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When did your little ones ‘get on the move?’
Remember those days when you could put your infant on a blanket on the floor, grab a load of laundry out of the dryer and come back to still see her happily playing — in the exact same place?
But then it happens. Oh, it happens so fast.
Suddenly that little pre-crawler can squirm and shimmy her way all over the place. Taking your eye off of her for even a minute becomes impossible.
Soon, she pushes herself up onto all fours and tries to crawl. I call it being stuck in “neutral.” My little ones would rock back and forth on all fours wondering why they aren’t moving forward. And then when they do start moving, they are in reverse!
But, oh so quickly, they get the hang of it and they are crawling everywhere!
Just weeks later, those once helpless little babes pull themselves up on the coffee table and start cruising around. We know then that the baby days are soon to come to an end.
As they reach out their tiny hands and toddle towards us with their first few steps, it is bittersweet. Our babies are on the move. They are growing up. College will be just a blink away.
Diapers for those Little Movers!
As Susan and I told you yesterday in our video about our Little Mover Olivia, (if you didn’t see it, you have to go check out my Livvie’s cuteness!) we have had all four of our babies in Huggies®.
There are a number of reasons I prefer Huggies®:
- They’re gentle enough for my sensitive-skinned children
- They don’t have a strong fragrance to them
- I find they give us the best leak protection
- They FIT and move with my super active babies and toddlers!
As you saw in our video of Olivia, (running, climbing, dancing, jumping,) my kids are really on the move!
The Huggies® Little Movers Diapers move with them with a unique form fitting cut. Now, my toddlers have never said, “Wow, Mom — these diapers have a great fit!” but I can tell they are happy in their Little Movers. (Maybe a bit too happy!)
So, today, we want to know, when did your little ones ‘get on the move?’
How old were they when they started to crawl or walk? (Or have you forgotten? I know it is so easy for it all to blur together!) And if your babies are not yet crawling, you could tell us what you are looking forward to (or fearing) about the ‘moving’ stage.
5 Days of Giveaways with Huggies!
We know moms have paid their diapering dues, so Huggies® wants to reward you with some FUN giveaways this week!
From Monday to Friday we are having fantastic prize packs that you will really want to win. So check back every day for more Huggies fun!
(To see a list of all the giveaways that have happened so far, check out Monday’s post, 5 Days of Huggies. We will add a list of the new giveaways at the bottom of that post.)
Our Second Huggies Prize Pack
Parenting is an all consuming job. It is the most wonderful, rewarding experience a human being can have. But it is also darn exhausting!
Today’s giveaway is about FUN — for the little ones AND you!
So we want to know, when did your little ones ‘get on the move?’
Day 2 Huggies Prize Pack
- Coupons for $50 worth of Huggies® Little Movers Diapers. What would our giveaway be without some Free Diapers!
- Huggies-branded Flip Cam — so you can capture all those fun moments with your family!
- $100 Gymboree Play & Music Gift Certificate — Opportunity for you to create even more fun memories with your children. It is perfect for birthdays, holidays and every day celebrations.
- $250 Gift Card — Give you a chance to go out for a show, or take your children out for a night of family fun.
- $100 Gift Card — You can even go out for dinner before the show!
To Enter:
To enter please leave a comment below by Friday, June 4th, and tell us, when did your little ones ‘get on the move?’ If your babies are not yet crawling, you could tell us what you are looking forward to (or fearing) about the ‘moving’ stage.
To make entering simpler for you, only one entry per person please.
This giveaway is open from May 25, 2010, to June 4, 2010. We will announce our winner on Saturday, June 4th. This giveaway is open U.S. residents 18 years of age or older at the time of entry and is void where prohibited by law.
The approximate retail value of this prize pack: gift card ($250). Little Movers product/coupons ($50), Little Movers Flip Cam ($100), Gymboree Play & Music gift certificate ($100), and a $100 gift card ($40).
For additional rules, please click here for rules specifically pertaining to our 5 Days of Huggies® giveaways.
For more information about our giveaways, please see our site’s terms and conditions of use.
*This giveaway is part of a sponsored campaign with Huggies®. Our opinions and posts about the products are completely our own — I mean, good grief, we have been putting our babies and toddlers in Huggies diapers for eight years! So no worries, as always, we post only what is truthful.
Written by Janice Croze, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom.
You get our feed, right?
Christine says
My son is 6 months old (a month premature) and has already learned how to roll over both from his back to front and vice versa. He’s also started to army crawl, and he does this thing where he’ll pull his legs up under his tummy, lift up his back and kind of belly flop/face plant onto the mat. I’m always afraid he’s going to break his nose! I can’t wait until he actually starts to crawl. I just hope it’s when I’m around so I get to see it. 🙂
Rocky says
My daughter started crawling at about 8 months and by 13 months she could walk!
Sherri Ryder says
My daughter, who is a little over 7 months has just started rolling over. She is on the verge of crawling, but hasn’t quite mastered it yet.
Myrna says
My son, Michael, started crawling just a few days before this past Christmas. He was about 8 months old. It was adorable! He had been teasing us for a few weeks just rocking back and forth. Even before he could crawl, he rolled anywhere and everywhere he wanted! Just a few days before his first birthday is when he took his first steps. We were so excited, and a little scared! Things that had been out of reach weren’t anymore. He’s now into everything! We call him our little ninja because he ‘s just so stinkin fast and sneaky! He definately keeps us on our toes. He loves the outdoors and the pool! Everything is an adventure now!
Janelle says
Although tough in many ways it sure is fun when lil’ ones get going. Being on the move gives them such a sense of freedom. My five month old boys are at different stages. Jonathan can roll both ways and scoots all over the crib. James is more laid back and is still content to play in the same place. I’m sure he’ll make up for it in NO TIME!
My older three all moved at their own pace too. My son Jesse didn’t walk until he was 18 months old. He just wanted to speed crawl everywhere, but his twin sister JoyAnn walked at 10 months. My oldest son Joseph was cruising by 11 months.
I am looking forward to watching our newest additions move it and groove it all over the house.
Thanks HUGGIES!!!
Ashlee says
My little one started crawling around 7 months, he was a late walker at 18 months but boy when he started it was fast and furious!!!
Emily says
Um, awesomest prize pack!
My 2 yr old started walking the week of her 1st birthday, and my six month old just started to roll all over the place. Love my sweet girls!
Denise S says
My son isn’t crawling yet (8 months old, but 6 weeks early/preemie), but he’s rocking back and forth. He rolls to get where he wants, and sort of slides elsewhere. He’s starting to pull himself up to his knees. I’ll love that he can get around, making him feel a little more independent, but it’s sad to see him growing up so quickly.
Heather Reed says
My son began on the move, ie walking eveywhere in late March of this year. It was such a proud moment, and he is so proud of himself. Now walking is second hand and it’s great to hold his little hand and walk together.
laura says
my 1st child walked a week after her first bday! my 11 month old son crawls and stands, but no walking yet. hopefully soon, close to his 1st bday we will see a walking little boy~ cant wait
Melissa says
Both my sons starting crawling about 7 months and from there they didn’t stop moving.
Heather says
It seems like our little one went right from scooting and crawling to running, it all happened so fast once he figured out how to use those leg muscles. He was walking with assistance until a year and then he took off on his own.
nadia says
My little ones started crawling around 8 months and walking around a year. My son is now 11 months old and took his first steps–into the arms of his father who had been deployed for months. I was so greatful that my husband, who is constantly “on the move” away from home for the sake of our freedoms and our country, could get to experience that with my son.
Kristen says
Way too early! 🙂 My son never really crawled, he just did what we called a commando crawl never lifting his belly off the floor. But at 10 Months he figured out he could walk and he was off. My daughter started crawling at 8 months and then I was hoping she would hold off on walking a little longer but she was up an moving at 10 months too! Now there is no stopping either of them!
Marie B. says
My son started crawling at 8 months. But he held off on walking until 11 months. Now he’s busy, busy, busy!
kassie says
My son rolled at 5 months. He was standing by ten and walking by 11! My boy has always been really active and to think the doc told me when he was a late roller that he would be book smart. Ha! He has gone above and beyond all with the help of huggies
Haley says
My first little one crawled at about 9 months and walked at 14 months. She was a little slow with the walking but talking came naturally. My second one is going to be about the same. Not sure on the talking but after listening to his sister, he will most likely be the same.
Jenney Gramly says
My son starting crawling at about nine and a half months. He would crawl on his feet and hands in stead of his knees. Now three I can barely keep him inside. My daughter started crawling a little after 7 months. She started climbing around 1 year lol.
Karah says
My son was crawling at 7 mo and walking at 10 – he hasn’t stopped moving since! His little sister is still rolling around at 6 mo with no apparent interest in crawling since she gets where she wants with rolls and spins.
Eryn says
My daughter took forEVER to start moving. But it wasn’t that she was lazy or didn’t have the desire, or ability.
She was too smart and crafty! We did that thing where you put their toys way out of reach, to motivate them to crawl to them…
Not her! She would pull the entire blanket towards her, to pull the toys within reach. She didn’t do much moving around until she was 10.5 months old, then in 1 month she went from crawling to walking to running! She really made up for lost time lol
Sarah N says
My little one starting crawling at 8 months! After that, she was unstoppable and loved exploring everything around her!
Toni says
My daughter was 8 weeks premature so we weren’t sure when she would start getting around on her own. By 6 months she was rolling all around the house because she couldnt crawl yet. Then at 7 1/2 months she finally started crawling. It was the cutest thing ever. We were a little worried about her walking but one day at 14 months she had ahold of the string on a mylar balloon and just took off walking all over. She thought she had ahold of something. It was so funny!
Janelle says
My daughter stood up and crawled (forward) for the first time on the same day at 8 months. For a few weeks before that she actually crawled backwards. She just had her first birthday and by the day after she turned one, she was walking everywhere! It was like something just clicked!
Cheryl Reina says
My 8 year old started rolling at about 4 months, crawling around 6 months and scooting around the furniture around 9 months. He finally took off and walked without help on Mother’s Day when he was just over a year. What a great Mother’s Day present. My 2 year old started rolling around 4 months, crawling around 7 months – he was having way too much fun rolling around the room to care about crawling. He started standing and scooting around the furniture about 9 months and took his first unassisted step the day before his 1st birthday. My 2 month old is already trying to roll over, he managed to roll from his tummy to his back the other day once, but hasn’t figured out how to do it again. He is working on it though, only a matter of time before he is on his way to running around with his older brothers.
yana says
My daughter was 10 month when she started walking and my son was 9 mths.
KtCallista says
My now 5 year old started walking at 9 months. She didn’t really crawl, but she could roll/scoot for several months before that. In fact both of my daughters started rolling at 6 weeks. My 3 year old started getting around rather well by 7 months and was walking at 10 months. My son, who is only 4 months now has the squirm down. While he doesn’t roll like his sisters the blanket is no longer a guarantee. He uses his 27inches to get off and around and to places closer to where he would like to be. I know all too soon he is going to grab onto something, pull himself up and be off at a run!
Christina Williams says
my 6th and last baby started crawling at 5 months. He now at almost 8 months is a speed crawler and cruiser. I think now hes mobile hes happier and content and makes the whole house alittle happier
Aimee W. says
My one and only sweetheart started crawling before six months…it was actually closer to five. I couldn’t believe it…and I sure wasn’t ready!
