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Is anyone other than me still full from the turkey dinner? And thinking about all of the Christmas cookies and holiday goodies to come? For many who deal with an eating disorder, either currently or in their past, the holidays can be a difficult time, as they are faced with celebrations revolving around food.
100 Questions & Answers About Anorexia Nervosa by Dr. Sari Shepphird is a wonderful resource providing more information if you are uncertain exactly what anorexia means and how you might diagnose and treat it, or to help you understand someone who has someone in their life who may struggle with anorexia nervosa.
I think that this would be a great resource for anyone with teenage daughters (although the author states several times that this is not just a “women’s issue.” Young men make up at least 10% of diagnoses, and that number is on the rise). The book would also be a great source of information for teens who almost certainly know someone who has been affected with an eating disorder, or have an unhealthy attitude about food.
Although one might assume that a book with a “Q&A” format is randomly organized and dry reading, nothing is further from the truth in regards to 100 Questions & Answers About Anorexia Nervosa. The questions (and answers) are organized by topics including
- Overview of Anorexia Nervosa
- Weight Loss and other warning signs
- Risk Factors
- Special Considerations (like trying to get pregnant)
- Exercise and Athletes
- Body Image Concerns
- Support for Loved Ones
- Weight Restoration and Healthy Eating
- Treatment and Recovery
- Prevention and Advocacy
In addition to the solid (yet non-jargoned) information that Dr. Shepphird supplies, there are quotes from two women who have recovered from the condition, which puts a real-life face on the medical information provided.
I highly recommend this book. Two of you can win a copy. Just leave a comment here to enter, and check the 5 Minutes for Books column next week to see if you won.
Thanks to the publisher for providing the review copy and the giveaway copies.
Speaking of winning — our 5 Minutes for Books Gift Guide & Giveaway is in full swing. Enter our giveaways now through December 8.
The winners of the novel This Little Mommy Stayed Home are #14 Buffie and #31 Samantha.
simone says
I have a close friend who at age 32 has developed an eating disorder. Would love to have this so that I can try and help.
Megan says
Thanks for this information
Ellen C. says
I would like to win this book. Thanks for the chance.
blueviolet says
I’ve danced this dance and I would sure love to read the book.