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Ahhh, the diaper years…
Our sweet, innocent babies reward us with unconditional love, unlimited cuddles and never ending cuteness.
And while diapering isn’t usually our favorite part of those years, it comes with the territory. Have baby must change.
One thing I have noticed about diapering is that we moms are very brand loyal. We find something that works for us and we stick with it. A sale doesn’t tempt us the way it would for a loaf of bread.
After a few months of diapering my first son Jackson, I found I preferred Huggies diapers. And with Huggies, Susan and I have remained – for all four babies!
So, when asked if we wanted to do a Huggies® promotion, we said for sure!
We love our Huggies – especially the Huggies® Little Movers Diapers!
Seriously – check out Olivia in all her diaper cuteness. That little monkey is one fast Little Mover! (I especially love the scene of her dancing in the rain in her diaper. SO Olivia – SO cute!)
5 Days of Giveaways with Huggies!
We know moms have paid their diapering dues, so Huggies® wants to reward you with some FUN giveaways this week!
Yes, from Monday to Friday we will have fantastic prize packs that you will really want to win. So check back every day for more Huggies fun!
Our First Huggies Prize Pack
We parents spend a significant portion of our time and our money diapering our children. There isn’t any way around it. Babies require diapers — lots of them!
Today’s giveaway is going to make one of you VERY excited about diapering! Oh yeah baby — win this one and every time you change that little bottom you will want to cheer!
Today’s prize pack includes 6 months of Huggies® Diapers!!!
So, we want to know, what would you do with six months worth of diapers? How would it help your family, (or a family you know?)
Day 1 Huggies Prize Pack
- Six month’s worth of Huggies® Diapers in coupons
- Huggies-branded Flip Cam — so you can capture all those fun moments with your family!
- Dwell Studios Changing Pad — Great for Moms on the go – will need a portable changing pad with all those free diapers!
- Skip Hop Dash Deluxe Diaper Bag — perfect to carry all those coupons, Flip Cam and of course the adorable changing pad!
To Enter:
To enter please leave a comment below by Friday, June 4th, and tell us what would you do with six months worth of diapers? How would it help your family, (or a family you know?) To make entering simpler for you, only one entry per person please.
This giveaway is open from May 24, 2010, to June 4, 2010. We will announce our winner on Saturday, June 4th. This giveaway is open U.S. residents 18 years of age or older at the time of entry and is void where prohibited by law.
The approximate retail value of this prize pack: Six month’s worth of Huggies Diapers in coupons ($288). Little Movers Flip Cam ($100), Dwell Studios Changing Pad ($18), Skip Hop Deluxe Diaper Bag ($58).
For additional rules, please click here for rules specifically pertaining to our 5 Days of Huggies® giveaways.
For more information about our giveaways, please see our site’s terms and conditions of use.
Don’t miss our other Huggies Giveaways!
- Huggies Day 2 — “When did your kids get on the move?” Prize pack worth over $500!
- Huggies Day 3 — “Capturing the Spirit of Childhood” Prize pack includes a Canon Powershot SX20IS and more!
- Huggies Day 4 — Prize pack includes a $200 gift certificate to JC Penney Portrait Studio, a Timi and Leslie Diaper Bag and more!
- Huggies Day 5 — Prize pack includes $1000 American Express Gift Card!
*This giveaway is part of a sponsored campaign with Huggies®. Our opinions and posts about the products are completely our own — I mean, good grief, we have been putting our babies and toddlers in Huggies diapers for eight years! So no worries, as always, we post only what is truthful.
Written by Janice Croze, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom.
You get our feed, right?
Michele says
I would use them my husband is laid off and we could use the extra money also I would share some either my cousins who don’t have a lot of money
Christine says
I have a newborn, and times are tight. We’ve had to refinance our house — we almost lost it to foreclosure. Recently we’ve had to put our son on a special type of formula because he’s allergic to both Lactose and Soy. The special formula is twice as much as the regular stuff. 6 months worth of diapers would really help us out a lot. Thanks…
shakia brown says
six months worth of diapers would do my family great. It would really help me and my husband out with our little one. We both are in school and working part time with so many bills in the way. This would be like a blessing from god cause it really would help us. And my baby would be so excited cause hes wearin a good brand and great quality diaper and not the one that get soaked fast.
rocky says
We will use them everyday. This will greatly help our family with a 1 year old baby and an out-of-job dad.
Nav Jeroslewizc says
I’d split the supply of diapers 3 ways: 1) to my local homeless shleter 2) to the community food bank that I know supllies basics for people who desperately need it 3) the rest for us, as sadly, we can use them too..
Jessica Cook says
Six months of Huggies would ROCK. We just finished an expensive move and need to buy a crib. The extra $$$ would go great towards the purchase of crib for my giant five month old. The co sleeper is getting small. My older one who is in pull ups at night would LOVE the camera. She thinks filming is fun. By the by we love it is one of the best corporate sites I have seen.
Janelle says
I left a comment, but I think I put it in the wrong place. I admit that I’m not as computer savvy as I would like to be. I think I actually commented ON a comment. So anyway…despite my computer using faux pas I sure could use six months worth of Huggies. Perhaps I couldn’t figure out how to use the site, because I’m sleep deprived…lol! I have five month old twin boys, 6 year old boy/girl twins and an eight year old son. I love staying at home with all of them and home educating. Thanks HUGGIES for all you have done for our family over the last 8 years.
Emily says
6 month supply of Huggies? PINCH ME NOW! I’d throw the money we would have spent on Huggies into taking a few fun day-trips with our sweet little girls. Two and six months. 🙂
Heather Reed says
A six month supply of diapers would help out greatly with the expense of diaper that we are currently incurring. I’m always searching for the best deal on diapers with coupons, so to have a six month supply would greatly relieve me in doing that task. We seem to go through tons of diaper with my son, so it would be appreciated.
laura says
I wouldnt be living paycheck to paycheck with 2 kids in diapers. I could actually save a little more! being a stay at home mom, this sure would help out
Tiffany says
What wouldn’t I do, if I received 6 months of diapers?! I’m a mommy of an awesome 5 month old & am unable to work due to a medical issue, but I’ve recently had surgery(thankfully) & am feeling soo much better! Anywho, my husband has been working his pa-tootie off non-stop to afford diapers, food, formula, & clothes for baby so with 6 months of diapers he could really settle down a little & maybe go back to working a normal under 70hr work week! We would be able to enjoy more time together doing things as a family, put away some of the money we would save for baby’s college fund, & even be able to actually save some of our saving moneys instead of blowing through it in diapers. haha! =)
Melissa says
With 6 months worth of diapers I would hopefully finish potty training my son and then I know a couple families that will or just had newborn babies, I would help them out.
Heather says
We are expecting our second little one in just a few weeks and will proudly be a member of the “Two Under Two” crowd. Even though we’ve been stocking by buying in bulk and using both store and manu coupons during big sales, diapers will be one of our biggest expenses for a while.
Nadia says
We are a young Army family. Though my husband’s job is one of the most dangerous but necessary and noble jobs on earth, the pay is sometimes barely enough to cover our daily expenses. With 6 months worth of diapers, I could stretch our budget further and even help other young moms in the same position. Military wives worry every day about the safety of our husbands as they fight overseas…perhaps I can take the worry of money problems off their minds for just a little while. That’s worth it to me!
Erika Iglesias says
I’m brand spanking new to motherhood.God blessed me with a beautiful son named Nicholas in April this year. It’s been a struggle Learning the ropes alone since my side of the family lives in Pennsylvania. So I’ve learned any help I can get it will be greatly appreciated. And 6 months worth of diapers would be a blessing for me.
Marie B. says
Six months of diapers? Amazing! We all know what an incredible expense the diapers are. I try to be careful to pair sales and coupons (thanks for those $3 coupons, BTW–they ROCK!). But it would definitely allow us more room in our budget for clothes, food, family activities. . . the other essentials.
MIchelle says
I would use some and give some to other mommys and pregnant mooys that I know!
Name* says
kassie says
With 6 months of diapers we would be over the moon! My sons love Huggies but I often struggle to afford them. The $3 off coupons are awesome and we put them to good use! Thanks huggies.
Haley says
I would use them. I have a baby boy who would go through them like crazy. I would also donate them to people in need, and give them away for a baby shower gift. What mom couldn’t use them. Love huggies!!!!!!
Jenney Gramly says
With 6 months worth of diapers, we would save so much money. With one in pull ups and one in diapers. Me and my husband both work full time, and still can’t make it, but we try to give our children all the fun experiences we can. This would help so much
Karah says
We’d use them 🙂 It would be great to have a little extra money to do fun things with the kids this summer!
Sarah N says
Six months worth of diapers would be amazing! We have a little one in diapers now and one due at the end of the year!
Eryn says
The Huggies would go to a teen mom I know. She reminds me so much of myself, college scholarships lined up, big plans, and a baby before college. It’s such a scary place to be in, but with a good support structure and new goals, she can do well. I had my eldest at 17, and she’s now 12, top of her class, spends her summers volunteering and studying.
I hope good things for this mama, and hope to be involved with her and her little one for a long time 🙂 We define our situation, it doesn’t have to define us.
Toni says
My husband was just recently put off work indefinately because he is having heart trouble. His heart is pausing and then having a real rapid rate to catch up. So he is in a constant state of strangulation and then a rush of adrenaline. We can’t afford our bills on one income so we are trying to figure out what we are going to do. Our daughter was a gift from God! That is the only way I can describe her. She is the only girl and her next youngest sibling is 17. We never expected to have a 1 year old now but are so glad we do. 6 months of Huggies would be another gift from God at a time so needed!
yana says
What we would do if we got free diapers? we would be able to buy better food for our growing family and better food leads to better brain development and better health overall.
Cheryl Reina says
6 months of diapers would definitely help our family catch up on some of our other bills. We have a 2 year old and a 2 month old who are both wearing Huggies. The cost of diapers certainly adds up.
Aimee W. says
We have a friend of the family who just had her TENTH child. Of ten, 6 are still in diapers!!
KtCallista says
With 6 months of diapers I would sleep so much easier. My husband, like so many other people, was downsized last month. We are looking at moving in with my parents if he can’t find a job by the end of the summer (which will probably require moving anyway). My parent’s aren’t really any better off though, as my dad was downsized 2 years ago and still hasn’t found work. There aren’t many people that want to hire a 55 year old engineer with no degree. After my appendix blew immediately after the birth of our son four months ago, we were left with no buffer. Sometimes wish I had chose cloth diapers, but now we have no choice for those, the startup is just too much. Anyway, just having 6 months where I didn’t have to worry about the cost of diapers on top of the food, wow, that would be something special!
Alexis says
I’d use them for my 14 month old daughter, she goes through diapers like water! 6 months worth of diapers would really help our family out.
sarah huffman says
6 months of diapers would help our family afford for me to go back to school to earn my teaching credential so I can follow my dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher (and help support my family as well!)
Jodi Dawson says
Having one in diapers and one in pull ups, six months of Huggies would be amazing! In addition, I will have three new nieces or nephews by August. I would definitely share the love! We love Huggies in our home!
Beth says
We could use the diapers because we have a little pooper and leaker on our hands and who better then HUGGIES to hold it all it. We love you!
Ashley says
6 months of Huggies would give us a little extra cash for a trip back home. A military family ALWAYS looks forward to that.
Divya says
My daughter loves huggies and she really runs through diapers fast. It would really help me to have a 6 month supply to keep up with her.
Ashley Weir says
If we had a year’s worth of diapers…I could relax and get diapers when we need them and not wait for the $3/Huggies coupon to reload. (Keep it coming by the way!!!)
Bonnie says
What would I do with a 6 month supply of huggies???? I would be so completely over joyed that I might not be able to speak for just a few moments. It would be so awesome!!!! I have 2 little ones in diapers and its so expensive. I am however very grateful that huggies does alot of coupons because it really helps and they really do stand behind there product. I’ve actually been using huggies products for almost 12 years. I used them for my oldest and 10 years later when I decided to have more children, I knew i wouldn’t use anything but HUGGIES!!! It would really help my family out though. We run our own company and work alot and childcare is so expensive so if I had a 6 month supply of diapers maybe we could afford to take a day off. ( : I would also most definately make sure to help a mom or family out that needed some help with diapers, its really important to offer help when you’ve been giving a blessing.
Beth Sills says
I think I feel like everyone else…6 months worth of diapers would just be amazing. I think everyone is on a tight budget these days. I am a stay at home mom, and I don’t know how we are making it on one income…but somehow we always do. We love our Huggies!!!
Jacqueline Brim says
six months of diapers would give my budget a little breathing room. Its hard living pay check to paycheck, and this would be a big help to my family. I am currently unemployed and living off savings, so its very tight.
Kirsten Taft says
What would I do with a 6 months worth of diapers? I would give my husband, son, myself and my sister in law on a well needed vacation. My husbands nephew was born with a small airway, and recieved a trach 1 month ago. We all spent countless nights in Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital by his side, helping his mom anyway we could. It may not buy a vacation to Hawaii, but a vacation to the zoo, the mountains, anything would be so well needed.
Jessi Furthmyer says
6 months worth of diapers would be a HUGE blessing as my husband is unemployed at the moment. It would definitely help us out a TON!!!
Angel says
My daughters are both expecting, one in July and the other in November with 6 months of diaper I could help relieve the burden of two new mothers that mean the world to me!
Mary says
With 6 months of diapers we could finally see a little relief – a little breathing room – in our incredibly tight budget!
Christina Williams says
With 3 in diapers and spending over 100 a month in diapers I’d finially be able to relax somewhat With my husband just starting a grossly poorly paid job it would help us sooo much
Kelly says
Six months of dipers is such a wonderful gift that one could ever recieve. I am just weeks away from bring home my bundle of joy and am stressing about the hospitol costs, food costs, and all the things that a baby needs. Huggies is a company that thinks of the women who are loyal to them and for that I thank you Huggies. There are so many companies that have forgotten the people who supported them through thick and thin. I am excited about this journy into mother-hood and know due to the many great contests and coupons Huggies provides, I will always support the Huggies corporation. You ROCK Huggies!!
Renata says
What would my family do with 6 months worth of diapers?That’s easy…We’ll start a College Savings Account for her to start building a bright future for her and for our country. What is the world without education? Today’s babies are the adults of tomorrow!!
Janelle says
I like so many others who have commented have a financial need that would be relieved by six months of diapers. I have five month old twin boys, 6 year old boy/girl twins and a beautiful 8 year old son. With a family of five comes many expenses that are often unaccounted for and catch a family by surprise. Huggies are by FAR the superior brand of diapers on the market today and we have used them for all of our children. Just wanted to put our name in for consideration for the prize. THANKS HUGGIES!!!
bslink says
Six months worth of Huggies would be a win win situation!!!
Huggies is the brand that we use and when you get those off
brands you can really tell the difference so it’s not worth the
few pennies that you save. Everything is so costly including
the babysitter while we are working that winning diapers
would give our checkbook a little rest.
Pattie says
6 months worth of diapers would be a god send! My daughter is a teen mom who does not work so I have been buying all of the items that my granddaughter needs and having 6 months of diapers would free up some money to fix things around the house that have gone unfixed because of all of the extra expenses. I would love to have 6 months supply of diapers, it would be a great help!
Courtney Sicking says
6 months worth of diapers would be AMAZING i have a 10 month old and am 13 weeks pregnant now! Huggies is ALL i use!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer Thurmond says
If I won a 6 months supply of Huggies Diapers, it would help us more than I could ever express. My son is 11 weeks old and was born with club feet (on both feet) and has had cast since he was 2 weeks old and at 10 weeks old he had surgery. After this set of casts come off in a week he will be in special shoes for the next 2-4 years. All of this is very expensive and free diapers would help us so much.
Heather says
If I won 6 months worth of diapers I would take the money that I normally would spend on the diapers and start a college fund for my children.
Lindsay says
My 2 year is getting ready to be potty trained, so I would give them to my sister to use for her 9 month old boy. She is a stay at home mom and her boyfriend is such a hard worker, but has a very unpredictable job. I know that they financially would LOVE the diapers 🙂
Julie C. says
I would love, love , love to have 6 months supply of diapers. My husband will be out of job at the end of the months, so we will be in a bad financial situation. My baby is a super heavy wetter and we have to change him often. This will save us so much money.
Debra P says
As a single income family, and as business owners, there are times when every penny needs to be counted. I am always trying to find the cheapest way to purchase these basic necessities – like sales and coupons. So, these would certainly do wonders. Would love to be able to share some too with other families on hard times.
Julie says
6 months of HUGGIES?!?!?! OMW! I would literally be in the streets dancing! We Only buy huggies (cause we are huggies snobs like that) and they are the only diapers that fit my son right and NEVER leak! I have been trying to find the jean diapers everywhere! My son would look SOOO stinkin handsome in them, and the world would certainly see them since he likes to take his clothes off at every opportunity.
Laura Kelley says
Six months worth of diapers would definitly take a load off my shoulders. I was recently laid off of work and my husband is struggling to work hard to make ends meet. Our little girl is 6 months old and it seems like we go through a box of diapers a week sometimes. It is hard to keep up with our bills, let alone keep diapers in supply. We are trying so hard to make our new family work and six months of diapers would mean a lot.
Miranda DAvis says
I would covert my sister-in-law to Huggies. She currently uses the store brand diapers for my niece, but I would love to that sweet baby girl in some Huggies. :o)
Amber Saavedra says
I would love a 6 month supply of Huggies. My children are miracles. All children are, but my boys were born after I had cancer. After all my treatments, I was told that I would be infertile. I was 19. My husband and I were married 6 months when I began to feel sick and thought my cancer was back. When I went to my doctorhe said your sick alright, but it won’t last long, your pregnant!! We were thrilled! After a hard pregnancy of son came into the world healthy and beautiful. We tried to concieve right away again thinking if it happend once it would happen again, no such luck. Almost 4 years later, my husbands granfather, who had raised him passed away, the next week my husband was laid off on my birthday. The day after I found out I was pregnant. Needless to say the timing was awful, my husband was unemployed the next 7 months, he went back to work 2 days before I went into labor, he missed our son being born. We are finally starting to get back on our feet and a 6 month supply of diapers would be such a blessing to our family. I would use them and the money I would save could go to other baby essentials or school! Thanks so much for your time!
Jessica Parsons says
If I won 6 months worth of diapers it would be wonderful. My husband and I have fallen on hard times… my husband has been unemployed since february 2010 and I was out on work since december 2009 due to pregnancy complications. We now have a wonderful 10 week old baby boy and a wonderful 5 year old little girl. I was finally able to go back to work a week ago but things are really tough. Thanks for the consideration.. 🙂
Jessica says
Wow I think if I had 6months of diapers I would share them with my expecting sister. I love Huggies and as a first time mom I know how difficult it is to find something that just works. I love Huggies everything. It’s all I use and recommend. My daughter is growing quick(4months) and we are going through them like crazy. I know having a baby is expensive so I would definitely share the love!
Angeana says
Wow!! What a great giveaway!! Diapers seem to be a never-ending necessity at our house. If I couldn’t use them all, I know plenty of people who could!!!
Pat Blount says
Six months worth of free diapers could help mommy stay home with her first baby. What a blessing that would be.
Jennifer says
What would I do with 6 months of free diapers? I would use them for our daughter who will be here in 5 more months and if I had extra left over I would share some with my friend who is due soon after me in December. If I didn’t have any children I would try and see what local organizations or shelters could use the diapers and donate them.
It would help out our family financially because my husband and I are young and we are struggling to pay all the bills as it is now. We both were going to school full time and work full time jobs. I just graduated with my Associates in Science in Allied Health Transfer and my husband just got his EMT Basic certification. I have decided to take a yr. off since the baby is coming. But, our full time jobs barely cut it, which is why we are working hard in school, so that we can one day have better jobs and better futures to better take care of our 6 year old and the new one on the way and to be better examples for them.
Florence says
My son is past the diapers stage but my cousin is expecting so I’m sure she can use the diapers. I get to keep the camera though, 😉
erika says
I would save the money and put it towards buying a grain mill so that I can finally make freshly milled sprouted grain breads for my gluten sensitive family!
Debi says
6 months worth of diapers…would mean I could throw more snowballs at my debt…DaveRamsey would be so proud!! 🙂
Wanda B says
To win 6 months worth of diapers…this would be such a Godsend. With a 16 year old, 8 year old and 3 moth old, it is definitely wearing on our pocketbook. Also, having to work on an olser home that needs the floor torn out and redonebefore the baby starts to crawl is expensive. Not having to buy diapers for this long would ease our minds and help get the floor finished. Huggies are great and seem to be the diaper of choice so so many. Who wouldn’t want to have any amount free let alone 6 months worth. I’m the diaperbag and changing pad are just as cute as the diapers too. Thank you for the opportunity. We will be sure to take tons of pictures of our sweet little one with the flip cam also. Good luck to the winner.
Jennifer R says
6 months of diapers would be great for us and a huge savings, but I think I would also try to help out a young couple who I know is going to need as much help as they can get
Lisa says
Six months of diapers would be awesome! Especially huggies. Everytime I try to stray to generic diapers for the cheaper price I end up regretting it. They don’t fit as well and the give my boys rashes!! Since we currently have two in diapers, not needing to buy anyfor six months would be wonderful! We wouldn’t be as strapped for cash to pay for propane now so we could have heat this winter!!
Nicole N says
If i got 6 months of diapers i would not only give a sigh of relief for not having to worry about diapers for 6 months in this tough economy and trying to keep bills paid. I would also help out my sister who has an eight month old another one due in october. i have one in diapers i couldnt imagine two in diapers.
Richelle says
What would we do with 6 months of diapers? Rejoice, that’s what! In January of last year, we had our third child, a boy whose health issues required me to quit my job of 5 years. Then, about 6 months later, we learned that a 2 year-old relative (removed from parents at birth) was about to be institutionalized, as his social worker was calling him “un-adoptable”. So within just a few short months, we began the process of making him our son. So, we went from having 2 children, to having 4– in one year! Our kids are ages 5, 3, 2, and 1… and 3 of them are in diapers. We are about 3 weeks away from finalizing the adoption of our newest little guy, who has some special needs– but is adorable and fits perfectly into our kid-rich family. As if all of that wasn’t enough transition for 1 year, this past weekend, we learned that we are expecting child number 5 in January! This was a very unexpected (and a little scary) surprise. Due to the special dynamics of a family with LOTS of small children, including some with behavioral and health issues, it is not practical for me to work outside the home at this time. Instead, I am using this time to obtain my bachelor’s degree online, while my husband works in retail management to provide for our increasing family. To say that our budget is tight would be the understatement of the century! I have learned how to clip coupons and always am on the look-out for new ways to better manage our finances. The truth is, 6 months of diapers would be truly a God-send for us. We have tried nearly all brands of diapers, and have found Huggies to be our favorite. We would be honored and most grateful to be chosen. Thanks for such a generous opportunity!
