Tweets from @susancarraretto on November 13, 2012 During #ERASEBullying Summit
All tweets were sent during the summit and are in reverse chronological order.
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
@ERASEbullyingBC Thank you for organizing the #ERASEbullying summit. Fantastic event.
shane woodford @WoodfordCKNW980
“It is the power of one individual to change the world around them” Premier @christyclarkbc who ends with “and so it begins” #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
ERASE Bullying @ERASEbullyingBC
You can email your comments & additional feedback on today’s summit to Premier Clark at: [email protected] #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
I can sincerely say #ERASEbullying Summit was a huge success. I’ve learned tons & will be sharing at
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Student talking about how #cyberbullying is becoming biggest problem in his school. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Changing culture is so important but it starts at home – Challenge is how do we make that change. #ERASEbullying #Parenting
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Fantastic examples from #TimberlineSecondary to take action in individual schools to create safe, positive environments. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Positive open school climate is key to keeping school safe. #TimberlineSecondary #CampbellRiver #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
We’re just two hours away from our #SunChipsHolidays Twitter party. Have you rsvp’ed yet? We’re giving away $100!
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Another student sharing how teaching younger grade sports class has helped her to care more about others & gain confidence #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
One student speaking now how volunteering & getting in clubs & teams can help kids get involved & build relationships w admin #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Re Change: New programs best to start small & spread. Eg yoga classes in community in US started small show success & spread. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
The reporting tool (in current use elsewhere) is helping break the code of silence in youth. Theresa Campbell #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Theresa Campbell answering question about the reporting tool. In their past use, they’ve had no false submissions in 3 yrs. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Tons of hands raised to ask questions here. I think everyone in the room would love to ask a question. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Holiday entertaining can be interesting and fun this year! Learn some tips, tricks & recipes tonight #SunChipsHolidays
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Pro-anna, pro-suicide, pro-slashing sites and gang recruitment other such sites – curiosity now leads to endless data #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Sexting craze leads to child pornography charges #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
RT @RealParenting: @ERASEbullyingBC kids need more supervisors around during recess & lunch to “seek help” w @witsprograms #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Now presenting – Impact of Social Media on Bullying by Merlyn Horton, E.D. Safe Online Outreach Society #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Prevention -youth offcr training,I – SMART, ,Youth Officer Resource Tool Kit, DICE,WITS,Development Assets #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Bullying is not a legal term – often ambiguous but there r sections of criminal code that apply in many situations. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
cyber-bullying isn’t just a police or a school or a parent problem, we must work together. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
I learned tons in breakout session w Barbara Coloroso, couldn’t tweet during it – I will blog about it #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Now in a breakout session with #BarbaraColoroso #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Thank you Barbara Coloroso for a most inspirational & action filled presentation – I’ll be reading all your books. #ERASEbullying
Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
“Dorky, different, odd, pretty, smart or average, the only thing the bullied have in common is they’ve been targeted.” -BC #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Chris Gailus @chrisgailus
“Nothing justifies mean.” Barbara Coloroso #ERASEBullying Summit.
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Decoda Literacy @decodaliteracy
Barbara Coloroso is so inspiring. Empower kids to make their own decisions and be accountable for behavior. #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
What’s your favorite party recipe? Share it w/us tonight and you could #win $100! #SunChipsHolidays #twitter #tweetchat
John Oliver School @JO_School
Premier Clark: “Some victims are targeted for no apparent reason. It can be ANYONE who is bullied. #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Janet Steffenhagen @jsteffenhagen
Prem Clark stressed that people must talk about homophobia and racism in schools. But some bullying is unrelated to that. #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
There has been a great amount of student involvement in the program says @christyclarkbc in response to question #ERASEbullying
Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
Jay Luty, my seat mate at #ERASEbullying. Jay talked about his experience being bullied. Brave guy. Great guitarist.
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Melissa Carr @meliss604
RT @reporton: Anti-bullying expert calls cyber bullying “soft language.” what it really amounts to social is assassination. #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
#TheresaCampbell packed in a ton of information in #ERASEBULLYING presentation. Her training sounds excellent.
Johnny Bevacqua @jvbevacqua
@christyclarkbc Here at St. Patrick Regional we use Peer Counselors to assist to #ERASEbullying #stplearns
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
Wosk Centre is packed for #ERASEbullying. T. Campbell talking about how we’re training 15k educators to stop bullying.
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
An existing campaign is “Take U out of bullying. – be a helpful bystander, not a hurtful one” #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
we need to understand motivation in bullying to intervene #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING #bcpoli
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Diversity should define our schools, not divide them. #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING #bcpoli
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Theresa Campbell is now talking about the 5 yr strategy to #ERASEbullying
Navi Gill @navigill9
#erasebullying .ca online reporting tool is now live. Students can anonymously report bullying #standuptobullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
BC’s ERASE Bullying Training sessions developed by Theresa Campbell – we’re watching a video about the training now. #ERASEbullying
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
New bullying reporting tool looks like a fantastic resource – secure, safe way to report #bullying #ERASEbullying
ERASE Bullying @ERASEbullyingBC
Educ Minister @DonMcraeMLA just announced BC’s new website & reporting tool is now live. Link: #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
shane woodford @WoodfordCKNW980
Edu Min Don McRae says safe school coordinators now in place in all BC school districts adds 1 proD day dedicated to bullying #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Lori McGrath @thewritemama
@ERASEbullying @christyclarkbc says we want to do more to stop bullying in BC than anywhere else in the world #Erasebullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Lucky Gill @Lucky_Gill
Children should feel safe when they are in schools.We can do better. Let’s literally #ERASEbullying together. @christyclarkbc”
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
Theresa Campbell created the ERASE Bullying strategy and will be speaking momentarily. #ERASEbullying
shane woodford @WoodfordCKNW980
Premier @christyclarkbc says we need to find a way where compassion and caring for others becomes the norm in schools #ERASEbullying #bcpoli
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Janet Steffenhagen @jsteffenhagen
Jay Luty tells his own “it gets better” story for bullied kids. His high sch life was hellish but now he’s living his dream #erasebullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Alisa Hutton @alisahutton
Listening to Jay Luty@ERASEbullingBC, what a brave and amazing young man #ERASEBULLYING
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
James Keller @jdkvcr
Jay Luty tells his story of being bullied, and the day he told his parents about his suicidal thoughts #ERASEbullying
Retweeted by Susan Carraretto
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
The #ERASEbullying Summit in #Vancouver is now underway. Follow the conversation with this hashtag stream.