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Technorati Tags: wordless wednesday |
by Janice
Janice is co-founder of 5 Minutes For Mom. She's been working online since 2003 and is thankful her days are full of social media, writing and photography.
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Gina says
SOOOOO cute! I love it!
The Pajama Mama says
I’m beyond words. That picture is priceless and precious. Thank you so much for sharing it.
presentstorm says
aweeee now that is just precious. What a great capture… Great job 😉
Rena says
I’m all warm and fuzzy inside now.
Wonderful pic.
dawn says
So adorable!
Becky says
Thank you for sharing that precious picture. I appreciate this sight…..I”ve just recently stumbled upon it but the title says it all….5 minutes for mom…..which is all we need sometimes to refresh so we can be that much better of a mom to our children. Thank you for the motivation and the ideas that you share.
Christina says
I Love this picture. There is nothing like a pictures of babies or kids, except maybe animals. All the cute stuff. I love looking at these photos. Thanks for posting. This is definately a moment type of picture.
Jess says
aaaawwwwww… great intro’s!!
Jessica says
That is adorable!!! 🙂
Momma Piñata says
That’s too cute! I love taking pictures of children!
Nikkie says
That is such a sweet photo!
Beckie says
Precious! Children make the best pictures! My WW is up too.
michelle says
How precious! Looks like they’ll be friends for life. Mine’s up too!
Mrs Blythe says
What a gorgeous picture! Lol
Kristen says
What a sweet picture! So precious! Getting ready to put up my WW.
Lazy Daisy says
Looks like love at first sight. I’m in purple puddles. My WW is up.
Jae says
Awww! That’s a sweet pic!! Thank you for sharing it.
Happy WW to you!
Glass Half Full says
Sweet…..sweet….and more sweet!!! 🙂
Xav's Mama says
What a beautiful photo! They are so cute.
Debbie says
As in meet up close and personal! Very cute shot! Nice photo for WW.
My WW is up! Happy Wednesday!
Adventures In Babywearing says
The “close talker” from Seinfeld!! AH!!!
No really, that’s so precious and I’ve taken similar pictures with each of my boys…
flipflopmamma says
AAwwww…that’s soo cute it makes me want to cry!!! Yeah, I posted my WW up TUESDAY evening around 10 pm before I went to bed!!Ha! You were too funny on my comments!
MamaDuck says
So sweet!! Happy WW!
eph2810 says
This is a very 😎 picture. Surprised that Julia didn’t start crying, because Audrey was ‘in-her-face’. Thank you for sharing the beauty of children.
Mom In Action says
Too cute for words!
Jodi says
What a cute picture!
KellyC says
SOOOO sweet! Mine’s up too – new blog design!
Thanks for mentioning the Pass the Torch contest. I look forward to your entries!
Barbara says
This is a picture to treasure!
Randi says
awww….so cute!
Gina says
How precious! My Wordless Wednesday is a little more sinister!