Jessica D says
Just like everyone we could use a 6 months worth of diapers, it would help out greatly with our finances. Diapers really add up! It would be awesome knowing that we didn’t have to worry about coming up with diaper money for awhile.
Priscilla says
We are still working on potty training with our almost 6 year old (autistic). I was hoping to be out of diapers by this time but it looks like it will be a while yet. Of course, if we were to win this, and by some miracle we are fully trained by 6 months, I would probably donate the diapers somewhere. Crossing my fingers…….
Megan says
I have 2 month old twins and they go thru a ton of diapers. A free six month supply of diapers would be great. It would help us financially and would help ease the stress of parenting twins a little bit because we would know that they will have diapers no matter what.
Christine Winchell says
6 months of Huggies would mean 6 months of leakless nights for us! it is the only brand of diapers that I have purchased that our daughter has not wet through. They are simply fabulous, fit just right and we don’t seem to have diaper rash! 6 months of ‘ahhhh’
Jen says
6 months of diapers!!!!! 🙂 Well we recently bought an older home and have a whole notebook full of projects that need to get done. Not having to buy diapers for 6 months would sure help out with the budgeting of those remodels! Also, we have our 2nd baby due in 2 months, so we will have 2 in diapers…making that whole process just a little cheaper is always wonderful!!
Carrie says
I would love to get 6 months of Huggies!!!! Diapers are a great exspence every month. My husband is 26 years old and has been going through Chemo the past year, most of our money has went to paying medical bills so not to have to buy diapers for 6 months would be a huge blessing!!
Rachelle says
Wow, 6 months of diapers! We have two children in diapers right now and we only buy Huggies. As new parents we found out REALLY quick that Huggies are the only diapers that hold EVERYTHING in! We tried some others at first but were frustrated with all the leakage. If we received 6 months worth of diapers it would mean we could use some money to replace all the outfits that were damaged by the other diapers!
Katherine says
It would be awesome to not have to think about buying them for a while! Six months of just fun fun fun with our little miss!
Rockie Helms says
Oh my I would love love love to win a 6 months supply of diapers. I would use them for my almost four month old. If I had too many of one size I would give them to someone else in need. I have tried just about all of the brands of diapers including store brands. I proudly stand by the Huggies Brand diapers and wipes. Thanks Huggies for all of the great savings in coupons that I receive in the mail. Did I say I would love love love to win a 6 months supply of diapers? Thanks!
jackelyn18 says
Six months worth of diapers would be a tremendous help to my family. With my husband on disability from an injury and making 1/3 of our normal income we could use help. His health is obviously more important than any money could ever be, but I worry about how bills will be paid. My husband is such an amazing man, and to see him struggle with his ability to provide and feel like he is contributing is so tough. I love my family, and I love my husband. I am a SAHM and I enjoy every second of it, but at times I wish I could provide more than just my labor and love. Also my Brother in law could use a little help with his 1yr old and diapers, so I would probably share the wealth a bit. We love Huggies and have always used them on our children, and I highly recommend them to everyone I know who is having a baby. Thanks Huggies for your wonderful product, and Kimberly Clark for excellent customer service.
Jenmom6 says
We have twin baby girls. Would LOVE free diapers….any amount!!!
Suzanne says
I have a 7 month-old baby, so we definitely have a use for diapers in our house! I know that times are tough for everyone, and free diapers would help us out a ton!
Heather says
6 months of diapers would help us out tremendously! My husband and I are both full-time students and are not working, just trying to get through school in a timely manner (and not stress out too much, ha ha ha). Things get tight, so 6 months worth of diapers would sure help out!
Angie G. says
There are very few things better then being able to do some type of service for someone else anonymously. It feels good to be able to give someone a neccessity without them ever having to feel indebted to you, because they don’t know where the gift came from. I don’t want any praise for doing something good, just to enjoy knowing that a burden has been lifted from someone else. So if I won the 6 months of free diapers, I would like to give the coupons anonymously to those around me that are in need of a little relief….even if its in the form of diapers.
Rachel Clewell says
Six months worth of diapers would help us out tremendously!!! I was laid off my job six months ago, and we have a six month old. My husband is the only source of income and with his job you never know what kind of hours he is going to get. We are currently struggle to get a budget going so we can balance out bills and the needs for our three year old and six month old. Taking the diaper bill off that budget for six months would be so helpful, and we would be able to put that extra money else where since the six month old is also on special formula!
Megan says
I would love 6 months worth of diapers. My husband lost his job so we are struggling to make it and diapers are very expensive. I would use the extra money I would have spent on diapers on food and bills.
Jaime Garrett says
6 months of diapers would be wonderful. My other half lost his job back in December and our son was born 4 months before he lost his job. Our little guy was 7 weeks & 4 days early. To say that money is tie, is an understatement and the diapers would free up some money for other expenses that we have.
Jennifer says
I would probably share six months of diapers with my neighbor. We are currently potty training our almost three year old and will hopefully not need diapers much longer. My neighbor has an almost one year old and I try to help them out by passing as much on to them as possible.
Eileen says
Sigh…I actually MISS those days! My youngest is 10 and my youngest grandchild just turned 3 and is ALMOST potty trained.
We had a SWEET new family member come into the world just 6 weeks ago weighing only 1lb 10 oz. It was such a scary and exciting rollercoaster ride for these new parents and the entire family, just waiting to see if Annabelle would survive. She is now at 3 lbs 6 oz and NOW it the time that these new parents are starting to worry about all the costs involved. They have had insurmountable travel costs, lost work hours, and a ton of stress worrying about how to cover special needs care and lost wages from at least ONE income. Six months of Huggies would mean the WORLD to them! Do you have a size called itty bitty, teensy weensy??
THANKS so much!
Heather Davis says
Who couldn’t do with free diapers??? And HUGGIES to add to the equation?? When things have been really tight financially, we had to buy another brand–which made me sad, because we love HUGGIES. My daughter is almost out of diapers,, but I am expecting our second one, and free diapers would be welcome any time–more money for snacks and other groceries or for gas….
Andrew says
My daughter is a great eater for an 8 month old. I’d use the money saved on the free diapers to buy a wide assortment of foods for my daughter to try (and to fill up those diapers!)
Nate's Mom says
That’s a lot of diapers! My boy would be set for quite some time, and we would likely share some with the New Haven Diaper Bank for women and families in need of basic supplies.
erin says
I would probably split the prize with my sister who is due in three weeks with her third. Three months for each of us!
t g says
Six months worth of diapers???? That’s a lot of money to use for something else, like groceries and gas. My husband has 2 jobs to make ends meet, that will really help the family big time:)
Amber Fitzpatrick says
We would love 6 months worth of diapers. My husband routinely gets laid off work and sometimes times are really tight. We do all we can for our 9 month old and we love Huggies. It is the only brand that we use and I even splurged and bought a small pack of the Jean Diapers. I had to try them because they were just too cute. You sacrifice for you children. I guess I never realized how much you could love another person:)
Danyelle Hornick says
I’m going to be a new mom in August and currently unemployed and my boyfriend lives 2 hours away. So 6 months worth of diapers would help me out alot. I’m doing all I can buying stuff before he gets here but things are really hard, and I really hope that I could be a good 1st time mom. Huggies are all my relative and friends use, so as a mom I will also be buying Huggies. Thank You Huggies for running such amazing contests.
Kourtney says
6 months of free diapers!!! That would be six months of money I wouldn’t have to spend on dipes for our new addition arriving in the next 6-9 weeks! With that money I could continue on our goal towards chipping away at those pesky credit cards. I could probably clear out 2 of the 3 we have left, which all goes towards the bigger goal of finally owning a house for our three kids to grow up in.
Of course I’m a softee at heart, and my BFF is also expecting 3 weeks before me. In all honesty I would probably share some of my diapers with her!
Wendi says
Just had baby #2. she is almost 3 months old, so those diapers would come in very handy! My husband just got a job after 1 year and half without one and we are living with my parents right now…waiting to save up so we can move out…so those diapers would be a great help!!
Jennifer says
6 months worth of diapers would be a lifesaver. I have quit my job to stay home with my 2 children, and although I am so happy to be doing so, I do worry about the financial strain it will put on my family.
Angie B says
6 months of diapers would mean a lot to my family. Baby #2 is due very very soon and once again we’ll have to start buying diapers. Our 3-year old still is in pull-ups (sigh) but we’re working on it. Due to economic hardship – my husband has taken a 20% pay cut at work and I was let go after telling my boss I was pregnant right after Christmas!!! 6 months of free diapers would ease the money problems a little.
karen says
Oh wow-this would save us so much money. I would also donate some diapers to a local women’s shelter if I won this!
Jennifer Payton says
If I won I would I would give half of the diaper to families I know that are in need. I know what it is like to struggle and how expensive diaper can be and I would love to be able to help somone out who truly needs it!
Elizabeth says
6 months worth of diapers would be amazing! I am a stay at home mom with a 3 year old boy and a 7 month old girl. Of course my son doesn’t need the diapers, but my daughter would be more than willing to load them up with some nasty stuff. It would definitely take some of the burden off of trying to stretch my husbands pay check to support all four of us.
Shawna says
Six months of diapers would be a blessing. My husband is currently working three jobs while I finish up nursing school and stay with our three small children. That would definately free up a little cash so my husband would not have to work so much.
Lluvia says
6 months worth of diapers would be amazing! We would use them with our 7 month old. We would use all that extra money that we would have used on paying car payments that we got alittle behind on
Fay says
6 months of diapers would helps us out alot. We are a family of 7 with 2 in diapers. A 14 month old and a newborn. Buying diapers for 2 can be a struggle at times for a family as big as ours with only one parent working. We enjoy using Huggies brand diapers!
Melody says
If I won 6 months of diapers, I would feel like I had just won the lottery! I have a 13 month little boy who goes through diapers like crazy! We are a single income family and diapers aren’t cheap, so winning 6 months of diapers would be a great blessing to our family.
Rachel Allen says
What would six months of diapers mean for my family? A lot!! We have two in diapers right now, so at full price that is at least $20.00 each week on diapers. To receive six months worth would enable me to stock up on some other items….meat for the freezer, stock the pantry, buy an outfit for new baby, and the list goes on…=)
nicole says
Six months of diapers would be a tremendous help seeing the father of my baby has completely walked out and i have no job due to me being in and out the hospital, a months worth of diapers would be great lol. I didnt know it was gonna be so hard, and i never thought he would just walk out at a time like this!! diapers are one of the things that ill need for awhile…..
Jill says
With 6 months of diapers, my husband and I could use the extra money to help in our goal of paying off our debts before we put a down payment on a house.
shannan says
I love huggies and my goodness would i be happy with 6 months worth free… daughter cant not wear anything else…i love to coupon and i put the money i save in to her savings account for collage….i am also a student so this would help lots….i would use the money i would save to also go in her saving account…
Kaia says
I would be so excited to have 6months worth of diapers. they are spendy and they add up quickly. I would much rather love to put that money away for my Daughters college fund… Because its expensive… It would also be fun to put away to bring her to disney land or some other places that she would like to go when she gets older…
Jen says
Any amount of Huggies diapers for free is awesome in my book! I am a widow with 15 month old twins. Affording diapers has become a challenge. Thank goodness for sales and coupons so that I can continue to buy Huggies — my favorite brand!
Karen says
Would love to have more Huggies diapers. I have a 2 year old and a 6 month old. I love Huggies. Wont use any other diaper. They are wonderful .. Love the overnights too. They have been a live safer with my son.
Julie Phelps says
A years worth of diapers…. WOW! I’ve got two in diapers and one in Pull Ups Overnights, and, I must say, going through the check out spending tons of money on something that gets filled with poop and tossed into the trash makes me crazy! My 7 week old can only use Huggies (thanks to gifts from other while he was in the NICU for 2 weeks confirmed that other brands are NOT for us!). My 3 year old flat out REFUSES to use the toilet and my 5 year old is having bed wetting issues. I feel like I spend my life changing diapers and washing kids’ underwear. A year of Huggies would just make life a heck of a lot easier!
Escarlett says
All i know is that it will definitely be a blessing from God because He knows that our very active10 mos old needs them badly. We were using a certain brand of cloth diapers but we noticed how they restricted our son from doing a lot of things so we started using Huggies Little Movers. We know that they helped him a lot because he started walking at 10 mos. We are glad we switched 🙂
martha mitchem says
My niece who’s 19 & excpecting her first child.This would be a huge help for her! She will be a single young mother.She has already had a difficult pregnacy & could use any help. They would greatly appreciated 🙂
Jen E. says
Wow, six months of diapers would be perfect right now! I would like to start potty training in about 7 or 8 months, so the timing is great. We are also struggling to save extra money for another baby, so this would add $ to our “New Baby Savings” jar. 😉
lacy b. says
What would I do with 6 months worth of diapers?! Well I’d use them on my 2yr old! We probably have about 6 months or so before we will be completely done with potty training, so that would be perfect! If we did complete potty training before the 6 months I would give the diapers to my best friend and her daughter, my god daughter!
karen says
winning 5-6months wroth of huggies would be super cool. im gona be haveing a newborn and we all know how many they go threw.
Junay Smith says
Hello!!! We love huggies diapers. Thats all we use. We would love to have plenty more. Thanks
Laurie says
Ah, first I would probably cry if we won six months of diapers! We have two diaper wearers in this household and that obviously costs a considerable amount of money. If that money were freed up, it would probably go toward other child expenses – the next stage car seat is one we are looking at right now! I must say, that I am thankful to Huggies for doing such a great job of keeping those $3 coupons coming!!! It helps a ton!
Kim Taylor says
leslie says
Six months of diapers would really help us financially because we are struggling with debt. I never knew how much money we would spend on a newborn. Our son is currently ten months but he is a little hefty….okay very hefty….and that money that we would end up saving on the diapers would go toward the purchase of formula.
Lexi S says
My son was born over 10 pounds so he never got to be in newborn diapers. He started in size 1s. He is a growing boy and growing quick. We could use these 6 months of diapers easily. My son is only now 3 months. The expense of diapers on our family budget is really taking a toll. I am a full time student and my husband got laid off from his job. In this hardship we are in I have become depressed from all the stress of finances. If we got this 6 months of diapers we would be termendously grateful. We are huge fans of Huggies and we have been clipping coupons to buy them. Winning would take a huge weight off my shoulders and help us soo much. You guys are the best for giving families who need help, this chance.
Kristi says
I think our budget would be in shock from 6 months of no diaper buying. We would use that money to visit my family for Thanksgiving. I still have a great grandmother living and she has never met my 10 month old son and seen my 4 year old daughter only 2 times. It would be great to take my kids to see their great-great-grandmother, great-grandparents, great-aunt and great-uncle, granny, pawpaw, aunt Amy and Uncle Barry. Everyone else will be there but we are doing our best to get that money together. What a blessing free diapers would be!!!
angela says
who couldn’t use 6 months worth of diapers!? how exciting! i am unexpectedly raising 2 kids on my own. we make ends meet, but that would be a great break!
Myrna Turner says
Winning 6 months of diaper coupons would be an absolute blessing! My husband lost his job almost a year ago now, so I’m currently the only one working. Thankfully, so far God has provided our every need in some way, shape or form. However, diapers do get expensive, especially when you want the best for your child! If we won 6 months worth of diapers, I would not only use them for my family, but also for my sister and my friends who have little ones, too! Money is really tight for all of us right now, so every little bit helps! When you have been blessed, you have to share that blessing!
Lissa says
Pedicure, manicure, hightlights anyone? Well, that is what I COULD do with the extra money I would have after winning 6 months worth of diapers. What I would actually do is come up with a monthly extra for my kids, my husband, and myself to do together. Spending time together is the best thing and sometimes financially it can limit what we do. A trip to the zoo, museum, play place, etc. Things educational and fun and done together would be what I would spend it on.
Deb says
It would help are budget tremendously! I have an 8 month old who uses them, plus I have a ton of friends who are pregnant and a bag of diapers would be wonderful shower gifts!
Katie A. says
I would use 6 months of diapers for sure! We are only on one income right now, so any money we could save would be wonderful! I also have several friends who have a spouse not working, so I would share some of my free diapers with them too!
Lisa W. says
It would be like winning the lotto…but in diapers instead. With my husband just getting back to work after being laid off for a year and my hours being cut drastically……this would be a huge life saver. I have used Huggies with all my kids…..and never did they disappoint me.
Stacey Giester says
Neither my husband or I are working at the moment. He will be taking a job in IL while I stay in MI to finish my first year of the nursing program. Having 6 months of free diapers would help us out a lot. We would be able to use that money for gas so that we can be together more often as a family. He will be missing out on so much with our 14 week old by the time we can be together again full time and the extra money would help us be together more often. Thank you Huggies!
Bridgette C says
Six months of diapers would save us a lot of trips to the store! We’ve got a 2.5 year old in diapers/pullups and a one month old, and it seems like we buy diapers every other day! It’d let us put the diaper money we would spend into a college fund 🙂
Marisa says
Wow 6 months supply of diapers would be a great help. We have 2 in diapers right now and diapers are so expensive. We would use the money we save to take our kids to the beach for a summer treat.
Sarah P says
We could TOTALLY use 6 months worth of diapers right now. My husband was recently laid-off and hasn’t been able to find a new job anywhere yet. He’ll be enrolling in school soon and then things will be interesting around here.
Kim S. says
I have 2 in diapers right now so 6 months worth of diapers would save me a ton of money.
Heather says
Use them of course! I’d continue to buy diapers and donate them to our local Domestic Violence shelter for women and children.
Nicole Green says
I have an 18 month old, so the diapers would come in handy. But I am also an avid coupon shopper, so having 6 months of free diapers would allow me to continue buying them on great deals with coupons and donating them to our church.
Linda Lane says
I would love to win a Huggies contest because they are the best diapers! My sister is raising her gtandson on a very low paying job and this would help her a lot! good luck to me!!!!
rebecca says
I would have a lovely six months!!! We use cloth diapers during the day, but Huggies at night. Huggies are definitely our favourite disposable diaper. My son just turned two, and has outgrown most of his cloth and we don’t want to buy him a bigger size just so he can potty train 6-8 months later! So, these would be perfect to get us through to potty training!
Melody Ellerd says
6 months worth of Huggies diapers would be a godsend!! I started out using a different name brand with my son, and I liked it for the first few months. However, once he started movin & a groovin, I became painfully aware of the fact that something in the diaper department needed to change for us! I can’t even tell you how many mornings I woke up to completely soaked through diapers (and I ALWAYS change his diaper right before putting him to bed) or how many dirty number 2 diapers just completely exploded out of a clean diaper! I decided to try Huggies and I haven’t turned back since! Being a young family any penny we can save helps go a long way for us! I would really appreciate this prize as would my son 🙂 Thank you!
EMILY says
Winning 6 months of diapers would be such a blessing! I figure that I go through 1 jumbo pack of diapers a week, so just thinking about how much money that would save is wonderful! Good luck everyone!
Jennifer Brown says
What would I do if I won 6 months of free diapers? Probably pass out! Hahahaha, no but really it would be such a blessing. The only brand I use is Huggies (because they are far superior that’s for sure) and it all adds up. BUT you get what you pay for and I always say that “I’d rather pay for the best than be disappointed with the rest!”
Tanya Trimmer says
I would use the money that we save from getting diapers in his college funds. It’s never too early to start saving for a childs education!
Becky says
Well, we would USE THEM!!!!!!! 6 months of diapers would be such a huge blessing to us!! 🙂
Tera says
Wow, Having 6 months worth of diapers would help my family tremendously!! I am the only one in the household that is working at this time and my daughter is only 6 weeks old so we will be wearing diapers for a long time, also no other diaper compares to huggies and due to only one parent working in the house I am not able to purchase this brand. I really want what is best for my daughter! My husband lost his job due to the ecomony plunge, So 6 months of free huggies diapers would help.
stephbjh says
I have a 2 and 13 year old daughter and my son just turned 16!My sons says that If I didn’t have to buy so many diapers I could afford to help buy him a car which is probably true!This would be a blessing for me and my family!!
gretchen england says
first i would thank god for such a nice blessing, then i would use them for my son who is almost 2, and when he is done with potty training i would give them to the local womens shelters in our area.
Sazz says
I have 1 month old twins so 6 months worth of diapers would be a HUGE help. I don’t work and the babies use so many diapers. I try my best to find good deals all the time!
Liz L. says
6 months worth of diapers would be a huge help to our family! We have twin one year old boys and we go through diapers very quickly!
Diana says
6 months worth of diapers would help my family a ton. I have a 3 year old, 2 yr old, 1 yr old, and a newborn ALL in huggies diapers. It would allow me to save up some money to be able to take the kids to activities that would engage their minds. I would love to take them to an aquarium or art museum, or just a regular museum like Museum of Science and Industry. I love huggies diapers (won’t use pampers or any other kind of disposable diaper, if we run out and can’t afford more right at the moment I turn toward the cloth diapers I have, but with 4 kids that’s a TON of laundry every day). My mother in law bought pampers for us to try once with our current newborn, but they gave him such a bad rash we switched right back to huggies. Thanks for this opportunity. We love huggies!!
Heather says
Six months of diapers would be awesome. We try to use coupons when we can, but they are not always available. Let’s face it, diapering is costly! Six months of diapers would free up some funding to do something fun or pay bills that we are struggling with already. Thank you for this opportunity!
Danielle Velez says
What would I do with 6 months of free diapers? OMG, I wouldn’t believe it if I won!! I have 2 lil guys that are only 13 months apart and I go through tons of diapers. My lil guy was actually in the Huggies Crawling race but he came out in 2nd place. So if I won, I would definitely save the money I would be spending on diapers and when my 6 month supply ran out, I would use it to buy another 6 months supply and hopefully be done with diapers after that!!
Sara says
In about five months we will have four children under the age of six! Two of them being in diapers! To make ends meet, my husband works a normal 8-5 office job, I work two night shifts a week (so I can stay home with the kids) and we also clean an office building twice a week! So six months of free diapers would mean just one thing I wouldn’t have to worry about!
Monica Thompson says
I would USE ALL of the 6 months worth of diapers, that’s what I’d do! I’d put them to good use this summer, and if I had leftovers I’ll donate them to friends/family with kids or to church!
Shannon says
I would love to have 6 months worth of diapers. They would help out so much since my son was born i only work part time. It would be nice to skip buying diapers for a few months.
Katrina Hix says
Six months worth of diapers would be a HUGE help!!! Between diapers, formula and solids our little girl has put a strain on our budget – she’s tiny but she can put away the food!!! Plus we have a little boy due in September. My husband is in the Army and I’m a stay at home Mom – every little bit helps!!!
Alexis says
6 months worth of diapers would be the bomb! I’m a mother of two and only my husband works so I’m constantly trying to save money on diapers, groceries, and whatever else I can! It would relieve a bit of stress!
raevanderstelt says
6 months of diapers would be Great! After a week of the flu my supply is running low. Now that my son is in day care it seems like we are constantly sick, and going through diapers faster then I remember to buy them. Huggies is the only brand that he doesn’t wake up wet in in the morning. I love them!
