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We want to hear from YOU…
Do you want us to continue offering extra entries in giveaways for tweeting, subscribing to our RSS Feed and Newsletter, etc., OR do you want us to limit entries to one comment entry per reader?
Please let us know your opinion by answering this poll:
[poll id=”11″]
Earlier today, we published a post about changing back to our old policy of only one entry per giveaway. We made this decision after reading a post at about it being illegal to offer extra entries.
Susan and I avoid controversy and trouble like my son avoids homework and so we thought, “Well, that is simple. We will just go back to single entries.”
BUT, after listening to reader feedback and reading some links from comments at the post, we realized that we may have reacted too hastily.
From reading these posts, one at and one from Susan Getgood, it appears that the extra entries are not illegal.
However, many of the comments on our post thanked us for going back to single entries as mulitple entries are burdensome for readers.
While we appreciate the extra promotion of readers tweeting, etc about our giveaways, pleasing our readers is our BIGGEST concern. (Well after not breaking the law. We REALLY don’t want to do anything illegal!)
SO, please TELL US — what do YOU want? Multiple entries or single entries?
And if you are a blogger, let us know in the comments how you prefer to run your giveaways.
Mimi says
You know recently I wondered the same thing. I like being able to use extra entries to gain more chances of winning, but the next thing I know, 15 minutes are gone and I still have some left to do. I also like knowing everyone has the same chance of winning if we can all only enter 1x.
I give options on my giveaways, but when I look at the time I consume entering giveaways, I think about how my site might affect others and how they spend their time. Of course I do it for selfish reasons because companies want to know how many people are following you and how many subscribers you have and how many people are linked to your site, etc. People do the extra entries for more chances of winning and I offer them so I can continue to bring fun and family friendly products to their attention.
When I work with a company that has more than ONE way to enter, I ask them to use only ONE way and let the others be extras. I like either leaving a random comment or visiting the company’s site to see more of their products. I think that’s fair for the company!
Maybe some of the giveaways will be “worth” more extra entries. Who knows!
Forgetfulone says
Since I try to promote my blog (a little, anyway – since I’m not a pro-blogger), I sometimes offer extra entries for tweets and blog post mentions just to get my name out there. Yours is out there, so keeping it simple seems like the easy way to go. One per person. Thanks!
MK says
One entry is definitely a fairer way of conducting giveaways. I wonder if the extra entries work in attracting new people to the blogs anyway as a quick surf around the blogosphere will show you that a lot of the same people win the giveaways over and over? Personally I avoid blogs that appear to be monopolized by the same people entering countless times. By all means have one or two extra options but sites that have twenty different ways of getting extra entries are certainly overdoing it and favoring those that actually have the time to stay at home and do nothing but enter giveaways all day long.
passionofthemom says
Amen to that!! Personally, I have better things to do than sit there and type out 35 comments for one contest. I did it once, and it took FOREVER. No more of that!
Kristen says
I really like doing extra entries, EXCEPT the daily tweets! I don’t mind tweeting once, but that’s it. Unless it’s a prize i really really want!
passionofthemom says
Personally, I don’t feel that it’s fair to everyone to have multiple entry chances. For example, the last multi-entry contest I entered had a stipulation for 3 votes per day if you tweeted the contest. I really hate Twitter, and I don’t think I should be excluded from all those entries simply because I dislike one of the platforms. And I’m sure there are those out there who despise Facebook the way I despise Twitter, and the like. It should really just be one entry per person…that’s the only fair way, I think. Thank you for the chance to chime in! =)
Angie says
I think the people who are more in favor of the single entries are not normal blog hoppers who enter blog giveaways regularly. Those of us who do enter them (and administer them I might add) like the extra entries because it ups our odds of winning.
Florence says
I prefer the “one comment per person=one entry” as I think it levels the playing field. Plus, from a purely numbers perspective, it’ll give an accurate count of the people who actually read and entered as opposed to one person having multiple entries (if that makes sense).
Tiffany says
Disclaimer: I got “pulled into the blogsphere” by extra entries…with that said, I think a great “middle ground” is to allow ONE extra entry from a choice of option. For example, you get ONE extra entry if you FACEOOK or TWITTER or SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER- but you can’t get 3 extra entries for doing all of the above (even though they all would be greatly appreciated!)
Crystal Warren says
oh and one other thing..don’t make people follow the company on twitter (there’s a limit on twitter to how many people you can follow) and some of the companies NEVER tweet so it’s sort of a wasted follow.
Crystal Warren says
I think extra entries are cool but not a bajillion of them. Perhaps some for tweeting once a day to help spread the word or for sharing on facebook (that way it’s fair to those who don’t have blogs..unless they don’t have Facebook either and in that case they need to step out from under the rock they’re under (smile).
