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Practical Luxury
Picture the softest, most luxurious blanket you have ever touched and then imagine that blanket is perfectly designed to stay in place when you put it on your baby’s stroller or wrap it around your baby carrier and you have the Secure2Me Baby Blankets.
These functional and gorgeous blankets are designed by Amy Long, a mother of three, who was tired of blankets that always slipped and fell off her baby stroller or baby carrier.
When her baby’s blanket landed in a puddle in a parking lot, Amy had had enough and took matters into her own hands. She sought out the most incredible fabrics she could find, searched through seventy different clip designs and tried out six different design shapes to create her masterpiece – the Secure2Me baby blanket.
The need for such a blanket really hit home for me the other day when I was dropping off Jackson at school. My friend had a nine month old baby in his stroller with no blanket in the brisk, fall wind. When one of the other moms commented about the blanketless baby, my friend told us that it is impossible for her to keep a blanket on her baby. He kicks or throws it off within seconds. (Yes of course, I immediately told her about the Secure2Me baby blanket!)
The Secure2Me baby blankets are available in different weights – so your baby will be covered in all seasons. We tried out the Pink Bon Bon blanket which is made with the most fabulous pink rosebud minky swirl fabric and is backed with cozy minky cuddle velvet. I couldn’t be more in love with this blanket!
Amy is giving three of you a chance to indulge your baby or gift your friend’s baby with this incredible blanket this Christmas in our Christmas Giveaway. (But don’t worry if you don’t win – you will be thrilled at how reasonably priced this little piece of luxury is.)
If you want to win, all the instructions are explained in the Christmas Giveaway 2007 post (including the code to put our Christmas Giveaway button on your site.)
But here is a quick run through:
- Leave a comment on this post to be entered.
- Either post a link to this contest OR post a button linking to our Christmas Giveaway post. (If you post the button and link to the Christmas Giveaway, you are qualified to enter in all the upcoming Christmas Giveaway contests. And we have many more contests to come!) Non-bloggers are welcome too – we understand you can’t link – but feel free to pass the word on to your friends.
(This giveaway is open to US and Canadian shipping addresses.)
Lerry says
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Jenny says
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Thanks for your time to post this article.
Kassie says
That is awesome!
Darci R says
Please enter me!
SARAH says
This is a amazing idea, i love to walk all over town with my son and i walk trails and areas like that…and i dont know how many times his blanket got caught underneath the wheels and tore or got really dirty….i need to get me one!
Nancy says
My Daughter would love one of those blankets for her first baby!!Looks warm and comfy.
Laura Geerman says
They look like little blankets of heaven. How could you say no to that? Count me in.
Heather K says
Count us in!
melissa l. says
too bad it’s not made for adults – but for babies, this is great! They look so cozy and warm!
you da mom! says
please include me! these look terrific!
Catherine says
They look soooo cute and very useful.
Kristy C says
How handy is this!
Kellyn says
This is a great idea! Count me in!
Abigail says
would go wonderfully with the stroller for my nephews!!!!
Elizabeth says
Lovely. Blue of course.
Sarah Berry says
Please enter me it would be great for my 2 month old daughter. It looks so soft.
Jen says
Please enter me. Thanks for hosting!
Gliding through Motherhood says
Good idea!
Lea says
Great idea! Thanks for including me in the drawing.
jane jakins says
Erin says
Very cool gadget. Looks so soft too.
Laura M says
Great idea. Please enter me!
Allison Espino says
Yummy! These blankets are so gorgeous!
~Allison E.
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry says
Gorgeous and smart, too! Thanks for the giveaway!
Rosanne Morrison says
looks very soft
kathy pease says
good luck 2 all 🙂
jennifer morgan says
wow it looks so comfy. What a good idea.
Reiza says
I have a few friends with babies. I’d love to be able to give this to one of them. This is a great idea.
Claudette says
Looks so soft!
Modern Mami says
My brother just had a baby up in Milwaukee…this would be great to keep his lil one warm. Count me in!
Stacey Moore says
We would love to win!!!!!!!
Ginger says
Great invention
Danny S says
this looks like really is soft
Bonnie Walker says
I’m in! Thanks! 🙂
Jennifer Parrett says
How awesome…count me in.
Melanie G says
Does this come in my size? 😉 Count me in!
melissa cate says
so cute…I love it
pat says
Someone was VERY clever when she thought this one up.