Danielle says
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and I am hoping to have her potty trained soon….but since I have no control over when she will be ready, I would either use the entire 6 months worth of diapers or I would pass them along to a friend in need. I have many friends that are becoming new Mommy’s and each and every one of them could use free diapers.
kristi says
first i would do a little dance of joy!!! i have 2 in diapers…a 2 yr old and a 7 month old…if i won a 6 month supply of diapers, honestly i would do something totally for myself and husband! we are wanting to go on a get-a-way for our 5th anniversary this fall…the money we would save on not having to buy diapers would go to help fund our really long (and much needed) date night 😉
tara says
Six months of diapers would be wonderful! My son is still in diapers, so I would use them up on him! If he happened to potty train before then (not likely…), I would gladly share with friends!
Krystal S. says
6 Months worth of diapers?! Isnt this every Mommy’s dream?! I know its surely mine!! I have a 4 month old daughter who can only use Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers; she is allergic to everything else!! I am a big fan of these as they help my daughter stay rash & blister free!! (Way to go Huggies!!) If I were to win 6 months worth of diaper I could add up it cost to purchase them & donate $$ to the gulf coast for theyre massive oil spill clean up efforts!! Good Luck Everyone!!
Stacey Madrid-DeJesus says
If I won all those diapers I would be able to spend the money elsewhere on our Foster babies that we take in…Diapers are a big expense in the daily life of a baby…We have one foster baby right now and she is 17 months old and we are in the middle of adopting her 🙂 We have had her since she was 8 weeks old. On top of that , I am a new grammy 🙂 My daughter just had a beautiful baby boy one week ago…We are very lucky to have mommy and baby living with us…Such a joy! So I would be a very happy foster mom and grammy if I won 6 months worth of diapers…I would be able to stock up for future foster babies also!
Helen says
Six months of free diapers would mean so much to our family! It could really help lift some of the financial burden off of us.
alicia says
i would jump with joy! 6 months of diapers would save us a lot of money and we could use it now! Though I would prolly still spend it on some thing for the kids,
Kerri says
Six months worth of diapers would be awesome! I have a 12 month old who goes through several a day and my older child is still not dry at night so it would help tremendously with our budget!
Tara Thompson says
I sure would love to win six months of diapers. My little man is 26 months and not ready to potty train. It would help our home greatly and I would also love to share with my brother and sister in law with some of our diapers. I love huggies and huggies is all we use in this home. I am grateful for all the great deals and coupons that huggies put out there for us to use, but nothing beats six months free!! Good Luck everyone!
Erin D says
With a year’s worth of diapers, I would be able to concentrate on the thing I love best….coming up with healthy and inexpensive meals to feed my family. I wouldn’t have to worry about printing coupons for diapers (other than for friends ;-), and I wouldn’t have to chase deals down. I also wouldn’t feel guilty when I buy a pack of diapers for full price…because I would already have them.
Michelle says
Gotta love those Huggies diapers. A year of diapers…whoa.
Megan says
Years worth of diapers…..hmmmm….I would first of all save a whole lot of money, secondly I would be able to make cute diaper cakes for all of my friends baby showers in the near future…
Amy in SC says
I would use the money we normally spend on diapers to help with some of our debt. We recently started financial peace university. Diapers are a HUGE part of our budget. It would be amazing to not have to worry about that for 6 months!!!
Michelle says
As I am no longer working, I would use the diapers for my 1 week old little man. I just love watching him have tummy time in his diaper on Daddy’s chest.
Holly Hill says
Favorite family moment ever hands down was when my daughter Lucy was born. I couldn’t describe the feeling if i tried, but I had the best days in the hospital learning about who my baby girl was. It was a true miracle and I thank God every day for her!
thanks Lucy Monroe, mommy loves you!
Kellie says
I recently gave birth to our fourth child the end of February. My husband and I decided during my pregnancy that I would quit my job of 9 years and become a stay-at-home mom. I was able to stay home with my oldest son and knew of the great blessings that this would bring. In an effor to make this happen, we had to do a lot of financial “reorganizing” to fit in the cost of a baby and eliminate my pay from our budget. We knew it would be tight, but very worth it. Approximately a month after I quit my job, my husband lost his job a couple weeks ago. So the 6 months of diapers would go a LONG way to stretch our already thin budget and help our savings go towards other family necessities.
Suzanne says
I have 4 kids; one potty training and 18month old twin boys who go through A LOT of diapers! It would be a huge blessing to have 6 months of Huggies diapers. We love the little movers…they do such a great job, look cute and fit wonderfully!
Allison J says
I would definitely keep some of diapers for myself as I’ve got two in diapers and then share the wealth with my SIL who has one in diapers with another on the way.
Tina Dubs says
A 6 month supply of Huggies diapers would feel like a miracle! We have a 8 month old baby girl about to turn 9 months old on the 7th! She has been in size 4s for about 2 months now and we only use Huggies brand due to skin irritation. I would be able to use the money I save I’d save on diapers for other much needed baby supplies! We love Huggies products, keep up the great work!!
Amber H. says
It would be wonderful to have six months worth of diapers. I have a five month old that goes through tons of diapers every day (I don’t think my first two went thru this many diapers) and a 3 year old who is still wearing pull ups at night. It would give me a chance to put money in the kid’s bank accounts with the money that we would be saving without having to pay for diapers. I absolutely love the organic huggies diapers and they are a litte more expensive then some of the rest so it would be a huge burden off my shoulders since I got laid off the day I gave birth to my son.
Lyn Gagnon says
Wow, 6 months of diapers would be a HUGE help for my family! I have triplets who are 11 months old, so diapers get quite expensive for me! My favorite brand is Huggies, so I clip coupons and try to buy them onsale, however, when buying diapers for 3 babies, it is still expensive! So, any money that we would save, I would probably just use to stock up for diapers after and to save for either other bills or some fun summer things for my family!
Heather Lopez says
I am a work at home mom with two toddlers. A 6 month supply would be so helpful, especially because I do not make much money. I love Huggies and stock up at Costco on boths the dipaers and wipes. I have tried other brands, but nothing beats them
lis says
I’d give them to my daughter for my grandson so they could give grandma a raise? Funny! No, for real I would give them to them so they can add the extra money saved to his savings account. Rather he have monies in the bank.
Amy R says
I still have a little one in diapers. Winning diapers would be a great help to my family. We have 3 kids and are always looking for ways to save money. If my daughter is potty trained before we use the entire supply of diapers. I have a neighbor who has 2 little ones and is pregnant with her third. I would love to be able to help her out with diapers. I am sure she would greatly appreciate it also.
Dina says
6 months of diapers would be a big help considering the fact that I have two kids in diapers and only one income!
Mary Smith says
Six months of diapers would be very beneficial to us right now because we are expecting!! I am going to try to stockpile this time around so we aren’t running out each week buying diapers.
Jacqueline says
Like most families now, we are trying hard to save money. With 6 months of diapers, I could stop hunting through the newspapers looking for sales, convincing all my friends to print out Huggies coupons for me, and spending time going to different stores to stock up when there is a sale because they have a limit of how many you can buy on sale, or they simply don’t have enough in his size… I could relax a little and even splurge on some goodies for my little one!
Christine Micalizzi says
What would I do with 6 mos of diapers? I would make every effort to potty train my 16 mo. old grandson who lives with my husband, myself and our own 5 kids! When we do get him successfully trained, if there are leftover diapers, I would gladly donate them them to other Foster familes with babies! Being a Foster family is awsome, yet the monetary payments are very slim. Diapers, especially Huggies, are a neccessity, and every baby, my grandson included, deserves the best! Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Amanda Smith says
6 months of Huggies diapers would be very helpful. I have a 15 month old that goes thru a lot of diapers each day. I have some new unexpected health expenses and not having to buy diapers for 6 months would be very nice and help the bank account.
Heather Clyburn says
My husband is the “bread winner” and his income alone has supported our family so that I can be home to take the children to and from school, help with homework and spend quality time with them among the many other things my job entails. I have now made it a priority of mine to make my husband’s salary stretch as far as possible. I am now making sure to find the best deals on daily household items and use coupons where ever possible.
My youngest daughter who is 8 months old is still in diapers. We only use Huggies brand diapers and those are a huge expense in our household. A six months supply would greatly bless our family.
I am currently laid up from a back injury and I am forced to stop breastfeeding. Now that we are needing to purchase formula our household grocery expenses have increased. Not having to purchase diapers for 6 months would be a huge blessing.
Joyann Hurt says
I would be able to use the diapers because my husband is unemployed and has been for 3 years. Unemployment ran out. We are behind in our rent and bills and most recently had to ask for his mom to by our baby boy diapers. Winning this would truly be a major blessing to us. We then would know our baby would have diapers at least.
Anne Cox says
With diapers I could focus more on spending time with my daughter. My husband has been out of work for a year and I am going back to work. Diapers would make life so much less complicated.
Katie says
6 months of diapers would free up lots of extra money to pay off debt. We are working to become debt free!
Stephanie Lewis says
With a 23 month and 7 month old both still in diapers, I would very much enjoy a break from having to purchase diapers. Maybe we’ll go out to dinner with the money we’d save!
Amber says
Six months of diapers would be wonderful! My husband and I have a 2.5 year old that has not yet mastered the art of potty training and I am also due with our new little bundle in August. We will be using diaper galore! It would be so helpful to our family because I gave up my position as a Histore Teacher to stay home with my daughter. Money has been tight but it is worth it to see that smiling face every morning. She may not remember these precious days when she gets older, but I always will!
Judy says
I’d give them to my daughter who is expecting 10/10/10 – her first child and my first grandchild. She’s a full time college student and single so this would help her greatly.
Laura-Leigh Goff says
6 months of diapers…When we got pregnant, we worked diapers and wipes into our budget, well we didn’t work in formula and our son refused to nurse. So all of our extra money has been going to formula and we haven’t been able to put save any…so 6 months of diapers would allow us to start saving money for our family again!
Christine says
First I would cry and hug every one I know! 6 months worth of diapers would be amazing. I have an 18 month old that is not quite ready to potty train and Baby Girl due at the beginning of August. Having 6 months worth of diapers would take a lot of the strain off of us as my husband is preparing to go into the Air Force.
Nicolle Douglas says
If I won 6 months of free diapers it would help me because I have a 5 months old and a two year and Huggies is the only diapers that I prefer to use for them. The only ones that haven’t leaked… It would be nice to win because my husband just lost his job and I am unemployed as well, so it would be a big help.
Kimberly says
I would greatly appreciate a 6 month suppy of diapers. I have a 16 month old and one on the way! We are a hard working family who never gets help from anyone! The only ones anyone helps are those who don’t work etc. or single parents living with their significant other not claiming their income! Like WIC for example! I’m tired of everyone else being eligible and the hard working families getting no help! I would greatly appreciate it cause I know what it’s like to have to work hard to pay for these things!
Kelly Meiners says
We have 4 boys. The youngest is 2 and in diapers. I still want to try for a girl! We are finally employed again after 5 months of unemployment and free diapers would free up a lot of money in our budget to pay off debts we incurred over those 5 months!
In the meantime, if we are so lucky as to potty train, my sister has diapered, two year old twins and expecting another baby in August! They are also recuperating fro months of unemployment and I would certainly share my winnings with her!
deb says
6 months of diapers would be a godsend. We are financially strapped and the money I would have spent on diapers maybe I can do something with my kids. There is nothing worse than having to tell your kid you can’t do something because you have no money. It makes me feel like a failure as a person and a mom
Alex says
What would I do with 6 months of diapers? Well it would really help us out during this economy, especially because my husband decided to go back to work and we pay for his tuition. So it would be great!
Brittany Massey says
My husband and I had our first child, Bella Rose, who was born with a congenital heart defect (repaired 2x before she was 1 month old) and Down syndrome. Due to all of her surgeries, she never learned to eat. We have been trying to ween her off of her feeding tube and onto a bottle. This leaves us with MORE diapers to change than we thought. Only my husband works, and he makes a very meager salary that leaves us no sludge room. Diapers are one of our most expensive purchases and it sometimes means he and I must eat PB&J instead of a decent dinner so she can poop and pee all she wants without diaper rash (children with Down syndrome are highly susceptible to diaper rash due to highly sensitive skin). So… what would we do with 6 months of free diapers? Cry! Cry for happiness that we have 6 months to save money for whatever may come next for our miracle child. Money is so tight that we often receive charitable donations from friends and church members for toys for our baby. Hey… we have to eat and provide diapers first!
Amber Mursch says
I would use them for my 5 month old daughter, six months worth of diapers would help me out a lot, that would mean less trips to the store to stock up on diapers and since my husband is deploying in a couple months, that means more time for my girls!
Krissy Yaedke says
Where to start….6 months of diapers would be so helpful to me and my neighbor. I am expecting another baby in a couple months and do not work. Money is very tight but somehow we try to make it work. My neighbor has 2 girls one whom was born premature, she has a lot of health problems and they have lost their insurance. The medical bills for her for the first few months are close to a million dollars, she loves Huggies as so do I but can not afford them at this time, she has to use a much cheaper brand that seems to not work as well since they are always leaking. I am not writing this to make anyone feel bad, it was just the card of life that they were dealt .
Lorie says
I have 2 in diapers & 1 who still wears pull-ups to bed – what do YOU think I would do with a years worth of free diapers? :-0
tai says
I would love to win this giveaway! I would USE them. I have a cousin who just delivered a beautiful baby boy and I would give her 1/2 of them just to help her out. I feel like I havent stopped buying diapers for about 4 yrs now and to get a break would be so GREAT!!!
Tonya says
OH MY!! Six months worth of diapers would save me sooooooo much money!! I would deffinately be able to take the kids to do more stuff, and spoil them to death. My daughter is in pull ups now, and my son is 5 months so 6 months of free diapers, that would be AMAZING!!!
Lauren Ford says
6 months of diapers would be a big help to my family, I’m a single mom not receiving help from my ex and currently out of work with a 7 month old so 6 months of diapers would get me through till he can be potty trained. And what a weight off my shoulders that would be.
Rebecca Lincoln says
I have 2 in diapers, a two year old boy who refuses to potty train and a 1 month old girl who uses about 10-20 diapers a day! Six months of diapers would go a very long way in helping, I am on materinty leave and the hospital bills are coming in now along with having to buy formula for her since I cannot breastfeed her. I am now clipping coupons and cooking more meals than ever before in an effort to save money for the new expenses. This would mean a lot to our family, we are trying to stay above water but it is getting very close.
Lang Sims says
I would LOVE to win! My son isn’t quite 2 yet and he’s working on potty training, but I’d most definitely give any left over to someone in need.
Leah says
With 3 little ones at home and my husband working about 60 hours a week just so we can make ends meet, 6 months worth of diapers would make things so much easier. I love Huggies Little Movers and have used Huggies exclusively for all 3 of my kids.
Davina says
My son is 16 months old and doesn’t go through as many diapers as he used to. Getting a 6 month supply would come in handy though. We have a private in home daycare and we have to supply the diapers for them plus for ourselves, of course. If I ended up not needing 6 months worth I have 3 friends whol had their babies in April, May & June of the same year as me and I’d share:)
Denise says
This would certainly help us. After struggling with infertility for two and a half years we finally got pregnant last August. The pregnancy was horrible and full of complications. I began pre-term labor at week 24 and was put on bed rest. William arrived nearly 8 weeks early and was instantly taken away from us and Ambulanced to the Children’s Hospital downtown, where he remained for four and a half weeks. He finally came home in late April and is doing pretty well! The NICU used Huggies, so when we brought him home, we decided to continue using them. A friend gave me Pampers and I found that they leaked.
My husband needed emergency surgery to repair a torn tendon in his ankle one week before our son came home from the hospital. It’s been difficult taking care of him and a new baby, oh, and two dogs 😉 We got our NICU bill the other day, $92,000 plus another $10,000 for his actual birth. I’ve not received my husband’s surgery bill yet. Yes, we have insurance but we owe 20% of the total cost, so you do the math. A few months supply of free diapers would GREATLY come in handy for us.
Ruth Holmes says
What could my family do with 6 months of free diapers? Wow, where should I begin. With Boy/Girl twins diapers and wipes are our lives. We buy huge packages of diapers and wipes about every week to week and a half. We could get so many bills paid with the money we spend on diapers and wipes. I became a stay at home mom when the twins were born. This was not a planned event so we had not worked up to me not working. It has been a really, really rough 10 months for us. I would really love to pay some bills and get some collection people off my back. Both of the twins do so much better in Huggies diapers than any of the others. Believe me, we have used anything and everything that was given to us or purchased for us. But Hugggies is what works best for both of my kids, so that is what we have stuck with. WE LOVE HUGGIES!! 🙂
Sarah L says
6 month of diapers would be awesome right now. My husband and I are both out of work right now and have a 2 year old and a 10 month old
Tabatha Starr says
With six months worth of diapers I would diaper my son for six months! Dur. =P
Julie says
Wouldn’t it be nice if every time I changed my two children’s diapers for the next six months it only cost my time, not money!
Caroline Dube says
Wow, six months of diapers. As a teacher and mom to a 3 year old and a 12 WEEK old this would be so helpful! The amount of money saved would be so great. I would put it aside to take my family on a mini vacation. We live in Alabama on the Gulf of MExico so a mini break would also be great for our local economy.
Carolyn says
With 6 months of diapers, I would jump for joy! Times are tough for everyone and being a one income family just means pinching pennies. Saving the money on diapers might mean a night out for mommy and daddy!
Laura Smith says
this would help us out so much. we have a 2 year old in pull ups, and an 8 month old in size 3 diapers and it gets so so so expensive.
Jen Schmidt says
We’re expecting a baby mid-June and would put 6-months of Huggies to good use! 🙂 I’ve already stocked up some using the awesome $3 coupons. Thanks, Huggies!
Lindsey B says
Woah! 6 months worth of diapers? I would be on CLOUD NINE, right after I cried those tears of joy! We have a 2 year old (who isn’t quite potty trained) and a new baby due anytime…diapers are SO expensive and you go through them like crazy! I have used NOTHING BUT Huggies since my first daughter who is now almost 9 years old! Huggies are the best. No leaks, no rashes, no funny smells (like pampers), and they stay on great! I buy Huggies for all of my friends baby showers as well to let them know that is what I prefer.
Amy in AL says
I would totally cry first! Then it would be fun to think of ways to use that month’s diaper budget. I think we’d like to find some fun family activities to treat ourselves, and then look for some ways we can give to help someone else with that extra $!
Lori Clark says
6 months of Huggies…oh yeah that would be awesome…mine will potty trained by the time I get them used up but we have a lil 3 month old granddaughter that will be able to use them also!!! It would help out 2 lil girls….
Krissy says
I have a new baby due on the 10th. It can’t happen fast enough right now. 6 months of diapers would be a great help with our family. I have to go back to work like 2 weeks after the baby is here just so we can afford to feed and cloth our family. We saved for the month of June but July we are going to need more income.
Esther Fancher says
Six months worth of Huggies diapers would be awesome for us! We are trying to get the house fixed up so we can sell it and downsize to something more affordable and manageable for our family. It would save a lot of time in trips to Costco to pick more up! 🙂
Amy R. says
6 months of diapers would help my family tremendously! Approximately 3 months into my pregnancy my husband was laid off from his job. Though we starting purchasing diapers when we found out we were pregnant, money became tight upon his lay off. Exactly one week before our beautiful daughter was born, we received a call his place of employment was going out of business. We have been able to spend so much time together as a family, which we have enjoyed more than I can say, but we need that second income!
6 months of diapers would be a HUGE help to our family!!
brittany says
Having this prize would be wonderful! We love huggies and with one on the way and one still in diapers, there are never enough around! This would help us save for our next childs 529 college savings account!
Holly H. says
My 3 month old boy, goes thru diapers like crazy!!! I had no idea:) We love huggies, especially the pure & natural and the little snugglers. this would be a major budget help, as we get used to me quitting work to stay at home with baby.
Kati C. says
6 months worth of diapers would be incredible!! I’ve got a one year old son and a daughter due in August and not having to buy diapers while out on maternity leave would be an amazing way to cut down on expenses! I can’t even imagine!
Christina Main says
It would help our family potty-train, and give us an end date to try to accomplish this task by! We go through a lot of diapers every time she says she wants to use the potty, since she’ll only be in them for a short period of time.
Tiffany says
Wow! What a great giveaway!!! My husband and I have 4 kids, 2 of which are still in diapers. My husband is in Real Estate and needless to say things have been tough the last couple of years. Most recently when we had our 4th child, it seems the market wanted to test us. He has worked hard every day and we have made countless sacrifices for our children. Six months of diapers would mean so many things to us. For one thing it would be a temporary relief from a big expense in our house. I am quite crafty with coupons but when you don’t have an income for 6+ months any expense it too much. Winning this qiveaway would be a tremendous blessing for us. Thank you so much for this opportunity! Just one of many great things you do, that why Huggies has been our favorite for the last 7 years!
Jaymi says
6 months of diapers probably wouldn’t last 6 months with 3 in our house wearing them…but would be so helpful nonetheless!!
sheena says
I am a single mom of a 11 month old, working and going to college full time. 6 months of diapers would be a HUGE help especially since I work minimum wage working at the college and my whole check (pretty much) goes to her daycare where I need to supply diapers. 6 months of free diapers would give me a break untill christmas!!! 🙂
ValFiti says
6months worth of diapers, It would be heaven for me. I have a daughter who just turned 2 and is still in diapers, I have a 9mnth old and I have one due in Sept; I could really use these diapers. 3 in diapers equals alot of money that I don’t have lying around:) But to answer the question, I would probably use the 6mnths worth of diapers in half that time, since I have 2 extra bums to change:)
Sarah Leavitt says
Wow – a years worth of diapers. I would feel more confident in our financial status so that we could have another baby and also, my little sister fell pregnant with baby number 2 and 3 months later lost her job, they lost their house and now live with his parents. I would love to give them to her, also!!
stacy barnes says
six months of diapers would really help me out! my boy friend is the only provider in the house and to save money by not buying diapers would b awesome we could use that money each week to buy something else my son might need or to catch up on bills. it would mean a lot! i would really be thankful if i won! thanks so much for the chance!
Kaile says
We have a 7 month old a another on the way. Any amount of diapers would help greatly. 6 month’s supply… I can only dream.
Jeana says
I would take the money I’d save and invest in my son’s future…which means more stocks and bonds!
Jessica Hess says
I have 4 children (8, 6, 2 and 1 mon). My husband is the only one that works and we have 2 full time in diapers and 1 in pull ups at night. 6 months of diapers would be a great help and a relief for us. We payout alot of money every month trying to get out of debt and to save in diapers means I cold put money towards credit cards or a savings account that we don’t have or possibly even my oldests birthday which is in a month and we haven’t even started buying for her.
Teresa F says
I would use them for my 15 month old son.