Jes G says
Maybe you could offer only ONE BONUS entry for ANY of the EXTRAS (sub, follow, twit, fb, blog, etc.)?
Then, to still encourage peeps to do the other extras, you could offer special giveaways just for them?
I will continue to follow, read, enter, and support no matter what you decide:)
Kelly H says
I prefer the single entry –leave a comment method, but have entered with extra options on occasion if I had the time and it was doing something I would want to do even without the chance of winning something, — such as becoming a fan of site,following a blog, subscribe to newsletter or posting 1 tweet (if I only really like the site/blog/product and would be doing so without the contest entry)– do not like the daily tweets etc— much too time consuming and would I be doing it if it wasn’t for a chance at a prize?
Jaime says
I like the idea of just commenting on a post to be entered in the giveaway. I am relatively new to the blogosphere and am jumping in the deep end (I am starting to modify/write wordpress themes).
I will do tweets for additional entries but will not enter a giveaway if the *required entry* is anything other than comment!
Sandra K321 says
I don’t tweet and I don’t use facebook so I am immediately at a disadvantage on giveaways that allow you to tweet every day for another entry. If I see a giveaway that allows for all sorts of extra jumping through hoops/tweeting entries I don’t bother with them. I also have stopped following some of the blogs that insist on doing this for every giveaway. I enjoy reading through the blogs and entering their giveaways but there is only so much time in the day. I also get very put off by giveaways where one of the ways to get an entry is to vote for the person in some other contest.
Amanda Daybyday says
I personally don’t enter a contest if it requires anything more than leaving a comment. If I’m already a fan or subscriber, I might add an entry if I have time, but I’ve made a personal rule that I don’t become a new fan or something just for the privilege of entering a contest. So, obviously that means I’d love it if all contests went to one entry each to up my chances.
Alexia says
Like I said in your other post, I’m not a fan of multiple entries. For those of us who don’t have the time to do all the other entries, we kinda get lost in the vast pool of people getting 8, 10, 16 entries…it’s nuts and I normally quit entering giveaways like that.
I voted for no extra entries BUT I do think it’s appropriate to give ONE extra entry for sharing the giveaway with other people, after all, that is one of the reasons giveaways go up.
And I do feel that offering extra entries for subscribing kinda ruins the fun of finding a blog and subscribing because you like it.
Jennifer says
One and you’re done.
Anne G says
I don’t mind extra entries, as long there are just a few. A long list of extra ways to enter can just make me skip the giveaway altogether.
katklaw777 says
One entry only.
Keeps contest fair and square.
Let’s me spend less time on the computer and more with my family.
Suzanne (Crunchy green Mom) says
I like the one entry method. I understand the multiple entry however, one entry is what I like to see over all.
Claudia M says
i vote for 1 entry – fair chance to people who dont have the time to tweet 500 times a day ! But i think you should be either a Subscriber – FB Fan – Twitter Follower of to enter any giveaways.( seems just fair to you girls)
Michelle says
I sure appreciate this. I have given this a lot of thought and was almost persuaded to do one entry only as it was looking more and more like it was borderline illegal.
However, I might still consider an extra entry option, but only keep it simple and keep it to only one extra entry.
The reason behind this is because before I was ever a blogger, I was a blog reader who became a blog reader and commenter! There were several blogs that I would avidly comment on in an encouraging way only to be consistently ignored!
Now that I am a blog writer, my desire is to show appreciation to my readers. The Google Connect Gals on my blog are important to me as well as anyone else who has taken the time to read my blog. Adding one extra entry for current readers or those who join is my way of saying “thank you!”
I do want to keep it simple though, so my giveaways will probably never extend beyond that!
Sarah - PS Mom Reviews says
On my site I do plenty of giveaways. I always offer a main giveaway that is simple for anyone to do. Then I have extra opportunities for more entries. I feel like everyone has a chance to enter the first time, then to get extra entries you just have to put forth a little effort. Most of this is to help promote the giveaway for me. I think that is a fair way to run giveaways.
Donna C. says
I like doing some of the extra entries for the blogs I follow. I figure if I subscribe to the newsletter because I enjoy the blog, it is ok to get an extra entry. I may not do all the extra requirements but I usually will tweet to spread the word. If a blog requires you to follow them by email just to enter the giveaway,and I am not interested in following, I will just pass on that giveaway. Thank you for asking for your readers opinions. Either way you decide, I will still follow you.
Nancy T. says
I don’t mind the extra giveway options as long as they’re not burdensome. Adding a few extra comments that say “I subscribe to the feed” or whatever just takes a few extra minutes and I like increasing my chances.
What I don’t like is when blogs make you jump through hoops to get those extra options – Tweet “this giveaway rocks!” for an extra option is more annoying than just commenting that I follow you on Twitter.
