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Janice is currently tackling our Christmas shopping…
At two o’clock this afternoon, Janice packed up her baby, grabbed her passport and headed for the border. Yes, this is the first Christmas since we were 3 year olds waiting for Santa that our Canadian dollar has sent us south to stuff stockings.
As I wearily explained in my middle of the night Christmas Tour post last night, our crazy life of working-at-home with babies and preschoolers underfoot leaves a pitiful amount of time for the typical holiday preparations.
And so in our typical twin fashion, we get through by sharing the workload. Janice shopped while mom worked and I babysat and worked as much as possible.
So it is now midnight and Janice is just about to cross back onto Canadian soil and pay a barrel of taxes on her way through. We only live a few minutes from the border, but it was a marathon trip and she’s exhausted. Unfortunately, Olivia slept through most of it and is likely now ready for a night of play.
But still, today I was jealous. If you can believe it, I wished it were me in the overcrowded stores pushing my way past other frantic mothers who’ve left their shopping to the last week.
I’m rather tired of being home with my computer as my only relief from diapers and temper tantrums. I’d love to get out by myself and do some damage to my bank account.
But logistically it made more sense for Janice to play speedster Santa and collect up a bag full of gifts for all our kids at once while I stayed here to field calls from other moms who decided to push the UPS delivery date guidelines to the limit.
So we are tackling…. but just not house cleaning this week… What about you?
What are you tackling this week?
Proverbs31 says
At least you no longer have to worry about the gifts and it is taken care of. =)
That’s more than I can say!!
Kerith Collins says
i wish i could go shopping. but after living in Iowa and Minnesota my whole life, I still don’t like going out in the cold
Organizing Mommy says
This is my first time. I’m interested in participating in your web. Sorry you are discouraged about being home. Chin up. Kids grow up soon enough, but it seems kind of slow on some days. It’s nice you sisters have each other.
Cafemommy says
I know how you felt…wanting to be at the stores…it’s a kind of liberating to get out…I left my hubby in-charge last night and shopped till midnight – claiming “I need a break!” But only 7 days til Santa come!
MadameMeow says
I’ve gotten most of my Christmas Cards done… but not totally.
And my Tackle It Tuesday was getting my son’s closet clean!
Forgetfulone says
Christmas cards, cleaning, and getting my videos on the computer! What a tackle!
donetta says
I sew Isew so off to work I go. Merry Christmas!
feefifoto says
Just hoooold on — only a few more days.
Speaking from the Heart says
It must be nice to have a twin to share duties. I hope you two find time to rest and “breathe”
Michelle says
All the best to you both and your Mum this week.Don’t hurt the ups guy! *likely the driver that my dh works with*.Be very happy that you can snuggle little miss sophia close ;-)nothing like cuddling a baby.Have a great day,Merry Christmas.
Shera - A Frog In My Soup says
I am praying for you girls this week! You all deserve a nice long vacation somewhere warm and tropical! So my virtual Christmas gift to you is a virtual tropical vacation after christmas complete with sitters to care for the kids so you can go out for an evening! If only I could really bestow such loveliness upon you!
Merry Christmas!
Beckie says
Awww… Snuggle that wee one close and enjoy the warmth of your house. :o)
(This year, being 9 months pregnant, I think shopping is overrated. Sigh…)
Blessings, Beckie :o)
Suzanne says
Well, yesterday I bit the bullet and tackled Target, Kohls, Wal-Mart, and TRU. I spent six hours finishing the shopping. I think 2 hours of it was sitting in traffic in front of Toys R Us. Now to wrap it. I am hoping the Fex Ex guy will deliver an elf to help me today!
Carry on warrior moms – we’re going to make it!
Tyra says
I am finishing up my shopping tonight and I’ll be so glad to be done!
MyStarbucks says
I wish I could travel somewhere to shop. I have had to do a lot on-line because I have been so busy. Our elementary school is out already for break and I can’t figure out when I’m going to be able to go finish up my shopping.
melissa says
Christmas cards! I mailed a bazillion Christmas cards. But, I also tried to hand write a little personal note in each one. They are finished and in the mail!
palmtreefanatic says
I know how you feel…I too still need to finish shopping and normally I am so Done long before this! Somehow it all falls into place;) hang in there!
Merry christmas!
Scrapping Servant says
I sympathize with your tiredness and tantrums, my kids drove me completely crazy today. I feel like I got nothing done, I am planning for tomorrow to be better… it really doesn’t help that I am now past 8 months pregnant to WAY too emotional!