Maria Roddy says
All I can say is my kids all starting moving way to fast!! I can remember with my 3 year old when I used to wish for her to get around. My father in law always used to joke that she would be my child that would get into everything. Boy was he right, I will never forget the day that I walked into my bathroom and she had put everything she could get her little hands on into my toilet!! I had to laugh a little bit, she had this cute little smile that melted my heart.
beth says
All lmy girls walked early considering they were preemies.
My 9 month old is walking and has been for 3 weeks now.
She took off after our KIT KAT a.k.a. kitty cat as she says.
She was crawed to the couch stood up and walked to the kit kat and grabbed her by the neck.
Poor cat she looked so terrified but she dealt with it. At least this time.
Jodi says
Both my boys starting crawling around 8 months. My oldest was walking at 13 months and my little guy is not officially walking now at 13 months, but he is walking on his knees. It is so cute!
sarah huffman says
My little guy is just starting to get the hang of crawling. He turned six months on May 25 and he currently crawls backwards!
Ashley says
My little one was moving around 6 months. And once she started there was NO stopping her!
Bonnie says
I have 3 children. My oldest was moving around very early he didnt even really crawl. HJe walked @ 9mths. My 2 yr old was crawling around about 6mths he could however do some damage with the walker. He walked @ 10 mths. My youngest little one, she has been crawling around good since 6mths. She wasn’t actually crawling @ first it was more like the army slide or pull around. She’s been walking around the furniture and holding on to the walls and using the push walker since about 7 1/2 – 8mths. Its weird you want them to start moving around so bad but then when they do you just want them to stop and be still. My heart skips everytime 1 of them falls and i’ve been going through this for almost 12yrs. you would think iI would be adjusted by now. ( :
Ashley Weir says
My 16-month-old started crawling by six months and was walking by nine months. He is so different from my daughter. My daughter was always so careful and cautious in new endeavors…this one has NO FEAR. He pushes chairs to climb on the counter…when I tell him no and put the chair back he is already standing on the back of the couch. He is SO active. Ahhhhh…I remember when I thought he was going to be my laid back child….haha.
Beth Sills says
My son Christopher started really started moving about a month ago. He is 14 months old, and once he learned to walk there was no stopping him. He can’t stand to be still and has to explore everything. I wish I had as much energy as him!!!
Jacqueline Brim says
My daughter started crawling around 5 months, its more of an army crawl, but it doesnt slow her down, she had been moving a little before that but only on the bed, I think because of the give, then one day while she was on the floor she desided to just go and get her favorate toy, the bumble bee thing on the winnie the pooh swing. Now at 6 months she is pulling herself up on everything she can reach. I cant believe it she is still so small, and doing so much so early, I had to baby proof everything so quick. I cant wait for her to start walking I know it wont be long, but at the same time I dont want her to grow up.
Jessica says
My lil one is just now 6 months old and she is so ready to go. She rolls and sits up if she would just figure out how to move them knees she would be all about the house. How time flies and oh how I wish she could say little forever. I also wanted to say thank you for giving me and my family the chance at a awsome giveaway. Thanks HUGGIES!
Merideth says
Our little boy started crawling around 8 months, and was a very tentative walker at 13 .5 months. he could do it, he was just cautious. Then, one day, he decided it was ok if he fell and that was it! He was a walker, not a crawler at 14 months 🙂
Jessi Furthmyer says
My little man started crawling when he was 7 1/2 months old and walking when he was 11 months. He’s 14 months now and is running everywhere. It’s CRAZY how fast they grow up … but it’s fun to see them reach these special milestones!
Angel says
My first daughter, Jasmine, never learned to crawl… she was more interested in walking and walk she did @ 7 1/2 months. My whole family was so surprised, here we were trying to teach her how to crawl and one day she was standing there holding on to the edge of the couch (she loved to pull her self up) when grandma walked in and off she went right in to Grammy’s open arms. She didn’t fall or anything, from there she was unstoppable. A note from one mother to another be careful what you wish for! 😉
Renata says
I have a 7m baby girl that didn’t started crawling yet, but wants to move and explore all the new things around her! She tried the little movers diapers and didn’t stopped using them, since it really helped her on her move. We’re very excited for her to start crawling, seating and walking…even though we know that also come with some precautions as they want to touch and try everything! But it’s worth it! Every move is a bundle of joy! Thanks Huggies for providing this good product!
Mary says
Our little Alice took her first purposeful steps last week and is up to 5 consecutive steps as of today. Watch out!
Kelly says
My little one has been moving scince the fourth month. The little one has not been born yet but is just weeks away. I am excited to see how fast she does start crawling, standing, and walking as she is moving non-stop currently inside my tummy. She keeps me up most nights…just a taste into what it will be like when she is born. I do know once she starts moving, I will rely upon the Huggies brand to move with her.
Mary-Frances C. says
My oldest daughter didn’t walk until she was 14 months(spoiled), my middle daughter was 12 months, and my youngest daughter learned to run (not walk) when she was only 10 months old. I’ve been trying to catch up to her ever since!!
Arika McGallian says
My daughter took her first steps 2 days before her first birthday and my son took his first steps on his birthday. It is so fun to see how much they grow each day.
Pattie says
It took awhile for our baby to get on the move but there is no stopping her now. She did not start crawling until she was about 9 months old but since she started she has not stopped! She is into everything and wants to do everything her bigger cousin does!
Courtney Sicking says
my 10 month old started to crawl around 6 months now she is all over the place, her favorite room to be in is the kitchen she wants to help mommy with dishes already!
Jennifer Thurmond says
My first daughter began to crawl at 8 months, my second daughter began at 10 months and now we are waiting to see when our son will begin to crawl (he is only 11 weeks old). We already know that he will be delayed due to having to wear specail shoes with braces due to him being born with club feet. He is a little fighter so we know he will come through like a champ and start to crawl early.
Susie Spencer says
My 3 year old crawled @ 7 months and my 14 month old @ 6 months…
Lindsay says
My oldest daughter didn’t start crawling until 10.5 months and walked at 16.5 months, where as my son crawled at 9 months and walked at 13 months 🙂
Debra P says
My daughter wasn’t too bad when she was crawling, but after she started walking at 13 mo. she is into everything and loves to follow her big sister around!
Julie C. says
My little boy started crawling at around 6 months old. He started walking on Thanks Giving day when he was 10 months out. He’s been “on the move” non-stop ever since.
Miranda D says
I’ve got 3 boys, and they were all so different in when they started ‘moving’. My oldest was an early crawler and walker. He crawled at 6 months and walked at 8. My middle son was a late bloomer. He crawled at 18 months and walked at 25 months. He was also a preemie and has medical problems, so that contributed to him being a little pokey. My third son was very average. He crawled at 9 months and walked at 12. Just goes to show that each child is different and does things on their own timeline. :o)
Jessica Parsons says
My youngest child is only 10 months so he is not crawling or walking… however my daughter didnt start walking untill she was 14 months but she took off like lightning..
Angeana says
My first took FOREVER to get going (okay……..13 mo. sure seemed like a long time at the time!!!). My second was off and running, I mean walking, by 9 mo. They grow up too fast!
Erika says
Asher had life threatening heart abnormalities at birth and last year was quite the challenge seeing him go through heart surgery, then feeding challenges and dealing with a compromised immune system. He is now 15 months old and just starting to take his first steps! He is such a fighter and I can honestly say that each day has been better than the last. He continues to grow and get stronger and his beautiful personality blossoms with each passing day. We are up to 8 steps! 😉 God is good!
Florence says
I don’t remember when my started crawling but he started walking when he was 13 months old. I missed his first step since I was at work, 🙁 (camera would have come in handy then).
Ashley Gerhard says
I have 3 kids under teh age of 4. My oldest and middle child, both girls, both started walking right around 10 months and have not slowed a bit a day since then. My youngest, our only son, is just now 6 weeks old, so hes not on the move yet, but if he follows suit, it wont be long. I can hardly keep up with the 2 that ARE moving. 🙂
Debi says
Not only did my 20 month old start walking at 11 months, he was running by 13 months! I still cannot keep up with him…good thing his diapers can! 🙂
Wanda B says
My 16 year old started walking at 9 months. My 3 moth old has not rolled over yet but I am concerned about her starting to crawl because we have an older home that needs the floor torn out and redone before then and it is very is expensive. I would love to take pictures of her on the new floor with the flipcam in a new Gymboree outfit wearing the Huggies diapers. It would also be great to get a babysitter and go out with my husband with the resaurant and ticketmaster gifts. Thank you Huggies! Good luck to the winner.
Jennifer R says
Well Evan is only 9 (almost 10) months old now, so he is only crawling right now. He starting crawling at about 8 months. I think that he is going to start walking soon as he is starting to pull up on things. I can’t wait. He is our first and it is so exciting to watch every development.
Eileen says
Well…my youngest is now 10 so I will have to reminisce from a WAYS ago!
MY six kids were pretty dead-on as far as reaching their milestones of walking and crawling. I had ONE early walker and boy do I remember feeling SO overwhelmed when he turned 9 months and started taking steps and my daughter was only not even 2 1/2! But I soon realized mine CRAWLED a lot faster than walking anyway, so it didn’t make much difference. No matter HOW overwhelmed I felt, I always thought of my mom who had 5 kids in 5 years, and four more after that…so she ALWAYS had kids at varying ages of being “ON THE MOVE”. (She , of course reached Sainthood many years ago…in my humble opinion;) !)
ONE thing I have learned from being a “seasoned” parent is that so many times in our excitement for our kids to learn & grow OR our complete exhaustion from raising our kids, is that we often can’t WAIT for them to reach that new milestone…and then you turn around and they are not crawling or walking or getting that first haircut. They are hitting their first home run, or driving or walking down the aisle. So, as an OLDER mom to 6…remember to treasure each and every exhausting, overwhelming, yet incredible and AMAZING moment!
The person I think of most with this question is NOT myself, my mom, or my son (who also has little ones only 18 months apart), but my Sister-in-law who had a not yet 3 year old and then TWINS last summer! I know it has been a LONG year for her at home with the three kids and she is ON DUTY 24/7 as her husband works long hours and she also nursing two kids…so running, feeding, changing, and up all night…I can’t imagine. NOW they ARE definitely on the move, crawling AND walking so I’m sure it’s a zoo at her house! And since she had to “wait” for her blessings of children, she is loving every moment of it and NEVER complains!
Parents can get to feel VERY isolated because it is SO hard to take two or more “on the move” kids out alone, and I know she gets out SO very little. I know she was praying hard for winter here in the Midwest to leave so she could simply take walks with the stroller!
She would SO much appreciate diapers, a night out, a cam to capture the NEXT milestones and big BROTHER would LOVE the Gymboree Gift card too!
THANKS to Huggies for sponsoring such an unbelievable package to a deserving family!
Lisa white says
My 7 month old is just starting to mysteriously move. Look up for a minute and he’s moved five feet and changed directions, too. Half the time he ends up with his entire lower body under the sofa. No matter how many times you pull him out and turn him away he will manage to get back under the sofa!
Jennifer says
My daughter started crawling when she was 10 months. Boy were we busy baby proofing the house then. She was everywhere after that just like when she was crawling, but worse because now she was taller and could reach more cabinets and drawers. But, man was it worth it when she would walk to us and give us a big hug. I treasure those moments with her.
Jennifer says
Oops I meant she was walking at 10 mos. not crawling.
Nicole N says
My daughter is only six months old but she is already pulling herself around. i’m scared of when she manages to finally start crawling. she already rolls into everything, i’m not looking forward to those first bumps and bruises but it will be nice when she can follow me everywhere instead of having to be carried everywhere.
