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And I still can’t recover. He shouldn’t be gone. It is wrong.
Now you have to understand – I was not an American Idol fan. In fact I never committed to American Idol. I never taped it and only watched it if I was at my laptop or folding laundry. But as this season progressed I became a closet viewer, refusing to openly admit that this season was getting to me.
And it was mainly due to Chris – and some admiration for Paris. Sure, Taylor entertains me and Katherine impressed me at times too. But it was Chris that really got me watching and emotionally investing in the outcome.
And then, in a surreal upset, he was voted off.
(This is why I hate watching and caring about sports teams. I used to be a huge hockey fan. But I just hate the devastating feeling of “your team” losing. It just ruins your day.)
So, yes I am shocked and disappointed. What about you? Who do you want to win?
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American Idol
calligraphybycarol says
My kids are sorely disappointed that Chris was booted off. This is the first season we have even watched AI. I like Taylor, but can’t stand to look at him when he’s performing…he can’t dance and he makes all kinds of grimaces that make you think he’s in pain! LOL Kat has a great voice, but she keeps trying to be someone she isn’t, so it will be interesting to see who wins!
Elizabeth says
I’m shocked. Devastated. Flabbergasted. Utterly floored.
What WAS America thinking?
Jess says
I KNOW!! I became totally addicted to it for Chris. He rocked! I voted obsessively. I’m going to boycott the show now. LOL! I never blog about “the little things” like this, but I did, for this one. Silly me!
I enjoy your site. I just found it & will check back daily now!
Gibee says
Well, NOW I want Taylor to win. Katherine does NOT impress me. And the other guy has too much virbrato. Ick. I’m as disapointed and shocked as anyone else. I wish you could have seen my face and reaction. It was something like, “WHAT? NO WAY!!! You’re WRONG! BAD JOKE!”
Jenn says
I am with you!!! I cant beleive that he was voted off…its a real heart break!!! Now for me “It’s all about TAYLOR”!!!
Sandra says
Oh I’m ticked off about Chris being booted. I’m sorry but Katherine impressed me the first few times but she’s been slowly getting worse. She forgets words, she overdoes the songs, it’s just a total mess.
I really don’t care who wins now, the one I wanted to win, CHRIS, has been voted off.