Julie Wilcox says
A 6 month supply of diapers would really help me out!!! I am providing for my only child by myself and working full time. As everyone knows, it is not cheap to all of it as a family, let alone by yourself. Diapers are not cheap and I don’t like any of the store brand ones, my daughter is sensitive and they make her break out! 🙁 This would REALLY help me bunches to provide and be able to spend money in other areas! 🙂 Thank you!
katie says
I have a 20month old son and a 7 month old daughter, both are still in diapers. if i won the money i put towards diapers i could buy them food and bills
Ashley Parker says
6 months of diapers!?!?….. I think I might cry first…. it would help out so much. as a single mom I struggle with bills and buying diapers just seems to get more and more expensive. My daughter is 7 months old and not close to being out of diapers, I also have a 3 yr old that is still in diapers, buying diapers for two is not easy.
Heather Adkins says
Six months worth of diapers would be very helpful. My husband and I have a 4 month old daughter. My husband has been laid off now for over a year and the diapers would be wonderful.
Chanteleina Randolph says
Wow! It’s crazy!!!! That many diapers would help my family and I out in many ways!!! I recently (4 months ago) gave birth to a beautiful set of twins, a boy and girl! Diapers are almost non-existent in my home because as fast as we purchase them they use them right up. I have always used Huggies! I purchased them for my god-daughter who is now 11, my eldest daughter who is now 8 and my son who is now 2. I am excited about my babies but diapers are expensive especially when you have more than one. We recently found out that my cousin is also pregnant with a set of twins, girls!!! Any diapers that I have left over will surely go to her because I do know her need from my own multiple birth experience!
Jolene says
wow! six months worth of diapers would be a great help. my husband and i are currently trying to get back home for a visit with the family before he goes overseas next year and with two young children and driving for 1400 miles it gets expensive. i only have one in diapers now as my daughter is now potty trained! but it still adds up quickly when your on a one income budget. not to mention for some reason my son goes through more diapers than my daughter ever did =)
Sandy says
I have an almost 6 month old so we go through about 7 diapers a day. It would help us and our budget a lot!
Emily says
I would be able to save so much money if I won those diapers!
Lisa Norstrem says
Well my 14month old would be set for a long time. it would be great! we are struggling already with bills,rent, food. we have to go to a food shelter some times. I think it would help us with money issues for awhile plus have another baby on the way that is due day before thanksgiving. i would be so happy and it would be less stressful worrying about having money for diapers.
Shannon Emery says
I would put the money saved on diapers into my 16 month old sons savings account! We are saving up for him to finally get a convertible crib so he can move out of his pack & play which he’s been in since birth!
kirsten says
We’d diaper our little guy! He can only wear Huggies; the rest give him rashes! Of course he looks adorable!
Lisha Corona says
I am one of the many that lost their job when the economy started going south. I have been unable to find employment since. When I found out I was pregnant I had a lot of mixed feelings. I always wanted a 2nd child. My first is nearly 8 years old and I had not found a good time yet. When my son (due Aug 15th) anounced his impending arrival I was both happy and worried at the same time. I would definately put the money I would save on not having to buy diapers towards other much needed items for my son.
Arin says
With two in diapers this would definitely help my family. My husband has been laid off of work the last year and now has finally aqcuired a promising job. It has definitely been stressful figuring out finances but with 6 months of diapers for free, we may just feel that we can splurge here and there-like maybe my hubby and I can go out on a date that cost money for once. Or use the money saved to get a membership for our local YMCA-our kids would love that. The possibilities are endless really.
Kelly says
If I won, I would be able to put the money that I usually spend on diapers toward other bills.
Beth says
I have two in pull-ups and one in diapers. Needless to say this is a big chunk of our budget. Six months of diapers would be make a big difference for us as my husband is still looking for a teaching job and they seem to be non-existant this year.=/
Janie says
WOW! 6 months worth of diapers!!! well, i have two in diapers now (both size 4, thankfully), and one on the way. hmmmm, i think 6 months worth of diapers would save us about $600!!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!
Kristin says
In the last few months, I’ve gotten into couponing and saving money every way I can. We are now a single income family with our second child on the way. A six month supply of diapers would enable us to build back up a small emergency fund since we wiped out our savings account when we recently relocated for a job. Of course, in this economy it seems like everyone is deserving of some extra help. Good luck to those who have the monumental challenge of picking the winner!
Michele A says
I think my baby girl goes through 20 diapers a day.. ok not really but it sure seems like it. My Best Friend got me hooked on Huggies and my 10 week old could use the diapers for the next 6 months so that here Mommy and Daddy could jump start the college fund and buy more formula and Huggies for the 6 months after! LOL she goes through Formula like water! It would also help with some medical bills we have incurred for her too! We love Huggies and wish everyone luck!
Kristy says
Wow, 6 month of diapers would be awesome! Our baby is due in August, so It looks like I wouldn’t have to buy diapers until the end of February!!!! 🙂
Nina says
6 months of diapers would be a dream come true for my family. I have two sets of twins under 20 months old and we go through about 30 diapers a day here (totally serious)! That comes to about 210 diapers/week, 910/month, 10,920/year…that’s a whole lot of diapers and a whole lot of money! I was laid off during my pregnancy, so money is very tight around here…getting free diapers would take a lot of stress off my back!
Tiffany says
Oh, a year worth of diapers would be absolutely wonderful!!! I have 3 children age 4 and under, 2 of which are in diapers. Needless to say, we go through many, many, many diapers!!! Not having to buy diapers for a few months could really help us pay somethings off!
Jennifer says
My one month old would really love having 6 months of diapers. She will not pee in a poopy diaper, and vice visa, so we go though a lot of diapers! Plus we are a single family income.
Mark Addsion says
We would dontae them to the local Salvation Army. We are blessed enough to be able to feed and clothe and care for our daughter. But there are folks who are forced to go to the Army when disaster strikes. We’d like to be able to donate to them.
Katie Riley says
I would use them for both my little ones in diapers. This would be a big help to our family because I just had a baby on May 28th and my husband is laid off at the present time. This would help us save in other areas that we need money for!
Lisa says
6 months of diapers would be SUCH a help for us. My job got cut right before our son was born, and every week its a struggle to make ends meet. Unfortunately, we can no longer buy the healthy foods we used to, like fruit, vegetables, fish, and chicken since such a large portion of our budget goes to baby needs. 6 months of diapers would improve the health of our whole family!
andrea says
with moving into a new house, six months worth of diapers would let us replenish our savings!! And save more for miss G as well. those diapers add up!!
joyce Proctor says
Emily’s birthday is this month and what better present than six months worth of diapers and a certificate to music class for her and mommy! Knowing that we wouldn’t have to buy diapers for a bit we could put some extra money towards a fabulous 1st birthday party for our little cupcake!
Susan says
What would I do with a year’s worth of diapers? I would enjoy not having to run to CVS and Walgreens with my $3 coupons and snagging the best deals on diapers because I’d have my stash already at the house! My daughter is 18 months, and on the off-chance she could be potty-trained before the year was up, I would donate the rest of them. 🙂
Jessica says
Unlike my daughter’s Huggies, our savings has sprung a leak. If we won 6 months of diapers it would prevent leaks from our savings account. We would be able to save some money and pay down our debt that seems to grow as fast as our daughter!
Alea says
Six months of diapers would be an absolute miracle!! We have a two month old baby and diapers are expensive!! My husband went through several periods of unemployment in the past several years and we fell behind on all our bills and have been struggling to regain stability. After being bombarded by creditors and several court cases – we knew our only option was bankruptcy – so now we are in the middle of all that. We are a one-income family, because the cost of daycare for our two sons would far outweigh what I could make at a part-time job. It is also more important for me to be a part of my son’s lives than for some stranger to watch them grow. I want to be an active part of their life. With my first born, we used Pampers, but they have changed too much since then and Huggies are definitely the way to go now – they aren’t constantly changing their diapers to make them cheaper and less absorbable like Pampers keeps doing. We LOVE Huggies. Not having to pay for them for six months would allow us the opportunity to spend the money on car repairs we have been neglecting!
Cassandra says
In all reality, everyone that has infants and toddlers are reeling from an unstable job market, unemployment, and one income. I’d like to say that the reality of having 6 months worth of free diapers would mean that i could share a coupon with another mommie that may be going through a tough time that month in my mommy group( most of us use HUGGIES), for 5 months, I wouldn’t have to worry about having to pick up diapers, ( because I would redeem all the coupons except for one that I would share with another mom in need. Sharing is caring…and I am not rich at all, we are a one income family too…but HUGGIES are the best diaper, period. The money that I would save would most likely be put towards my sons SUZUKI METHOD fund for his classes when he is 3 years old. That’s $80.00 per month x5 = 400 dollars. That would take the burden of starting to save off of daddy.
Joy says
I spend time each week clipping coupons and combing the internet for deals and sales. 6 months of free diapers would make a huge impact on our monthly budget. How fun it would be to be able to divert those usual diaper funds to doing something fun with my family of 4. As a stay-at-home mom, it would feel great to know I was helping to contribute to my family financially.
Crystal says
Six months of diapers would be amazing. We just moved and are just figuring out how to make ends meet, so factoring out the cost of diapers would take a little weight off of our shoulders.
Julie says
Six months worth of diapers would be an awesome help at our house!! My little guy is still too young for cow’s milk, my milk has dried up, and he has had reactions to formula, so he is on goat’s milk at almost $20 a week…which really eats into our grocery budget. Having free diapers would definitely help!! Huggies is the only brand that really seems to work on our little skinny dude!!
Ange says
WOW 6 month’s of free diapers would be great. I am a stay at home mom of 4 kids 2 of which are still in diapers. Oldest is 8 and youngest is 5 months. This would be a releif to be able to save 6 months worth of money to help make ends meet!
Katrina Healy says
Six months worth of diapers would go a long way toward helping a family friend with a 6month old. She and her husband lost their jobs within weeks of each other and are struggling to make ends me. Six months of free diapers would take one more thing off their minds.
Kristen says
We live near DC and my husband works for a construction company. Luckily he made it through all of the layoffs but he was then told he would have to take a 10% paycut to keep his job! My daycare provider’s husband is in the army and has been given orders to move in July so our daycare will be going up $200 a month next month! 6 months worth of diapers would definitely help us through the adjustment of a new income and added expenses. This is a wonderful opportunity, thank you for what you are doing to help us in a tough spot right now!!!
Charro says
My daughter is just now potty training and starting to use Pull Ups. My sister is due in November with her second child and I would gift the diapers to her. I know how valuable diapers are when you have a new baby!
Tina says
6 months of diapers would really help out since we have 2 in diapers right now.
Destinee says
my boyfriend is on unemployment and i cant neither of us can find a job we live from paycheck to paycheck so every penny counts gosh free diapers even one pack is great i have to borrow constantly from my family members it would be nice not to have to even for a little bit but im sure there are others in worse situations. good luck too all hope whoever wins really appriciates it!
jessica says
I was laid off right after Christmas and raising a baby on unemployment checks these past few months has not been easy. With the money I could save with free diapers I could pay off bills and start rebuilding my savings.
April says
My husband was laid off 1 month after our youngest was born in October (eeek right before christmas too) He hasn’t been back to work since. Raising a family with 3 boys on Unemployment that is about to run out is a little scary. However we are managing and I would definitely take some of the money that we would save from 6 months of free diapers and donate it to a charity since we have had to cut back on our donations this year.
Theresa McCurdy says
If my family had 6 months worth of diapers…
…we would use the boxes for building castles and forts. We would use them to divide the kids room so big sister (4yrs) could have her “space”. We would never have to run to the store at 7am to grab another pack for daycare. We would have plenty of diapers (for 6 months at least) and would save $20 a week, which could go into fun fund! We could use that $20 and buy ice cream and Mommy and Me movie tickets! We could take that $20 and buy 20 loaves of bread and feed all the ducks in the Northwest! We could turn the $20 into quarters and then stop at every grocery store to buy one toy from the coin machines.
Back to reality. 6 months of diapers would help so much. As others have said, the economy isnt as great as it used to be. My husband is medically retiring from the military after two Iraq tours, a Purple Heart, and many years dedicated to helping us Americans remain free. Due to some of his injuries, finding a job is going to be difficult, among appointments to continue his healing. During this transition, having a supply of diapers for our 20 month old would be such a blessing! That could equal out to be almost $100 a month in savings. Thats a weeks worth of groceries. Thats a month worth of gas. Thats paying the copay for an ER visit.
Vicky Baker says
We are the proud parents of a potty-stubborn three year old (ok, not so proud of that) and 18 months old triplets! We go through 4-5 Sam’s Club-sized cases a month and have for a year and a half now, diapers are obviously a HUGE expense in our home. Six months of free diapers would give us breathing room financially allowing us to re-cushion the old savings account that seems to be tight as a piano wire since the day the doctor said: Congrats! Its a boy, and a boy, and a girl!!!
Stephanie Kilmon says
If anyone needed the emotional, financial, and lucky break that this offers, it’s this woman! She’s an example of the type of mom I try to be, patient under pressure, calm, good-humored, and kind to all.
Simone Graham says
our little guy is 13 months old, so yes, we still go through a lot of diapers!!!
Heather Zichko says
Having toddler twins, 6 months of Huggies would be a huge blessing for our family of six!! If by some chance they are potty trained before we use all the diapers, I would donate to the crisis nursery in our city.
Casey Rose says
We could definitely use 6 months worth of diapers!!! My husband is in the military, and I stay at home with our 2 kids. I am constantly penny pinching and coupon clipping, and it would make our lives so much easier!!!
Tabitha K says
My son, Jaxon, is 14 months old so we still have a little while left of using diapers. We could definitely use this to help our monthly budget greatly! If he happens to be potty trained early (finders crossed) we would gladly donate the remaining diapers to a family in need.
Heather says
What a fantastic give-away! Thanks Huggies!!
Due to the job market, our family income has been limited to one. It’s difficult to make ends meet. We do what we can, and thanks to Huggies for offering such great coupons, it lessens the blow when buying necessities. Six months worth of diapers will help us save money and contribute more to our little guy’s savings. We try to put back what we can for him, and being able to sit more aside would be such a blessing. There are so many Moms (and Dads) out there who need such a wonderful gift. Good luck to every one who has entered!!
Jade says
I love the huggies brand and having a 3 month old we go thru a lot of diapers. it would save tramendously because my husband is the only one working.
Harmony says
Having 2 kids in diapers is expensive so a chance to save or stock up would be great.
Shannon says
6 months of free diapers would be awesome. My husband and I both work full time to make ends meet, the savings would help with a much needed mini-vacation for us and our 16 months old.
Jennifer says
While reading these comments I see a lot of families who struggle to make ends meet. While we aren’t rich, we are rich with love. We take a vacation a year which I am thankful for, I save to make purchases that we “want” but don’t need. My 2 kids are well loved and have what they need. 6 months worth of diapers would be wonderful…I would put the money we save into their high int. CD. Someday they will need to go to college!
Holly Pierpont says
Well with 5 month old twin boys I’d sigh some relief with the diapers LOL. Two of everything is great, but definitely pinches the pocketbook. With three total kids in daycare, we are learning to budget and clip coupons left and right – I think we’d certainly feel blessed with some free diapers! One of our twins had a rare heart defect, which was repaired via open heart surgery when he was two weeks old – but now we are trying to pay hospital bills and making payment arrangements to keep things above water…. we could definitely use some free diapers! 🙂
Lydia says
I have an 18-month old son and he would be well set til his birthday, in Dec. and we could put the savings towards paying off our outstanding debt.. So we can start remodelling our falling apart kitchen sooner..
Mindy says
I have 4 children and one of them just turned a year old in May. I am expecting my 5th child on June 26th. With two children in diapers, believe me the diapers would be a blessing from heaven. We are currently staying at the Ronald McDonald house while our daughter is being treated for a brain injury she sustained while playing outside. Our hospital bills are enormous since she has been in and out of the hospital for over the last 1 1/2 years. She has therapy every day of the week to regain her motor skills and speech. She is now 7. Free diapers would give my family one less thing to worry about.
Tonya Smith says
I have a 6 month old son and he goes through so many diapers. My husband is the only one working and we have to pay child support for his son. With only him working, making sure our son has everything he needs gets challanging. Sometimes we don’t have groceries in the fridge so he has all the food and diapers that he needs. 6 months of diapers would make things so much easier for us! Please Huggies, help us out =)
Kendra says
Well, 6 months of diaper’s for my 10 month old son would help tremendously. My boyfriend and I recently moved out together for the first time in our lives, and everyone knows on how tough things can be. With only one source of income ,it can be pretty tough to provide for one’s family. Everyone who has children, always want’s whats best for thier child, whether it’s providing them with clothes, food, toys, or even a cozy place to call home. We are always making sacrifices for them because seeing a smile on thier preciose little faces is worth so much more then having that new movie that came out or those really cute jeans. I wish good luck to all those other Mothers and Babies, and congradulations to the one lucky enough to win 🙂
Krista says
6 mo of free diapers woudl be great I have one in diapers and one in pull-ups.
Bess says
My son will be 2 in July, and my plan is to have him potty-trained by the end of the year. I would use them on him until he’s potty-trained and would also share with my neighbor, who babysits up to 6 children at a time who are all in diapers.
Camie Coles says
Man would I use the CRAP out of six months worth of diapers! My little one just turned one and he’s everywhere! It would be nice not to have to worry about going and picking up more diapers!!
Melissa says
As a mom of 5, the diapers for 6 months would help a lot! We love Huggies snugglers and pullups at our house!
Sharon Goudy says
I would be so excited !!!!! I would give them to a single mother I know who is struggling to support herself and her 18 month old daughter. She could then take the money spent on diapers and get some of the other essential things she needs.
Sarah McGettrick says
Huggies for six months??? Whoa MAMA! Oh, what couldn’t I do with them? Each diaper would mean so much for our family with two kids under two and no way are we done yet! We’d love to have 5 beautiful babies! Free Huggies would (ahem) keep poop and pee off the floor, carpets, legs, highchairs, carseats…you get the idea! I would flip at the idea of decorating their rooms and closets with little red and white packages. Plus the money saved would go toward a mini van to cart all those babies (and diapers!)
Angela says
I have 2 kids theoldest 9 in private school, the youngest is just turning 4 months. Between childcare & tuition we barely make ends meet with all the normal bills. Now the National Gaurd is shipping my husband over seas in a few months – he will bring home alot less while away, so we are seeing what we can cut before we go under. If we had six months of diapers frees we could actually afford to keep everything as is.
Tamie Spalding says
With 6 months of diapers, money could be saved for a college education some day!
carrie says
what would i do with 6 months of diapers? my son would USE them!! And we would save a ton of money! and we would be ever grateful!
Inna S says
Wow…six months worth of diapers! Such generous prize would help our family to afford a weekend getaway this summer. Diapers are such a necessity for us right now that other things are on hold. And it might be quiet a while before our 8-months baby is potty trained.
Thanks for the contest.
Rachel White says
6 month supply of diapers will help me save money to be able to take my 1 year old and 3 year old to the zoo in which they have never been. My kids love animals and for them to see and learn about the types they would see at the zoo would be amazing for my husband and I to watch.
LG says
Free diapers would free up money for other baby things.
Larry says
We are mostly using cloth diapers, but there are occasions when disposables are much more convenient. We would keep a months worth of diapers for these instances (which would rock) and give the others to my brother and his wife who are expecting their second child in July.
Priscilla says
We LOVE Huggies! Great diapers at an affortable price. We have 2 children (20 months and 4 months) so we go through our fair share of diapers!! Winning either of the 5 days prizes would be so fantastic, especially the Flip camera, I have no videos of my babies and they do such fun things now! I was just watching my daughter walk around in my gym shoes… too cute! I got a pic, but a vieo would be so much more fun to look back on 🙂
Ashley H says
I have a 19mo and a 10wk old… And was laid off work a while back and 6 months of diapers would definitely help out purr situation.
caroline says
We could use the money we saved on the huggies towards starting my son’s savings account for college (We’re waiting until his piggy bank is filled up). We also recently got hit by an uninsured driver so this would help offset the cost from all the money we have to put in for our deductible and other sxpenses. I would love to have the camera to help capture special moments when we’re on the go! To have another diaper bag with the changing pad would also be great so we wouldn’t have to worry about refilling one in a rush, we could just grab the other!
rachel weaver says
i would love to win free diapers!! I NEVER miss a chance to purchase huggies on sale at all my favorite retailers and i love how Huggies gives out coupons so we can enjoy more of their products. I have used Huggies now exclusively with all three of my children. My youngest is 3 and my oldest is turning 17 in July. So its been a long, successful love relationship for our family and Huggies, LoL. Even before i started using coupons(past 2 years) I always purchased Huggies because I was never happy with any of the other brands I tried. I will always be a loyal Huggies fan. You have never let us down when it comes to quality and value. With the hard economy, the past 2 years have been hard-our income has been cut in half. It would be a real mood booster for us to win.
Tina says
I have a 5, 3 & 1 year old with ANOTHER on the way! Needless to say, having a 6 month supply of Huggies Diapers would be incredible! Being a stay-at-home mother means relying on 1 income to supply the mortgage, insurance, utilities, medical bills, groceries, gas, diapers & more! I would be ever so grateful to have a portion of our outgoing money alleviated by winning! Thank you.
m g says
getting something from you would help me out big time having kids in diapers cost alot and being when they are sick you have change them alot.. thats how its been
kimberley says
Six months of diapers would really help with our budget since my husband is out of work right now. huggies didn’t work so well for our daughter but they work great for our son and he’s only 11 months so he’ll be in diapers a while yet.
Jessica says
I have three kids right now. Emma who just turned 3, Ben who is 18 months, and my nephew Alex who is just 4 months old. Diapers would for six months would mean lots of money saved to go towards other items I am still collecting for the newest addition to our already growing family. I don’t want to put any information that may hurt our little guys, but we could really use them. Thanks.
nj says
I’m a stay at home mom–this would be such a great thing to win. Not needing to use my husband’s pay check for diapers. Wow, think of the savings each month!
a says
By winning this giveaway–would free up soooo much money for other needful things–food and clothes, and we could actually put some into savings. 🙂
jayne says
a couple I know is having twins–this would be the best gift for them!!!
Katie Husher says
Wow…this would be a awesome end to my baby days!! My youngest of 7 is 2 years old and we LOVE huggies! This would be a huge help and blessing. What a great giveaway!
Sara says
My husband is returning to school we currently have a 6 month old and we received a surprise a few weeks ago and now have another on the way. Six months of diapers would help us out so much, since we are losing one income due to returning to school and adding and expense of another child in daycare.
Denise S says
Free diapers would definitely help out! My son is on Similac Alimentum, which is apparently powdered gold! It is $25.00 a can, and we spend over $200.00 a month in formula. This type of formula is medically necessary, but insurance won’t pay a dime. Free diapers means I have more to spend on “extras”, since 98% of what he has are hand-me downs from his cousin, and that cousin’s cousins (my son is the 4th boy to wear these clothes, and play with the toys!). Thanks for the chance to win!