LaurenS says
My oldest was 6 months old when he began to crawl and 17 months old when he began to walk. My youngest was 8 months old when he began to crawl and 14 months old when he began to walk.
Rachelle says
I have a three month old and a two year old. My two year old started moving at 9 months it was hard to keep up with him. He was in everything and crawling everywhere. One thing I knew I didn’t need to worry about was his diaper keeping up with him. My three month old has known nothing but Huggies and no matter what stage he is in, that is going to stay the same.
Megan says
My 2 month old twins haven’t started moving yet. They will be moving before I know it though. When they do start moving life will be an exciting adventure!!
Thomas says
My son started CLIMBING everything at 9 months. Not crawling, climbing. I would turn around & he would be sitting on the coffee table. He gave me more heart attacks those couple months. We were lucky my wife had read about securing furniture to the wall! My daughter didn’t give us these problems! Boys!
Jen says
My son started crawling just before he turned 8 months old…we bribed him by putting the laptop on the ground in front of him. 🙂 He has been non-stop (except to sleep-thank goodness) ever since! He really got the walking thing down well around 14 months and, now, at almost 20 months he thinks running is just the best thing ever. (I’d have to say, I sort of agree…it’s pretty darn cute) 🙂
Angie G. says
Each of our 4 kids have walked before they turned 1. I remember our first child first crawled when a piece of chocolate was dropped in her line of view. Chocolate….what great motivation!!!!
Katherine says
Our little miss is getting ready to take off, very soon! She moves around in circles everytime she rolls over but she hasn’t quite figured out how to go forward just yet. Can’t wait til she does though because she’s been so frustrated trying to get going! She is gonna be so happy when she’s mobile!
jackie says
I have two children, ages three and three months. My son started crawling at eight months old. I remember like it was yesterday, the most adorable army crawl. My three month old daughter is much lazier than her brother but I can see her interest in playing with her big bother. I cant wait until she can crawl and play with him. He cant either, he loves “his baby Bella”. I never thought I would be able to give him a sibling so the thought of a lifelong friend and playmate makes my heart skip a beat.
Suzanne says
My boys both started crawling around 8 months, and life was never the same!
jenmom6 says
Don’t remember crawling but remember walking. Our first son walked at 10mos. Our second son walked at 10mos (exactly on that day). Our twin girls walked right around 12mos.
Rachel Clewell says
My three year old started crawling by the time she was seven months old and was walking before she was one. My six months old hasn’t started moving yet but she is rolling over. My fear is that when she does figure out how to crawl she is going to be into everything. She is already aggravated that she can not follow her big sister around, so I am sure once she figures out how to move that there is going to be some BIG trouble in this house.
Kourtney Muniz says
I have two kids (and another on the way) Both my son and daughter were late physical bloomers. They were too busy talking to move! Neither crawled, just a little cruising. My son Pete who is now 5 started walking at 16 months, 3 weeks…just shy of 17 months. My daughter Natalia started “running” at 16 months 1 week.
Heather says
My son started pulling himself up and walking on furniture about 8 months and started crawling about 9 1/2 months. My daughter is just starting to move now! She’s 7 months and it’s so fun watching her try to get around!
Megan says
My son just started crawling about a month ago. He was scooting and crawling backwards for a while before that and one night it clicked and he started crawling and two days later he started pulling up on to furniture. So he started crawling at 9 months.
Jennifer says
My oldest was walking at around ten months and my youngest was walking at around nine and a half months.
Monica says
Having a 10lb baby I expected that he was going to be moving around a little sooner than most but I never would have guessed he’d be rolling over at 2.5 weeks old. I had to videotape it just so ppl would believe me!
After that he rolled over at 5 months AND sadly he took his very first steps at 9 months old when I was away from him for the first time at Jury Duty. That really broke my heart but luckily Grandma caught it on tape for us.
Since he started walking.. he hasn’t stopped moving! It’s been an adventure, thats for sure.
t g says
My youngest compare with her siblings is a little bit late in terms of crawling, walking and teething. My two older ones, started at the same time, sitting at seven months and walking at ten months. With my youngest, she is already one year old, she just loved crawling:)
angie says
I’m not sure when he started to crawl, around 8 months I think, (little behind on the baby book have to go and look at the video) and he started walking at 1 year.
Andrew says
My 8 month old is rolling over, and sitting up. She’s just figuring out how to get herself back up when she tips over, and almost seemed like she was ready to try to pull herself up by herself. She’ll be on the move very shortly!
Nate's Mom says
Around 9 months, Nate started scooting backwards. EVERYWHERE. He quickly found himself wedged under the couch, under the coffee table and, mysteriously, going around in circles. (He had a hard time steering….) Then, one day, he decided to go for it and crawled from one end of the living room straight to the kitchen sink, an infant equivalent of a marathon. At one, he’s pulling to standing and shows no interest in walking – and I’m grateful! He’s hard to keep up with as he crawls but walking will lead to running — all of which will come in due time — but I’ll be happily patient as he develops!
Erin D says
Both of my “Little Movers” began early……to my excitement with Robbie, my first, and to my consternation with my second child, Claire. They both began walking at nine months old, and so we have been on the move for quite some time!
erin says
My six month old is starting to get up on all fours–which means crawling is around the corner. He’s the earliest of all four to start. I’m totally not ready.
Wendy C says
Our little moves are sitting on his bottom, age 7 months. Not sure how he does it yet. I sit him in one place, come back and he’s moved! I should set up a video camera because he won’t do it if I’m watching.
Lisa says
My youngest hasn’t started walking on her own quite yet–she walks along the furniture and is starting to stand in the middle of the room when we let go a little longer each day, but has yet to walk on her own. I don’t think it will be long, though.
As for the others, it was around 1 year, but one of them started walking around 10-11 months!
wendi says
My little one is not moving yet, but the one thing i fear is she has an older brother who is not gentle with her! he just loves to play with her but doesn’t know how to yet…so i fear many falls, cries, and boo boos!
Angie B says
My little Ellie started moving right away – crawling, pulling herself around . . . but didn’t actually walk until a year old. I thought she’d start sooner b/c I walked at 9 months.
Elizabeth says
My son started walking when he was about 10 mos. old. My daughter just turned 7 mos. and is nowhere close to even crawling yet. My husband cannot wait until she becomes mobile, but I on the other hand, would like for her to stay a baby just a little longer. <3
Shawna says
My oldest daughter started walking at 11 months. My son started walking at 9 months. My youngest started walking at 12 months. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, she took her first steps and then 10 minutes later she was walking acroos the living room and never looked back.
Lluvia says
My little one doesn’t seem to want to crawl, she keeps on trying to walk. But she sure does roll alot : )
Fay says
My oldest started walking at 10 months, my next son was a preemie, but started walking right after his first birthday. My daughter started walking the week of her first birthday, my next son was walking at 10 months, my youngest daughter just started walking at 14 months. Looking forward for our last son who is a newborn to reach all these fun milestones. I enjoy seeing them learn new things!!
Jennifer Payton says
My little man was of and walking at 9 months and has not stopped since 😉
Melody says
My little girl started crawling at 7 months and walked right at 11 months. My little boy started crawling at 6 months and started walking about 2 weeks before his birthday.
Karen Madzelan says
I think he was about 7.5 months when he started to crawl and took his first steps at 9.5 months and has not stopped yet! And I have a very little one and I wonder if he’ll do things quicker watching big brother. I don’t know how to chase two toddlers around!
Rachel says
Baby #1 crawled at 8 months, walked at 14 months.
Baby #2 crawled ???, walked at 13 months.
Baby #3 crawled ???, walked at 12 months.
Baby #4 – who knows, he’s only 2 months old. =)
Jill says
My Nadia started crawling at 7 months. Just a couple of weeks ago, at 14 months, she started walking! It was the most wonderful thing she’s done, to date. It brings such joy to me, daddy, and everyone else around us!
shannan says
My sweet little girl has been walking since she was 11 months old….she started crawling around 5 1/2 months and has not slowed down….
Jen says
My two started crawling around 10 months. They have just started taking steps at 14 1/2 months so I know it’s only a matter of time before they take off. Chasing two that are just walking is so much fun!
Karen says
My oldest rolled over at 9 weeks old. I was shocked I didnt know they could do that so early. My second didnt roll over until about 12 weeks. She took her time. She loves watching her brother move all about. Sometimes I cant nurse her when he is in the same room, all she wants to do is watch her big brother. He is always on the move.
Kim Taylor says
Kaia says
my 3 month old daughter hasnt started to walk or crawl yet, but she does squirm and move around alot. She loves to lay on the floor and kick her legs and move her arms around. I fear that when she starts crawling shes going to be into everything, becuase she loves to be moving around
Jen E. says
Both of our kids pretty much skipped crawling and jumped up walking before 10 months, so they’ve been movin’ and shakin’ in their Huggies Supremes for a long time!
Esti says
My son who is now ten months, we were worried when he would start moving, standing up because he has medical problems with his feet, but he surprised us and started crawling by 8 months and standing by 9 and he walks holding on already. But he isn’t walking yet, its still early.
Laurie says
My oldest crawled at 11 months (how delightful is that???) and walked at 14 months. My little one crawled at 9 months and is crusing around furniture now at one year. I see walking in her near future.
leslie says
My little hefty one barely started crawling 2 weeks ago. I was contagiously happy! I told everyone at work and all the customers! I thought he was never going to crawl. he hated being on his tummy and on the floor but I guess he got frustrated about not going anywhere he started to crawl and now the floor is all he wants. Its ok though I love his curiosity and i love running around after him telling him I am going to catch him making him giggle! 😀
Tracy says
My 4 month old son is not crawling jusy yet but he is getting there. He can sqirm all over the bed. I realize I can’t jus leave him on the bed anymore and he be in one spot.
angela says
my oldest started walking around a yr and my youngest at 10 months. he is a yr and a half now and running like crazy lol!
Lissa says
It feels like they have been going non-stop since they were born! Really though both kids started walking at about 11 months.
Lisa W says
My son started to crawl about 6 1/2 to 7 months old. It was exciting for me to see him explore new things and become mobile. We did not babyproof much (nicknacks, dvds, picture frames). He learned not to touch and it worked for us.
Katie A. says
My son started crawling around 9 months and took off walking right after his first birthday. When he started walking, he had his hands raised in the air and everyone found it quite funny! But he finally walks with his hands down. He is quick and on the move!
Jeannemarie Eskridge says
My oldest son was doing the arm crawl for what seemed like months and then all of a sudden at his 1 year birthday we took him to chucky cheese and off he went. I guess he liked the floor. 🙂 My littlest son was kicking hard in my belly at 5 months and has not stopped since.
Stacey Giester says
Our little guy isn’t crawling around yet but he moves around in his crib and wiggles on the floor a lot. Little Movers would be great!
stephanie says
My daughter started walking 2 days after she turned 1 yr old and she has been non stop ever since!I think she is gonna be a chef when she gets older she is constantly in the pantry, fridge and especially loves the cabinets with the pots and pans!It is so fun to watch her though!
Deb says
My oldest was walking a 9 months and my youngest appears to be on the same track as her sister. She is only 8 months, so I’m afraid I’m in for it in the next couple months!
kelly says
walking at 11 mos!
Bridgette C says
My first child crawled around 9 mos, but at her one year birthday, she started walking and never stopped! With the one month old at home, I’m less anxious to have him start crawling. I like knowing that he is in one spot!
marisa says
My youngest isn’t moving yet but I ma sure he will be in no time. We are workin on baby proofing the house now.