Would love to have one.
Linda says
Please enter me in your contest
Jessica A. says
Cozy! Enter me, please!
Elizabeth Newsome says
Please enter me – this would be great!
Jamie says
Count me in–how adorable!
Tonya Hall says
Please enter me!
Molly B says
How lovely and cozy it looks. What a wonderful idea. I’ve used clothes pins in the past to try and secure blankets, but those fell off too. Thanks for sharing!
Karen Matlock says
so cozy!
Heather C says
Oh! My, gosh! That looks good enough to eat.
JoAnn zimmerman says
Beautiful Blanket!
Charlene Kuser says
This is so special I would love it.Please enter me
Vicki Weisshaar says
What a great gift. I’m in.
Kathryn says
I would love to give this as a gift! thanks for the chance to win.
Tracy says
Enter me. My nieces will love these tnayar at cox dot net
Cherie says
Wow! Wow! Wow! I LOVE this idea! Pick me!
Laura says
Beautiful blankets! I’d love to see my baby girl in one when she arrives in February!
Natalie says
What a great idea!
Nina says
I’d love to win this…thanks!
Mommy Instincts says
OOoooo, Steph over at Adventures in Babywearing showed me her Secure2Me, it was lovely! I would love to get one of my own to block out this nasty, midwestern cold wind we live with for the entire winter. Bbbbrrrrr, I can feel it already!
Thanks for offering this blanket!
Kyle says
Count me in please!
Stevie says
If I don’t win this I’m buying one for sure! What a great idea!
The Soft Landing Baby Blog says
This would be the best Christmas present for my teeny little neice!
Tina says
awesome idea!
Patty Smith says
My first grandchild is due in May 08. I am so excited to find such incredible things for her/him, things that were not around when I was searching for my own babies!
philip halter says
love to win
Jill Rivera says
I wish I have this for my first baby. Please count me in to the contest.
Lisa Petersavage says
This looks great! Count me in!
Julie Lawrence says
OMG that is the sweetest baby!!
What a great idea.I’d love to win it
Jenna says
These are absolutely beautiful… Enter me please.
Thanks so much!
jayedee says
please put my name in the hat! thank you and good luck to all!
Rebecca Robertson says
count me in for a blue one
Vicki says
Oh, this looks wonderful! Enter me, please!
irene kato says
Super squishy. 😀
Joleen Larsen says
This looks so soft and warm…do they make these for adults?
Tamara Leonard Merritt says
The kids would love this!
We need Christmas gifts!
Linked back
Valerie Mitchell says
R Hicks says
Perfect for my little one
mary b. isaac says
this would be perfect for my niece
Traci S. says
What a gift of ingenius. I love those blankets. I can’t tell you how many times I have ran over my baby’s blanket with the stroller because it has fallen off of her. And I also have to bring an extra blanket for just that reason. The other one gets dirty. Please enter me in this contest and consider me to win one of the neato inventions for babies. Thanks sooo much.
Kristy says
Very Cute!!
Pauline Burns says
LeeAnn Prescott says
what a great blanket, perfect for the cold weather. Does it come in my size? lol.
Audrey b says
looks super soft!
Dawn Garlick says
Yes I would love this blanket. Wish they made them big enough for me, they look so soft and warm.
Shakeia Rieux says
enter me
Brenda Howard says
great gift and looks so soft and cuddly, my daughter is due in January, cout me in
Rachel M says
Great idea! I’d love to be entered, please. 🙂
Pamela White says
VERY CUTE I want this.
Josiane M says
Sooooooooo soft…
Kristi Gengler says
Wow!!! These look wonderful.
Kristin says
I am in!
Natalie M says
so cute! count me in
Gem says
How clever, please enter me in this one.
Jessica says
very cool! i have never seen these before – what a perfect gift for my baby’s first christmas!
Deb says
What a wonderful idea! The lavender bon bon blanet was beautiful! This would make the perfect gift for the little one arriving in February.
Jenn says
These look perfect! My 3 month old is constantly kicking, or pulling her blanket off of her between the car and the house or the car and the store or the car and… well you get the picture! This is an awesome idea, I would love to win one!
