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This review and contest is posted by Jennifer Donovan, 5 Minutes for Books feature columnist.
After I posted about the Organized for Life book and the challenge to tame paper clutter, a representative from NeatReceipts asked me if I would be interested in trying out their product, which offers a way to conquer paper clutter. I tried it. I loved it. Read on to find more about it, and how you can win one of TEN units.
The NeatReceipts Scanalizer is really limitless in its potential uses. It was first designed for business purposes, but they have expanded it to include many personal applications as well. The unique thing about this portable personal scanner is the software which stores, sorts and analyzes the data that you provide as you scan in your items. You can scan your child’s artwork and date it by month or year and store it forever! You can scan recipes or articles from magazines and then sort them and search for them by title or categories that you have assigned.
Of course one of the original purposes was to store receipts for business reimbursement or tax purposes. Since I do not do well with paper, I love this idea. It is so slim and portable that if you or your husband is a business traveler, you can eliminate the risk of losing track of the receipts by taking it along with you and scanning them in right away (it’s about the size and weight of a curling iron). You can export and email the receipts immediately!
Speaking of exporting, think about how this would enable you to share your child’s artwork with family via email.
I have also thought about using it to store and track grocery or other budget spending. The software makes it so easy. Watch the demo on the site to see how the unique software works for you.
Would you like to own one of these yourself? The company is very interested in tapping into ways to use their product in the home. To be eligible to win one of TEN units (valued at almost $200)
- Write a post on your blog linking to this page and announcing the contest. Link to the NeatReceipts website as well. Share at least one use of the product that interests you (from my list above, from the demo video, or something new!).
- Leave a comment on this post.
- Non-bloggers are also eligible. Please share an intended use when you post your comment here, and then email the website link to a friend or two.
This contest is open to U.S. and Canadian addresses. You must put up your post and comment by July 12 at midnight EST. Come back on July 13 to see if you have won.
They have also offered a discount to our readers when you purchase the Scanalizer from their site in the month of July. Use code 5Minutes at checkout, and save $20 off the already reduced price of $199!
Never knew anything like this existed!!! How cool. They call me the “gadget lady” and this is one gadget i really want. I have SO MUCH paper that i would love to get organized. Maybe thats possible with this gadget.
Juhana says
May I have one please…please!!! Lots of clutter at home.
Rebecca says
I can think of many uses for this. That is, if my husband doesn’t take it from me. 🙂 He would love this. We could use it for receipts, business tracking, tax info, etc. The possibilities are endless. I will be sure to email lots of friends about this.
Tracie says
This would make my life so much easier! My receipts for my homebased business are overtaking my desk! And I never even thought of keeping track of personal receipts to evaluate my spending habits. As a single mom who really has to watch her budget this would be soooo useful and time saving. I really hope I win, there is definitely not enough in the budget for this. Thanks!!
Kim says
As a small business owner, I keep ALL receipts! This would be a wonderful little tool!
Janne says
I would use it for homeschool, of course! 🙂
Arianne says
I SO need this! My post is up. 🙂
Donna says
My paper is making me crazy. This would be great!
Melissa says
This would be handy on my next project of beginning digital scrapbooking!! I love the idea of using it for the Dylan’s school papers and artwork so I can keep them forever without filling a whole room with them. Count me in!!!
TammiK says
I love this as a way to store all the little clips, recipies, news bits I collect from various magazines and newspapers which otherwise end up lost or tossed away.
I’ll send your link on to some friends!
Terri Donnelly says
I’m an information junkie. How–tos and facts about a zillion things. I have a file cabinet full. With this I’d actually know what I have. Thanks
Connie says
My husband gets SO fed up with my paper clutter – receipts, jewel case covers, recipes printed off, school work, report cards, the list goes on and on! Please enter me!!!!!
Kae Stewart says
I’m very interested. I have over 300 Cd’s. I’ve been wanting away to keep a copy of the jewel case covers without having the clutter of small pieces of paper. It’s hard to keep the CD’s in a thin binder and have no place for the covers. I’m not a blogger but i’ll certainly pass on your website link to friends.
corinne says
I would LOVE to get my hands on this nifty thing! I HATE paper clutter, although you would never guess that from walking into my house. I would use this thing to scan anything and everything possible in order to get the stacks of paper out of my house! I’m thinking school schedules and other school related papers that have to be referred to during the year; recipes, articles I save for ideas and then can never find again, etc etc etc.
ktjrdn says
I’m off to do a post right now!