Sarah P says
Our youngest rolled over at 2 weeks old and has been the biggest wiggler of all our girls. She started by doing a military style bear crawl at 5 months old. Each girl has been different with the oldest walking at 10 months, middle at 13 and then the youngest at 11 months.
Heather says
Both my babies were walking right around 10 months…They hate/hated crawling. It just isn’t fast enough for them!
Escarlett says
Our son started crawling at 5 mos and he started walking on the day that he turned 10 mos!
rebecca says
I don’t remember when my son started to crawl (where’s his baby book?!) but I remember he started to walk six days before his first birthday. He hasn’t stopped since! He rolled over at 9 weeks and has just always been on the move!
Kim S. says
My oldest and youngest were walking by a year. The middle child started around 13 months.
Nicole Green says
Right around a year old.
Lisa says
My son didn’t start walking until he was 15 months old. I couldn’t wait for him to take his first step. He still walks like a drunken sailor. It’s so cute!
Sazz says
My twins are only one month so they are not on the move per se but they DO move, A LOT! With 2 kids I fear that they would out run me. I might need to grow some extra arms and legs but I’m still looking forward to see them crawling and walking and being little independent people. AS hard as I know it’s going to be I think it will be more fun than anything.
Diana says
My 3 year old started to crawl at 7 months and was walking by 11 months. That was in severe contrast to my now 2 yr old. My 2 yr old didn’t start to crawl until 12 months and didn’t start walking until 15 months. My 1 yr old has been crawling since he was 8 months and is standing and using the furniture to hold on and walk along. I still have my newborn yet to go. What I fear is when they all are mobile they will be able to go four different directions and there is only one of me. Even when my husband is home from work we are still outnumbered as far as chasing all of them at once when they decide to try to divide and conquer. We could always look at it as we have four hands though (between he and I) so one child per hand.
Heather says
I have three kids, so here goes! #1 crawled at 6 months and walked at 11 months. #2 Crawled about 9 months and walked about 14 months. #3 army crawled everywhere but finally “real” crawled around about 9 or 10 months. He walked at 13 months. The first was obviously the hardest, since I had no real idea what baby proofing was until he effectively tore everything apart!
Jennifer Brown says
Well if you mean when did she start walking on her own…. well….. I had a “late bloomer”…. she was 16 months old. Before that she did this “crab scoot” type action that was just hilarious to watch!!!
Emily says
My son just started walking last month! He crawled for many months prior to walking, but once he finally got on his two feet, he is already running!
Tera says
Ok so my daughter is 6 weeks old as of 6/2/2010, Last Sunday we laid her on her belly on the floor, she belly crawled while pushing her feet like a lil frog across her room. I was in total shock who knew they could do this at 6 weeks?? They grow so fast!!
Danielle Velez says
Both of my lil guys were on the move bt 6 months! They did what we called the army crawl or the worm!! They would just inch their way up to get whatever they wanted to get! By 7 months, they were crawling and walking by 9 months!
Becky says
My baby has been movin since he was in the womb!! I haven’t gotten in a good night sleep since before I was preggo!
gretchen england says
My son was army crawling at 6 months and walking at 11 months.
Liz L. says
Our twin one year old boys started crawling at 8 months and started walking at 14 months. With two little boys “on the move” (and a 4 year old big sister), our house is always filled with activity!
Monica Thompson says
He’s 8 1/2 mo old and still not crawling….I’m hoping he will soon, need’s to catch up with the rest of the clan. He scoots and can moove around the room fairly well, but he’s just not CRAWLIng yet
kristi says
my now 2 yr old walked the week after her 1st b-day…my 7 month old has been on the go since 3 months…rolling, then scooting, then army crawling, crawling, now pulling up and walking between the couch and ottoman (holding on to our legs)…she has to keep up w/big sister!! =)
Shannon says
My little boy isn’t really on the move yet,but i have a feeling it will be very soon. He only gets around right now by rolling his way around the room
tara says
Our daughters both started crawling around 6-7 months. Way too early, if you ask me! Our son, the youngest, didn’t start crawling until 11 months and didn’t walk until 17 months! What a big difference!
shakia brown says
My baby boy was fourteen months old when he started walkin. It took him awhile cause he was afraid of falling. Everytime he see the kids runnin around laughin and giggling he started to cry cause he wanted to play with them but couldnt run. One day i guess he got tired of jus sitting there so he got up on his own and started taking steps. i could not believe my eyes i even started to record it. Then he started runnin and playing with the other kids. He was really determine to play and i knw that was one of his best moments.
Krystal S. says
I am a mother of a 4 month old little girl! While I havent had the joys of seeing her crawl I know these days are just around the corner!! 6 months worth of little movers would diff help out this family of 4 with a stay @ home Momma!!
alicia says
My first daughter, who is 3 now, started crawling when she was 8 1/2 months old and took her first steps at 11 months. My second daughter, who is 7 months old, started crawling at 5 1/2 months and is trying really hard to walk. We think she will be by 8 or 9 months. I guess it does help to have a big sister to keep up with!
Helen says
My first started crawling around 9 months. My second is only three months old so we’re savoring it now while we can!
Natasha Carter says
I think my little guy has always been on the move. Even when I was pregnant he did barrel rolls. It was so funny to see peoples faces as my belly transformed before them. He started walking at 10 1/2 months since then nothing has been safe 🙂
Kerri says
Both of my girls started crawling/scooting around 7.5 months. My oldest took her first steps around 9 months and my current 12 month old still isn’t walking but we are expecting it any day now. After that, I will be the one running!
Mara Addison says
My Mollie isn’t walking yet or even crawling, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t moving. My goodness, she rolls everywhere she wants to go. I remember the first time she rolled onto her tummy fully. She was sleeping and woke up in this strange position–and was so scared! Poor thing. I still need to go in some nights and flip her over when she gets stuck. She start really rolling over–and all over her crib, at about six and a half months, or a month and a half ago. And she is just figuring out that pushing with her feet and legs makes her move forward…which is interesting! It won’t be long now. My goal is to finish baby proofing the house in the next week or two.
Katrina Hix says
Our little girl started crawling around 7 1/2 months and walking at 11 months…and she is in to EVERYTHING!!!!
Tara Thompson says
Isaac started moving (walking) right at one year old and he has been ,go, going ever since! He loves to yell, Go Go GO!!
Michelle says
My son was on the move in the womb! He would kick nonstop for at least an hour at times. Ouch!
Julie Landers says
My little one started getting up and around around the normal time, however, soon after she learned to crawl, she started climbing. I had a fearless little mountain goat on my hands before she could walk! I was afraid at first, but her balance is incredible! I have learned to watch for safety, then let her just explore as much as possible.
Kellie says
My oldest started crawling around 10 months old and was walking just a few months later. I have a feeling my youngest, 3 month old little girl, will be moving WAY before then. She’s already moving her arms and legs in a crawling motion when she has tummy time. I have a feeling she will be keeping me very busy!
Kim says
My son started crawling at six months, and was walking by the end of his eight month! I pray our new addition coming at the end of June is a little more laid back!
Emmy says
My son hasnt stoped moving since i felt the first kick at 21 weeks, when i was being induced to have him, he kept flipping around, finally the doctore desided to do a c-section. hes now 3 and moves and moves and moves. i wasnt prepard for him to start crawling, he went from being content to watch to storming across our house in the matter of minets i swear! go go go…
Jennifer Janopoulos says
My girls are 4 & 5! They booth walked around 9 months! So we will be excited to see when our baby due in October will walk!!
Suzanne says
My twin sons started crawling a little shy of 9 months old and began walking at 16 months (two months ago). They still crawl around a bit but really like to walk now. It’s a little sad for me but it’s such a joy to see them growing up healthy & happy.
megan says
It should be any day now that I will have to be running after two of them….. can’t wait for the cute pictures that I can take with them walking and holding daddys’ hands….
Amber H. says
My five month old is rolling over and scooting every where. The first time he rolled over was at six weeks; he’s really trying to keep up with his two older siblings. He doesn’t want to miss out on anything.
Amy in SC says
Oh my goodness. My first child (who is now 4) started crawling at 7 months. She crawled right over to the sofa and pulled herself up into standing! We knew we were in trouble! 🙂
Allison J says
My DD was early roller (10 wks), a late crawler (8.5 mon) and an early walker (11 mon). DS was an avg roller (13 wks), early crawler (5 mon) and avg walker (13 mon).
Lyn Gagnon says
I have triplets who are 11 1/2 months old (though they were born 2 months early, so adjusted they are 9 1/2 months old). They all started crawling around 10 months, though one of my girls, Bella crawled last. In fact, she rolled last, crawled last and even pulled herself to stand last (though in every other aspect she has done things first–like eating foods and such). She is funny, because she won’t do anything until she has seen her 2 other sisters do it, and she knows she can do it!
Abigayle says
This is how my son Troy learned to get himself to sit.:
Laying down on his tummy, put head into carpet
Push up with feet and stick butt in the air
Put hands down to stabilize
Lift head and lower into squat.
Heather Lopez says
My daughter started crawling at around 7 months and my son at around 8. He was actually standing up and holding ontp things at 7 months, but still couldn’t get the cawling thing down for a month. He did the rocking back and forth thing. Now he is constantly crawling and learning to walk. I am sure he would win a crawling contest, he is so quick.
Amy R says
I have 3 daughters and all of them started walking just before their 1st birthday. They have always been busy. Two of them are out of diapers, but the little one is still in diapers and still on the move. It seems like she runs everywhere, she doesn’t even like to walk anymore.
Joyann Hurt says
My son Jeremiah starting crawling at around 6 or 7 months..the army crawl….the real crawling came closer to 8 months…….and boy was he trying to get into everything…..And he took his first steps at around 11 months old…and ever since then he has been into everything…two weeks after learning to walk he had mastered how to run as well…Now it is impossible to keep him anywhere because he always figures out a way of escape. He is so smart!
Dina says
My daughter and son both started walking at fourteen months old
Alexis says
My little two-year-old started doing the worm to get around at 5 months. Then at 7 months she made it on all fours. I posted the video of her first doing the real crawl and I sounded like I was about to cry – which I’m sure I was! Even though it was so exciting – I think we’re hoping that our little 3-month-old stays immobile for as long as possible! 🙂
Mary Smith says
Both of my babies waited to walk until after their first birthdays.
Amanda Smith says
Both of my Children started crawling when They were 7 months old and started walking when they were 10 months old. So it seems like most of their lives the’ve been on the move.
Shannon Litter says
My little guy started crawling at 8 months. One evening he started crawling and he was doing it like a pro by the next day!
Rena says
My little one started crawling at 8mos and walking at 10mos. He just turned two on June 1st and now all he does is run. He has no slow down button.
Lindsey says
My first boy was crawling at about 6 months, walking at 10! Second boy was crawling at 9 months walking on hist first birthday!
Amber says
Our daughter began to move with a type of butt scoot around 10 months. It started very slowly but soon she became a pro! It was almost like a little crab walk but it got her where she wanted to go. She never did crawl. She continued doing the crab walk for about 9 months after that and finally she began to walk. I guess she walked late because she was having such a good time scooting!
Katie says
My little guy will be crawling any day now! We still need to baby proof the house!!
deb says
My four month old is rolling over and looking to move. He does not want to miss a minute chasing his 2 yr old brother around.
Jacqueline says
My son is just over 7 months and is already crawling, climbing and standing up. He even lets go for awhile until he tumbles down. He just recently started the crawling, and it’s scary because he’s absolutely fearless. My job just got a LOT harder! Even so, I am so proud of my little mover!