Jennifer Kmita says
Looks very soft
Shaun Wallner says
This would be great for my baby twins
Linda Price says
this looks just beautiful- my new grandduaghter would
make alot of use out of this blanket.
esther says
Tammy says
We put together gift baskets at work for many families at christmas this would be a great.
jenn kerr says
awe! such a cute picture, Rad blanket!
Kaitlin Martin says
Thank you so much!
Aimee says
What a great concept! I would love this!
Michelle says
Another ingenious product by a mom looking for a creative solution. These look wonderful.
Michelle says
A miracle is arriving in Feb == this would be perfect for her.
Jynell says
Pick me! Pick ME!!! 😀
Michelle in Mx says
OH! This would be WONDERFUL! Sign me up, please!
Yvette Ling says
With our first snow on Thanksgiving day…this would really come in handy on the way to grandma’s!
Dawn says
I would love to win one of these for a friend of mine who just had a baby.
Ginny says
Hope I win 🙂
Steph-The OC Mama says
I have a new baby and would love to have this!
Mama Pajama says
Please count me in! Thanks!
Sara Taylor says
SIgn us up!
Jennifer says
Sign me up!
Stacy says
What a great idea!
Avis says
What a heavenly…cuddly blankie! My granson-to-be would love it! Count me in! THANKS!!!
I’ve posted the button on my blog:
Heather Walker says
Adorable! Sure would love to win. 🙂
Heather Walker
Alicia says
how fun – definitely would make a great gift for the new mom
Marianna Ballard says
So snuggly! Thanks for the giveaway!
Melanie says
Enter me please! I would love this awesome product for my sister!
Shannon **Gabi's Mom** says
What a great idea. Please add me!
Stephanne M says
What a great idea!
Andi says
So pretty & snuggly!
Nicole Le Blanc says
Kierra says
Awww, so cute! Thanks!
Anna Bell says
Wow, what lovely blankets. I see some adorable babies cuddled up in these. I hope to win.
Beth Kuligowski says
looks like a great product. please sign me up!
A Bishops wife says
snuggly,soft, cozy and warm! Kids love blankets!
HollowSquirrel says
Do they make this in adult sizes? Well, I’d like one for the babies anyways! Sign me up!
Jessica Carr says
What a FABULOUS idea…I want to enter to win!!
stine says
so cute!!! enter me please 🙂
Jenna says
Ooh! Please enter me! My sister’s baby is due in March and it’s still pretty chilly in March in Washington DC.
wende says
My grandaughter is due to be born on Dec. 16th and one of these blankets would be great for her! They look so soft and cozy!!
Megan K says
They are beautiful!! I love that soft pink one.
Denean says
LOVE IT! Thanks for the chance!
Carrie says
Please sign me up. My button is all set up on my blog!
Bess says
Count me in! 🙂
Deborah says
I lOVE it!
Julie says
I’m expecting in April! This would come in so handy 🙂
Dawn says
My snuggle bunny would love this. We’ll tell all his snuggle bunny friends, too!
Angela and Nate says
I saw the news clip on you tube about this great blanket! Nate and I have already decided we want one! We constantly struggle with our blankets falling off our car seat and the stroller. Having a Secure2me blanket will solve our problem!
Adena says
I would really love to win this, my son throws off blankets too! Know of any solution for him tossing his shoes??
Alison Dellenbaugh says
I have a baby who could use one of these! Sounds like a great gift idea, too. I linked to you on my blog.
Lib says
I have to you linked!
Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone participating!
notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Cassandra says
These are really neat! Count me in!
Bhavana says
Enter me please. Thanks!
Penney Douglas says
Beautiful and functional. I love it!
Corinne says
We could use this for our winter baby definitely!
Carrie says
Great idea!
Kim C. says
So sweet. Please count me in.
Thank you!
My Quotidian Mysteries says
These are gorgeous. I really hope I win!
Aubree says
I am having my first baby in March 2008 and its going to be a girl!! I know she would love one of these soft cuddly blankets.. count me in!
christy says
Gotta have this. Enter me!
Gail Newton says
What a great idea and what a wonderful gift for our new grandbaby.
Felicia says
great idea!
Janet Collier says
My grandson would love this blankie! Please sign me up.
April says
I love it and I want it, wished I’d invented it.
Jean says
What a great idea! Kudos to the inventors of this! With baby 2 on the way in Feb…a blanket like this would be great…please count me in!