I’ve only done a few giveaways myself and since I don’t have a whole lot of readers, I just ask for one comment to enter.
Thao says
I like the extra entries but think they should be limited to just one per extra entry, rather than unlimited tweets etc.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
I offer a few options for extra entries that are totally optional and one-time only (no daily tweeting or anything). I would say that at least half of the time the winner’s someone who had a single entry anyway, so I’m not really sure that it makes any kind of difference though. Random is random…
Even though I don’t allow extra entries for tweeting daily, I do get some people who do that – I always delete the extra tweeting entries since it’s not fair for them to have so many extra chances when others (who followed the rules) don’t.
When I’m entering contests myself, I go for whatever’s the easiest though, and often just leave one entry. I really think it’s up to whatever the blogger’s comfortable with. I’m interested to see that so many people here like the one entry option in your poll – might have to think more about that. It would definitely make running giveaways easier on my end. I just always thought people liked the extra entries better.
Amy says
As long as the “mandatory” entry is a simple comment, I say add extra entries if you want to. Too burdensome for people? Well then, they don’t have to do them. As an enter-er I’ll do the extras when I feel like it and have time. If not, I skip ’em. No harm, no foul.
As a blogger, I use them occasionally and gain new subscribers and facebook fans. (Amazing how people don’t see my facebook fan button front and center on my sidebar. Sometimes they need a little nudge.)
Linda Kish says
The only one that really bothers me is the daily tweets. I don’t tweet and I think a lot of people only use twitter for this way to get easy entries.
Emily E says
I’m not a blogger but I am a huge fan of giveaways (and have had pretty good success at winning). i like having the option for extra entries, but at the same time, sometimes its really nice to only have the option of one entry. Entering giveaways is time consuming- even if it’s just one entry, but especially if there are lots of other entries you feel compelled to do. I usually cap my entries at 2 or 3, I’m not willing to put the time in to do more than that. I chose one entry because, honestly, that just makes things easier. As a note I really love when you get to use a spreadsheet to enter. That makes things *really* easy.
CaroleM says
Single entry by far. It’s easier and levels the playing field.
Jessica H says
I’m a giveaway entry junkie. I absolutely love entering giveaways – mostly just because I’m introduced to new companies and there is a certain thrill in wondering if you will win or not. However, I do think one entry per person is sufficient. The extra entries can be nice because it increases your odds of winning, but I think they can be unfair for people who don’t blog/twit/facebook/etc., thereby cutting their chances. I also think extra entries are so time consuming. I don’t really have time to complete the extra entries for every giveaway I’d like to enter. I have too many other things to do. Naturally, I still love you guys no matter what you do and this will still be one of my most favorite blogs, but I must admit, I was pretty excited when you made the announcement yesterday.
PS – thanks for this wonderful site! It really is one of my most favorites and I am an avid reader!
Jennifer, Snapshot says
I’ve directed non-bloggers to the contests sometimes (especially the big events — like the Back to School one), and they were totally confused by all the extras. They didn’t even know what to do to enter.
I had never thought of it, because it’s so common, and of course we all (bloggers and regular contest-enterers) know that you can leave a comment and/or do all the extras. But they were just totally confused — more than one of them! I said, “Just leave a comment. The rest is optional.” And they said, “That I can do.”
I also think that having only one entry per person helps give a more accurate picture to the company sponsoring the giveaway, and more fair to all involved — one person, one entry.
Pamk says
seems like that one entry would be easier for us and you too. And it gives everyone a fair shot at it.
Jeannine M says
one entry….plain and simple….fair to all
Darla says
I prefer just having one entry, it takes less time, is less complicated, just all around easier!
Pamela M. Kramer says
Oh wow great question! I don’t like extra entries because I don’t have that kind of time. There really can be a lot of hoops to jump through.
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And that’s the short list……lol
Although in hosting my own contests that person that does the extra entries has won because they are listed so many times. It’s a catch 22.
Sarah says
I like extra entries as long as they aren’t too many. The ones you have listed are fine. I do not like it when a giveaway makes it mandatory to fan the company on Facebook. I don’t think it’s necessary.
Kelly Massman says
ONE entry is plenty for anyone.
Kristan says
As a person who blogs, enters giveaways, and also used to host giveaways on another site I prefer single entries. I like to keep things simple! I was forced to offer multiple entries and I hated it!! I know it’s only to drive traffic to that persons site, but I think if it’s a great site then you should have no problems anyways. Plus some people don’t have blogs, or have time to twitter…so that’s my 2cents…
Nicole says
I prefer single-entry. It’s time consuming to complete all of them and unless it’s something I could really use/want, I don’t enter multiple-entry contests.