Stephanie Lewis says
My first 2 were crawling by 8 months and walking between 12-13 months. My third was crawling at 6 months and walking by 11 months. My 4th is almost crawling at 7 months
Laura-Leigh Goff says
My first crawled at 8 months and walked at 9. My second crawled at 8.5 months and walked at 9.5. My third crawled at 6 months and at 7 months is pulling up to furniture and letting go…we are starting to think he’s going to walk before 9 months!
Kelly Meiners says
I can remember when each of my 4 boys began walking. The first was at about 10 months – we had only one child, what else was there to do besides create a little overachiever? The second and third boys walked at about 12 months. Number four walked at eleven months, but with 3 big brothers, he didn’t get a chance to just lay around!
One funny thing they all had in common : when the babies were noisy in church, my husband would take them out and walk them around the halls to quiet them. He’s 6’5 so he would hunch over and hold their hands and arms over their heads as he helped them take steps. This led to all four of our boys taking their first steps while holding their arms up over their heads! It was hilarious – like watching zombies on Scooby-Doo!
Brittany Massey says
Our little one (6 months old) has finally discovered that she can roll. And she does it, over and over and over. If I look, she is gone. She has rolled elsewhere! I’m already nervouse because she is on full-time oxygen and has a feeding tube through her stomach. When she begins to crawl (which she is VERY much trying to do and gets so mad she can’t do it yet) her g-button will fall out and this will result in many ER visits for a replacement button. It will be scary!
Heather Clyburn says
My eldest two daughters started crawling at 8 months. My youngest daughter who turns 8 months this week just crawled forward last night and then flopped on her belly.
Lorie says
My son began walking at 11.5 months & my daughter was 11 months.
Charro says
My kids all started around different times. My oldest boy loved the walker so much, he skipped crawling all together. My 2 year old daughter was almost 8 months when she started scooting backwards and then away she went! The play saucer was officially retired by 10 months, and she was walking tall by 1. All 3 of my boys started walking after their 1st birthday but by 14 months. Out of the four kids, only one was a climber… my second boy would climb out of his crib, up furniture, and anywhere in a store he could find. He was a squirlly one! LOL!
Tai says
Whoo… I think my son came out on the move!!! My daughter, who is four now crawled at 7 months and walked at 13 months. My son on the other hand crawled @ 4 months and walked @ 6 months!!!! I never got to enjoy those months of non-movement!
Lauren Ford says
My little one isn’t walking yet but he was rolling over at 3 months and is now trying so hard to crawl.
Lang Sims says
My son started crawling on my birthday and walking on our anniversary! He knew just when to start moving! What wonderful gifts for us!
Ruth Holmes says
My boy/girl twins both started rolling around a little at about 4 months. Then my daughther started crawling at 6 months. My son has been military crawling (with his arms) for quite a while now. But about a month ago just got up on his knees and off he went. They are both pulling themselves up on stuff and letting go for a second at a time. They will both walk if holding onto your hands. It won’t be long at all for them both. 🙂 For being 4 weeks early, I think they are doing marvelous! 🙂
Davina says
My 16 months old son started crawling the day after he turned 6 months. Within 2 weeks he was pulling himself up and at 8 1/2 months he was walking and running came soon after. Now he climbs on everything!! There isn’t a piece of furniture I can keep him off of!
Sarah L says
my son crawled at 5 months and my 10 month old daughter is just now starting to crawl
Tonya says
My son isn’t crawling yet, but he sure is rolling all over the place, he started rolling over when he was 4 months from his belly to his back, then about 2 weeks later he was rolling from his back to belly…Im looking forward to him crawling a little bit, but I think he needs to stay small as long as he can, I cant have any more babies
Tabatha Starr says
My little one started moving around 4 or 5 months. Once he saw his cousin, who is 2 weeks older than him, doing it, he got moving! He hasn’t stopped since!
Amy Burger says
My daughter was an early crawler, late walker. She started crawling right around six or seven months, and couldn’t get her to stop! She didn’t start walking until right around 14 or fifteen months! I thought she was going to crawl her whole life! Now she is a zooming machine! She is upstairs, downstairs, walking our dog around the house, chasing our cat, you name it and she does it! She is into everything, and she is getting so tall now that those old hard to reach places are easy access to her now! Everyday I can find a new place to put the cat food up high, and she will find it and it will be all over the floor! I love watching her play though, as she is such a little mover! She is learning to dance and boogy and that is just adorable to watch from any baby! Now that she is walking, she also likes to try to help with the daily chores by taking the small garbage bags out of the little trash cans all around the house, throwing her own diaper away in te garbage, etc. She looks forward to helping both her Mommy and Daddy out since she is learning how to be a ‘big girl!’
Lindsey B says
My first daughter (who is now almost 9) sat at 4 months, crawled at 7 months and walked at 12 months. My second daughter who is now 2, sat at 5 months, stood at 6 months, crawled at 6 months and walked at 9 months! I am now pregnant with our first son and I can’t wait to see when he hits those milestones as well!
Esther F. says
My 7 month old daughter is scooting backwards and rolling all over the place. She has figured out how to get her knees and arms in position but just kind of rocks right now and won’t go forward. I’m sure in the next couple of weeks though she will be crawling all over the place! Amazing how quickly she went from just laying there to moving all around!!!
Laura Smith says
i cant remember exactly when my 2 yr old son started rolling around and crawling. but i remember lining a blanket with pillows on the floor and pretty soon he started rolling over the pillows. now my youngest is 8 months old and were waiting for him to start rolling over the pillows too. he looks like he’s about to start crawling but he hasnt mastered yet…
Caroline Dube says
I was so excited when my now three year old first walked. She was 10 months old. We soon learned how hard it was to keep up with her. I am a little nervous now. I have a 12 week old and would love it if he would hold out a little.
Krissy says
My son, who is now 3 1/2, started crawling at 6 months and walking at 10 months he was rolling over at 6 weeks. I have a very active little boy. And i am due with a girl next Thursady. Hold on tight cuz my life is going to get very active.
Kati C. says
My son started walking short distances between daddy and i at about 8 months but it wasn’t until just before his 1 year birthday that he really took off! Now he is all over the place and so very busy! I love it! I’m so excited to take him to the park this summer and let him run around in the grass!
Jen Schmidt says
My son was a late mover. He started crawling at 10 months and wasn’t walking by himself until he was 15 months old. Now, at age 4 1/2…there’s no stopping him! 🙂
Holly H. says
I am so excited to see him as he gains independence and explores with crawling and then walking, but it makes me worry that I need to babyproof everything:)
Carolyn says
Oh my goodness. My 6 1/2 month old daughter is everywhere and she hasn’t completely figured out crawling yet. Somehow she manages to get herself everywhere though. She wil get up on all fours, rock back and forth, lay down on her stomach and then up go those knees again. She’s looks like more of an inchworm at this point but it’s effective!!
Tiffany says
Wow, I have four little ones and they all started at different ages. My first was rolling around at 7 months. He started crawling around 8 months but it was such a fun thing to watch him roll around! My next oldest never rolled but she did crawl at about 9 months. She like to get up and go! Then came number 3, she rolled, scooted and crawled everywhere by the time she was 10 months. My latest bundle is just now starting to do the army crawl and she is 9 months old. She’s been rolling around for a month or so and she is into everything. Kids are such a blast at this age!
brittany says
Our daughter was crawling around 6 months and running around like the wild child she is at exactly 10 months. The time went too fast
Amy in AL says
My son was on the go about 8 months… and he hasn’t stopped! My daughter was a little earlier, since she had a big bro to watch!
Jeana says
My son is 6 months old and still “swims” when you’re looking but I swear, he crawls when you’re not. He was playing on the floor yesterday while I prepared lunch for him. When I walked over to the spot where he was, I realized that while I had a bib, the food, a spoon and his chair…I did not have a wet paper towel to help with the clean up (mostly of me!!) so I placed the bowl of food on the floor about 2 feet away from him (directly behind him). I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a paper towel, got it wet and when i got back (this is only about 20 feet, mind you) he had made his way over to the bowl, flipped it over and was now “swimming” in chicken, green beans and bananas. How he got there, I don’t know. But he had food EVREYWHERE and was smiling. His first trouble making incident – I’m sure there will be more.
ValFiti says
My oldest daughter started crawling & walking I think pretty late, crawling at 8-9mnths and walking at 13-14mnths:) My youngest started crawling at 5mnths and is 9mnths and has already taken a step, so much faster than sister.
stacy barnes says
omg this would mean alot! i would love to be able to take my 3 year old out and spend the day and enjoy life with no worries just one day would be great and diapers on top of that would be great! anything helps now days thanks so much
Kaile says
My little boy has starting doing a cute army crawl. He’s just started getting up on his knee’s and rocking. But no official movement YET. I can’t wait!
Ashley Parker says
my oldest was moving in no time… he was crawling by 6 months… he was al of a sudden all over the place and into everything… I learned to baby proof really fast. My daughter is just now starting to rock back and forth I think she will be on the move soon… and she will be so hard to keep up with. She already tries to do everything big brother does so once she is moving there will be no stopping her.
Heather says
My 7 yr. old daughter is always on the move..never runs out of steam and my 4 month old son is starting to roll over!! So fun!
jolene says
my daughter started scooting at 5 1/2 months and was walking by 9 months. being a new mom i was really excited that she learned so early but after a while i found myself wishing i wouldnt have wished away the little baby stages. so with my son i was excited when he learned to crawl but didnt wish for him to grow any faster than he should. he also started walking at about 9 1/2 months. they are both very active children who refuse to take a breath and relax until they are laying in their bed at night. =)
Julie Wilcox says
My daughter was large when she was born and started doing everything early! She was around 3 months when she started to crawl and was walking right before she was 9 months. She was on the go from there!! She was climbing onto any and everything that she could.
Angie says
My son started crawling at 6 months and took his first step at 10 months and is now Running all over my house at 15 months 🙂
Teresa F says
All of my boys started walking right around their 1st birthday.
Heather Adkins says
My 4 month old daughter has started to roll and has just started to “army crawl”. It is amazing how quickly she can get from one spot to another. Just can’t wait for her to be walking, really looking forward to it.
Sarah Leavitt says
My little girl started crawling at 8 months and walking at 14 months. In our family we have big heads and she didn’t miss out on that. As such, she had to really strengthen her neck to hold it up enough to walk without losing her balance. NOW – she doesn’t stop. She is 20 months, she can go to the pantry and pick out what she wants to eat, whenever she wants it, she climbs the stairs and gets her binkies out of her bed (she uses them only for naps and bed time) and then she gets on her belly and slides all the way back down the stairs. I love losing the baby weight by chasing her all over the house!!!
Holly Stillwagon says
My son crawled at 9 months and walked at 13 months. For my daughter it was 7 and 11. She didn’t want to be left out. 🙂
Shannon Emery says
My son started moving around at about 4 months old & started walking at 13 months! He is now 16 months & is a non stop little mover! His favorite thing to do is chase our 3 big dogs around & give them kisses!!
Emily says
My daughter walked a week before her first birthday
Lisa Norstrem says
My daughter started crawling at 6months, and walking just before a yr. she has been on the go ever since, she has been running around the house. She chases the cats and loves the stairs, and stroller. she loves being outside and able to run around.