Dana says
I love Huggies! I have 3 daughters, the youngest being 6 months old. Huggies has been my preferred brand with all three, so I have been using Huggies for a long time. Having 6 months of free Huggies would mean the world to us, it would help financially to put some money back into our pockets to help educate the bigger girls! Thank you for doing this!
Megan Alexander says
My boyfriend and i both work but we sometime still cant afford to live,if i had a free supply of diapers that would save us a lot of money.Im a first time mom so money savings for me would be wonderful so i can have some money to pay for a babysitter when i go back to work
Tabitha says
I love Huggies! We have a two year old who was potty trained till our Twins arrived! now we are buying pull-ups and Diapers! so 6 months of diapers would be a life saver when buying pull-ups and Diapers all for three kids!!!
Dinamarie Gonzalez says
With four kids and two still in diapers it can get expensive. Six month of diapers would help us free some of our budget for some fun activites with the kids this summer such as going to a theme park (which we would otherwise not do since it is not in our budget). We have always used Huggies and we always will but this or other prizes would help in many ways you just can’t imagine. Thanks
lilshuga2001 says
If I won….*crossing fingers*
it would help so much – Pampers are expensive – I also know a few families that would benefit from some! Thanks for the chance!!
Shannon says
I love Huggies!!! All of the other diapers we have used have always given my son a rash, except Huggies….. With another baby on the way six months of diapers would be so fantastic to stock up on for the new baby and for my son who cant wear anything else!!
Gail R says
My husband is going back to college to become a teacher. The money saved on diapers would help make up for the lost income and the expenses of college. We love Huggies!
Kayleen says
6 months of free diapers-oh my, I could get caught up on some of the bills that piled up while I was on maternity leave.
TiWannia says
I would be so thankful for 6 months worth of diapers I have twin boys who are 11 months and a DD who is potty training…It would definitely free up some money so we could take a little get away as a family!
Erika says
Winning 6 months worth of diapers would mean the world to our family. My son, Xavier, is such a joy, but the cost of diapers is overwhelming. If we don’t win, maybe I can potty-train him at 6 months old!! 🙂
J says
With most Americans embracing frugality nowadays, any amount of free diapers would be such a blessing. I would donate a 3 month supply to my church and use the other 3 month supply for my baby.
linda says
i have 3 kids under 5, 2 of which are in diapers. 6 free months of huggies would mean finally being able to start their college funds!
Claudia MM says
I would be very Thanksful! I would be able to finally start saving money to help pay off bills…and then we’d be able to finally start saving for my two babies!!!!
Melinda Baker says
My family moved in with my dad when he was diagnosed with pancreactic cancer. At the time my son was only 6 months and we we’re told he had two weeks to live. He made it to Feb. 3, 2010. the day after my step-son’s 10 birthday. With just the six months of treatment and care my dad had ran us into debt…a lot of debt. If we got the six monthes worth of diapers we would catch up on our bills we fell behind while caring for him.
LauraLee Webster says
If I won 6 months of free diapers I would be able to use the money I save not buying them and take a trip with the family. I could also share them with my sister who is having another baby in July. Huggies Diapers are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marie F says
As a mom of five, this would be such a wonderful gift to receive. Times are so hard right now and I regularly use coupons to even get Huggies brand. It has been my first choice for my baby boy since the day he came home from the hospital. They work so well compared to other brands and really do work hard along with my growing baby. He drinks lots of juice and milk and needs a diaper that can hold up well especially when we are not home. The new jean ones are sooo cute!
Jessica Schwendiman says
We just bought our very first home! It has been fun, but the bills that come with it aren’t! If I had six months free of diapers, it would help us to free some, or maybe all of the debt accumulated. Thanks Huggies, we have always been partial to you!!
chelsey little says
Down to 1 income due to my husband having health issues, and having a 4 month at home, it’s been a struggle. It would be a blessing for a little help!
Crystal Brown says
If I won 6mths worth of huggies I would give them to my 16yr old cousin that is pregnant. She needs all the help she can get and this would truely help her! Thanks Huggies!
Joyce Buczek says
What a wonderful gift this would be to have 6 months supply of diapers! In the past, I have used the competitor’s diapers but in no way do they compare to Huggies. We’ve never had an accident or leakage with Huggies. Also, they don’t have the Pampers “droopy butt”. I even love the way that they look on my son, Frankie. Thanks! Joyce
Joyce Buczek says
This would help us out tremendously….we have so many things that need to be done to the house…..including changing Frankie’s room from a nursery to a big boy bedroom. Thanks again!
Allison says
Our 19 month old will start child care in August. All the savings on diapers would help pay for child care.
Dean says
wow, this would help our budget quite a bit, as everyone knows how much diapers and wipes cost!
sharon says
I would donate them to the diaper bank in a nearby city, and it would help many low income moms
Becky says
Wow! 6 months worth of diapers would be such a blessing, financially, especially! We are on a 1 income budget now that we have a baby & living frugally is a challenge!
Beth Elrod says
Whoa, what mom couldn’t use 6mths of free diapers. My husband is due to change jobs a wk from today which is awesome and will mean great things for our family but for three mths we will have to paying for insurance for our family of four out of pocket and it is very, very expensive. 6 mths of free diapers would help ease the financial pain of the insurance cost a lot and make this time of transition even more enjoyable.
Brandi Dunlap says
Wow, what would I do with all those diapers? Well, I would use some for my 2-year-old son, of course. However, if I was blessed enough to win, I would bring glory to God and donate some to my struggling neighbor. She has a 3-year-old and 1-year-old. I have shared many $3 off coupons with her, but this would be an even bigger help to them!!!
Dusty Bastian says
What a huge blessing that prize would be! This is our 2nd – Our first was 10 years ago! We’re probably nuts, but greatly excited. This would absolutely be a huge help!
Abbe Levin says
I would use them for my new baby Olivia Eden due 8/2/10!
Julie Cadman says
Oh my gosh, six months of free Huggies?!?!? It would be a blessing for sure. It would help us out so much, I would share them with my sister too. Her daughter was born the day after my son… we were even in the hospital together, just a few rooms down! Our little ones have just turned one on April 1 and 2. Wow, it would help us both out so much. We LOVE Huggies!!! 🙂 (BTW We also love the new “jeans” diapers, both kiddos have been hanging out in just their jean diapers, and get the nicest comments on how cute they are!)
Michelle martin says
We would love to get the diapers our youngest is still in them and it would be nice to put the expense towards something else. Good luck to everyone!!
Meredith says
I have twins in diapers and money is tight right now. Winning these would be a blessing from God. We have used Huggies since the day the twins were born. We wouldn’t choose any other brand! Thank you!
Steph says
We have a non-profit ministry that helps over 70 families a month, and this includes diapers! We are always in desparate need for them for the young mothers!
DB says
I have a toddler in diapers still and I’m expecting a baby in two months, so I could really use some diapers! It would save us a lot of money and it would help us to pay down the debt. With my son I tried a lot of different brands of diapers, but Huggies is my favorite.
Natalie says
My 11 month old is a naked diaper baby all the way. He’d rather strut his stuff in his diaper than anything else. A 6 month supply would complete his wardrobe for quite sometime.
Kathleen Ledbetter says
I have four beautiful girls, although only the younger two are in diapers now. They are Breanna, my four year old in Overnites and Katrina, my eighteen month old in Little Movers and both only use Huggies Shea Butter wipes. My husband has always been the breadwinner of our family but has recently become disabled and can no longer take care of us as he always has. The disability checks keep us afloat while the economy fails to provide a new job for an untrained mother with no experience. We now have a newly restructured household, without going into the gritty details. Having six months worth of diapers would save our little family from a sinking ship, considering how much we now pay for keeping dry bottoms on the littlest ones. We have always counted on Huggies to keep their skin dry and healthy. This would keep us from having to experiment with some no-name brand and keep our Huggies family happy and whole.
sweetipiez says
I have tried many diapers, and always come back to Huggies. I have a 7 month old, and a 2 year old in diapers. 6 months of Huggies would be an incredible blessing for any mom. It is quite an expense with one child in diapers, but with more than one it gets very costly. It would help alot with my family budget, and we could definitely use the savings to do something fun as a family.
Trina says
I would LOVE to win six months worth of Huggies! I would take my family on a fun week-end get away this summer with the money I saved!
Kristen says
With only one income coming in since I was laid off last year and 2 kids in diapers, it would be a HUGE help!! I have tried the cheaper brands to save some $$ but there is just no comparison….Huggies is the brand for my family!!
Suwarni Wijaya says
Wow..six months of diapers = six months of extra savings = six months of extra food for the baby = six months of happiness!!! A whole bundle of joy with a whole bundle of HUGGIES diapers for six months, that’s what it would mean to us.
We have a one year old little boy so 6 months of free diapers would be amazing! It would definately help relieve some financial stress that comes with parenting!!!
Shelley says
What a welcome blessing 6 months of diapers would be! That would put us almost to the potty training stage! We have tried other diapers but everything else pales in comparison to Huggies, My girls have very sensitive skin and have never had any problem with these at all.
With 6 months of diapers that would give us some extra money every month for fun family time and allow us the ability to give a little more each month to the causes we support.
Lora Lee Lovell says
We would love to win diapers!!! After trying for 5 years to conceive (we have a 7 & 5 year old), we finally did…..while I was about 12 weeks pregnant with our baby boy, we got a call about a newborn baby boy. We now have 2 baby boys(5 months old & 11 months old) and are trying to complete the adoption of our 11 month old…something that we have been working on, since we picked him up from the hospital. So, as you can imagine…we are going through diapers like they are going out of style! Our favorite brand of diapers is of course HUGGIES! This would be such a great help to us…
Abi says
We would be AWESOME to win diapers for 6 months! Like so many other families, we were hit hard financially after my job loss and the $3.00 OFF Coupons help us afford Huggies – we tried others and this was the best and it’s worth the extra cost.
Regardless of a prize win or not, we are very thankful for having our little one and love seeing his smiling face every morning after he opens his big eyes. Yesterday, he turned 5 months and we can’t believe he’s growing so fast! 🙂
Jissica Buila says
Our daughter has been wearing Huggies since the day she was born. At 20 months now and no leaking is a great thing in this house. My husband just had back surgery from an injury in the Marines so things are going to be tight for a while. Having a 6 month supply of diapers would help. Thanks for the coupons, they have been wonderful.
Kimberly Reichert says
I love huggies! My youngest is 9 months old and I also have been stocking up on huggies with the 3 dollar coupons! Other brands are not worth the money even with coupons when they leak! I have 3 little girls and 2 of the 3 are in school. Six months of free diapers would help our family tremendously. I am a stay at home mom, so we have one income. So any help we can get is wonderful!
Crystal Eggers says
Oh my gosh six months worth of diapers would be WONDERFUL. My daughter is only 4 months old so I can promise we will use the whole six months worth.
Jessica says
Six months of diapers would make great towers in my son’s closet….and lots of diaper cakes! And, of course, two happy parents and one happy and dry baby – we love Huggies!
Jennifer says
We love huggies!! The coupons have been coming in handy. We have 5 children, and so we use coupons whenever possible. Winning the supply of diapers would be so helpful to our family. We can always count on Huggies to be strong enough not to leak, but so soft and gentle on our baby’s bottom.
Jamie says
I am a proud mom of a 3 , 2 , and 3 month old. All in diapers / pull ups. Huggies of course, everytime I have tried a sample of Pampers they leak and get droopy on my kids. Huggies never do and I love the Overnights so much. Winning would be a relief , since I have been laid off after my recent maternity leave. and 6 months of diapers would be so helpful. Not to mention my town is on the disaster list so jobs are hard to come by. But I stay true to Huggies thank you so much for the great coupons recently they really add up when a family is on a budget.
Lisa says
My son Gary is 20 mos old…My husband & I love Huggies! We love the idea of the $3.00 Little Movers coupons but unfortunately we are unable to print them due to our printer breaking down…Our family could really use the 6 months of diapers! Times are really tough for us…We as well can’t do the store brand diapers! Too many leaks! Not to mention store brand diapers tend to cause my son to get a bad diaper rash…For us it’s Huggies all the way for our Lil Mover!
Tracy says
Hmmmm ahhhhhhh oh hello! Sorry I was daydreaming of what I would do with the money we would save from winning 6 months worth of diapers!!!! Ohhh the fun! I can see a spa day, dinner with the hubby, or maybe I might put the money in a CD for my little guy to have when he gets older. The possibilities are endless. 🙂
Tina Peck says
I have used huggies diapers/wipes religously for both my boys. There is no other brand that comes close! If I were to win, it definitely would take off a huge financial burden of having the best diapers, daycare costs, and saving for college. I would share your genorosity with the local women’s shelter for unwed teens. After working in labor and delivery for 10 yrs, I’ve seen many infants that will go home to nothing. These babies deserve to have the best also, right along with my boys!
Danielle McMullen says
I will NOT use any other brand of diapers on my son than Huggies!!!!!! Newborn to size 5 to Huggies overnites,to HUGGIES Shea Butter wipes. He has NEVER had any diaper related Rashes! It is very important to me & my family to use good quality diapers!
Every pack of NON – Huggies diapers we received from our baby shower,were returned to the
Store and exchanged for HUGGIES.
A 6 month supply of any Huggies products would be SOO much appreciAted!!!!
Denicia Martin says
Winning 6 months of free diapers will be lovely. I have a 6 month old who goes through diapers like crazy. It will also be a way for me to pay it forward. I would donate some to an organization in Nashville, Tn that could distribute them to needy families that were affected by the flood.
MommyNamedApril says
until a few weeks ago we had three in diapers!!! winning would be a huge relief to our budget since we still have two kiddos in diapers and we’re trying to conceive #4!!!
thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Beth says
I would love to win this great gift give away because having a 9 month old in diapers and and another preciuos little one on the way in 4 months it would come in handy. Besides I wouldn’t dream of putting my angel bottoms in anything else.
Proud mama of 6 Darling little Girls KK 10, KA 6, KR 4, KG 2, & soon to be here KT & KS
Angie says
6 Months worth of Diapers…well I would use them as long as I needed to(I plan to start potty training soon here) and the ones that I don’t use I would give to a local family in need that is struggling..or I would take them to our local donation center…or even to our local hospital to give to a mother of an older child that needs some help and a step up. I recently switched over to Huggies after a Terrible experience with Pampers and let me tell you I am NEVER going back I love this line…and even if I do experience a leak or something I KNOW That the Huggies Brand and Customer Service Reps value me and my time and will not try to pass blame but make sure that I remain a LOYAL customer…Thank you Huggies for taking AWESOME care of my son’s behind 🙂 NEVER SWITCHING AGAIN 🙂
Jennifer Gerritsen says
I love Huggies! I have 3 boys and they have all worn them. I have loved the $3.00 Little Movers coupons and have been stocking up! I could really use the 6 months of diapers! Times are tough but I just can’t do the store brand diapers! Too many leaks!
Laura says
6 months of diapers would mean more time, more money and most of all more a happier mom who doesn’t have to worry about when she is going to forget to get diapers and a Huggies mom for life.
Gwendolyn says
Wow, 6 months of diapers would sure help our stock up for diapers at the day care since I will be laid off soon from my seasonal job. Have three months for us & three months for the daycare.
randee miller says
Let me see ….. Well it would mean that there is just one more reason to love
huggies!! I have two kids and both have only tried huggies I can only have the best for there little bums and it would mean my luck is starting to get better (the last couple months have been against me) thank you for the chance to have a better 6 months
Susie Spencer says
I would use them up with 2 kids in diapers, and share what I couldn’t use.
Heather ONeill says
Six months of Huggies Pure and Natural diapers would mean that our baby girl would have a rash free bottom! She has had protein allergies and latex allergies making it tough on our budget but Huggies P&N are the only diapers that are both super absorbent and hypoallergenic. Plus, that little tree on them is cute! I am also now addicted to Huggies because their enjoy the rewards program is so much better than any of their competitors!!! If I won 6 months of free diapers I would donate all my rewards points from my packs of diapers to other mom’s that also need them!
Shelly Will says
Wow -6 months of diapers would be so awesome! It would put me pretty close to never buying diapers again! My last child (#4) is almost 2 and I hope to have him potty trained before he turns 3. Free diapers would be so great!
Amy says
Wow… What a wonderful and helpful giveaway. I could use 6 months of diapers for my twin girls. The money we would save could help pay for extra groceries, or maybe even a few wants like ice cream. Good luck to all. Thank you
Cassandra says
I am a second generation huggies user. My mother said that it was the only type of diapers that wouldn’t break me out. Now i use huggies on my daughter. I love huggies diapers. I am the sole provider for our household. My husband is not working because he is facing deportation and we have had to move back in with my parents. It would be one less thing i would have to worry about for six months. Every time that i turn around she is wet again. It would be great.
Erica says
me an my husband are both out of a job. we have a 14 month old little girl. 6 months of diapers would help out a lot with expenses.
Colleen says
I would totally share these dipes with all my mommy friends! We could all use a little surprise of FREE dipes 🙂
Ashley says
6 months of diapers would be amazing! I would use them for my daughter, who is 14 months old. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve realized we’re low on diapers, and have to make the dreaded diaper-run. Anything that helps out families is an absolute blessing….and that’s what this would be for my daughter & I. Thank you =)
Stephanie Duron says
What 6months of free diapers would do for us, would relieve some stress off our back. With me trying to finish school and my husband having to work all the time. Free diapers could give us some extra money to pay some bills !!!! It’s funny how excited I get just over coupons for diapers, I can only imagine if they were free!!!!!! What a blessing it would be!
Kristi says
Oh my goodness, it would be such a welcome blessing. A 2-year old still in diapers and baby #4 due in a month….
bonnie v says
Give them to my daughter for her 4 month old.
Tracey Olszewski says
If I won, I would use the extra money & apply it to his 529 account
Erin Trogden says
Well, I have two in diapers/pull ups right now and the third one is due this month. My husband’s union contract is up and going on strike is a possibility. We have stocked up in diapers due to this situation but three in diapers sends you through them quickly. I would love to have 6 months of Huggies diapers so that I would have one less thing to worry about!!
Leah says
Six months of diapers would mean one less thing to worry about. We have a 16 month old and another due in three weeks. I have already started stocking up, but diapers are never wasted.
Steven Horn says
Winning 6 months worth of diapers would simply mean more time for me to spend with my wife and 2 daughters, rather than looking through the weekly ads trying to find out who has the best deal on Huggies diapers that week.
Lucy Cabrera says
What would 6 months of diapers mean to me… It would mean a big break and very appreciated gift to a single first time mom who is learning how to be the best mom she can be to her God send angel. 6 months of diapers would mean even more to my daughter who can only wear Huggies brand diapers and whom would be grateful to Huggies for the 6 months of diapers.
Vanessa says
I cloth diaper most of the time, so I would love to pass this on to a family who is in need. I think it would mean the world to a family who has a hard time even buying diapers!
kelsey says
Honestly 6 months of diapers would mean a ton to me. I am a 20 year old with a 10 month old daughter. My husband and I were both in the Army and discharged on the same day. Soon we found out we were pregnant and have been going house to house ever since. There are absolutely no jobs available in our area. We struggle every month and we are now living with my husbands mom, grandma and little brother in a 2bdroom 1bath home. No one is working and we are surviving on unemployment. Of course the baby comes 1st along with the 10 year old, with there food and her diapers, which leaves us hungry on most days. Even the gift of 6 months of diapers would be that much more towards our own cost of living. Thanks Huggies
Sarah says
Wow 6 months of diapers I would love to have that . I am a stay at home mom with 3 daughters. my youngest is 8 months now but if I had 6 months of diapers it would be a great way for us to save money. My husband and I are currently living with my mother-in-law because we could no longer affored our apartment. So if I had 6 months worth of Diapers I would be able to buy other things for my children and not have to worrie about picking up diapers.
Heather Hughes says
I found out i was pregnant the day my bf started his job after college. My daughter is now 5 months old and his job ends this month. He will be leaving for school next semester, which means i have to return to work a bit early to make things “work” financially around here..6 months of diapers would be a blessing! Although money is tight, we only buy Huggies after experimenting with store brands. They fit our rolling baby great and no rashes/leaks. And the flip cam would also be great, i dont have a camera right now, i rely on other peoples to take pics. Not even sure if the flip cam is a camera or camcorder….either way it would be so useful to have one now that my baby is hitting many milestones a day!!
Leslie W says
6 months of diapers would be great. We just moved to a new house then found out my husband is going to lose his job. I have 2 girls 18 months apart. I am trying to save as much as possible and diapers are a big expense.
Amanda says
Diapers for 6 months, that would be 6 months that I wouldn’t have to worry about running out of diapers! I always think I have enough for between trips but end up running short! I made the switch to Huggies Little Movers after Pampers changed thier Cruizers, that is a switch I’m very happy I made. The Little Movers are a much better quality diaper. I’m a Huggies fan from now on!
Hope C says
Six months of diapers would be much appreciated and hellp with a very tight budget right now. My husband hasn’t had alot of work the past year, so we mainly depend on my income for everything, we could really use the help.
Julie Anne says
My youngest is 2 1/2 and I am contemplating potty training… If I had a 6 months’ supply of diapers, I could put it off for a whole lot longer! 🙂 in the event that she potty trained herself before they were gone, I would share the wealth. I have tons of friends with babies!!
Teri F says
Having 6 mos of free diapers would be a blessing. My son of 14mos is always on the MOVE. Huggies Little Movers are by far, the best diapers we have tried!They fit him perfect. My husband has been a recent stay at home Dad. We have had to cut back on a lot of spending, but this is one area where I will not cut corners.
virginia watson says
Six months worth of diapers would mean a lot for me but it might mean more to someone else. I just recently heard women’s groups that hold drives for diapers for families who can sometimes only use a diaper a day for their babies…. I cant imagine so i would donate most of them. I would love to be able to capture my littles ones moments with the camera though 🙂
diana chappell says
What would I do with six months of diapers? I wouldn’t have to send my hubby to the store in the middle of the night because mom forgot to get diapers at the grocery. I could send a couple packs to the babysitters so she wouldn’t have to keep reminding me that he’s almost out. Both Grandma’s could have some on reserve for when I forget to pack enough. I could leave one pack in the car so I always have some.So with six months worth of diapers I could have one less thing to remember when I’m at the store and still be covered. Priceless
scott says
Six months of diapers would help keep me from forgetting to pick up more diapers before running out.
Marina says
If I won 6 months of diapers, it would save this mommy a whole lot of money. I would be able to catch up bills and have some left over to save for my daughters college
Tonia Tressler says
Six months worth of diapers would alleviate a great deal of stress off me and my husband who are helping support our grand daughter while her parents finish college.. I have tried a dozen other name and store brand diapers, but they just do not compare to Huggies… AND… I love the new jean diapers they are too cute…….