Laura says
It sounds interesting! I’ll post on it.
Amy W says
This is a great idea…!
Amy says
What a great idea! I have posted about this on my blog and also linked back here, and to the Neat receipts scanner. Please include me in the contest!
Dawn says
I would love to win this. It would make life much more organized.
Jodi Elizabeth says
Great idea! Please enter me!
mommyof2princes says
Oh how this product would simplify my life!!! I hope I’m one of the lucky 10! Thanks for the giveaway!
Kimberly says
Please toss my hat in this ring. I have drawers of receipts that need someplace to go but I can’t get rid of them. I need them. I need to file my 2006 taxes too but that’s another story. This is one thing that would bring a little bit more order my chaos.
Thanks, Kim
Kelley Prahl says
This is the coolest gadget ever and I really need it to get my business receipts under control. And, of course, I love the idea of scanning artwork and magazine articles!
Ali says
How cool! Sign me up!
April says
I don’t have a scanner. I would love to be able to scan photos. I’m off to write a post about this contest right now!
Mary says
Oh – Loving this! I have written my post and am ready to win 🙂
Teresa says
This is so awesome! Sign me up!
Rani Oswalt says
sign me up…i want one! 😛
Sarah says
Hey! Check me out here
There are so many papers that could be put away and thrown away in this house. And many more to come as our family grows. Make this girl’s life 10X easier and pick me. 😉
Loni says
I just wrote a long blurb about this and all the ideas I have for using this in my large homeschooling family of 10 kids and several home businesses. So come read all my NEEDS for this . . . and PURTY PLEASE PICK ME! 🙂
Beth says
i would love to win this-I’ve got BOXES of receipts laying around. It’s ridiculous. Plus, my house is TINY-I could really use the extra space that all of my filinfg methods are taking up!
mod*mom says
i think they invented this for ME 🙂
i could use a regular scanner, but this loooks perfect
Anna says
Like everyone I have so many things waiting to be filed. Directions to how things work, warrenties, magazine clippings. It would be so nice to get those papers out of sight.
Kristine says
Wow, some way to organize all those little articles I clip or magazine pages I tear out and then eventually lose on my desk. What a great idea!
laura says
very cool product- thanks for sharing about it!
Jennifer Carter says
This is so what I need right now! My scanner is big and bulky. I have to store it in a closet until I need it because it is so big!
Teah Barrow says
My receipts are sooo out of control. I NEED this product and would immediately put it to good use on last year’s (opps) taxes.
cre82learn says
You have NO idea how badly I need this!!! I am off to post right now! Thanks for offering such a great contest!!
CPA Mom and Soccer Mom Angela says
Post is up.
Child’s artwork would be the coolest use. I have BAGS and BAGS of artwork.
Homemom3 says
akkk I just realized I posted this and never signed up. Please enter me as well.
Melissa K says
What wouldn’t I use it for? Maybe to weed out the huge three ring binder that I currently have stuffed full of folders stuffed full of papers that I could completely get rid of!
And that’s just the beginning!!! I’m thinking of all the papers that I wouldn’t “lose” when I needed them most!
Carmen says
I would LOVE to have one of those! There are so many things I would scan and throw away!
Mollie says
What a thought. A clean spot in my bedroom? Wow! I need this!
daisyaday says
Zowie, this one is popular!
I’m thinking Rx receipts for my taxes, product receipts for warranty info, oil change receipts for maintenance agreement warranty, recipes(!)…oh, the possibilities are endless.
Kelly says
I have seen this advertised and have desperately wanted one for my husband’s business. It would be such a valuable tool to help keep his books in order. He isn’t a paper-keepin’ kinda guy but he’s a techy guy. Crossing all my fingers…
Haley says
I am so ready to throw away my receipt shoe boxes upon seeing this contest! Count me in!
Jane says
Great idea!! I’m quite the “keeper” and this would help eliminate storage of those little scraps of notes and recipes that I just can’t throw away and yet can never find either!