Lisha says
My daughter was a little bit of a late bloomer when it came to walking and she didn’t begin to walk until around 16 months. She was crawling at around 8 months and rolled over around 4 months.
delana collins says
My now 4 yr old was completely lazy he liked the idea of mommy taking him wherever he wanted to go he went straight to walking and didnt even do that till like 18 months needless to say now im chasing him all over keeping him out of trouble its funny how when they cant walk you wish they could and when they start you miss it and wish you could go back to it. hah. I also have a 2 month old of course not crawling but doing so many new things everyday and im looking forward to all the milestones although i will miss them once he is 4 like his big brother.
kirsten says
My little guy is 3 months and just now starting to roll and get places. I can’t wait for him to crawl and pull up and play on the floor with his mommy! Of course we are getting the baby gates ready!
Arin says
My first daughter crawled at 7 months and walked at 10, daughter #2 crawled at 8 months and walked at 11 months. Daughter 3 crawled at 12 months and walked at 17 months-she was born with really low muscle tone in her lower body. Now baby boy is 2 months and I just want to keep him sweet and immobile like this forever..they grow so fast!!
Kelly says
My 4 month old is rolling over and starting to rock back and forth on his knees.
Beth says
My little one just started moving about a month ago. He is definitely a “Little Mover”!
janie says
i have two boys, 11 1/2 months apart. my first one began rolling from one side of the room to the other at about 8 months, then began army crawling until about 11 months, then started crawling until about 15 months, then started walking! i finally didn’t have to carry two babies! my second one began crawling at about 12 months (army crawling first, too), and didn’t walk until 18 months. for the first time in 2 1/2 years, i don’t HAVE to carry a kid into the store if i don’t want to! it’s pretty liberating!!
Gina says
As soon as my daughter turned 1she was walking.It was so memorable. I took a video of it.
Summer Lozada says
My son Isaiah started creeping around 5 mo’s and started crawling at 7 mo’s. He was on the go from then on out…no stopping him! I’m due June 14th with our second son, and it will be nice to remember the feel of having an infant again. (Our first son is going to be three in July.)
Tiffany says
My youngest baby boy is almost 5 months old and recently learned to roll all over the place! He looks like he wants to crawl, but I am not ready for that yet!! My older 2 girls were both late movers!
Beverly Brewer says
My fifth child took FOREVER to move!! He didnt crawl to almost a year- then at 16 th he walked. We remember very well when he finally walked because he fell down the stairs! It was only 4 and they were carpeted, but he limped on his leg immediately after. So I waited it out, but in the morning I brought him to the ED. They thought maybe he broke his big toe on the growth plate. We needed an Xray and I was to hold him still while on the table. The tech asked me if there was a chance I was pregnant and I hadn’t thought I was till she asked…sure enough- I took a test right there and then- I was pregnant again! #6!!!
So now you can see why I won’t for get when he started walking…
andrea says
our little girl has been in constant motion since she was concieved, i am pretty sure! But she started walking at 10 months and hasn’t stopped!!
joyce Proctor says
My Emily just started crawling last month! (10 months old) She had been trying for weeks but just couldn’t get her hands and legs moving at the same time! Now she has it all figured out and crawls anywhere and everywhere she can! She tries to chase us around the house and follows her big brother like a puppy – which is totally endearing!
Pamela Narvaez says
My little one is only 2 months but has already rolled over and is trying to sit up on his own. I am guessing it wont be long before he is on the move. They sure grow up fast!
Jennifer says
Two days ago!! He started rolling across the room and loving it! Now he’s unstoppable 🙂
Susan says
Both of my daughters started crawling around 7-8 months. Now they both run! I find it hard to catch them sometimes! My youngest (18 mos) doesn’t like her diaper changed, and runs away from me when I say, “let’s change your diaper.” It was definitely easier when they were not such “little movers” 🙂
Alea says
My 2.5 month old isn’t too mobile yet, but we can tell already he’s going to be an early mover just like his brother (who was walking at 9 months). He is already scooting around on his back and always moving. He is only still while sleeping. He’s even able to roll on his side already!
Cassandra says
Our 15 month old son started to “cruise” when he was 10 months old. One day we looked over at where we thought he SHOULD be and he was 10 steps away, looking at his Ultrasound pictures and trying to eat them!!!!!!! hahaha….. He is a full flesged toddler at 15 months…..and actually did a “flip” today….
Jen says
My oldest didn’t really get on the move until he was 15 months old, we fully believe that he knew how to walk well before he was a year old, but choose not too because he wanted to be carried. My youngest is almost 6 months and is already all over the place rolling trying to keep up with his brother.
Julie says
My little dude started scooting fairly early and really got the army crawl down by 6.5 months. He quickly followed that up with pulling up, sitting up, standing, cruising, etc. He has started taking a few tentative steps now at 10.5 months, and I have no doubt that he’ll be walking in the next week or two!!
Katrina Healy says
My son, Carl, started crawling around 9months old. Once he started there was no stopping him! He began walking around 14 months and now he is all over the place! It is amazing how quickly they find things you forgot you hard from the adventurous exploration of cabinets, shelves and drawers.
Kristen says
My son “army crawled” around for a long time and we were almost convinced that he was never going to lift those knees but when we had finally accepted that this was his form of transportation, he proved us all wrong! He then began to walk almost to the day of his 1 year birthday!
Amanda Jorgensen says
My 1st son never really crawled or walked. He stood up at 9 months and by 10 months I was chasing him all over while he ran. And the moving hasn’t stopped yet.
Stephanie says
My son started crawling when he was 6 months old and walking at 13 months. Now that he is two, he is non-stop motion. He always on the move and wants to be outdoors all day if possible.
Jamie says
I both look forward to my son being on the move but also fear it! Its easier right now when I know he will be where I put him but i also want him to grow and develop.
brittany w. says
My baby boy started crawling at 9 1/2 months! He would just wiggle on all fours for 3 weeks until he finally made his move! Then his first set of steps were less than 2 months later on Christmas Eve! What a Christmas present!
jessica says
My 20 month old started walking at 10th months and now he has mastered climbing… on everything!
Destinee says
my daughter is 4 months and not quite moving yet but my house still isnt baby proofed!!! im most worried about her getting hurt she is my first and my world! good luck to all!
Sarah Martin says
My first baby crawled early and walked at 10 months. It’s funny how babies are so different, because this baby will be nowhere close to that advanced!
April says
My 7 month old is just starting to become mobile. While he can’t crawl yet it is funny to see him roll from one side of the room to the other. He has a walker attached to a pedestal so he runs and runs around in a circle and every time he comes back he looks like everything is brand new! The smile on his face is priceless as he discovers that he can reach farther and farther away with his growing arms.
Heather Zichko says
My toddler twins are moving on to a whole new level of moving – climbing the kitchen table, bar stools, bunk beds – whatever they see, they try to climb!
Tina says
My 21 month old started crawling at 8 months and started walking at 10 months. My 3 month old is already starting to scoot her way off of the play mat! I don’t remember it happening that early the first time. She also likes to roll on her side and has managed to flip over twice. Things are going so much faster the second time around!
Simone Graham says
our son started crawling around 6 months and took his first steps a few days before his first birthday
Dana says
My oldest who is almost 6 started crawling at 9 months and walking at 10 months, my second is 4 and started crawling at 10 months and walking at 13 months. The youngest is just 6 months and just started sitting up by herself, no crawling yet! I am not looking forward to the chasing phaze, when they first learn to move and then are so excited to explore EVERYTHING!
Heather says
Our little guy started crawling at seven months, and walking at ten. I think it’s safe to say, he hasn’t stopped yet! Huggies diapers are great for little ones on the move!!
Tabitha K says
Jaxon started crawling around 6 months and walking at year and now climbs jumps and is into EVERYTHING. I cannot keep the boy still at 14 months!
Christine Geddis says
She is six months almost crawling her brother and sister are going to have to put away their toys away.
Jodee says
My kids have all been later walkers…well late according to some. My kids were all 14 months or older when they walked. My youngest Quinton has CP and so at 9 months he is just mastering rolling. I love that he is staying little for a long time for me.
Harmony says
My almost 4 month old is ready to get going, he was very active in the womb too. So far hes mananged to roll over on his belly and wiggles his little but all over.
Genie Carmley says
My son started crawling by the time he was 6 months old he took his first steps on his 1st birthday and now he is moving around everywhere he would rather run then walk though
Shannon says
My little guy who is now 16 months old started crawling at 7 months and walking at 13 months. He is now on the move and into everything! He is Mr. Independent and walks to walk everywhere.
Jenn says
My daughter who is 2 and 1/2 crawled at 6 months 2 weeks and walked at 12 months 3 days
My son is 6 weeks 5 days and is nearly rolling over. I cannot wait to reach these milestones with him!
Lydia says
All of my kids were mobile, crawling or rolling by the time they were 5 or 6 months old and all of them walked before 11 months.. Hence my youngest is very very bow-legged.. Very funny to watch him run around!
Krista says
My youngest is 14 mo old he started walking at 10 mo and we haven’t looked back.
Stacie says
Our daughter (now 18 months) started crawling around 5 or 6 months; she started walking around 10 months, then suddenly REFUSED to walk for a little over a month. Since then, though, she’s been walking, RUNNING, climbing…. Fun, and quite exhausting! 🙂
Sara says
My oldest started the army crawl at 8 months old. Our younger son started the perfect cross crawl at 9 months. He was so careful and precise about it, we started calling him Baby-oh-so-Real, because he looked sort of like a mechanical doll!
Jennifer says
My 4 month old son isn’t crawling yet, I do and don’t look forward to this milestone. I don’t as it means my little baby is growing up, but at the same time, I do look forward to it. It means that I’m doing something right as he grows and blossoms right before my eyes, but boy do I need to get the house child-proof before then! I look forward to more playing on the ground with him, especially as he can crawl to me instead of me going to him.
Bess says
My daughter, who is now 4, started crawling around 7 months and walking a few days after her first birthday. My son, who is almost 2, started crawling around 10 months (he was bigger…and a bit lazier) and walking around 14 months.
Melissa says
My triplets were on the move by 6 months, boy that was a crazy time. I’m curious how this new one to be will compare to three!
Angela says
My little sweet heartis just now 4 months old. She decided about a week ago that she is a big girl. She is not happy unless she can be in her walker on the lowest height level moving about the house. i suppose this is an indication that she will wlk before she crawls.
Inna S. says
Our 8-months old daughter started crawling at 6 months. She prefers to crawl backwards and it is really fun to watch how she get from one spot to another.
LG says
Looking forward to being able to follow her around and vice versa
Larry Harms says
Our youngest son (13-months) began crawling when he was 6-months old. Eight days ago he took his first steps unassisted, so soon we expect him to REALLY be on the move!
Our oldest son was also about 6-months old when he began to crawl.
caroline says
Our son gets more mobile every day! He’s currently cruising and I think he started crawling around 7 months maybe? I’d have to look at the baby book.. mommy brain!
Megan W. says
Our son began crawling at 8 months. He is now cruising around the house by holding onto furniture or pushing furniture around! He is 10 months old now, so we’re thinking he’ll be walking by his first birthday. We shall see!
nj says
I think the scooting around started around 7 months. One minute they’d be on the blanket, the next….gone!
a says
Our oldest didn’t start walking till 13 months–It was so cute to put those little shoes on. 🙂
jayne says
I think it was around 8 months when they started crawling.
lilshuga2001 says
We will see when the time comes, but my Mother told me I started walking before I was 9 months! So thats my goal with my FUTURE little one! 🙂
Suzanne Lafreniere says
My little one isn’t born yet but I’m fearing all the bumps and bruises!
Sara says
When mt son was 10 months old he started popping up onto his feet like a prairie dog. Two weeks later he was chasing his sisters around the living room.