Summer says
This is gorgeous!!! I want this!!!
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
I would so love one of these for my friend who’s expecting in January! 🙂
Stephanie says
Great idea! Please enter me!
Kristal says
Both of my very good friends have newborns. This would be a great gift to give to them.
Julie says
what beautiful blankets!
Jana says
Perfect for my new nephew coming in December (or my baby in the Spring). Please count me in.
Kirsten says
How incredibly gorgeous!
Kathy says
Great idea! My “wiggley” little granddaughter always kicks off her stroller blanket!!
Lindsey says
My 1 yr old would love to carry and sleep with this. Enter me please.
Donna says
Wow! It looks so soft. What a great idea!
Liz says
Oh I love it! This would be perfect for the baby we are expecting in Feb. Please enter me!
Christy says
That looks like a great idea. I hope I win.
Michelle Carter says
Great Idea
Nan says
This would make a wonderful gift for one of my pregnant friends up here in Canada!
kimberly says
Please enter me in this contest.
Jeannie says
Count me in!
Not the Queen says
That looks so cozy! Count me in, please!
Scrapping Servant says
This is a great idea! I want one! :o)
Carrie says
Genius, pure brilliance. count me in.
Nissa H. says
This is so soft looking! My princess needs this blanket! Does she make one for adults, yet? 🙂
Melanie says
That is such a neat idea. 😀
Kate says
These look so soft!
@nnaliza says
ooooo that’s a nice blanket!
Lori says
My 8 month old granddaughter moves around so uch it’s hard to keep a blanket on her. This looks perfect- practical yet luxurious! Thanks for a great product.
julia jones says
hope it feel as good as it looks
Lisa M says
It looks so cozy I want one for myself
Andrea says
Those look so soft and comfy! My little blanket boy would love it!
Angela C says
Wow, those look so snuggly…pick me pick me!!
Shannon says
These are so precious!
Debye says
I love these blankets (so does my son)! They are as soft as you would think and you can also attach it to yourself as a nursing cape.
Cushie Pushie says
What a great idea!
Jenna says
Gorrrrgeous! It looks so soft!
Brandi says
This would be great for the new baby! Count me in!
erin says
so sweet
Nancy Jachcik says
How sweet Would love this !
Cathi says
Gorgeous baby blankets. I have your button on my blog!!
Peggie says
Great gift for the new baby coming our way. Count me in
Julie Zep says
Wow! Beautiful! Enter me please!
Noralee says
What a great idea!! Please enter me in the drawing, thanks.
Richelle F says
That looks cozy. Enter me!
Sylvia says
Absolutely brilliant!
Fuzzy says
That looks so cozy. Please enter me!
Erin says
Looks so soft and luxurious! I’d love to win one!
Cheyenne says
My new niece deserves this gift.
Karima Cousin says
I am having a baby this Chrismas i would love to win this beutiful blankey.
Betty N says
A great idea and really beautiful!
Tricia McCammack says
Looks cozy!
Jeanie says
These blankets are a great idea!
Kathy Benuck says
There’s a new baby in the family for whom this would be perfect during our long New England winter!
Andrea says
Oooh! Sure wish they came in adult sizes, too! That blanket just looks so snuggly!
Katrina says
What a gorgeous blanket! Please enter me too 🙂
dallimomma says
I would love to win this for my new granddaughter.
Kristi says
love this! enter me please.
Paula H says
My little man loves blankies. Enter me, please. Thanks.
Sheena says
These blankets are so clever. I love the story of how secure 2 me began.
Carissa Davis says
Jody (Mile High Mommy) says
What a great idea (wish I would have thought of it first!) 🙂 My daughter would love this cuddly blankie.
Kim says
Please enter me in this wonderful contest!
Audra says
What a clever idea and a blanket. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win one. 🙂
Kristin says
How warm and cozy!
Jessica from NB says
I was really impressed by these blankets!
I hope I get to be the winner.
Shelly says
Oh My how gorgeous! Count me in!
Laura H. says
Oh that blanket looks so sweet and soft!!
Mommy says
What a neat idea, please count me in! 🙂
Jen says
How creative! I’d love to give this to my new niece for Christmas! I posted on my blog previously about the Christmas giveaway! 🙂
Caryn says
Adorable and a fantastic way of keeping it on the baby and off the floor! : )
Sarah at In the Trenches of Mommyhood says
What a great baby gift idea!
