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12 month old Olivia has ten teeth. TEN!
Along with her horrible habit of putting every single thing she touches in her mouth, (like dead flies,) she has another habit of BITING my shoulder.
It isn’t just gnawing on me with sore gums. No, my little angel CHOMPS down on me. HARD.
And if you think a little one year old couldn’t possibly do too much damage – here is some photographic evidence:
Yes – teething hurts Moms too!
erin says
We are having the same problem with our 10 month old. I feel your pain…literally!
Janelle says
Yowzers, that is a doozy. My 7+ mo old has 5 teeth already. He’s pretty gentle though, thankfully.
Marissa says
My son does this too! He got his first two teeth at five months old, and by 12 months I lost count of how many teeth he had. And they’re SHARP ones too!
Ivan Girl says
ouch, that looked so painful!
my baby boy just turned 1 last week. sometimes, he would do that when he was breastfeeding but backed out when I reacted. He stopped doing that now so I didn’t decide yet to stopped breastfeeding.
Petula says
Nathalie Brault says
Ouch that seems to have hurt, poor you, I remember when my kids use to be teething but that was ages ago. Good luck is in order hihi!
tracey says
Oh MY!!! She actually got a chunk out of you, didn’t she?
Kathy C. says
yeeeeouch! That looks painful. 🙁
casual friday everyday says
I know my 2 year old would do the same if I didn’t pull away fast enough. They certainly can be onry can’t they? 😉
Lani says
Oh my gosh!!!! OUCH! I hope that doesn’t happen during nursing.
Maddy says
Luckily those days are long past for us but teethers were invaluable when some other part of my anatomy was unavailable.
Best wishes
Grasping for Objectivity in my Subjective Life says
Wow!!! Ouch! Childbirth is just the beginning of the pain of motherhood, eh? 😉
Tiff says
OWWWW!! My youngest would bite my boob so hard it would draw blood. That’s when I decided it was time to wean! LOL
savvysuzie says
Oh man – my son did the SAME THING…he used to leave little bite-rings all over my shoulders…I think after a while he thought it was a sign of affection and it was hard to get him to stop even after the teeth came in.
Ashley - The Adventures of Supermom says
That brings back memories. All of my children went through a biting stage around that age but my youngest was the worst. Luckily, they all grew out of it.
susieshomemade says
Ouch!! I remember those days. I call them growing pains:-(
Cascia says
My son does the same thing. Except he favors my neck instead of my shoulder. To break his bad biting habit I just tell him no and then I put him down. He’s a “momma’s boy” so when I put him down he gets upset. Those first teeth are sharp!
Lis Garrett says
Oh my!!!
AmyG says
I remember those days with my 2 1/2 yr old. My oldest never bit… but man, my 2 yr old was bad for it. And it hurt! Hope it gets better soon!!
Moon Loh says
really?! 12mth old has ten teeth?! my Baby Moon only had 2 when 1 yr old.
And may I know you all believe teething cause fever? Chinese believe this a lot..=)
Renee says
Wow that was quite the bite!!!! I remember having bruises cause of our daughter biting be cause of teething but it never got that bad!
Hope it will be over soon
Elizabeth M. says
Oh my gosh, I can’t even believe that!
Sheena says
I know the feeling, but yours has teeth! BIG ouch! I wish I had taken a picture of the big purple bruise Jayden put on my arm!
Mozi Esme's Mommy says
Ouch! I’ve been known to run away from my baby when she gets in one of those stages!