. Nope. I. want. my. Mommy.
Eventually, when Olivia was ready for a little nap, she did let her Auntie Crystal rock her to sleep (facing away from Mommy though.)
Olivia is four and a half months old. So I knew it would happen soon. But already?!?
“Making strange” to me is like a little rite of passage. It means she is no longer a newborn who settles with even a stranger’s heart beat and warm, rocking arms. “Making strange” means that she is now a baby who is keenly aware of what is going on around her. She knows, loves and prefers her familiar faces.
It is bittersweet. I love that my baby wants me. She really knows who I am! But it is sad that she is growing up so fast. Her infant days are vanishing so quickly and I don’t want to let them go. Olivia is such a sweet, easy baby. I am enjoying every second with her as an infant. Honestly – I don’t want it to end!
How about your babies? What age did they begin to “make strange?”
Twisted Cinderella says
I remember the bittersweetness as those milestones pass by.
Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) says
Thanks so much ladies for sharing your experiences – I love to find out about your babies!
Tonight Olivia totally made strange for my father-in-law who came over to watch the hockey game. I felt so bad. She just burst into tears and wouldn’t calm down until I took her.
Oh – but it is so wonderful to be so loved. 🙂
feefifoto says
My son, who’s been running for office since the day he was born, would go to anyone, even if I was there. My daughter, not so much. She still wants me to wear her sometimes, unless her BFFs are around, in which case I don’t seem to exist.
Cindy says
Wow. What a great way to put it? I never really thought about the time when my babies recognized the difference. If my fuzzy memory serves right (it’s been close to 2 years now), I guess, around 5 months for both of mine. They’re 2 and 3. It’s stories like this that have me a little ready to start all over. Almost!
Overwhelmed With Joy! says
I don’t think our son really experienced that until we put him in daycare at the age of 5 months. Then he experienced separation anxiety (broke my heart ~ we had him there for 3 months).
Our foster daughter is now 3 1/2 months old and she’s still content to be held by anyone that wants her. She flashes her gummy smile and instantly wins them over.
Honestly, I hope she doesn’t go through that “make strange” stage too soon because more than likely her parents (who only get supervised visits twice a week for 2 hours) will probably get the short end of the stick in that respect and I know it would break their hearts.
Time will tell.
Happy Mama says
As of yet non of my three kids have experienced that per se….however when I went into the hospital to have baby #3 both Tornado and Lady bug both freaked out…now tornado (2 12) reminds us often..mommy daddy doe way baby….roughly translated mommy and daddy go away to have a baby..When asked if he wants another he says YES! You’d think he would have his hands full! I do!
Elaine says
My son started this around 6 months, maybe a little earlier, and is just now getting out of it (almost 9 months). He’s kind of a “mamma’s boy!” But, I know he won’t be some day, so I am okay with it for now!
Alexia says
My boys never have really been afraid of strangers – they grew up with so many people around them all the time that it’s normal.
Jennifer On the Path to Glory says
I don’t know when my little one started to do that. But I know that she does it.
Tara Robertson says
my Olivia also started making strange around 4 months… maybe it has something to do with the name 🙂
Tiff says
I believe my youngest was 9 months old when he started being upset about somone esle holding him. He would scream the minute he saw my mom and stepdad. He’s better now and I’m able to leave in him the nursery at church with no crying!
Tiffany says
My daughter started about 4 months. It really only lasted a month though. She is very outgoing and comfortable with anyone…as long as mommy is comfortable with them.
Heather says
From DAY ONE. At the hospital, the nurses would take my ds out of my room to give me a break. Good intentions, but, ds cried on them the WHOLE time he was away from me. They would bring him back quickly and say “He wants his Mommy!” As soon as I would get him, he would hush. This lasted for several years…. LOL. Yeah, I can laugh… now. 😉
Mandi says
I’m still waiting for my son to “make strange” and he’s nearly four and a half years old. He’ll happily go off with anyone and I mean anyone without even a backwards glance or a goodbye.
EssentialFamilyLiving says
My babies had aunts and nannies babysit for them beginning at 6 weeks and so I never really remember them going through that stage. They never cried for me or even cried when they were put in a group of strangers such as a church nursery. It was good at the time because I did not have to go through the heart renching dispare of their separation from me; however, now that I am home full time (and they are 12 & 6) I sometimes long for those days to do over!!
Jane says
I have six kids and I can’t remember when any one of them did that. But I do remember that each one of them has always been prone to a little separation anxiety. It is bittersweet, as you say, when any one of our kids reaches a milestone that takes them a step closer to independence but a step further from needing me.
That’s why we like to keep some “bench strength” as my husband calls it–someone little always waiting on deck–at this rate we’ll have little kids until our oldest (almost 14) has grand kids for us to snuggle!
Danielle says
Eliza is about 4 1/2 months and just started crying when she sees new faces. It doesn’t happen every time, but she has had her moments.
TheAngelForever says
My youngest is going to be nine months old this week. I believe he really started to have that happen just before he was five months old. Now he’s still clingy to me (which as you said is a mixed happy/sad moment), but typically will warm up to people . . . assuming I am able to be seen or heard.
Heidi says
My oldest (and only biological) child never had a strange bone in her body! She would always go to ANYBODY! It was actually kinda scary~ I was sure she was just going to join up with a new family sometime.
My younger two, both adopted, have both been rather attached to Mommy ever since coming home (ages 4 months and 7 months). Ian (the youngest) still won’t go to anyone but us and his sisters and my parents.
brandy w says
my daughter started about four months. my middle child is now twenty months and still won’t be around any one but mom or dad
Mamacheryl says
When Anna had just turned three months old, she started screeching/screaming at the sight of strange faces. The first one was my mother, though that was at the start of a three-day Nana fest, and now she grins when she sees Nana. The second one was my father. Then some weird ladies at a baby shower. She’s never minded being held by her aunties, even though she rarely sees them. It’s a mystery. My darling daughter is an enigma, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to crack her code.
Lundie says
Four and a half months already. Wow. I can’t believe it. Jack never really went through that too much. I’m guessing because the Grandma’s were always around and we didn’t get out much.
I miss chatting with you guys – we’ll need to catch up soon! ((hugs))