And since I feel that way, I don’t foist extra entries on people.
KLTTX says
I prefer single entires. I cannot access Twitter from work so I never get to add entries that way. Seems like a single entry is the most fair – everyone has the same chance.
Jenn says
I don’t mind extra entries but I’m also good with a single entry too.
If I’m entering a giveaway at a site I usually read, I will go through the trouble of commenting for each entry. If it is a site that I don’t frequent often, I usually just do the mandatory entry. I rarely follow or join anything just for the giveaway.
I find giveaways where you have to be a follower to enter very annoying. I think the main entry should be simple and easy to do whether you follow or not.
I also agree with the comment above where a limit of one entry per extra method is good. I don’t care for the daily tweet entries that some do.
Anyway, as long as you aren’t breaking the law, however you do it is fine with me! Very kind of you to ask though. Makes me feel special 😉
Susan says
And very kind of you to reply. 🙂
Thanks for your feedback.
MaryEllen says
I actually really like both methods! I try to do some giveaways with one simple entry and some with extra entries. One simple entry is great for people who don’t have blogs or don’t use social networking very much. I know if I didn’t have a blog, I would not really enter very many giveaways because I would feel like I didn’t even have a chance with only having one entry and everybody else having like 5. However, I think multiple entries are great too, both for the blogger and the reader. I know some readers enjoy having the chance to do extra entries and will do every single extra thing. This is great for the blogger because you get a lot of extra free promotion to your blog.
Susan says
That’s one idea to do some with one entry and others with more.
Susie's Homemade says
When I run a giveaway, I like having the options of extra entries. I seem to get more followers over all the social networking venues when I offer extra entries. So, I do it for shelfish reasons and my readers don’t seem to mind. If they don’t want to do it, they don’t. Simple. It’s like buying extra tickets at a raffle. More chances to win with extra work. I think that is fair.
Susan says
Yes, I think many blog owners feel the same way.
Tori Close says
Personally, I prefer single entries into giveaways. It’s so much nicer to just leave 1 comment, thank the hostess for the chance to win, and get on to the important things … like actually reading through the different articles on the website. 😉
Susan says
Amen to that!
Wendyhagen says
I think you should get an extra entry if you do something illegal that day and then leave a comment about it.
Susan says
ROFL…. That is soooo funny Wendy. Definitely. You’re right.
Diana - Teacher Mom says
I know that as someone who enters giveaways, I love the extra entries but sometimes there are too many options and then I go crazy trying to get them all in. Plus, the daily tweets are hard for me whereas others are more regular tweeters and thus have a better chance. But I have been pretty lucky so far. Having multiple entries I think has increased traffic to my site but I am curious to see how popular my giveaways would be if I had limited entries…
Toronto Teacher Mom
Susan says
Thanks Diana, it’s helpful to hear from bloggers who both run giveaways and enter them on other sites.
Crunchy says
I don’t mind extra one’s..I do them on twitter as I figure that is easy….it has to be EASY.
Some sites make it too complicated or too many joiny things….
Susan says
Yes, tweets are easy… lol.
Sarah Kimmel says
Personally I don’t mind extra entries. If I’m going to take the time to tweet about a giveaway then I think that deserves an extra entry. But I would definitely limit it to ONE extra entry per method, like I only get an extra entry for tweeting about it once. I don’t think extra entries for signing up for a newsletter are good though since if I’m already joined, I’m not doing anything really special to gain that extra entry. Does that make sense? I agree with Melody though in that I never enter giveaways that make me jump through hoops to enter once. If I want to jump through hoops to increase my chances though I’m ok with that, cause I can choose not to.
Susan says
Thanks Sarah. We really appreciate hearing what you think.
Good points about the newsletter and tweets.
Melody says
If the extra entries are not illegal that’s fine. I, however, will never enter a contest that requires jumping through multiple hoops to enter for any chance at all.
Also, I never do the “extras” on giveaways when entering…time consuming. I don’t require more than a comment to be entered in any giveaway I conduct.
BTW, hi Janice and Susan. Long time no talk. You good? 🙂
Susan says
Hey Melody,
So great to hear from you. Yes, it’s been too long, hasn’t it?
Yes, it’s sounding like the extra entries are not a legal concern, but that most people prefer single entry.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) says
I have a reviews site of my own and I recently started writing for another reviews site too. I personally do not see an issue with having extra entries. I don’t think it’s underhanded in any way. If someone wants to complete all of the extra entries more power to them…HOWEVER I personally hate extra entries. It takes forever and a day to complete them all. I love it when I run across the very rare giveaway that accepts only single entries. I’m fine with either way. I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong but I love single entry giveaways myself.
Susan says
Thanks Marilyn.
It is so helpful to hear what you think. It sounds like many people prefer single entry.