Jennifer Barr says
so cozy looking! 🙂
I have no place to link but would still love to enter.
thanks 🙂
Renae says
Oh…I would LOVE to have one of these for my baby. I’d love one for myself too! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
BChsMamaof3 says
Oh that is great! Please count me in : )
TNChick says
oh wow, that looks FAB!! Awesome. I’m entering myself a chance to win. Thanks!
Michele says
So cute!! I LOVE soft blankets!!
Sarah says
What a great idea! Sign me up!
Courtney says
Count me in! Thanks!
Jessica T says
What a lifesaver that could be!
Melanie Trattner says
Great gift! Enter me please.
Jenn in AZ says
This is BEAUTIFUL!! I would like to cuddle with it myself. 🙂 Thanks!
Christina says
Looks luxuriously soft! I would love to give one of these to my friend’s baby due next month!
Jodi Elizabeth says
Soooooooo sweet! Please count me in!
Taowyn says
looks so soft, pretty and practical too.
michelle says
What a great idea these are. I want one!
Pamela Kramer says
That blanket looks so soft! I’m in.
Christin Slade says
Count me in! 🙂
Barbara says
I wish I had thought of that.
Jeanie says
Looks so cuddly soft! The pink would be perfect for my daughter!
heather h says
Oooh, so cozy and lovely. What a great idea. I’d love to win!
tammy b says
oooo, count us in!
Rhen (yestheyareallmine) says
Count me in please!
Pat says
That looks so comfy! Do they make mom sized ones too! Please enter me!
Heather says
my daughter would love this. she loves having her blankie with her.
Jeanette Jackson says
Great idea. Please enter me in the contest
Traci says
This blanket would be perfect for my new grandbaby!!
Pam says
Oh! This looks great! maybe they should make these for adults!
Laura says
Adorable!! Count me in please!
Blogged ya:
Erin Maurer says
love it, want it
jo evans says
the pink bon bon is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen for a baby!
spaghettipie says
Count me in, please.
Linda SS says
So functional, yet so soft and adorable. Great concept, please enter me to win:)
Qtpies7 says
Gorgeous and Genius! Please count me in, I have my buttons up!
kathy says
love it, thank you!
Charity says
sign me up!
this is so cool! count me in!
Shana Bell says
Oh, my baby would love this! (And if she doesn’t, I’ll sleep with it!)
Antonia Acorn says
count me in
Val says
Please add me!
Timothy Selig says
sure would like to win this
Allison says
Oo! I have an SPF Secure2me blanket and love it– I know the snuggly ones must be that much more awesome!
Sara says
What a gorgeous picture and blanket too! Count me in for my new February baby.
robin says
Oh this is yummy! I want one please. 🙂
Thanks for the contest.
Jill T. says
My daughter’s blanket is ALWAYS falling off when I take her for stroller rides. This would be perfect, especially as it’s getting cooler outside.
Jennifer says
What a great idea!
Janne says
What a great blanket! Enter me, please.
Julie Sivley says
LOVE IT! Pick me!
Naomi says
I love the Tiramisu and Biscotti styles! Gorgeous and smart.
jessica says
count me in!
Sharon says
Great idea! Please count me in. 🙂 (and I wish these were made for adults! lol.)
Alice says
oooo oooo I have my hand raised….pick me pick me!!!
Rebecca Robertson says
this is so cute, count me in
Nicole says
Oh my gosh, that is so cute. I have a new baby on the way and I would love this.
Amanda says
please enter me thanks
Raquita says
Oh you know I must have the softness!!!
Amy R. says
This would be perfect for my 6-month-old for walking to pick her sister up from kindergarten!
jessicab says
Enter me please.
Mommy Bee says
Beautiful! What a smart idea.
Cindi Hoppes says
Please enter me in this wonderful contest. It is very much appreciated…..Cindi
JewelsHud says
Wow – this is GORGEOUS – super soft and cozy and something extra special to keep it near! We’d love to win!
Tab says
So pretty! Enter me!
Asmaa says
Cozy and luxurious! Count me in!
Kira says
Perfect for the winter!
Elizabeth says
I’ve been looking for a soft blankey. Lovely
Melanie says
This would be the perfect gift for my cousins brand new baby.
