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Yikes, our Wordless Wednesday is late AGAIN! I am back from the island, but scrambling now to pack for BlogHer. It is after 3am and we leave in the morning. So sorry I was late ladies!
Here is Olivia chewing on my mom’s blackberry that I borrowed when I was away last week. But tomorrow she will have something new to chew on… I just bought an iPhone and it arrived in the mail today! 🙂
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Technorati Tag: Wordless Wednesday |
Dawn says
I still find my 20 yr. old with the remote in his mouth; I hope she grows out of it – He hasn’t. LOL! Cute picture.
Erin says
I love it! I can’t count the number of times that my son has almost slobbered my cell phone into oblivion. Luckily, it’s resilient, because it sure does make a good teether.
Shelly says
What a great photo!
Ambajam says
What an adorable photo! You know we are having a cute baby photo contest this month. I hope you consider entering. 🙂
GinnyBerry says
Very Cute! Thank you for sponsoring this Wordless Wednesday list. This is the first time that I’ve posted. What fun!
Stephanie says
Hooray for iPhones! I just received mine today too! 🙂
MaryBeth says
I wasn’t quite able to go wordless this week… I’ll do better next time, promise! Love the photo. She’s a real cutie!!
Lacie says
That’s cute 🙂
Childlife says
Wondered where you were 😉 Olivia is sure a cutie — that’s what you get for telling her it’s called a blackberry 😀
Bridgette says
What a precious picture!!
Amy says
Aw, children and their electronic teethers. She’ll love her new iPhone! I mean YOUR new iPhone! Wink…
Rick Bucich says
This photo could lead a to a great caption contest! Mine is “This tastes ok, but I see mommy left her keys within reach, Yum!”
After Hours says
She looks great with a phone. Now she needs an earbud!
genny says
Too cute! Have fun at BlogHer!
RefreshMom says
Do they sell slobber covers for iPhones? (I have heard of people having to get new cell phones when theirs got “wet” from a kiddo!)
Can’t wait to see you at the People’s Party tomorrow!
jessica says
She is getting big! Enjoy your iphone!
Kelli (Writing the Waves of Motherhood) says
Cute pic! Hope that thing’s waterproof! haha!
Pamela Kramer says
My little guy has slobbered on many of my phones. I’ve had to replace them several times. LOL – Happy WW.
New Urban Mom says
I swear that was all my daughter ate at around that age as she was so picky with her baby food…but loved to gnaw on all inanimate objects! At least it means Olivia’s teeth are on their way!
houndrat says
Just make sure you de-drool it before putting it up to your ear. Unless you’re one of the rare few who actually enjoys a Wet Willy.
Happy WW–my theme is hounds and kids (what else?)
Jeanne says
I thought cell phones were made for kids & babies? 🙂
Beach Traveler says
Better late than never. 🙂 Happy WW!
MomSoapBox says
Your pictures are always oh so precious. Happy WW.
Sandy (Momisodes) says
Yum….blackberry 🙂 That is adorable! I heard blackberry’s can be addicting 😉
Amanda says
Very cute! Have fun and enjoy the new toy! 🙂
Mommy says
Such a cute baby!
Speaking of babies…
Angie says
Very cute picture! My friend has the iphone and it’s pretty cool. Have a safe trip.
Blessed Nest says
good taste!! hehe
Gina says
The babies favorite: cellphon & remote control
Aprille - The Muddled says
I love summer pics so mine is all warm fuzzy goodness this week.
Jen E says
Happy WW – mine’s a summertime theme
Kari says
Welcome back and Goodbye, I guess! Have an awesome time, can’t wait to hear all about it!!! She is ADORABLE!!!! 😀
MomGrind says
She’s so sweet!
Lima Beans in Gelatin Mmmm Tasty
diXymiss says
Ah yes, teething babes will chew on anything they can get in their chubby little grips! Cute shot. I featured a blackberry to chew on too… albeit the low tech kind! 😉
Tina says
Cute picture beautiful baby great phone. This photo has it all.
Qtpies7 says
So cute!
Just beware, kids can dial 911 on a locked phone! And they can do it when you are sure they can’t. My son did it TWICE!!!! And he was not even a year old the first time, lol. When locked, 911 in that order, are the only buttons that it will dial.
Sheriffs don’t like to talk to babies, I found out.
Beverly says
Melissa says
I used to let me kids chew on my phone too, but the drool ruins the batteries. Learned that the hard way! My husband is dying for an iPhone. Let us know how you like it! Happy WW!
Jodilightful! says
I can see how the term “blackberry” could be misleading 🙂
Happy WW!
Allison says
Haha, cute! Happy WW 🙂
Quiskaeya says
I betcha Olivia can use it better than me! Too cute!
Nodins Nest says
Have a great time!
happyathome says
Oh I wish I was going to Blogher! I am hoping next year it will be in the Northeast, like NYC!! Have a great time and come back with lots to tell. As for the WW, so sweet!
Stop by and check out my new blog design up as of yesterday, yippee!!!!
Kmommy says
Yummy Technology! 🙂
AmyG says
Adorable picture!
Grocery Mama says
The best (and most expensive) chew toy ever!
Marianne says
Well, at least it wasn’t something that might be potentially poisonous!
Our cells are so small they look like the baby toy phones these days!
Colleen - Mommy Always Wins says
And I’m jealous – of BlogHer AND the iPhone!!! :O)
Jen says
Such a cutie! Congrats on the iPhone. You will have to let us know how you like 🙂
Brandy says
Talk about water damage! LOL!
What a cute picture!
Angela says
Nom nom nom delicious! And iPhone’s are much tastier. 🙂
Jean at Penny Lane says
I hope that was tasty!
I really get a kick out of these pictures.
Thanks for always making my day.
Christina says
No kiddo can say to a phone!
Kenyatta says
Wow, she has expensive taste already!
Mama Duck says
LOL my little guy still loves my phone. Too cute!
Maggie says
The perfect size for gnawing on — I’m pretty sure the cell phone makers didn’t know that would be a great use for their product when they made it!
Heidi - Mommy Doesn't Live Here Anymore says
My son does the same thing. Only there is lots of drool involved.
Christine - From Dates to Diapers says
Cute! Noah loves my phone, too! :o)
katef says
mmm looks delicious! LOL
Robin says
OLIVIA! geez…as soon as I hit send, I tried to stop that…can we chalk it up to an early morning with too little sleep myself?
going to hide now….
Robin says
Oh, my, Janice….your life is WHIRLWIND right now! I’m surprised you even remembered what day it was to post a picture!!
Hope you have fun at BlogHer and can ENJOY yourself. I know it’ll be great to meet so many of your readers and supporters of 5 Minutes.
As far as Julia? She’s got VERY good taste! 😉
Jackie says
Even baby chew toys have gone high tech!
eastcoastlife says
Whoa! An iPhone!! Singapore will only have it beginning of next year. 🙁
Kim says
Ok, so I am not the only one….
(not who chews on Blackberrys but who allows themselves a moment of peace while their child chews on their phone!)
kristenkj says
Why is it babies choose to chew on the things we least want them to chew on?! I have a little one, 1 year old, and she does the same thing!
Olivia is darling!
napaboaniya says
I wished I hahve either one of them to chew on as well!! 😛
One Mom says
Did she leave little teethmarks?
on the Rock says
They need to make these salivaproof:)
Cathi says
Olivia is a high tech baby! Soon she’ll want her own lap top. 🙂
Busymama Kellie says
Oh yum! Sometimes I’m tempted to shove everything in my mouth too just to see what the fascination is.
Alexis says
At least she has good taste in teethers. And I am so jealous. An i-phone!