Beth Portuese says
6 months worth of diapers would be amazing! I have a 14 month old and I am pregnant and due with our second January 4, 2011 so they would come in handy! I love huggies, they don’t leak and are affordable making them an easy choice in our family. They always have coupons and sales making diapers within reach for us. Money we would save from these free diapers would probably be invested into our 529 for our children’s college education. I am a stay at home mommy and it is hard sometimes to find any wiggle room in the budget to add to our children’s college fund.
Janelle Bond says
We just had our first baby and I quit my job in order to stay at home with her. With out my income, we are pretty tight. But we know the sacrifice will be well worth it! Diapers for 6 months would help a lot, and I also would share in order to be a blessing to others that are tight and have children as well.
Stephanie says
Hopefully, six months of diapers would be the last the diapers I need. My son just turned 2 and that would be very helpful on a tight budget.
Maria Roddy says
I would love to win six months of Diapers. I am on my 5th (and last child in diapers) She is 11 months old an my miracle child. She has a genetic disorder and was to never make it. We spend allot of money on her “special needs equipment” That six months of diapers would make it so we could provide more for her!! Hey every penny counts in a family of 7. I am a stay at home mom to make sure my kids are only raised by me, I take pride in knowing that I make our world go round….
Dawn says
it would help out tremendously, my daughters have bewtween the two of them adopted 5 children and have 2 foster children besides 3 biological. all under age 6 . so we go through alot of diapers in our house holds.
Jessica says
6 months of diapers would be awesome for my step-daughter who just had her first baby. I think she is learning exactly how expensive having a baby can be. But she has her family to help her; so that is exactly what I would do if I won.
Amy says
Six months of diapers would be such a blessing financially. I appreciate all of the huggies coupons but free would be fantastic!
Jessica says
Wow! How awesome of Huggies to help out!! Ya know as parents we all want what is absolutely best for our children, and hope that we can provide it for them. When I was younger, my mother never bought anything for herself, always buying what was best for her children. I never understood that… until my daughter was born. Now I find myself a single mother doing whatever I can to provide the very best for my daughter. Unfortunately money only stretches so far with diapers, however, I try my very best to make sure that she can get her Huggies. A six month supply of Huggies would be an absolute blessing for my daughter and a relief knowing that for six months I could provide the best for my child and have that extra money for whatever else my daughter may need! Any parent here who is lucky enough to get chosen will have that sense of relief too. We sacrifice so much for our more precious possessions, and sometimes we still come up short! Thanks for the opportunity to make our lives just a little bit easier for a while. Good luck to everyone!!
Amanda Renfro says
6 months of diapers would do us an amazing amount of good. we are on a strict budget, and with two kids and my sister living with us, breathing room would be greatly welcome!! my husband is a police officer and works so many hours of OT to make ends meet. One less expense, even for awhile, would be SO appreciated!
Jessica Miller says
my beautiful daughter was born in october and in december her dad and i split up and he doesnt help me with absolutely anything but threatens me when i dont let him see her… it’s hard to have my first baby and take care of her all by myself without his help physically or financially….i can’t finish school now and my bills are twice what they were.. i could use a break, even diapers would be a blessing:)
Alicia Appel says
I am a SAHM and my husband was laid off of work in Dec. Thankfully he recently got a job at a local Chic-fila-A. We have three children two which are in diapers. I can’t always afford Huggies, but when I can get them for a good deal I love them because they never leak for me and my kids seem to love how soft they are. Thank you Huggies for trying to help out even a few families in this way! God bless!
julie allhiser says
Amber says
Oh man! 6 months of diapers would mean not having to run out and get diapers, because we’re running low or because we just realized that we’re out (happens more than you think with two boys running around!) I would be able to spend that 30 minutes at the store playing or just having “mommy & me” time with my two beautiful boys. It would mean we’d be able to take our dollar and stretch it a little farther =)
Samantha says
6 months of diapers would be great i am on a limited income and my Daughter is 2 months old. After i have rent and bills paid i have barley enought for all the diapers that she needs.
shell95277 says
Six months worth of diapers would be an incredible gift to my family. I am a single mom to three kids, one still in diapers. I work full time and get no child support so you can imagine how tight money is. Thanks for considering us!!
NGS says
My sister-in-law and brother-in-law have one year old twins. They were born about three months premature and their medical expenses continue to pile up. I know they could definitely use a break on diapers!!
Stephani Carpenter says
Our family loves Huggies! With two children in diapers (19 months and 7 months), we’ve really appreciated the coupons Huggies posted recently! Having six months of diapers provided would be a great help in stretching an already tight budget.
susan Young says
6 months of diapers would mean I wouldn’t have to worry about running out of diapers all the time, especially since we have 3 kids 3 and under who are all in diapers! So maybe your ‘6 months of diapers’ deal for me would really only be “2 months of diapers”. But hey, I’m not complaining 🙂
Lara says
WOW- six months worth of diapers for me would be a great addition to my stock. You see, I’m having twin boys in September and I also have a 2 year old son who is not quite ready to be potty trained. In addition to buying my preferred Huggies for my 2yo when on sale, I have also created a diaper budget for each week to help alleviate the wallet crunch that will be sure to occur after our home is blessed with 2 additional babies. 6 months worth of diapers would bee a HUGE blessing for anyone.
krystyl says
We go through diapers like water in this house…..they’d defianatly be appreciated!!!
Suz says
My son is gross motor delayed, so he won’t be potty trained by three. He’s a big kid too, and wears hard-to-find size 6 Little Movers and Overnights. Because of his special needs, I quit my FT job to be in his Early Intervention therapy. His bracing and private therapy adds up, so extra diapers would be a bonus.
Heather Ballard says
I would use six months worth of diapers to keep my baby clean! I don’t know how people to do it with cloth diapers. I LOVE Huggies, I have used them with each of my 3 girls, and every time I try another brand, it disappoints me. From the ‘soakability’ to the ‘stretchability’ to the ‘comfortability’ they’re the best! And my youngest, she is a POOPER! Every time she gets up from a nap, there is poop. I feel like I change her way too much for her age (18 months); so winning these free diapers for 6 months would SAVE ME!!! I really go through on average 6 diapers a day. For a toddler, I think that’s a lot. I would LOVE to win! Thanks.
Brittany says
My son will be 9 months in less than a week! I never thought I would say it but “it seems like yesterday” starts a lot of my sentences these days as I see all his new accomplishments. 6 months worth of diapers would be fabulous for us…all the money we would save would go into his savings account. My husband’s and my goal is to have a plentiful savings account for him when he is ready to be on his own. This would surely help continue what we already have started!
Lisa says
Wow…. what would I do with 6 mo of free Huggies??? THE HAPPY DANCE IN PUBLIC :D… we have 2 in diapers (2 1/2 and 9 mo) and 2 teenagers!!!! (14 and 16) needless to say we plan on being broke for a very long time!
Megan E says
I have a 3 month old and a 2 year old that still wears diapers sometimes. I was recently laid off, and 6 months of diapers would be great right now. One less thing to worry about having to come up with the money for! Thanks!
jen ziegler says
first i would throw them up in the air the scream “im in the diapers money” while doing a diaper winning dance…. then jorja (my daughter) and i would go on a shopping spree for diapers…when we get home we will build a fortress of diaper packages to keep monster duckies out….that what i would do if i won
Teresa says
6 month worth of diapers would be great. I have two boys in diapers right. They are 14 months apart. My youngest just went through surgery not that long ago and we have medical bils and the care for him. All the while I did not get a paycheck while I was home with him So, now we are playing catch up from when I wasn’t working for 3 months. You would be surprised how long it takes to really catch up. This would be a true blessing!!!!
Lynsee says
6 months worth of diapers….wow! I would definately have to share the wealth of winnings with all the new little ones in my extended family. We are fortunate enough to have three little boys within 9 months of one another! Can you say diapers? 🙂
Sheri says
I would give the diapers to a friend of mine who had quads last year as she is not working and they are living off of her husbands teaching income with a family of 7. I think it would help them out tremendously.
Sheri says
HAving two in diapers having 6 months a diapers would help out finaincialy as I wont be working come Sept- cut backs at work. I prefer huggies to anything but may have to look into cheaper options if I have to but would prefer not.
Debbie Benson says
Six months of diapers would be a great help to our son. He will soon be a single parent of four and currently serves in the U.S. Navy . His youngest children are identical twins who were born nine weeks early and spent almost three months in the NICU. You can imagine how many diapers twins go through in one day! The older two children still need diapers at night. As the children will be shared by both parents it would be a great support to have the expense of diapers alleviated from his already hectic life.
A Loving Mother and Grandmother
Twi Sandvick says
I would share my daipers. I would split with a friend or send some of my coupon to the “For Goodness Sake” program in my area. This is a program where needy familes request something.
Jennifer says
I am a stay at home mom of 3 very busy little boys (one in diapers, and two in overnight pull ups still) and though my husband works very hard and I watch for deals and coupons ALL THE TIME, diapers seems to be a large part of our monthly budget. 6 months of free diapers would save us hundreds that could go towards other basic expenses. Would be great to take that expense out of the equation!
Thanks Huggies!
sharon pulham says
Hi – I am a mom of premature twins girls. They were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, CA for 3 months.
*I would donate the free diapers, If I win, to this unit for a poor family of multiples….
it is important that we all “pay it forward”….
Sharon P. says
I currently have a 7 month old so winning 6 months worth of diapers would be like hitting the jackpot! Diapers are SO expensive and being on a very tight I am always looking for ways to cut costs on household expenses. What a great contest for any Mom of a newborn to win!!!!
Chrissy says
My brother who has a just turned one year old, has another coming any day now. Being that he is only 24 years old and doesn’t have a job, I would say that he could definitely use some help any way he can and diapers is one of the most important!
Erika says
Well considering my son was born premature and is a really skinny crazy 22 mo old who climbs everything, they would help a lot. Your Little Movers diapers are the only ones out there that he doesn’t bypass. They fit around his skinny legs so well but we just can’t afford to use them all the time. I am constantly searching for coupons because they are so great!!! My husband was out of work for a year and a half and needed back surgery after getting attacked by an inmate at his job and I finally just got a job again after a two year search. Money is tight and your diapers are the best. Even though I really need them I probably wouldn’t be able to accept them without sharing them with my good friend and co-worker Jenny who has a disabled 6 yr old in diapers and is expecting again this winter! We both agree that you make a great diaper and I just always know I can leave the house without a catastrophic diaper leakage incident. Thanks!!!
Danielle says
I would use the money saved on diapers for the pricey formula my 13 month old needs. He’s spent several days in the hospital in the past 6 months and had a few surgical procedures. He’s been primarily tube (G-tube) fed for 6 months and the expense is a burden. We LOVE Huggies Little Movers and have used Huggies for both of our children. Great diapers and they fit our tiny ones GREAT!!!
April Withrow says
I am a single mother.. not by choice or the fathers. When I was 7 and 1/2 months pregnant my fiance passed away suddenly of cardiac arrest. He was 28 years old. I was not working due to the fact that I was a high risk pregnancy and he had a good job that allowed me to stay home. Now I am having to raise our son on my own, without any income as of yet. Having 6 months worth of diapers would be a tremendous help to me….. Sometimes here lately I dont even know how I am gonna get more diapers when the ones I have run out.
Oliver and I were together for 5 long years and we finally decided it was time to make an addition to our little family. My son Clay was to be both of our first child. When the Dr. told us that he was a boy Oliver started to laugh out loud and cry at the same time. He was so proud of his soon to be first born son that he carried my sonogram picture around in his pocket and showed it to everyone….even those who didnt want to listen..haha
I know that he wanted to be a father more than anything in this world and if I won this contest that it would be his way from heaven of making sure that his son had his needs met as a good daddy would.
Michelle Lewis says
6 months of diapers would be a dream come true and a blessing. I am a single teen mom, going to school full time. I had a job, but it was making me so sick I could not do it. I am trying to find another one, so money is very tight. I wish and pray for a miracle everyday. I love my baby boy, and just want the best for him.
Megan W. says
Six months of diapers would be amazing to win. As mentioned, diapers are a necessity, and we love Huggies. It would certainly help our family since I am a stay-at-home mom. Being a SAHM is certainly worth the sacrifice in other areas (career ambition, salary), but it pays dividends in love!
Heidi /JC Mamma says
With six months worth of diapers i would use them on my son. It would help our family out tremendosly. I’m a single mom who works part time trying to make ends meet. My job site is 40 miles away and doesnt even pay the best. It’s also like i said part time. I have been trying to find a better job but no luck. I mostly put all my money in gas 🙁 and with the rest provide for my son. With these hard times its tough. In my area unemployment rate is 11% and I’m glad to know I’m not one of them but still can’t make ends meet. All i do is try and still come up short. I would like to thank you for giving not only me but everyone an oppertunity for your help in theses tough economic times. Thanks for your time 🙂
amanda rivera says
i have a 6 month old daughter and im unemployed and she goes through diapers quick..i could use them very much im the only one buying diapers and it gets very exspensive to buy them once a week..her birth day is at the beggining of december so if i could save some money i could get her everything she needs for her first birthday and christmas..we would greatly appreciate it..
Jessica Melby says
Unlike my daughter’s Huggies, our savings has sprung a leak. If we won 6 months of diapers it would prevent future leaks from our savings and my daughter’s diapers. We could really use the extra money right now. Our debt seems to be growing as fast as our daughter.
Alicia says
If we had six months of diapers, we would definitely put them to good use! We are a military family stationed at Camp Lejeune, and my husband is the only one who is currently employed. I am a stay at home mother of our beautiful two month old baby boy, and money is very tight. The diapers we have used so far have been bought by my family and we are currently running low on diapers. Huggies Pure & Natural diapers are the only diapers that my son has not leaked out of and we LOVE them. We would love to continue using them so six months of diapers would be very beneficial to our family.
fonda says
6 months of diapers would really help my family out. My boyfriend & i have a 9 month old little girl. I was fired from my job becuase my daughter was sick and i missed more than 3 days of work. My boyfriend was just laid off and is now searching for a new job, which he was called on one and is waiting to hear back. The diapers would really help out becuase being on unemployment doesnt help much. Right now im using diapers that i can buy down the rd from me for a dollar for a 40 pack, but i would really love to start using huggies again! Shes in size 3!
amber says
I am a single teenage mom and 6 months worth of diapers would help so much and be greatly appreciated
Jessica Tormala says
I would for sure put these diapers to use! I have a 3 year old who was almost potty trained and now wants nothing to do with the pody because he sees his baby brother using diapers:( I have a 9 month old also and my 3 year old wants to be a baby again and use diapers!!!! I want to win so bad!!! It is so expensive to buy pull ups and 2 different size diapers every week!! I would love to win this. I am a stay at home Mom and like everyone else times are tough so this would be awesome if I could win! Thank you for the opportunity!
Kimberly/Mom in the City says
Hopefully, this would be the last set of diapers for my youngest son – as we are working on potty training.
Bev says
I would LOVE 6 months of diapers! I have a 7 month old, so I could definitely use a lot of diapers. I LOVE Huggies diapers!!!
Cheryl Maguire says
As much as I would love 6 months of free diapers, I would donate it to the multiples group I belong to since they provide for families who have multiples (twins or higher) in need.
Ande Chapman says
With two children under the age of 2 years old, diapers it seems are always running low. We love the coupons that you have supplied us, but every little bit counts, and with diapers, the added expense is quite a bit. 6 months of free diapers would help tremendously to our budget, and we could use the money on catching up with unpaid bills and so forth. The economy is still not up to par, but we are doing what we can, for our family and our children, and at this time, our children are the most important thing to us. Thank you Huggies for this opportunity, it’s companies like you that give the little guy breath to get by.
Ashley warren says
Ashley Warren 01 June at 15:54
a years worth of diapers would save me so much! my husband is in the Army and he deployed to Afghanistan may 2nd of this year. and we are struggling. As of right now we are separated and he wants to work things out but he only gives me $400a month to provide for both of us. the Army doesnt recognize a separation so noone will approve any assistance for me. No welfare no cash assistance nothinggg. i had to move away from post and move in with my mom into her basment and now im in search of a job and childcare which and my mom keeps buying my diapers for me. there are days were i have to leave him in his diaper until it bursts because i cant afford to keep changing him and run out before i have any sort of money to buy any.
this is not some sob story to win this contest..if i dont win then i dont win..i move on and keep trying to get by but i figured why not try and win a contest 🙂 ..the odds are like tryin to win the lottery.
so a years worth of diapers would totally help until i get a job and on my feet again.
Ashley warren says
6 months worth of diapers would save me so much! my husband is in the Army and he deployed to Afghanistan may 2nd of this year. and we are struggling. As of right now we are separated and he wants to work things out but he only gives me $400a month to provide for both of us. the Army doesnt recognize a separation so noone will approve any assistance for me. No welfare no cash assistance nothinggg. i had to move away from post and move in with my mom into her basment and now im in search of a job and childcare which and my mom keeps buying my diapers for me. there are days were i have to leave him in his diaper until it bursts because i cant afford to keep changing him and run out before i have any sort of money to buy any.
this is not some sob story to win this contest..if i dont win then i dont win..i move on and keep trying to get by but i figured why not try and win a contest 🙂 ..the odds are like tryin to win the lottery.
so 6 months of diapers for my 20 month old would totally help until i get a job and on my feet again.
Erica Reed says
A six month supply of diapers would help us out tremendously. I am a stay at home mommy and my husband works so hard to help support us. It would be nice to give him a break from buying diapers for 6 months. He’s always complaining about how expensive diapers can get. I would love to have him spend that money on himself.
Keri says
6 months worth of diapers would help our budget tremendously. We have 10 children with 1 in diapers and 1 who soon will be. We budget everything, so without having to buy diapers, we may be able to afford a vacation or that new piano my 12 year old has been wanting!
Abby says
I have a 7 month old that goes through a lot of diapers. Six months of diapers would help a lot.. I would be able to spend the money towards other needs, and maybe even a few wants!
Katie says
Since my baby was born, we have been using Huggies and love the Pure & Natural diapers. This is our first baby so we want to give her the best of love, caring and everything. So I decided to be a stay-home mother and only my husband is working right now. Definitely, six months worth of diapers would be amazing for the first-time parents like us.
Kellie Garcia says
My husband and I are expecting our first child in August. With all the things we need for our baby, 6 months of diapers would be a HUGE HELP!!!!!!! That is such a neat thing that you are providing this wonderful surprise for someone. Thanks and good luck to all!
Alison says
As a single mom to two kids and a full time nursing student this giveaway would be an EXCELLENT way to start out the summer and be a HUGE help- just like it will be to anyone who wins!! I <3 HUGGIES!!
Mysti Freed says
I would take the money saved and…well, gotta admit, spend it in some other way on the little one!! Can’t help but to buy him toys and soft blankies! :o)
Cindy says
These diapers would greatly benefit my family. We recently moved to Georgia when my husband received a job as a Pastor. We have been here for 6 months and are still unable to sell our house in Jacksonville, FL. Recently our AC unit was stolen in Jacksonville, FL and our homeowner’s insurance was dropped due to vacancy. In addition, we are unable to get a new policy until our 20 year old roof is repaired. We must do all these things for a house we do not live in as means to sell it for 30,000 more than we paid for it 5 years ago.
Due to the state of the economy, I have become a coupon guru. It is for this reason that I have become a huge fan of Huggies! They give out the most coupons for their high quality diapers. Huggies are the best bang for our buck! Needless to say the diapers would greatly help us in this time of transition.
Thanks for your consideration!
Tracie says
My best friend has a 9 week old precious baby girl who was 17+ years in the making! After years of struggling with infertility, more IVFs than I can count, donor eggs, specialists – she finally has her daughter is finally here through the womb of a surrogate. I help her as best I can with my bargaining skills, hand-me down nursery furniture/toys/clothes/you-name-it, but this prize pack would truly be a financial blessing to her new little family. We all know how expensive diapers are! And Huggies are without a doubt the best diaper on the market. I tried many with my now 2 year old, and always came back to Huggies. I’m crossing my fingers!
Sarah says
I have a 2 month old that has me buying diapers every time I turn around. I am a single mother that has been struggling to find a job to cover finances so I have been getting financial help from my parents.6 months of diapes for free would save me money for other baby necessities that my son will need without having to ask my mom for help with the cost and also help me save money to pay back my school loans and other bills.
Ashlee Foltz says
6 months worth of diapers would be amazing. My husband is in the military, got out of active duty so he did not have to deploy for a third time, and has had a really hard time finding a job. We are currently having to stay with family because we arent bringing enough money in at all. To not pay for diapers for that long would give us a start to get back on our feet.
Michelle Godby says
I have a 4 month old son, and any way to save money is great, but I would actually give the 6 months worth of free diapers to my friend. She has a 16 month old daughter, and is 5 months pregnant (it’s a boy!). Her husband doesn’t have permanent employment, and the restaurant she is working for is closing it’s doors. It’s tough enough to find a job these days, but even harder when you’re pregnant. I had to do the same thing at that exact time in my pregnancy, and all I could find was seasonal (Christmas) work. She struggles every day to make ends meet, even selling both of their vehicles. I do all I can to help, and, because my son won’t be that much older than hers, she won’t have to buy many clothes. But I can’t help much with dispensable supplies, especially diapers (except for the wonderful coupons I receive-I always share them with her). She has tried less expensive brands, but her daughter has issues with dry skin, and Huggies are the only diapers that don’t cause any irritation. This would help her family a great deal, and I believe would take a lot of weight off her shoulders.
Ashlee says
How would I use 6 months of diapers…………..on my son of course! Who couldn’t use free diapers?!? Of course Huggies is the only brand I use on my boys as it’s definately the best and you do have to dish out extra cash! I would save a ton of money if I got a six month supply and I would use that to supplement my boys savings accounts so they can have a buffer for school!!!
Ashley Wishard says
I am a single mother of 3 great children. I teach preschool so my budget is tight. My youngest is 6 months old and I will only use Huggies Little Movers for her. I tried other brands and she broke out in a rash. If I won 6 months worth of diapers it would be amazing to not have to worry financially about how I’m going to buy diapers for 6 months. I would probably give some away also to some of the families where I work. We have a lot of families who have lost thier jobs and wore suffer more financially than I do. So I would help them too…
Selina says
My mother-in-law buys our diapers, so I don’t need them for myself. I have a close cousin that has 2 kids of her own in diapers. She has recently adopted 3 more children that her sister-in-law could no longer care for. They need all the help they can get. I would love to be able to give them a 6 month supply of diapers, and at least give them a little break on having to spend money on diapers.
Maricela Hernandez says
Six months of diapers would be very helpful for my family.
It will save us money, that we can use to pay our bills and other expenses that we have that unfortunately we can not pay in full. My husband works hard but does not make enough to cover everything. We barely make it by on a check by check basis. As for me I’m a full time wife and mother, at least until our little girl turns one and we go back to school. I will be going back for nursing and my husband back for Emergency Medical Technician, of course if we can afford it. So six months of diapers will definitely benefit our family and help us move forward. Even if we are not winners, we know there is someone out there that might need it more than we do. Thanks for your time, and god bless the winner of the contest.
connie says
6 months worth of diapers would be amazing for my daughter and her husband. They are both terrifeic people, and try so hard to give back to everyone who has helped them. They have a 1 year old which i adore!!! They just got a new house, and also some debt along with it. They deserve the best and it would be amazing for them to win this 6 months of diapers> they love the Huggies movers, and there are other little babie sib the family which would grately appriciate it also. So ur not just choosing my little grandson to have 6 months worth diapers, but your grately helping alot more. Thank You!!!