Anita Hampl says
OMG I would love to win this! Cheryl Harrell, an awesome Professional Organizer in north Atlanta, spent TEN hours iwth me in my home office recently. She is a bit of a miracle worker. She does not sell or carry ANY products, so she can be totally objective in recommending things.
Cheryl saw a Scanalizer at the NAPO conventin and mailed me the brochure – saying it would help me with my number one issue, which is organizing/saving/recording receipts for family spending (and for business spending, of late).
You see, my wonderful husband (he really is) has this thing about being responsible, and providing for us and for our retirement, and budgeting, and blah blah blah. So we always keep track of our spending. But I can’t simply spend $100 at Kroger and call it “Groceries”, because $10 might be shampoo, $6 is plastic wrap, $15 is laundry soap, etc. Plus, I need to reconcile this receipt when my Amex bill comes in, so where to keep it, etc.
I’m smart. I know the theory. But it’s hard to implement. Bottom line, please pick me! I will use this to the fullest extent allowed by the software LOL.
Thank you.
April says
This was a great idea. I need this item!
Shirley says
Such a neat invention. I’d love one!
Kay says
My daughter is in need of this!! She could actually be organized. I could use it too, but just not as much as she could!
Meagan says
This would eliminate so much clutter!!! I NEED one!!
Kari says
Oh YES, I saw one of these and thought…oh baby, I need me one of those!! 😀
Diane says
I love, love, love this tool. It’s a great way to stay organized at home and at work. I love the fact it’s small enough for people like me who travel. Please enter me into the contest!
Shera says
This sounds great!
Caryn says
Enter me too please!
Myrna says
I’d love to win
Susan S. says
This is a great idea! I would love to have one of these for my magazine articles, and for my hubby’s genealogy project. Scanning photos and documents rather than laboriously copying the information on them would be a dream!
Jody says
I think this is a WONDERFUL idea! Sign me up! I posted my link just a few minutes ago!
Kristie B says
WOW! My hubby would be so happy if we were to win one of these! We track several sets of expenses and a Scanalizer would be amazing to help us reduce our clutter. I would also help my parents by scanning their important papers with ours for offsite storage.
Karyn says
What a great product!! This would be great to help keep me organized!!
I am new to this site and LOVE it!! I can’t wait to share it with others!
allhisblessings says
Wow! As a homeschooling/work-at-home-mom of 6 blessings, I think I could put this to very good use! 🙂
kelli says
Just updating my comment with the right link 🙂 Ugh …
BTW- I saw this “live” and in demo today at Staples. This little thing ROCKS!!!
*fingers crossed*
Chris says
What a great product. I would use it for tracking expenses primarily. Currently I save receipts all month long and this would eliminate all those little pieces of paper. Also, my husband is a Pastor and I could see many uses for him personally to save documents, notes from others and even his expense receipts. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Colleen E says
Fantastic idea and product — and do I ever need it!
ExPat Mom says
Wow, what a lot of entries! My post is up:
I would use this to scan important documents like my and my kids´passports, birth certificates, vaccination cards, etc.
Tiffany M says
I think this could be a neat way to make a digital portfolio for homeschoolers. And keeping track of those receipts would be a wonderful thing.
qtpies7 says
I’m in! I have my post up and I would definately be able to use the Scanalizer! I have 7 kids, so schooling projects, photos, receipts, you name it, we can use it!
Mama Zen says
Ooooh, I want to try this! I’m posted and linked!
Dawn says
Oh wow, I so could use one of these to keep track of my business receipts! The shoe box I have now doesn’t really help me much! lol! Sign me up! 🙂
Stacy says
Thank you so much for sponsoring this contest, and thanks to NeatReceipts as well. Check out my post at
Melissa says
Count me in!
kailani says
My link is up.
Thank you!
Diana Bartling says
What a great product!! I am a small business owner and have receipts everywhere!!
Adrienne says
I hope I am one of the ten winners. This would be and awesome tool for me!
Jen at Scraps and Snippets says
This looks incredible, and my mind is racing with ways to use it to simplify and declutter. I *really* need one of these! 😀 My post is up (but I don’t know how to link to it in a comment…ack.)
escapades unlimited says
You can read my post here. Its just what I’ve always wanted! Thanks a bunch!