Alicia A says
Our oldest walked at 10 months. It seemed to early for me because my baby stopped being a baby and very independent. Our second did not walk until 13 months. She did not even crawl until around 11 months. Our third still is not walking. He just turned one and is very laid back.
Julie Cadman says
Both my girls walked two weeks before their first birthday. My son started walking at 13 months, while his cousin (one day younger) was walking at eight months! Guess he just liked people to bring stuff to him, while she didn’t want to wait and just got it herself!! 🙂
Meredith says
My twins started moving like crazy all over the house at 10 months old. I didn’t know who to save! It was crazy. It was also lots of fun to watch them learn to explore.
Shelley says
My daughter got “on the move” Christmas Day 2009 clad in her new Christmas PJ’s! It was such an awesome present to all of us. She was about 9 months old. She is still crawling and cruising like crazy and just started taking a few steps!
Abi says
Our baby just turned 5 months so any day now he will start crawling! He has started to turn and make instead of laying horizontal in his crib he has learned to make what I call the + sign which is pretty funny!
Susan P says
My son just figured out how to roll over both ways and is starting to pull his knees up under him when he lies on his tummy as well. I’m a little worried about what he will get into! Meanwhile, I’m trying to keep the floors a little cleaner than usual…
Crystal Eggers says
My sweet pea is only 4 months so no offical moving yet. But she can roll anywhere she wants LOL. My oldest 2 are 10 and 8 yrs old so I am in no hurry for my baby to get moving. I want her to stayes a baby as long as I can. But I know it won’t be long and I will have to buy the baby gate to keep my baby in.
Jamie Barton says
My kids all started moving at different times. My son is 3 he started crawling when he was 7 months old. He was wearing a spiderman outfit and I thought wow he sure can move. My daughter is 2 years old she did not start crawling til about 9 months, but oh when she did the baby gates went up. And most recent my youngest son is 3 months old , and I can not wait til he starts crawling. Luckily we are child proofed completely. I love when they start getting around and watching their independence grow. 🙂
Heather ONeill says
It was clear from the start, Madeline was making her plans before she could move. She plotted how she was going to get to every place that she had not been plopped down. As soon as she had the strength she did the army crawl to pull herself along the floor-every cord was now within reach…until mom safety proofed the house. It only took a week and she was crawling on all fours like a pro…nothing was out of bounds now. It seemed just a matter of moments latter our little mover was climbing on EVERYTHING!!! Every surface just had to be explored, good thing Huggies was there every step of the way to keep her leak proof and comfy, exploring the great unknown.
MommyNamedApril says
my oldest didn’t crawl until 12mo and he walked at 18mo… my second crawled around 8mo and walked right before his first birthday… #3 is 7 months and (fortunately) not yet mobile!
thanks for the chance to win!!!
Dina Berriochoa says
My little girl was crawling by 7 months and walking by 1. By son, on the other hand, is now crawling at 8 months old.
Jennifer Gerritsen says
My 10 month old is a mover!! Hence why we use the Little Movers diapers! He started with the army crawl when he was about 6 months but has figured out regular crawling and is working on walking!!
Erica says
my baby girl was crawlin around 6 months an around 9 or 10 months she was walkin all over the place!
Lucy Cabrera says
My baby girl started moving at 4 months! Being a first time mom I had no idea what was normal and what wasnt, so I thought she was to young. Now she is going on six months and she has already fallen of the bed once! I have to constantly keep my eye on her, and her dad just recently told me he was walking by 9 months! As much as I love my baby girl, I’m not sure I’m ready for her to start walking!
Leah says
My son started crawling early, but choose to not walk until almost 15 months. Now at almost 17 months, he runs! Just in time for the new baby…
Vanessa says
My older daughter was crawling at 7 months, walking at 14 months. My younger daughter crawled at 6 months and is close to walking now at just a little over 12 months.
Julie Anne says
My oldest was content to lay still for the longest time… and he didn’t walk until 15 months!
My second was a different story… she was rolling at 2 months! 🙂
Three and Four are just a blur, but they were all walking by one year! 🙂
Teri F says
My son, Amzi now 14mos, has been walking since 8 mos. He began his first on the move at 9wks, he rolled over!! Hard to believe, but he did! And he hasn’t slowed down since. I am beginning to think he is an over achiever!! It is amazing to watch him learn and grow! I know he is my best acheivement. 🙂
Angela Baker says
My son was 8 months when he started crawling, he is now 2 and hasnt stopped moving yet! He can only wear huggies and we love them! Our daughter is 7 months and scooting all over the place already! Huggies are the only diapers that dont rub her chubby legs raw when she scoots all over! Mobility is an amazing and terrifying thing, yet we always look forward to seeing our little ones move forward in their growth and development!
Beth Portuese says
Our 14 month old son crawled for 1 day and then started running the next. It was right around his 9 month birthday that he began to drive me crazy with worry running laps around our house! 9 months he started walking! AGGGHHHHH! Even today he doesn’t like to crawl and immediately wants to stand up! A good friend of mine has a 12 month old that doesn’t walk and she was like wow he is really advanced you’re lucky – I was like “No! it is great but not really!” We have babyproofed the house but as all parents know there is only so much you can ndo!
Janelle Bond says
My little one is only 3 months old, so she is not crawling just yet. However I give her belly time a couple times each day and she seems like she is all ready wanting to learn to “get on the move!” I think it will be fun to watch her learn something new, however it will make me a little sad that my baby is growing bigger and bigger!
Lacey says
My little one didn’t start walking till he was 16 months old. But once he started he was gone.
NGS says
I have a one year old nephew and niece (twins!) who were born prematurely. My nephew is crawling around like a maniac and is pulling himself up to standing, but my niece still barely wants to roll around. She is so uninterested in crawling or walking, it’s hilarious. Watching the differences between them reinforces to me that all babies are super different!!
jen ziegler says
Jorja is on the move, when she was about 5 months old i was reading online she should be able to roll over and i was getting all upset because she could not and i start to cry…with in seconds of me crying she rolled over….now i wish she would stay still for a few seconds….
teresa says
I have been using HUGGIES diapers for a very long time. When people ask me what diapers to use, because they are a first time parent. I always tell them to use HUGGIES over pampers b/c I think pampers sag and I don’t like that. I think they leak through pampers faster and well really HUGGIES has not competition.
Chrissy says
My son started really walking on his own when he was 14 months, but along comes our daughter, who at 10 months was practically running throughout the house. We were not ready for that one!
FRAN says
let me just say first of all that i have been using HUGGIES diapers since 1994 my 16y.o,15y.o,5y.o 14month old have always worn HUGGIES and i have seen them evolve over the years and get better and better as time went by. I was lucky to be home to see all four of my children take their first steps. my oldest was 10 months when she took her first step she had been trying since she was 9month and one day i was in my room when guess who comes walking in i screamed and hollered so loud she got startled and fell,my next one started walkin @ 11months and he did the same thing only he decided he was not going to take another step since i scared him so bad so he took his next one @ 1y.o then my 3rd one started walking @11months but he was standing at 8months on his own!!! then my baby girl who is 14months she took her first step at 10months but she was standing on her own at 6months. we would set her down gently and she would pull herself back up and grin!! those are my first step stories!hope i win, i am unemployed.
Kimberly/Mom in the City says
My oldest started moving on his first birthday. My second son started moving a little faster…at 9 months.
Ashlee Foltz says
My oldest started crawling at 9 months and walking at 13. My yougest is still fairly immobile lol. She is 4 months and rolling over but not trying to crawl or anything yet. I love her at this age, and am so not ready for her to grow up and start moving…hmmmmph….but it is inevitable
Tracie says
My little one took her first true ‘walk’ on her first birthday, while a house full of family and friends were here to witness it. I can’t wait to watch my best friend’s new little 9 week baby girl that she has spent 17 long years waiting for (finally here via a surrogate) take her first steps!
Ashley Wishard says
I have three children and my oldest was crawling around 8 months and walking at 10 months. My middle child was crawling at 7 months and walking at 9 months. And my youngest is only 6 months old and she is already rocking back and forth and pushing herself backwards… so it won’t be long now…
Cindy says
My first son, Josiah, was walking at 11 months. He took his first steps, Thanksgiving day, while my family was watching the Macy’s Day Parade. It was quite the memory. My second son, Jacob, started walking at 10 months (probably because he was running after his busy older brother). And my little baby girl, Sadie, is only 7 months. She is very close to crawling, but is an expert roller!
Courtney says
My son crawled at about nine months and walked at exactly 14 months.
Melinda J says
My DS was crawling pretty well at 8 months, but learned speed a month later when we took him to a friend’s daughter’s birthday party. He was surrounded by older crawlers and literally took off that day. Now he’s 13 months and about to walk. I’m pretty sure that he’s going to be one who just starts running and never stops! I’m excited for him, and nervous for me!!!
Amy says
My little one hasn’t gotten on the move yet, but any day now. Any day now! =) However, my biggest fear once she’s mobile is wondering what she’ll get into. Have we babyproofed enough? That’ll be the real test.
Ashlee says
I know my daughter was truly walking independantly at 14 months. Thats when I felt comfortable saying that she could walk (without bumping into things or falling down too often 😉
Our new little one (due in 20 days) is always on the move in my belly! She is much more active than our first.
Brittney says
Our little one started crawling at 6 months or so, but took his dear sweet time to start walking and didn;t really take off till about a month ago, at 13 months.
I much prefer the walking to anything else, as there was never a time when we could walk out of the room with our little boy without agonzing screams
Jennifer Baum says
Our oldest daughter was walking her first birthday. It was so cute to see her walking around in her birthday ‘princess’ dress. crawling for her was a breeze, the day she began to crawl we all hoot and hollered until we realized all of the wee level hazards we really had around our home. Our second crawled for a long time, we were beginning to get concerned that she wasn’t walking yet. She was always getting bruises on her knees crawling around on the tile floor moving with a purpose. Now a running fool she’s climbing jumping diving off of everything.
Christina Reynolds says
My Max seems like he wants to be on the move already at almost 3 months old! He kicks those legs like nobody’s business! I can’t wait to see what he looks like when he takes his first steps…and I can’t wait for the pounds to fly off as I try to keep up with him!
Vicki Lenahan says
Our daughter pulled up to a stand on Easter Sunday, while visiting family, 1 day before her 8 month birthday. The VERY NEXT Day…at exactly 8 months old…. she started crawling! By the end of that week….she was speedy on all 4s!
Lauren Reed says
My little girl is 4 weeks old and I can’t wait for her to become mobile! I have two boys (8 & 5) that started walking just before their first birthdays, it’s been so long I don’t remember when they started crawling! I have two little chihuahua’s that I can’t wait to see little Naomi chasing around!!
Laura D says
My daughter started crawling at 5 months and has been on the move ever since (just turned two)!
Wendy says
Our son was mobile around 6 months and walking around 10. We now have a new baby girl who is 5 weeks old and she just rolled over! OMG we are in for it now. At this rate she will walk by 4 months. LOL
Nancy says
We have five little movers! Our oldest walked at 9 months, and thankfully he is the only one who walked that early! Our next two walked right before their first birthdays, and our fourth boy walked at 10 months. Our little girl is 11 months and has some developmental delays. We are looking forward to the day when she will be crawling around the room chasing her brothers!
Sandy says
Oh gosh to remember to remember…… My oldest now 5 was 5 months old when she started to crawl and 9months old when she started walking. She was running everywhere on her first birthday. My second who is now 3 was 9months when she started crawling and 13months when she started walking. Those were the days I loved because i didn’t have to worry about kids going everywhere. When i had my 3rd who is now 19months i prayed for a late walker. Well after a year in the hospital off and on he didn’t start crawling until his 1st birthday and started walking in the last few weeks! Now the real fun starts… three kids in three different directions!