Your button is on my sidebar.
Christina E says
That blanket looks amazing.
Ruth :) says
I know a little girl in Seattle who would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!! 🙂
Sign us up!
Paige says
That is such a great idea! My babies are too old for this one, but my sister is expecting her 9th baby, and I’d love to give her something new.
kristie says
this is wonderfull, i wish i had had this for mine. but my brothers sister in law just had a baby woot and would love to win this for her
Shannon says
Please pick me!
@nnaliza says
great idea!!
Sarah says
oh, it looks so soft and cuddly! I would love to put this in the stroller with my daughter…or in her car seat…or anywhere! Yes, Count me in!
Jenna says
Ohp, another good one! 🙂
ktjrdn says
I’d love to try it. Thanks.
Striving\Tessa says
I love it, thanks for the chance. What a great idea!!!
gina says
speaking from experience, having to untangle NUMEROUS blankets from carriage wheels THIS is a great idea. If I win, I’ll be gifting it at a baby shower I am attending right after the holidays. What a great gift idea!
April Russell says
Please enter me. Thanks!
Katie says
Please enter me! Thanks!
Michele says
How great!
Cindy D. says
I just want to snuggle with the blanket…it looks so soft.
Elizabeth says
This looks great-
Jenny M says
What a great idea=). I can totally relate to the mud story- only ours was freezing water. UGH! Thanks for the chance. Wonderful contest!
Janine says
too cute- me!
Heather says
What sweet cozy blankets!
Toblerone says
So smart! I’d love to have this.
Heidi says
Oh me! Me!
We’ve dropped so many blankets over the years~ this is a fantastic idea!
Kristi says
Oh I would love to win, Enter me in!!!
Erin says
Oh perfect! What an ingenious idea. Please enter me
sue says
Oh how precious my baby girl would look in that Pink Bon Bon blanket…enter me!
Barbara says
That looks so amazingly soft!
Mary_Freebies says
Such a cute blanket!
Ginny says
Gorgeous enter me
Michelle says
I would love to win this!
stephanie says
Enter me please. 🙂
Melissa says
This will make the perfect gift for my new niece/nephew!
Rani says
That blanket looks so warm and cozy…do they make adult ones?
barb gilchrist says
so soft and sweet! i love it!
Saph -Walk With Me says
Wow- this is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” items!!! Count me in!
Wendy says
I LOVE this blanket! Count me in:)
melissa says
How cute, looks warm and snuggly. Please enter me- thank you for your contest- I have your button listed on my blog!
Jodi says
I know the perfect girl I would give this too!!
Cheri says
That looks incredible – sign me up!
Elizabeth says
Those look amazing! Please enter me.
Ron Miller says
made with the most fabulous pink rosebud minky swirl fabric and is backed with cozy minky cuddle velvet, Heck with the baby, I’ll use it on the couch watching movies!
Loving Advice For My Teen says
oh these blankets look so warm and cuddly. Wish I could fit into one on one of those really cold nights. lol
Lisa Brendle says
Please count me in. My sister in law would love this.
Elizabeth Bennett says
Great idea. Count me in.
Bree says
so soft and cozy! count me in!
America says
Libbie Joie is an adorable new baby whom would love an adorable new blankie 🙂
melody is slurping life says
I have a new niece on the way that I would gift with this. Please enter me. Thanks.
LivingforGod says
Please count me in. Thanks!
Tiffanie says
That is the cutest! COunt me in!
erika says
what a great idea! we would love one of these ! 🙂
Pamela says
These blankets are adorable, and such a good idea. If I won, I would be able to give it to my daughter’s good friend for her new baby due in December.
Celeste says
Lovely–and practical too!
Angie says
Please count me in! Thanks
Melinda says
Oh, now that’s awesome. I like that product.
Tara Robertson says
what a brilliant idea. Count me in.
Angela Williams says
that looks so nice and soft, hope I win.
Jennifer says
These blankets are just gorgeous & will make a GREAT Christmas gift for one of my best friend’s who just had her 1st baby! I have your button on my main page!
Krista says
Let’s see… I have 7 friends due between now and February! This would be wonderful in our cold weather!!!
Amy says
Too beautiful!
onemotherslove says
I’d love to win!
SJ says
Count me in! This is adorable.