Richelle Robinson says
Count me in! My DH would absolutely love this! He enters every receipt we have and saves them for months – the Neat Receipts scanner would be a huge help. What a great tool for the home office!
Chrissy says
Oh, this is just what I’ve been looking for. Count me in!
Great contest. here’s my post.
Jordan (MamaBlogga) says
Oh, this looks awesome! Here’s my post (it may send a trackback, too):
Krista Wolf says
Great contest. I would love to be that organized! Really sounds like a great item to have.
Jessica says
The best advice I ever got as a beginning teacher is to “handle each piece of paper only once” as you get bombarded with notices, notes, student info, etc. and it can turn into a huge mess on your desk! Well, this would be a way to do that!
Raesmom says
I have to go through June receipts tomorrow. This sounds like a great product. Here is my entry:
InsaneMom2Four says
This looks so cool. I am not a blogger, so I am sending links to some bookkeeper friends of mine. I am a bookkeeper and MAN woudl this cut down on the paper. 🙂 Other ideas-I love scanning in my paper to type white journaling on so I know it will match the layout, scanning photos at crops, scanning emergency reports to email to the hospital, scanning kid artwork, scanning in school info instead of trying to keep the paperwork all year long, or scanning business cards for records. Having these in emergency vehicles would be so awesome. Our department, and many others, have laptops on the trucks for GPS, reports, etc. Being able to scan something and send it to a hospital or an investigator would be awesome.
peachyswamimommy says
What a GREAT invention, and what a bevy of wonderful ideas about how to use it! My girls are past the artwork stage; but the latest bumps in our family life will require so much more “bookkeeping” and this would be so helpful!!
Cole's Mama says
This is so useful! I had no idea anything like this existed! I would definitely use it to organize our multitude of bills and expenses. And of course baby related stuff like all his fingerpaintings!
Lynn says
My husband and I could so use one of these things!! We’re foster parents… we have to save receipts for everything. My husband also travels with his job… maybe we need two!! 🙂
Vivian says
Thanks for always sharing cool items with us. I have already posted on my blog and look forward to seeing who wins. Good luck everyone!
Faerylandmom says
You sooooo need to sign me up!
Briana says
I am so sorry I don’t have a a blog. I will definitely send my friends over here – I would use this product ALL THE TIME when I pay bills and match my receipts up in Quicken. I would also love to scan all of my kids’ health records, IEP (they are disabled) paperwork, etc. SO MANY uses!
Lukewarm Tea says
I love it. It sounds like a great tool. I’m sure it would make my accounting easier.
Jennifer says
Pick me…this would be so cool. Thanks for offering up such an interesting prize.
Krissy says
Oooh ooh ooh! Pick me! 🙂 My blog is temporarily down due to spam but here’s what I’d use it for:
I have so many receipts floating around that something like this would significantly simplify my life – both in keeping track of our debit card purchases and also for my web design business receipts. How handy!
Zukppr says
I’ve recently started to catalogue old family documents for (hopeful) inclusion in a family tree data base. Being that I’m going to have surgery on both of my hands next week, this would help so much.
Jennifer W. says
This would work wonders for my family of six!!! We have more paperwork, art-work and just tons of receipts. I would love to have this!! I take orders over the phone for my business on whatever scrap of paper I can find. This would be great to scan it and then I can throw the paper away to get rid of the clutter!!! Thanks for having this contest!!! I am posting a link on my blog!
Jodi says
This will make my record keeping so much easier for my daycare business!
Michelle says
Oh, I could SO use one of these. We have more than one paper tiger raging in various parts of our home. I have blogged about the giveaway on my site. I can’t wait to see who wins…I do hope we are one of the lucky families.
Amy says
Oh, you have NO idea how fabulous this would be for me! I keep ALL of my receipts. To scan them into the computer with this nifty machine would make so much less clutter for me.
I want to win!!!
Shelly Keller says
I so need this in my house! My husband does too!
Stacey (C) says
I’m in! This is very very cool, no doubt.