Pennie says
Wow…6 months of diapers would be a dream come true. We have four children. We had bought diapers for 6 years straight before we had a short break and had to start again. When our third was born, we had 3 in diapers at the same time. When we got him potty trained, it was a relief not to be out the money for diapers each month. About a month later, we found out we were expecting our fourth. We would use the money we would save from not having to buy diapers for 6 months to pay off our medical bills.
Kaitlyn Steger says
My son came 5 weeks early so my boyfriend and I were not really ready yet. Neither of us make alot of money working part-time jobs. Adam has not worked in almost 3 months do to lack of work. With me being on maternity leave we don’t have alot of money to pay the bills and be able to afford everything we need for the baby. If I was to win the 6 month supply of diapers, I would be very grateful because I know it would be a tremendous weight off my chest!
Charlotte says
Six months of diapers would help us out a lot! We are young parents and only my husband is working right now so our finances are very strained.
cynthia says
I would definitely put them to good use! 🙂 I have a 6 month old baby that goes through ALOT of Huggies diapers! My husband and I have 4 children and we are working multiple jobs to try to provide for them. Any little bit helps!
Julie says
Wow , 6 months of diapers !! I would be able to actually save money for my baby in his college fund !!!
Cynthia says
I am a 25 year old single mother pf three girls who attends college at Everest University for Computer Programming. If I had six months worth of diapers it would really be a blessing for me because my youngest daughter is 1 years old and diapers are quite expensive for a single mom like me.
stephanie martin says
5 months worth of diapers…what would i do with them. use them on my first and only little girl, Kailee, due in oct. after having 3 boys and also a step-son, huggies has always been a favorite.
Amanda says
6 months of diapers would be a God send. I am a first time mom of a little boy and he hates when his diaper is dirty. There are times we go through 4 diapers in matter of 30 minutes. He loves a fresh diapers to go potty in! I read all the books about how many diapers a baby goes through in a day, week, even a month, but never realized how true that was until the little guy got here! I know everyone has different needs, but no matter what diapers are expesive and getting them for 6 months would be amazing! My husband and I would be able to pay the hospital bill a lot faster with this amount of savings. Our little newborn had to go through a lot of tests when he was born due to some complications he had right after being born. He stayed in the nursery away from me for 2 days. He went thorugh x-rays, blood tests, IVs, wore an O2 canula, and many other tubes attached to him to make sure his breathing was ok. So this hospital bill will be bigger than expected, savings from buying diapers would help out tremendously!
Jeni Miller says
6 free months of diapers wold definately help as times are getting tough. We are right around the corner from potty training a little boy that is dead set on keeping diapers on rather than the big boy underpants. I love the way Huggies fit him, but with the way money has been lately, I have had to switch to the generic brand. (yuck).
Melinda J says
Six months of diapers would be an amazing help for us. I just quit my job to stay home with our DS and we’re figuring out how to live on a very tight budget. I’m glad we made this decision but it is definitely a challenge!
Michelle Gengler says
I would love to win a 6 month supply of diapers, who wouldn’t?!? I have a 2 1/2 yr old that is potty trained but I have a 7 month old in huggies diapers of course. I would donate at least half of my 6 month supply to a local shelter in need of them for babies that are homeless or their parents just cannot afford much. I could not be greedy and keep them all to myself when there are people in need. Hopefully you pick me to win = )
veronica says
I would love to get 6 months of Huggies diapers. I have 2 boys and like all moms i want the best for my kids so the money saved from not having to buy diapers would go toward my kids savings for college. Never to early to start thinking about college.
Carla Raynor says
I am getting ready for Baby #5!!! Due in about 6 1/2 weeks! I have always loved Huggies, and have used them more than any other brand of diaper. I am also an avid couponer since last year and would LOVE the coupons! I use every $3 coupon that I get and stock up. I will have 2 kiddos in diapers when the baby is born in July unless my soon-to-be 2-yr-old decides she will go completely in the potty before then, but I doubt it’s totally by then… Lots of diapers, lots of money… Money we don’t have these days. My husband is working 6 days a week to pay off everything before he goes to school 2 years FT… I am a stay-at-home mom, so that will be 2 whole years with NO income except for student loans unless I get a job of some kind during that period, which will be hard to do with 5 children. So what would I do with 6 months of FREE diapers??? I will use them with great PRIDE in knowing that they are truly a great brand to use on my newborn & toddler and that there are blessings that help us in our lives just when we really need it!
Courtney says
My son could really use these. He’ll be 2 in July and we go through a lot of diapers.
Cher_bear2008 says
I would be so happy…as a single mom still in school the diapers would come in so handy in a time of need!!! I love the Huggies little movers my son is 7 months old and is trying to move like crazy and they work wonderful…
Angela says
To tell you the truth to have that would be just grand. My husband and I have two kids a 10 yr old and 3 yr old. My budget is just so tight it’s just ridiculous. We’re almost potty trained (75%)but still need at least 6 months to get her night trained. My husband works long hours 6 days a week and doesnt come home till 9 pm so he never gets to see the girls. This would help out a huge amount to be able to know that we could save that money and spend it else where on what we really need or just be able to save it . And the remaining prizes would be great too. We don’t even own a cam to watch the children grow. It would be nice to be able to make home videos that one day I can give to them so that them and their families could see. But the thought of six months worth of diapers is just so heavenly- A HUGE blessing in disguise.
Jenna H says
I have a 3 year old who still uses diapers at night time and just gave birth to another baby, so diapers in this household are used quite a lot!! It would be so nice to have 6 months worth of diapers to help out financially!! Times are tough and it would surely be a blessing!! Thanks Huggies for this opportunity!!
Amy says
I would gratefully use those 6 months worth of diapers for my 6 month old daughter. I knew there would be a lot of diaper changes but wow. What an eye-opener for this first time mom! =) A 6 month supply would be a huge help for our family since my husband was laid off almost about a year aog. It would be a tremendous help!
Crystal Winstead says
I have a 7 year old daughter with a rare chromosome disorder that is still in diapers, and i also have a 1 year old daughter. I could really use the help with the diapers because my daughter doesn’t get any help from the goverment for her disablity and things are really tight due to my husband had been layed off and has just started his job.
ashley says
I would love to win the huggies 5min for moms. it would help me in so many ways. i am a single mom raising my son of one year. i only get like one day a week for work and its only a 5 hrs shift so i realy dont have the money to spend on dipers i useally buy the generic brand of dipers because its all i can afford. but every night he leaks through the dipers it would be nice to have him dry for once. and i really like huggies!!!!
Bobbi says
Wow! Six months of diapers…that would be awesome. I recently gave birth to my first child, and when planning the cost of a child, I intended to breast feed. For a full week, I put my son to the breast, and pumped, but nothing…my milk never came in and I have had to formula feed. I’m not dissing formula feeding, (my son is thriving) it just wasn’t part of my plan and is so expensive.
Jenny says
I have a baby on the way due in December!! 6 months worth of diapers would be a wonderful gift! 🙂
Tracy says
I would use all the money towards a car and my daughter.
Nancy says
My husband and I have 2 boys, 3 years (75% potty trained) and 8 months, he has been working 2 jobs 7 days a week and I am a stay at home mom. Even with the 2 jobs we are blessed to have we are barely scraping by, as I’m sure alot of people are. 6 months worth of not worrying about diapers for our littlest one would be awesome for freeing up much needed gas money! Every other day it seems like we are stopping by the gas station. Both of the boys are going back and forth with colds and that means a 30 min. trip to the docter every other week per child. Hopefully we can kick this JUNK to the curb and get into the water this summer!!! Thank you for this opportunity… we are strictly a Huggies brand household, and I am loving the coupons for Pull-Ups and Little Movers.
Catherine says
Oh my goodness, even one month of diapers would be a blessing! I will tell you, our little Ethan tears through some diapers! We’ve used Huggies since day 1, and will continue on through – heck! Huggies have always been a mainstaple in my family… Anywho, my family has made it through from the brink and back (like so many) – where we literally had nothing, to being able to finally make it on our own. It hasn’t always been easy to spend money on diapers – but we always made sure to buy Huggies. Why? Because Huggies work! I could spend less money on cheaper diapers – but as a woman who works in a day care (and honestly yes, I would share the wealth!) and knows from experience… those diapers aren’t worth a flip! It would be the icing on the cake to win a 6 month supply! Thank you, and hooray for Huggies!
Ashlee says
Any extra money that we save is put into an account that helps support us while I stay at home with my girls these first couple years. When going from a two income household to a one income household, every bit counts!
Lisa Busby says
In the past 10 years i have had 4 kids. Every time i got one out of diapers i was pregnant with the next one. They are 10, 7, 4, and 21 months. Ten years of buying diapers and pull-ups has really added up! It would be nice to not have to buy anymore until this one is potty trained.
Brittney says
It would be a huge help to get 6 months of diapers. What a releif financially!
OH and I ahve to add, I LOVE the new blue jean diapers!
Danielle says
With 6 months of Huggies, I would actually be able pay some of my son’s medical bills. ER visits are expensive on an already over-extended budget. I love Huggies and the coupons I have been getting ROCK! Keep up the good work Huggies!!!
Melissa Hillman says
I would use the extra money save from diapers to pay bills!! My husband lost his job last year and I just lost mine (not a good time to be a teacher!)
Niki Ludington says
My son Liam has the most sensitive skin of any baby I have ever seen. One of the few types of diaper that do not cause a reaction is Huggies Pure and Naturals. We absolutely LOVE them, despite being o-so-expensive. The peace of mind of knowing my son is dry and comfortable is very well worth finding other ways to minimize expenses. It would be nice to contribute this 6 months worth of saved money to his much neglected college fund. Education is a value that I hope to instill in my son. I made a commitment to him before he was even born to assist him with this in any way I could.
Megan says
We have a 20 month old and one due July and with two in diapers and only one income, it will make things extremely tight. 6 months of free diapers would help immensely to pay off some bills and even tuck a little extra away into our son’s college/bank accounts. Struggling for money causes added stress and it would be wonderful to know that diapers are one thing that is taken care of and we don’t have to stress or worry about where the money is going to come from to buy them.
Lisa says
6 months worth of diapers would be such a blessing to my family!! We have 4 children. Our baby just turned 1 and we found out we are going to have another in January! I’ve got to do some MAJOR stocking up on diapers so that it isn’t such a financial strain on us when the baby comes. Thanks for the chance! Huggies are my 1 and only choice for diapers–I used them on all of my kids! I’ve tried other brands, but they just don’t measure up!
grettainsc says
6 months of Diapers would be wonderful! I try to save as best I can with coupons and sales for our youngest daughters diapers. We could use the money to pay off bills.
Jennifer says
6 months of diapers would go a long way in our house and the house of the ones around us. I’m very fortunate to be part of a close knit military community. With a large portion of our men and women deployed over seas currently, there are lots of new moms and dads left here trying to raise a family on very little money. We all pitch in for various things when one family can’t afford an item. 6 months in diapers could be spread around well here.
Alley Wildey says
I would sure love this! Planning on having another one soon so it would sure help out
TIffany ONeal says
I would have more money to spend on food. Times are tough around this household!
stephanie says
I would use the extra money saved to help get our family out of debt.
Michelle says
Diapers would be SO great for a while. My step daughter is preg and her mom told her to move out if she was going to keep the baby. So my husband and myself are stepping up to support them. Step daughter will have the baby before she turns 18.. she is 17 right now and turns 18 July 2nd. She just finished up 10th grade so she has two more yrs of high school to finish. So she wont’ be able to work to help us out. All this will be on us. The free diapers or any help would be awesome!
Thanks for this chance!
Huggies are great. I used them with all three of my boys!
nicole deitrick says
Wow 6 months worth of diapers would be a lifesaver! my husband is currently unemployed & trying to find a job.there isn’t a week that goes by that diapers aren’t on our grocery list for our 2 year old & this would be a HUGE help!
Nikki says
Six months of free diapers sounds like a dream!! Daycare would probably love that, they are constantly trying to remind me to bring more diapers. I wouldn’t dare buy anything else but Huggies and haven’t bought any without coupons. Love those Huggies and their dedication to their cusotmers. Although, I would love to win free diapers. If I were to win I would find a local family that needs more than I do and give them the diapers. There are several families without jobs and families that would greatly appreciate a gift that could help them get out of their vallety.
Melissa Olson says
I am a 22 year old single mother of the most handsome 4 month old that has ever lived, but I am a little biased! When I was just about 6 weeks pregnant my husband left me and our unborn son. Since then, I started working full time and am trying to finish school (for Elementary Education) by going to school part time. Huggies Little Snugglers/Little Movers were first my diaper of choice because they have Pooh-Bear on them-and we are a Pooh-Bear family-but when I used other cheaper brands I found out that they didn’t work as well, and my son just didn’t like them! I am my son’s sole provider, and any money I get goes towards him. With being able to save extra money I would be able to send him to the day-care/pre-school that is right next to my work so I could nurse him every day during lunch, instead of just pumping. It is also my dream preschool for him as they teach sign language to the infants and Spanish to the toddlers. I have big dreams for him, and could always use that something extra to make them come true.
Laura D says
Wow…free diapers…what could be better when you have several kids in diapers? money is tight so this would really help us out right now…
Jamie Jacklin says
It would bring me a little closer to quiting my job!
Sarah Fairbanks says
This would be a true blessing on student budget as we are a young family still trying to start out. 🙂
Jerricka Taber says
I would donate them to my sister because while she was pregnant she was laid off from both of her jobs and is still currently unemployed and seeking work so for her and her new son this would be a huge help.
Vicki Lenahan says
Our oldest will be 5 this fall, and starting full-time Kindergarten…..meanwhile, we are also expecting a baby boy, due October 1st! It seems like forever ago since we were into bottles, late night feedings and diapers! My husband and I both work full time and manage to JUST get by. 6 months worth of diapers would be an amazing money saver and help us as well through the always money tight holiday season with our 5 year old and newborn!
Laura Holson says
Being a single mom with a very small income, 6 months of diapers would really mean alot. I would be able to buy my son other things he needs that i can’t afford to get any other time.
Michelle Lagstrom says
Wow!! Six months of diapers is totally awesome! My son goes through diapers so quickly. I just bought 3 packs, and they are all nearly gone. My family is on a very tight budget, so if we won this, it would be a HUGE help. I love Huggies diapers, including the new Jean design!!
Lauren Reed says
6 months of diapers would be great! I could definitely use them. My husband has a back injury and is limited to how much he can work and I had to take a pay cut at work right before our little girl was born. It’s been very hard to make ends meet and if it wasn’t for the people that bought us diapers for my baby shower, I wouldn’t have any diapers for her. It would be a blessing to get 6 months of diapers for her. I could focus more on getting her formula and knowing that I’ll have enough money each week for it.
Tammy says
With 6 months of coupons wow, I buy as many Huggies on sale as possible for my 16 month old son so with the saved money it would go toward our adoption for our future daughter in Ethiopia and stock up for her too, if she is too big for the diapers when we get her the diapers will be donated to an orphanage.
Tiffany says
I would keep thte 6 months worth of diapers for my daughter. We’re young parents and my husband is a colleg student and i’m a full time mom. We struggled alot last fall with finances and having a surplus of diapers would help out TREMENDOUSLY =).
Deanna Hill says
Wow. six months worth of diapers would almost be life changing for me! Im a single parent now. My son is 6 months old. And it would help me get us our own place to live. We are living with friends right now and Im trying to save up to move. and it would take a huge weight off my shoulders to know exactly where his next pack of diapers will come from… I would be very grateful!
Amanda Salzillo says
I have 26 month old and a baby on the way in September. Potty training for is right around the corner for our first born so whether we’re using pull-ups or stocking up for the little one, there’s never a time Huggies are not on the grocery list. My husband recently lost his life long career job. So money is extra tight these days and having a 6 month supply would come in handy. We’ would either re-allocate the diaper money to other areas in our budget or continue to stock pile since a newborn always needs diapers! I’m so thankful for all the coupons Huggies is putting out lately. They’re helping us to stock pile.
Lori Doane says
I would surely use the money to pay extra bills off and hopefully be able to have another child. I love Huggies and they are the only ones I use.
TIffany ONeal says
I would have more money to spend on food! Times are tough around this household.
Kelly Landis says
6 Months of Huggies would be awesomely welcome 🙂 Huggies are the only brand my son wears He is now bouncing between huggies diapers and huggies pull-ups and as everyone knows pull-ups are much more expensive than the diapers. But he loves them, they are his big boy underwear and they work great. Since he has come into our lives, we are now living on one income… Daddy’s. So any help is greatly greatly appreciated!!!
Menda says
I would love to win this. Little Movers are our go-to diaper.
Rebekah says
If I won the diapers, I would first say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Then use the money I saved to buy other essentials for our new little one that will be here in two months!!
Rachael says
6 months worth of diapers would be amazing! It would help our family tremendously. I am going to college full time and my sons father just got laid off and is looking for a job, so money is pretty tight, and diapers are expensive. Not having to buy diapers for 6 months would really allow us to save money and be able to buy other things our son needs.
Denise says
A year’s worth of diapers would help tremendously. I have twin toddlers in diapers, so any savings would be helpful!
Mara Addison says
Six months worth of diapers would help a lot. I woudn’t have to worry about the enormous cost and maybe would be able to put the extra money into her 529 college fund. That would be the best use of the extra cash for me–mydaughter’s future.
Kelly says
We are a family of 5 and next month we will be a family of 6 when our 4th little one arrives. We are in the process of potty training our 2 year old in hopes that she will be done in diapers by July when our 4th baby is due to arrive. To not have to budget/plan on buying diapers for 6 months for our newest little one would be a wonderful blessing… especially at this time since like so many others, my husband lost his job 6 months ago.
Lucy Maddox says
I would use the diapers on my sweet little 18 month old boy with no worries! We would use the extra money on other things that are needed such as groceries or household products.
Tracy says
I could definetly use 6 months of diapers with 3 boys and baby #4 on the way 🙂
Elizabeth Rutledge says
i would like to win b/c i don’t even know what a diaper budget is! my husband bearly has a job and i can’t afford daycare to go to work myself even if i started working! and i just don’t trust people i don’t know with my 10 month old baby girl. i love huggies they really are the best! but i just can’t afford them. constantly borrowing money from her grandparents for not only diapers, but everything. we are bearly getting by and i sure know that 6 months of diapers would help out a lot! diapers end up costing a fortune when u add up monthly exspenses at the end of the month! anyway i would like to win b/c i could really use those diapers and it would be really awesome to be able to use the money nomally spent on diapers for bills, food, and gas! thank you!
Nancy says
My husband and I have 5 kids – the first 4 are boys and the last is a precious baby girl with a genetic disorder and a significant heart defect. She will require surgeries for the rest of her life, and she has four different therapies each week. We are on the go a lot!
About 2 years ago, my husband lost his job, literally three weeks before our youngest son was born. Much to our surprise (and trepidation!) we found that we were pregnant with our daughter when our son was just 9 months old. Because they are only 15 months apart, both of them are still in diapers…we would definitely use the six months of free diapers! 🙂
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
Anna says
I can’t even imagine not having to buy diapers for six months. My budget would be so much easier if I didn’t have to buy diapers. Getting free diapers for six months would be an amazing blessing for our family. I think with the money saved for those six months I would put half in a savings account and use the other half to pay bills. Thanks for the awesome chance to win.
brittany whittake says
Oh my! 6 months of huggies is like winning the lottery for any Mom! This would be amazing for our family since we are due with our 2nd bundle of joy in a few months! (we all know how fast newborns go through diapers!) With all the savings on diapers, perhaps I could save a little extra for a fun but local family vacation for us!
Elizabeth says
I would give the diaper coupons and other prizes to my brother and his girlfriend. They are expecting a baby girl on July 5th (their first child), and she hasn’t been able to work since getting pregnant for fear of being a high risk pregnancy like her mom was with her. My daughter is potty trained and only uses diapers at night so I would definitely like to give them the gift of not having to buy diapers for awhile. I wish some one could have done it for me.
Ashlee says
I have always been a big coupon shopper; and I use to mainly do it for fun. Recently, it has become a way of life for me and my family. I try so hard to find good deals on diapers, but they still are very expensive. Winning the diaper coupons would be such a huge blessing to my family. It would really help alleviate the financial strain in our home.
Bekki says
We have twin boys that are turning 2 in August. It would be nice to not have the extra expense for a while because right now we are in the process of buying a new home. We move to our first house right before their birthday and would love to use that extra money towards their birthday party as well as creating a play room for them.
Christina says
It would be so wonderful to win these diapers! We are always struggling to afford to keep up with 2 in diapers.
emma yang says
With 6 months worth of diapers, my four month old child will get to try different types of Huggies diapers and we will be able to know which one fit her the best. Also, me and my husband are both working long hours, so 6 months worth of diaper will definitely save us a lot of time to do diaper shopping. In addition, we have been using Huggies diaper since my daughter’s birth, I will be glad to use another 6 months worth of Huggies diaper on her since they are the better diapers compare with some other brands.
Wendy says
6 months of diapers! Wow, what a great help to our family. I would use the diapers on my Newborn, that is a no brainer. The money we would save not buying diapers I think we would save some for vacation in August and use the rest for the kids savings accounts.
Kimberly Murphy says
If our family won 6 months worth of diapers for our son logan .. it would truley be a blessing for us, my Husband has just lost his job a few weeks ago and is trying to start up his own business. With 6 months worth of daipers that would be a tramendous weight lifted off of our head, it would help us to put a little bit more into our company that once the 6 months is up we would have a stable buisiness to support our family. i know it seems like alot but when you are stretching every penny in your household an opportunity like this wold absolutely be a blessing !
lydiasergeant says
If I won the 6 months of diapers, I could you the money to help pay off some of our debt. It would help our family have a more stress free home for at least 6 months and allow us time to use that money for bills. We would be so appreciative of the diapers!
Michelle Henry says
I’m due later this year and will have one in diapers and one in pull-ups. It would make a big difference in our household budget to have diapers free for a while. I could put that money into an interest bearing account so by the time I need to spend it again I would have a little extra and it would go a little further. Something I think we all need in today’s world.
stephanie says
i would greatly appriciate 6 months worth of diapers, not only for myself but for family and friends who were in need. Very nice offer and i would not be greedy if i won! thanks stephanie, and lil man brenden!
Jamie Butcher says
Huggies diapers are very important in my life as a new mother. 6 months of diapers that I can trust not to leak wherever we are would be a wonderful thing. No worries in church, the car, or at night. The money we would save on diapers would be spent on the toys that increase his development as well as family outings like the zoo which we can’t afford.