Cryssy says
What a great idea. I’m in.
lace says
these blankets are a great invention. They would be perfect for the little one that likes to throw everything in her reach.
The Estrogen Files says
Please count me in!! I’d love to test drive one of these.
Stephanie says
Great idea and giveaway!
Maricar says
There new babies (not mine) are arriving in my extended family in the next months. These blankets would be great for gifts!
ter says
it sure looks cozy… know some babies coming soon that could use one with winter around the corner.
And Miles To Go... says
beautiful!! Please enter me…
Natalie says
Oh my goodness…I love that! Enter me in!
Loraine says
What a great blanket. I love that a Mom came up with this answer to the age old problem of the blanket falling off! I would love to win.
Karen - Little Fun; Little Learning says
Wow. Those are really cool. I checked out her site. The blankets are all so nice. She’s smart to think up such a great invention.
Katherine McKamey says
what a great site! I just discovered it tonight and have sent it to 8 of my family and friends who are having or have just had babies (within the last 2 weeks 4 have had babies!!) and I will be using the secure2me blankets as Christmas & baby gifts!! What a great idea! They look soooooo incredibly soft.
PEA says
Please enter my name in your draw:-) Perfect little baby blankets!!
Summer says
Why didn’t I think of this?
Stephanie says
would love this warm cozy for my little boy
bebemiqui says
count me in.
Caroline says
I would love to be entered in this contest! The blankets look so snuggly and warm!
“A Mother’s General Store”
Shannon says
Count me in!
Jean says
I would love to win this blanket for a friend of mine. This is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that!” kind of products.
Jessica says
This looks so cute and comfy!
Casey says
Oh! I *want* this!
Laura P says
Oh wow! This looks amazing! I’d love to win it!
Monique says
My little girl would LOVE this!
LifeofFaith says
Please enter me. Thank you!
Noreen says
so snuggly, I will tell lots of friends 🙂
Amy says
This looks so warm! I would love to win this!
Sarah Ellis says
Such a great idea, I would love to win this. And it’s just in time for the cold season.
Jill says
gorgeous. Count me in!
Kimbrah says
How lovely and beautiful!
Thank you all you generous gifters out there! 🙂
Lisa C says
Would LOVE to be able to give this to a friend who is due with a baby girl early January! 🙂
Toni says
Now this is another cool item..Toni
Angela & Connor says
Oh wow.. Connor would LOVE to have that for these chilly days coming up. You are linked up to my contest blog too 🙂
Erin Read says
So beautiful. Please enter me!
This sounds like an answer to my prayers. Thanks!
Lesha says
Beautiful! 🙂
Your banner is on my side bar at
Keara says
Oh wow! Those look so nice! I would love one of these!
amy d. says
would love it for my little girl!
natasha says
With Winter coming up fast what a great blanket to have around
Stephanie says
It looks luxurious. Please enter me.
Brit says
That looks so comfy and a great idea! Count me in!
Jill H. says
So clever and pretty and practical!
michelle b says
THis sounds great please enter me in your contest.
Alisia says
What a wonderful idea! This would be great for our newborn in the coming winter months.
Kara Andrus says
That looks wonderful! I could definitely use one (or more!) of these for the boys.
Sara says
Oh my gosh, this is great! What a neat idea…I have struggled with the same problem since my son was born! This will be great for the cold months to come! These look super soft and cozy….Such an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Andrea says
How precious!! My son would love to cuddled in this!
Kristine says
Wow, this could come in very handy!
Tammy and Parker says
I’ve lost count of the times that Parker has lost his blankets while at Drs. appointments, etc. and we have had to retrace our steps to find them.
We couldn’t use an eyelash minky one like the one pictured, but she does a some cute ones that would be trach friendly!
Count us in, please.
And thanks to all of you for offering this up.
Teresa says
I would love to win such a great blanket! Thanks for the chance!
stacey says
this is so precious!
Doreen says
**gasp** How precious!! 🙂
baba/night owl says
Hi Janice, I would love to win this blanket for my unborn grand baby coming in February. Thanks, Baba
Cicily says
What a great idea!!
Casual Friday Everyday says
Count me in.
Christy H. says
ADORABLE! I have a brand new little granddaughter that this would be wonderful for.
hawkes @
Christine says
Oooh, how cozy and snuggly!
Carey says
Its absolutely beautiful. I would love to be included in this giveaway.