Casey says
I am not entering the contest. I just wanted to say how much I love our Scanalizer! My husband brought one home a couple of weeks ago intending to use it for work. He hasn’t gotten a chance yet! 🙂 It takes just a little getting use to to feed the paper in just right, but after you got it, its a breeze. I haven’t used it for reciepts yet. Just kids’ homeschooling stuff and artwork.
Christy says
Not only do I love gadgets I could really use one of these.
Perky says
I would LOVE to win one of these! I’m always saying how I’d like to be more organized and this would sure help! I’d also use it for work, since I sent out most of the vendor payments and log in the incoming bills!
Ramie says
I’d love to have one of these…..I have a regular scanner, but am too lazy to scan all the receipts!!! LOL!
Anywho–I’d use it for receipts for sure (so I could trash them and the clutter they bring with them) and I’d use it for my daugthers school work (not so much the art since most of it is 3D or layered and probably too thick for this machine, but for the worksheets and stuff for sure). I’d also scan things like business cards, invoices, bills, etc. That little machine could clear up half the floor space in my master bedroom closet…and its NOT a small closet!!
TaunaLen says
I’m tingly all over just thinking about what I could do with this modern marvel of civilization! Add me to the hat, too please! Thank you for offering such great product reviews and prizes. I’m adding this one to my wish list for my birthday — just in case I don’t win. 🙂
Stacy says
What an awesome product, I could so use that 🙂 Please throw my name in that huge hat!
kelli in the mirror says
Very cool! I hope I win!
Kari says
What acool thing!
Ginny says
Now that I’m on the right message, lol. I need one of these so bad for business! I posted about it here:
Georgia Mom says
I’m drowning in reciepts (maybe from too much shopping!). Would love this little gadget!
Georgia Mom
Erika Uggen says
What a cool gizmo! I’d love it to tackle my heaps of paper!
Crystal B. says
I would love one of these to keep record of medical expenses and to track how much we spend on certain items. It would also be good to keep copies of paperwork that you have to mail in.
Jessica says
I hate paper! I try my best to keep it all organized but somehow things still get misplaced/ruined/faded and it’s really aggrivating!
Sign me up!
Shelia says
There has been a lot of talk lately on the NAPO chat group about this very product. How nice to see it in a contest! Fingers crossed! It could be very helpful in my business!
Ally P says
This would have multiple uses in my home… from scanning reciepts to scanning my husbands homework or handwriten notes to scanning the childrens school artwork to grandma in Florida… I would get a lot of use out of this product….
Great Idea!!!
Michelle says
I’ve never heard this, awesome! This is just what I would need to keep organized. Pick me!! 😀
Jana (sidetrack'd) says
How neat! I’m all linked up.
Elizabeth Silence says
Oh that is the coolest thing. Please enter me. I have a horrible time keeping my mountains of papers under control much less organized. I would really love one of these.
Jill says
Sign me up. Between Hubbz and I, we could really use it for our business-related expenses. Thanks!!!
Ashley Nichole Navarre says
Oh my goodness! I totally need this. My husband runs his own business while I, simply (in his mind), stay home with the babies. So, naturally, I should have time to keep track and organize every little piece of paper that comes into our lives. Well, i’m sure most of you agree, this is not so easy. Would this gadget be a life saver, or what?
Katrina says
Me, me, me, pick me! I put up my post here, and would love a NeatReceipts scanner!
Tessa says
This is so neat. In my little apartment I have no room for a reg. scanner, so this would be so awesome. If only you could rig these contests, LOL :)>
Tricia S says
Wow! What a multifunctional tool!!
This would be excellent for keeping our budget straight! (I’m always losing my receipts!) Would also be a great way to share my artwork with my family across the country. Sign me up! 🙂
Tracy W says
This sounds invaluable to a household of 6 – we generate a TON of paper every month!
Tonni says
I’m getting married soon, I would love this to track my wedding budget! Plus, what could be more helpful in keeping us on budget post-wedding? Or using it at work for receipts, or to save the scads of ‘artwork’ my neices and nephews keep sending my way…
Count me in!
Lauren says
Neat! I would love this!
Chrissy says
This is so cool. I have always want this, well since it came out in the market. I get tired of paper. It would be so nice to be able to scan receipts and my sons artwork and have it forever!!!! I have never won anything before, so I am going to keep my fingers crossed!!!