Sandy says
6months of free diapers would be more then wonderful! I have a 3yr old Autistic child still in diapers as well as a 19month old who is obviously still in diapers. To be able to buy more then a pack at a time due to money restrictions would make me the happiest mommy! My husband is heading to IRAQ this summer so the less I have to go out to the store the better!
Jenn says
My husband and I’s very first child just turned three weeks old today. I had no idea how many diapers babies go through! I lost my job and all my health benefits right before I found out I was pregnant. Having no insurance has been tough as all our new baby’s appointments have to be paid for in cash. Six months of diapers would be GREAT and would allow us to recoup some of the money we have spent in he past three weeks on all our daughters appointments. The hospital gave us pampers to take home but we immediately switched to huggies. They fit her legs much better and best of all NO LEAKS!
Amy Dixon says
I have 4 kids and diapers are a huge part of our budget. 6 months worth of diapers would be a wonderful help! Thanks for this great site!
Kelley says
With 6months worth of free diapers I’d be able to take the world by storm instead of clipping diaper coupons. My son and I could spend time romping on the Seattle Waterfront and having a good time together instead of getting our fingers inky with newspaper! In short, we would have FUN! with the money we usually spend on diapers!
Sarah says
I have 3 in diapers right now, with 2 of them training, so 6 months of diapers would be fantastic!! we’ll put them to good use, promise.
Jessica Phillips says
6 months of free diapers would be such a blessing to our family. I have a 6 month old and income is alittle low right now. I would also help my sister out too she is due any day now and I know we both sure could use that blessing. I have to help provide for her and her new one so I would love to have 6 months of free diapers. Thanks so much for giving me and my family a chance at such a wonderful thing. YEAH!!! WE LOVE HUGGIES!!!
Kristie says
With 6 months of free diapers, I would take the money I would have spent of the diapers I put it in my daughters bank account for her college. 🙂 I love my Huggies®!
elizabeth says
I am due to have a baby in 9 weeks and have a 2 year old still in diapers. Although Ella is beginning to “potty train” she is not ready to give up diapers yet and I think it will be quite awhile before she is. I am going to be starting a new job 4 weeks after my due date and it will be more hours per week than what I am currently doing. Having a supply of diapers will help with the bills, stress, and keeping both kids diapered! The biggest change will be that Daddy will be in charge of more hours of child care per week. He finds the use of disposables very handy (we use a combo of cloth and disposable). I would love to win a supply of diapers for him to ease the transition of 2 kids for more hours per week!
Jessica Fulkerson says
6 Months of diapers would be great for anyone . However since I have been blessed with so much in my life and my children life . I would donate them to a local food and woman’s shelter so that those not having the best of times would have a little less worry .
Korrie says
a 6 month supply of diapers would help us out tremendously. We have two kids in diapers and my husband works two jobs because of our economy so the cost of diapers could be put to other necessities if we won.
Monique Nicole Johnson says
Huggies is worth every dollar I spend, but if I could recieve 6mths worth of diapers for free there are many things I would be able to do. I would be able to provide activities this summer for my children. It would allow some entertainment money for my family. It would help us tremendously!
Janet Thomas says
I would give the diapers to my daughter-in-law, she is expecting a boy any day, My son was laid off a few weeks ago, and she had to to take a leave from her job.
Angela Myers says
I would use the extra diapers for my 11 month old. I currently have two girls in diapers (ages 23 months and 11 months). It can be expensive, even with all the great coupons. I am a Special Educator and my husband is about to separate from the Navy, so anything extra is a help. I love Huggies!
Nikki says
6 months of diapers would save me a ton of time! I wouldn’t have to constantly be on the lookout for Huggies coupons!
Ashley says
This would help my family tremendously. We have a 2 month old and soon to be 4 year old. Cash is tight since my fiance can’t find a job, and his unemployment keeps messing up. This will give us a chance to catch up on bills and be a little less stressed out, and happy parents for our children. Thank you, Huggies!
vivian says
I would save so much money and time trying to coupon for diapers! Thank you Huggies for the $3 off coupons!
Nicholle Cousino says
The money saved would go towards a much-needed car repair that we’ve been putting off because we simply can’t afford it right now
Erin says
6 months of diapers… HEAVEN. I have two under two and always seem to be buying boxes and boxes of diapers. My son has some special needs. It would be nice not to worry about diaper money for a little while! We would use the extra money for paying some more on medical bills that always seem to pile up!
Lydia says
Well, since our second child is due in 6 months AND we have a child that is still in diapers, we would have no problem using 6 mo. worth of Huggies! The money we saved on diapers would help us pay for things we are going to need for the new baby like clothes, a toddler bed for our firstborn, etc.
Shelli Quattlebaun says
6 months of diapers would make me do a happy dance for year!!!
Sandra says
6 months worth of diapers would mean the world right now. I use cloth diapers while at home to try and save some cash, and disposable when out and about so 6 months would probably stretch to 9-12 months! If my 2 year old potty trains before I use the coupons up I would love to try and help my friends with younger kids!
Sabrina says
6 months of diapers would be a huge relief! My husband and I moved in with my Father-in-law, so we could rent out our house to my parents. But, because they have a VERY low income, and my Mom is going through End stage liver failure, we are subsidising about 1/2 our mortgage payment so they have a place to live that is “affordable”. We have more expenses than they realize, because not only do we still have some of our bills (mortgage, insurance, sattelite/internet, etc. that we still have to cover because of contracts), but we now also have to help out with all the utilities and groceries at our new “house”. So, our living expenses really haven’t changed at all, and we have a LOT less privacy and peace and quiet. And, we are facing a possible layoff with my husband’s job (It’s down to him or one other guy), and my job isn’t very stable either. Because of all of my Mom’s health issues (one of which is that she can’t drive), I have to be avaliable for her appointments, and such. Between her health, and my Dad’s health, they have appointments 3x a week or more, more so if she is hospitalized, which is frequent. Until my sister finds a job, she is taking them to their appointments, but that will end and it will be my turn very soon. Then, with all the time off I will have to take, I am not sure if I will be able to keep my job. Stocking up, and saving right now are my main priority, because I want to be prepared. Things are so unstable right now, that it would be nice to have something to count on. 🙂 I use coupons, etc, but they can only go so far. Thanks Huggies!
Chelsea Nash says
6 month of diapers would help us out tons! We have a 9 1/2 month old daughter, and i am 9 weeks pregnant! I am currently a stay at home and my husband is a police officer. We do struggle with bills and everything, but we do so because I am in nursing school to make a better life for our little family. 6 months of diapers would be a blessing!
Lydia says
With 6 months of free diapers that would help my family out so much since i am the only one that is providing for my family money seems to get tighter and tighter every
month and since my son is in a size four we now get less for my money it would be such a stress reliever.
Alissa says
I would use them! I have a 13mo. old and a 28mo. old both in a size 5! It would help us out by giving us some extra mula to pay those monthly reoccurring things we call BILLS! Might even have a little extra to take a nice family w/e getaway to the beach…Ahhhhhh!
Jodi says
My son and his wife could certainly use 6 months of diapers for my granddaughter. It would be a huge help to them financially. They only use Huggies diapers and wipes.
Heather Pack says
With six months of diapers I would be a dream come true. I wouldn’t have to worry from day to day that I am going to run out of Huggies diapers for my little one. I wouldn’t have to borrow money from my family when I can’t seem to get the money together. With the money I could save with six months of diapers I could get my daughter the clothes and sippy cups she desperatly needs and maybe a new toy. I would love to get six months of diapers. I would do with just a month. Anything is better than nothing.
Sara says
6 months! Wow. With 2 kids in diapers every month is tight. I have really been enjoying those 3 dollar off coupons. Huggies are the best! 6 months of diapers would help us get ahead on that pesky debt that we are trying to get rid of. $30 to $40 a month extra would zap that minivan payment pretty quickly. Pick me! Pick me! I love Huggies!
Lindsay Ledford says
I don’t even know what I would do if I didn’t have to budget diapers for two kids into my shopping necessities for six months. My 2 year old is bouncing back and forth from pullups and diapers (both huggies of course) and my almost 1 year old is strictly in little movers. Let me tell you, I clip coupons RELIGIOUSLY, and I still have a hard time affording them, since I have two girls in two different sizes. With the money I saved with this, I might actually be able to afford to take my kids to the beach for the weekend this summer.
Sarah says
I would be able to put the diaper $ to better use!! Like pay off my credit card and my car loan!!! Every little bit counts!! Please pick me!!!!
Emily says
Woo-Hoo! I would definitely do a little dance if we won a six month supply of diapers! We are loyal to Huggies and as a Stay-at-Home Mom I am always searching for sales and driving all over town to stock up each week. This would provide some much needed breathing room for us financially. What a blessing this would be!
Kellee Kruse says
Six months of diapers would be too good to be true! My husband recently started his own landscaping business, and that would really help us save for the lean, harsh Kansas winter months ahead! I also cut back on my hours working for my church after having our son, so we’ve had to tighten our belts twice!
Sandy Witucky says
To win this prize would help tremendously!!! Not for me, but my 3 month old grandson. His dad has been unemployed for 14 months, also lost their home due to no job. I have bought all diapers thus far-HUGGIES- of course. For them to get 6 months of free diapers would put a HUGE smile upon their faces. Something we haven’t seen in 14 months.
Rachel Balsitis says
6 months of diapers would mean less time clipping coupons and checking sale ads and more time hanging out with my little man and the hubby! Gotta love the family time!!!
Janelle Constanza says
We LOVE LOVE LOVE Huggies at our house. After working in a daycare for several years I was able to try out every brand vicariously through other families. Huggies hold the mess better, sag less and move better than any other brand by far. Plus the coupons keep coming! We got some free samples of Pampers and I felt I needed to change my daughter twice as much or the crotch of her pants would be touching her knees! Go Huggies!
lovelyritaann says
Winning six months of diapers would be so great! This would save us money and maybe we can afford to do something fun this summer with the kids. Best of all, we use Huggies exclusively!
Kimberly Clark says
A six month supply of diapers would be a God-send! During my last pregnancy with my daughter (now 6 months old) I experienced severe back and hip pain. After delivering her, I was diagnosed with 2 herniated disks and sciatica, which prevented me from returning back to work. Two weeks ago I was forced to go back because my job stopped my insurance benefits and I was no longer receiving disability, so I had no money coming in. I am trying to keep my head above water, but it is difficult with everyday bills plus expenses for a 2 year old and 6 month old. I would be forever grateful if awarded this prize!!!
Alison says
6 months of diapers??? That would be amazing. My husband is out of work and I’m a stay at home mom so needless to say, I do a lot of coupon clipping. We have a 1.5 year old son and are expecting our fisrt daughter in a month. We arent sure how we are going to make it with all the added costs of two children in diapers but we’ll do our best. 6 months of free diapers would be amazing and a HUGE blessing. Our children mean the world to us and we may have to stuggle but we’ll be together as a family. 6 months of free diapers would be a huge relief off of my stressed-out shoulders.
Patty says
I am out of work right now and have a 4 month old that screams everytime he goes…he cannot stand a wet diaper for even a minute. So we go through a ton of diapers (huggies of course)!
Jennifer says
I love Huggies diapers and refuse to use any other kind! I am always using coupons.I have a 2 month old and a 2 year old. I could REALLY use 6 months of diapers! 🙂
Casandra SIngleton says
I will be having my first baby the end of June, I am very nervous about all these new expenses that come with having a baby. My sister also just had a baby in April and her husband just got laid off so I would love to help her out as well with Diapers.
Alisha Ruscheinsky says
6 months worth of free diapers about help get a good start on his savings…Thank You for just giving good coupons they help a lot already.. Huggies, thanks for doing a good job..
Kdubmom says
If I got 6 months of diapers I would totally freak out because I am expecting twins (boy/girl) in July! I could also tell my friends who are trying to get me to use cloth diapers to back off 🙂 I’m with everyone else when I say that it would just be a blessing to not have to spend all the money! We used Huggies with our first and won’t use anything else with these new little ones.
Christine M says
WOW six months of free huggies diapers…amazing!!!
I was on bed rest for my entire pregnancy because I had 5 previous misscarriages. I have not had any money coming in since November as I had exhausted my mat leave pay when my son was only a few months old. I continue to breast feed too…cheaper then formula. My mom has been helping us, buying food and diapers so I can stay home with my son for the entire year of mat leave. I really appreciate all she has done for us but I do feel bad taking from her. I have taken a part time job just to help with some bills and his dad now works 2 jobs.
Even a month of free diapers would be wonderful news!!!
Laura Royer says
Six months of diapers would be an answered prayer. I would share them with my sister. Not only would it save money, it would just be down right fun to win something. 🙂
Brenda says
*wow* 6 months of free diapers, it would surely help out a whole lot, like most everyone else we’ve been hit hard by the drop in economy and it would help out greatly.. but most of all i would have peace of mind when it came to needing diapers. I was just actually going through all of my coupons and seeing what I could spare to help out a new *dad* to 2 little ones (he just took custody of his niece and nephew) so yeah these could deff spread the *love* of huggies.
Sarah Barringer says
YEAH!! Give-a-way for Diapers is awesome. Especially Huggies. My little man and I love Huggies. And LOVE the new jean diapers!
Merideth says
With 6 months of Huggies diapers, I would take tons of pictures of my baby boy in just his diaper! There is nothing cuter than a sweet baby in any Huggies products (especially the new jeans diapers). Plus, as a one income family, it is always tough to make ends meet and this would be very helpful.
valerie manke says
wow! 6 months of free diapers would help so much! my baby boy drake has heart problems and the bills are overwhelming and diapers can add up! it would be a relief not to worry about it for awhile!
Lori Hathaway says
I could only pray for 6 months worth of free diapers. My son is almost 10 months old. His Dad is the only one working and just left us. I have not been back to work yet, but now I need to find something in a MAJOR HURRY!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do for money in the mean time for rent, bills and even diapers. I already clip and print coupons to save some cash, even before he left. My boyfriend leaving us has already stressed me out beyond control. Our older kids, 13 and 7, are devestated. The baby doesn’t know whats going on, but can see me crying and he gets upset. Free diapers would lift a bit of weight off my shoulders.
starofthenight1 says
I would give thosae 6 months worth of diapers, to a young women my daughter works with, as I do every coupons and samples for baby stuff that I get.. She works full time has 4 kids, and not much money after bills, to spend for the new baby.
christina cline says
first time parents of a ten month old boy. wearing size 3…
NIcole Rickertsen says
With 6 months worth of diapers I wouldnt have to worry about not having enough diapers for our next baby… we have a soon to be 15 month old and a new baby due in August. My husbands job is good but he doesnt always get the full paycheck if he doesnt meet a certain % of his pay plan so sometimes we are short about $400 a check…so needless to say any help is a blessing. Thanks
Jen says
6 months of diapers would be the most awesome thing in the world for us right now. I have 2 kiddos in diapers at the moment and that would help so much.
Kendra says
6 months of diapers would be awesome! We have a 2 yr old and a 2 month old so we’re always knee-deep in diapers. We would use the extra money for the traveling we will do this summer to attend family events.
Lacey says
I would love to have 6 months of free diapers. It would really help with 2 in diapers right now.
Jessica says
First time parents to a 3 month old girl. We would love to receive free diapers for 6 months. What a blessing that would be to us. :0) It would be nice to not have to spend the $.
Kim says
I would love 6 months of diapers…it would help in a great way since I am a stay-at-home mom and my husband is a hardworking dad.
Kristina says
This would be very helpful for my family! I have been unemployed for the past year now and have a 4 month old baby. This would really help us out and allow us a little money in the budget to plan some fun family time this summer.
Rebecca Curtice Berman says
to win 6 months of diapers would be a huge blessing – I have a 12 yo son from a previous marriage and becuase his dad is unemployed I am not receiving child support and my husband is not working and I am the only one bringing in money and it’s not much – just enough to get by – this would be a huge blessing and a sense of relief for us.
Sara says
I would do a cartwheel and then take my family out to eat with some of the money we would be saving! 2 boys in diapers (one in diapers full time and one in night time pull-ups) sure to burn through pack after pack. Good thing that Huggies is up to the challenge of keeping my boys dry! We don’t use anything else! Thanks Huggies!
Alexis says
Six months of diapers would be a godsend to our family. When we found out we were expecting in August 2009, I’d been unemployed since September 2008. While we weren’t trying to get pregnant, it was still a miraculous blessing after being told I couldn’t conceive without medical intervention. Now, 10 months later I feel so incredibly blessed to be holding my son, but financially we’re still struggling greatly. My unemployment benefits ran out a month before my son’s arrival, so we are a family of three living off my husband’s income which was barely enough to support a family of 2. Being able to save 6 months worth of diaper costs would make a huge difference in things like groceries, bills, etc.
Andrea Sherrill says
6 months of diapers?!?! What mom wouldn’t love that?!?! My sweet Abby Camille is due in August and I plan on using Huggies. Having a baby is always an expensive venture, but especially for moms and dads in today’s economy. I am currently out of work due to complications from both my pregnancy and from an auto accident I was in last year and my hubby can only find part time work right now so supporting just the two of us is a never ending struggle! 6 months of free Huggies diapers would make our transition to parenthood a lot easier.
Maybelline says
ohh wow! this will make my life much easier money speaking. I recently gave my 2 weeks notice because I was working part-time and the cost of child care was way more money per week than what I made, so we decided that I should stay at home with our 5 month old while my construction worker husband tries to bring food to the table, so far we’re making it but free diapers for 6 months would give us a big break in our budget. and I love how huggies fits my baby..
Crissy jenschke says
Wow six months of free diapers would be great! I could definitely use the extra cash to put on my boys saving accounts. With all the bills lately I haven’t been able to put some money in there saving accounts. We wanted to start right of the bat saving for their education. We really want to give them all the opportunity to suceed in this world
Cindy says
6 months of diapers would help us out a lot! We are trying to get ourselves in a stable place financially and not having to pay for diapers for 6 months would help out ALOT!
Karen Smith says
Whew! With 2 in diapers, our family would breathe a little easier! What a blessing 6 months worth of Huggies would be a huge blessing. We would take the extra money to take a summer vacation.
Gail says
I would give the diapers to my daughter-in-law and sister who both have new babies! Both of these ladies use Huggies! Thank you.
keidlog says
I would love to win 6 months of diapers! I have a 9 month old, and I obsessively search for sales and coupons for Huggies diapers – so winning a 6 month supply would save me tons of time (and money!)
Jasmine says
I would use the coupons to buy Pure & Naturals (they are the best!) for our 4 month old. We already have diaper bags (yes, with an S lol – one of them is a Skip Hop Studio, AWESOME bag, especially if you have more than one kiddo!!), video camera & changing pads – so I’d give those and a few of the coupons to my best friend, who is due next month!!
Six months worth of free diapers would be AMAZING! I’m a single unemployed mom so every penny counts! And huggie’s coupons have already helped a ton! My daughter will hopefully be potty trained at the end of the next six months so never having to buy diapers again would be a true blessing! Thank you Huggies for helping me in so many ways already!
Jennifer says
6 months of diapers would be such a blessing to my family. This is our first baby and I am a stay at home mom so to say that things are tight right now is an understatement, but I wouldn’t trade all the precious time I spend with my son for anything! If we were to receive a supply of diapers for 6 months it would help us put that money we save toward our other bills so that things wouldn’t be as tight.
Edyta Olow says
Wow! Six months of diapers! If we won…it would be such a blessing! Our 14 month old little girl would be thrilled! She is very sensitive to urine and we are actually changing her every hour…so that amounts to a LOT of diapers! With the money we saved we would start a college fund for her. Who knows…maybe in 17 years she will be able to say that a diaper company put her through collage!!!
Tiffany says
My husband is going to school full time and can oly work about 12 hours a week at min pay.I have had 4 surgerys on my leg due to a bone tumor that was diagnosed when our son was 6 weeks old so i cant work.We are almost to the point of doing cloth diapers only because sometimes we run out and dont have money to buy any so i have to ask one of our parents…he is almost 14 monthes so i think that if we had 6 monthes free diapers i could have him potty trained before running out and i so i would donate the rest to a group im part of for young moms with babies that were born premature and they would make sure someone who really needed them goot them. Thank you 🙂
Bridget says
I would love to win 6 months of diapers! We have a 1 and a 2 year old, so we use a lot of diapers and pull ups at our house! It would be nice to be able to use some of the money usually spent on diapers for some fun family outings this summer!
Elaine says
As a new mom to be, the growing expenses of my soon to be daughter have left me in plenty of ODF’s. Budgeting a child on one income is very tuff. I can say I’m coupon queen. I am a parent to be,(2 wks to go) but already loyal to Huggies based on the rep I have received from friends and family members. Who needs anything else. With this bundle of joy, a savings on Huggies for 6 mo and the chance to capture all memories would surely be a blessing.
Kim Ehlers says
What I could do with 6 months worth of diapers would be help our family save some money and be able to get a few things done around our home that need it. It would also get us through potty training my son. Then if I had any left over I would send them to my sister for my niece to use since they are about the same age.
Vivian says
6 months of free diapers would really help our family! My husband is the only one working right now. He is supporting me and our 4 month old son AND his disabled mom/ dad is going through chemotherapy.
abby says
LOVE HUGGIES DIAPERS!!!!!!!! Being on complete bed rest and having a toddler still in diapers, this will really help a lot.
Amanda says
With a six month supply of diapers; i would breathe!! Knowing the economy is so messed up i would cry to recieve a blessing this huge! I mean It Would Save me over $100 a month. Me, that i do everything alone for my son; im pregnant so any penny saved is a blessing. Im actually umemployed because im 7 months adding to my one year old.:)
Amanda Vaughn says
I can’t hardly imagine 6 months of free diapers!! I clip coupons and look for all of the great sales when it’s time to buy another pack. My son, Beckett, is a ways from potty training. He’s in size 4’s now, so we don’t get as many diapers for the money as we used too! We have 3 children, boys at that. And all 3 have HUGE appetites! So I would certainly use that extra money towards groceries, and maybe even a nice outing this summer to somewhere fun! It’s hard to keep them busy and happy at the same time! Especially while daddy is at work! It’s pretty amazing to think of how much money those 6 months would save us!!
Carrie says
I have a 7 1/2 Yr old 5 Yr. old and now a 7 month old. And I have always used Huggies Diapers! They work fantastically!! Also looking forward to the new Diaper Jeans coming out. 6 Months of free diapers would be a blessing to this home!!! Also my son joshua looks cute a button in his Huggies!
Alissa says
With 6 mos. worth of diapers, I would be diapering my baby with some of the best diapers out there. This would help tremendously now that my husband and I will be paying for daycare for 2 little girls (one who is potty training) and working full time. This would help us out so much, it’s beyond words!
mary74021 says
With 6 months of diapers I owuld actually feel prepared! I’m have my first baby in about 2 weeks and 6 months of diapers would help me feel less stressed and less overwhelmed, especially having them be Huggies!
Tracy Roman says