Kim says
We have yet to have a scanne. But, how cool is it that this one helps to sort and organize. If there is one thing that I can’t seem to keep up with, aside from ironing, it is the constant paperwork piles. Great idea!
Here’s my contest link.
Blessings, Kim
Shelley K says
This would be great for keeping both personal and business receipts! I am terrible with paper clutter, so something like this will make my husband very happy! And what a great idea to use it for kid’s artwork, I have a 4 1/2 year old and an almost 3 year old and they draw sooo many pictures…they would love it if I would share them with their grandparents/aunts/uncles via email!
Sharon says
How great this would be for managing our monthly bills better! What a clever invention. 😉
PLease include me. I will get my blog post up today! Thank you.
Dawn says
I’m SO in this one!
Lu says
wow! sign me up!
pwells says
This looks great , grandaughters artwork saved for all time. Thanks for having great contest.
doverdi says
What an awesome product. I would use it to track my medical info. Since my 2003 auto accident, it seems that there is always something new that comes up, another drug to buy, another doctor to see, etc. What a great way to help me eliminate all that paper clutter that seems to be taking over my life now that I no longer have the energy to deal with it.
Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous product.
Vicki says
Sounds good to me!
Amanda Dickerson says
What a wonderful product! There are so many uses for it that I keep thinking of one more. I love the thought of being able to send my little ones art work thousands of miles away where their grandparents live. I also love the idea of getting. For the first time in a long time I could actually become organized and my husband would be so so grateful!
kailani says
I would love this! I will be posting a link back this weekend. *keeping my fingers crossed*
Congratulations on having girls! Woo Hoo! They’re so expensive but totally worth it!
Also, you have been nominated for the 2007 Bloggy Hoss Elections. Stop by and check it out!
An Island Life
Hands-Free Heart says
I saw a review of this gadget awhile ago and I’ve really wanted it ever since!!! For one, DH & I try to record every receipt, and we get behind quickly. Other uses would be for recipes, info needed for future events (attach to calendar entries), kids artwork, and THE GAZILLION notes to self/phone numbers/ etc. that we have on the bulletin board, the fridge, the desk, the dresser, the kitchen counter, etc. etc. etc. !!!! (then we could actually throw them out, and just search the computer when we wanted to find something).
Heidi says
This is amazing! I’m posted here.
Just what the doctor is ordering for me!
Tara says
I don’t have a blog but I would love one of these. I would use it for my kid’s school work. We have tons and they want to keep everything. I also think it would be really cool to put all my recipes on it. I think I would even try to put receipts on it and medical bills so they would all be in one easy to find place. You gals are great!! Keep up the good work.
Christine says
I’m all linked up.
I would use this wonderful invention for so many things…. I have paper messes everywhere! I could use it to scan and sort recipes I pull from magazines to the little bits of artwork my kiddos are gifting me with every day! I could even scan pictures! Too cool!
Lori says
I would definitely use this for receipts. I can never find them when I need them! What a neat idea!!
Kimbrah says
Okay, count me in! I could really use this to eliminate some of my millions of paper piles!
Sarah says
I would love this! This would be FABULOUS for my child’s artwork and magazine recipes! I have tons of them!
Sarah, TN
LivingforGod says
Wow…this is a dream gadget :)! I would use it for my kids’ artwork, recipes, and all the paper I (feel that I) need to keep :). I posted about this contest on my blog. Please enter me in this contest. Thanks a bunch!
Stacey says
This is great! Maybe now my pile of recipes and magazine articles can finally move off of my desk.
stephanie says
very cool toy for moms. 🙂
Liz C says
This would be fantastic to send my children’s drawings to their grandparents in Japan! Plus it’d be so useful in handling paper clutter from our business and personal folders. What a great product! Thanks for the contest!
Julie says
Wow. The scanner is cool but the software sounds like the very best part. I could so use this on hubby’s desk (see my post for a picture). Could it be that I could get rid of the ugly black filing cabinet?
Chrissie says
This would be great for receipts. I have soooo many for business purposes in case we ever got audited. And DD’s art, she is such an artists at least 2 “Masterpieces” a day LOL. This would be soooo cool
Karen says
Oh myLanta….please pick me. I spent 4 hours today filing RECEIPTS for our business. I could so use one of these!!!
As always thanks for the super-duper contest!
Girl Gone Wild says
I would love to have this for all our medical receipts/bills/etc.
Saph says
I would love one of these to help me reduce the paper clutter in our house!!! Boy, do we need it! =)
MorningSong says
My post is up now! I have been wanting a scanner for ever – for scanning old pics of my grandparents and family!!!! What a great item up for grabs!!
carol says
I am always purchasing items for my church. This would save me from having to hunt down my receipts.
Lacey says
Wow. What a great gadget. I like what devildogwife said. What a great way to scan artwork.
Robin says
sweeeet! The ability to scan medical payment receipts (I’m always loosing our co-pay info) not to mention helping with the budget with regular receipts… and my gas receipts which I get reimbursed for for work… endless uses! Sign me up for the contest please! I’d gladly put one of these little babys to work. [email protected]
devildogwife says
I love the idea of being able to scan in all of my daughter’s artwork to save for later.
Anne Bradshaw says
This would be a life saver for me. I drown in way too much paperwork. Please do add me to the list.
Bad Sheep says
Omigosh! I love this product. I spent 2 hours sorting and filing my receipts from Jan.
Charlsie says
Just the other day my hubby was commenting on how it would be so nice to get rid of paper clutter in the house. We have tons of receipts and this would be such a wonderful method to deal with that!
Michelle says
This would my life 100 times easier. Taxes, budget, our many accounts to keep track of — plus at work. This is awesome! Count me in!
Jackie F says
What a great way to save on scrap booking time!
Love it!!!
Diane says
This would really solve the problem of keeping medical information from physician visits, reports, surgery’s, treatment’s, allergies, medications etc. for each family member
Tina says
Yahooooo this is awesome. My husband would find a whole new reason to adore me… he already has many but when it comes to $$$ I know where to get him. We would both love this and it would make the whole Work from Home life a little easier, aye? Count me in.
Jean says
I think my husband would faint from shock if a.I won won b. I then proceeded to use it for the reciepts. I think he’s going to love it.
Aimee' says
What a “neat” contest!!
Atasha says
I had never heard of this? Please enter me! I’ll get right on it, well tonight, I’ll link it to my blog!
Jill says
I saw this in a magazine and thought it was the coolest thing. Great contest!!!
ELLIE says
my desk is piled with paper and paperwork….this is a GREAT idea…..would love one!!!!!! Count me in!!!
Carey says
This looks really cool. Ive never seen this before. I would love to use this for budgeting.
Jill H. says
Wow! I’d love to use this to help with budgeting/tax time…especially right now…we’re having lots of “medical issues” w/ DD and the OOP costs are killing us….keeping and organizing all those co-pays and med reciepts are a must right now. Not a blogger…but will pass the link on.
Adventures In Babywearing says
What an amazing invention!!!
Briana says
I would love one of these. I am definitely putting it on my birthday wish list! Please pick me, so my hubby can just buy me some really great shoes instead! 🙂
The Pumkin Patch says
ME ME ME!!!!
Greedy Pig says
This just looks like it could clear all the paper clutter I own – I’m so glad I discovered this website!
Kara says
Oh, how neat, I would love one of these!
Jenn in AZ says
This is an AWESOME product! I would use it for a multitude of things. First, I am going to start a small business in the next year, so I would use it to track my business expenses and my donations to the various non-profits I support. I am intrigued by the thought of scanning recipes and sorting them–I would LOVE to do that. You have no idea how many Quick Cooking and Cooking Light magazines I have!!! I have a HORRIBLE time with paper clutter, so this would be a welcome addition to my digital world. Thanks for this opportunity. I am off to email the link to some friends and check out the website in-depth!
Jenn in AZ (Jennifer)
kelli says
This looks awesome! Off to post 🙂
AND CONGRATS you two rockin’ mamas!!!
oh amanda says
What a cool idea! I’ve seen the business card scanners, but this thing is handy!
Promises Fulfilled says
I am definitely interested in reducing paper clutter! Sign me up!