Liz I says
both of my boys crawled around 8 months and started walking around 11-12 months. Now at 2 and 3 they somersault, roll, sprint and tumble every which way!
Ashley says
Well my youngest is only two months old, but my four year old son started waslking at 10 months! Im so not ready for my two month old to start, im enjoying her just being a baby for a while. Once my son started crawling and walking, he has been non stop ever since! Not ready for that again lol..any time soon 🙂
Sabrina says
My little one has never stopped moving! SHe has kicked her feet from the minute she came out, and still is at it to this day! She is 11 months old, and took her first independant steps 2 weeks ago. She is still trying to get the hang of it. From the time she was 3 or 4 months old, she has preferred to stand in my lap, rather than be held. She has super strong legs! She is rarely sitting or crawling, but prefers to stand, and walk around- even if she has to hold on to the furniture, and has been doing this since she was 8 months old. Before she figured out that she could walk, she just rolled everywhere. It was funny to see her contort her body to find a way to get to where she wanted to go. She never really crawled until Mother’s day.
Jodi says
My granddaughter is 6 months old. She has been rolling around for about a month now and loves her walker! I am sure she will be fully on the move soon.
Emily says
My little mover started crawling at 10 months. She used to roll all over the house and then one day she just got up on all fours and took off. She’s 11 months old now and already pulling herself up and standing on her own. Hard to believe she will be walking soon.
lovelyritaann says
My first two children were on the move by 7 or 8 months I think (it’s been a long time). Our baby is six months old and I’m not looking forward to him being able to reach things he’s not supposed to reach!
Sarah Barringer says
My little one is 6 months old. He is not crawling yet. But OH is he about to. He is rolling around and army crawling all over the place. I don’t think I’m ready!
NIcole Rickertsen says
Our daughter started to roll from back to front etc.. around I think it was 4 months and rolling at 6 months… army crawling at 7 and crawling at 8 months…. I remember I was so excited for her but at the same time life changed alot…babyproofing and yes nothing was ever the same. You could no longer just lay them on the couch and leave them there for a minute or so..but what a miracle to see how much they do in a short span of life!
Kristina says
my 4 month old is not crawling yet but he is so active that we know we will need to be ready when he starts to move! we live in a small apt so i’m going to have a hard time keeping everything dangerous out of is reach.
Ellen Hanson says
My son rolled over at 2 months, and has been on the go ever since! He was doing what we called “the worm” at 4 1/2 months, and took his first steps at 9 months. He is now 16 months and gets more and more active everyday!
Maybelline says
he is about to reach that milestone, you know! trying to grab.. and turn and sit.. we’re not quit there yet
Kim Ehlers says
My son got on the move around 7 months crawling then around 2 weeks before his first birthday started walking and he hasn’t slowed down since. It has been great for me because I’ve been able to lose over 30 lbs and everyone always asks how I did it and all I say is the he never stops therefore I never stop.
Amanda Vaughn says
My youngest son Beckett, he’s been on the move for about 5 months now. And he’s a runner now! 🙂 The second you let him go he’s gone! He’s almost 17 months old, and he’s probably my last baby, and I’ve done my best to capture all of those sweet moments, so I will NEVER forget them! I was certainly worried for him to start being mobile. I was afraid he would stop being my baby. I still think he’s my baby though:)
Faith Maziarz says
My son just turned 5 months old. Just recently he has started to move around more – not quite crawling yet – but like wiggling along.
I am actually anxious about him crawling soon. Our home is less than 500 square feet, and there’s not much room for him to roam. I am also worried about him getting into the litter boxes!
Since out home is so small the carpet is almost always dirty so I worry he will end up eating something off of the carpet I didn’t find…. I just have to keep a watchful eye on him… very closely!
Danielle says
My little one isn’t crawling yet, in fact he hasn’t even been born yet. I can already tell by how much he loves to move around in my tummy that once he starts crawling he is going to be all over the place.
Dawn Larson says
My son was born 11 weeks premature so he was very behind. He started crawling about nine months and started walking about seventeen months. It’s been so fun to see him grow in his own pace of time which has let me baby him for longer. 🙂
Lisa says
My kids all began their mobility debut at about 8 months with crawling. My second son never crawled, but instead scooted on his bottom until he started to walk! 🙂
Mindy says
My son is 5 months old and is just trying to roll over. I am looking forward to him moving about because I love to watch his little mind at work. I know those chances will be happening more and more as he grows and moves!
ashley says
Both of our little ones were early movers. My son now 3 started walking around 9 months and my daughter who is now 1 started walking at 10 months. They are both very much on the move now and into everything. While things are definitley more challenging once they start moving, they are a load more fun! I love watching them run around and interact with each other. It makes parenting worth while 🙂
Lisa says
Our little girl started crawling at 9 months old and she started walking about 14 months old. She had been crusing while holding onto furniture since around 8 months and one day I was in the laundry room and turned around and there she was standing right behind me, I was in total shock. She literally just got up and started walking!
Toni says
My little Adelyn has just started to “commando” crawl. She is despiratly trying to keep up with her big brother. She wants to run with and play with him very much.
Tania S says
My little angel Lauren will be 6 months on June 5th. She has been rolling around like crazy the last month or so, and now she likes to sit up with help. She has started to somewhat crawl…it’s really funny how she does it. She gets on all fours, but can’t move, so she’ll put her face on the floor and do a face crawl and flop down on her belly. So she is literally crawling on her tummy/face!!! =) I am sure in a few weeks, she will master the art of actually crawling.
Dana says
My son is 10 months old and just started crawling about 2 weeks ago. He is into everything already! He is now pulling himself up trying to walk. I am not looking forward to him walking, I can only imagine how much he will get into then!
Audra says
My baby girl is only 11 weeks… but attempting to move. Her tummy time involves mini-pushups and she kicks her little chubby legs like she’s swimming.. She rocks herself from side to side, she’ll be rolling over in no time:) And it’s so amazing!!
Carolyn says
My oldest started crawling at 8 months and walking at 12 months, and my youngest started crawling at 6 months and walking at 10 months – she had to keep up with her big sister!
Beckie says
All three of my boys walked during their 13 month.
Michelle T. says
My 20 months old was up a crawling by 4 months old, he has been on the move and extremely active ever since! My 6 months old isn’t crawling yet, but he is trying his hardest to hold his weight on his little knees =)I am excited to see his little face when he finally makes it!!
Tracey Pike says
I was SO excited that my daughter starting rolling over about 2 weeks ago and she just turned 5 months! So she’s not yet crawling or walking but she sure can roll all over the place. I am totally looking forward to see her crawling and walking and totally looking forward to see if I can win one of these contest especially with a Flip cam so I can start capturing all these moments with something more than my crappy web cam lol. Thanks!
Kerrie G says
My 9 month old really started crawling at 8.5 months! Now he is into everything!!
Kara says
My little girl finally started crawling at 9-1/2 months last Sunday. Then much to my husband’s surprise he watched her figure out how to crawl up the stairs on Memorial Day. She is on the move now!
Carly says
My son (now 29 months old) started crawling at 4 months old and walking a week shy of 10 months old. It was horrible, he was black and blue ALL the time from falling. His first run (11 months old at a Christmas party) resulted in an emergency room trip. Fortunately, my baby girl (15 months old) was a bit more normal, crawling at almost 6 months, and she waited until she was almost a year to walk. No scars for her!
Laura Higgins says
My son is 5 months and hasnt started crawling or walking yet…but it should be soon!
Katherine says
She’s getting ready to go! Can’t wait til she does because I know she’ll be super happy to gain that little bit of independence.
Becky K says
Our oldest started crawling on Christmas Eve (7 mo) and walking a month after he turned one. Our youngest just started amping up to start rolling — she is just 2 months old…but I can already tell it will be more tiring with two on the go. I don’t think I will be quite as anxious for her to start crawling and walking, etc. 😉
Mrs. B. says
My daughter didn’t start to walk until she turned 1, which i thought was kinda late. I guess its just when they are ready. They can’t be rushed into moving all around.
barb gary says
Both my little ones (old now), started walking & seemed like marathon running at about 18 months. They never stood still for a moment after that! Great memories, it’s amazing how quick on your feet you have to become when you’re a mom.
marina says
My daughter started pulling herself up to the coffee table by the time she was 7 months old and would hold onto the sides and cruise around.It wasnt till a week before she turned 1 that she decided to let go and take her first independent steps!
Amy says
Our first was crazy-scary, rolling at 3 months, crawling at 5-6, WALKING behind a push toy at 7. She walked on her own at 11 months. The other two weren’t quite as ambitious… thank goodness!
sara says
My little ones, I have 5, all started to move at about 6 months old, scooting, and crawling, and now that they are older, running away! It all goes too fast!
Jenn says
Both of my boys were preemies, so they were a little delayed. My oldest made his first inching-forward movements at 6 months. He walked at 14 months.
Sadly, I can’t remember exactly when my second walked. I should’ve written these things down. I think it was about 14 or 15 months as well.
Jen S says
Nine months & she walked 2weeks later!
Samantha says
Both my boys started walking right before their first birthday. I guess they wanted to make it a little harder for me to capture the perfect picture.
Shelley says
My daughter is just NOW getting on the move! She is rolling EVERYWHERE and doing the funny swimming motions. I know crawling is just days away!
Donna Holmberg says
Unfortunatel, as a step-mom, I wasn’t here for my children’s first steps. Luckily, I was around and a very active part of my niece and nephew’s first steps, and both of them walked before they hit 11 months old. Alyssa was the brave one, trying to stand from the moment she was stong enought to start crawling. By 9 months she was on on her feet and walking around the room by going from piece of furniture to piece of furniture with an occasional crawling space in between. By 9.5 months she was on her feet on her own, and by 11 months she was toddling at a run… she hasn’t slowed down yet. LOL
Steph says
My kids got on the move around the 12-18 month age.
Linda F says
My children were on the move walking between 11 and 15 months
Ellie W says
two of my boys started walking at 9 1/2 months. The youngest at 10 months. I was so anxious for them to start walking and I’ve been chasing them down ever since.
Shelly aka allysmama says
My daughter was crawling by 6 1/2 months and found out how to get out of her crib by 8 months. She Slept in a toddler bed at 10 months(to keep her from killing herself when she jumped out of her crib!), and was walkingby 11 months…and she still has not slowed down!!
Audra says
Ahhh…. my newest one is only 2 weeks old, so not mobile yet! My oldest son is 19 months. He started walking the day before his first birthday! We had just found out the day before that we were expecting. Talk about an emotional weekend! Pregnancy, baby’s first steps, baby’s first birthday! Kleenex all around!
Alena Filzek says
My 4th baby was on the move by 6 months old, she could crawl so fast she amazed us all. By 10 months she was running through the house! And now she is just all over the place!
Christi says
gosh, I don’t remember with my older two…I think they were both over a year old when they walked! Maybe I’ll pay better attention with this little one!
Joshua says
first walked at 9 months, and so did the two that followed. And many bruises and bumps later, they walked successfully without giving me a heart attack.
Amy H says
My daughter started crawling around 7 months and walking when she was 9 months old and hasn’t stopped since.
Annie says
I remember wanting my oldest to walk so badly! And he did, at 11 months old. Then I remember wanting my second NOT to walk too soon, and she didn’t until she was 13 months old. It was really nice, too. My other two boys both walked around 11 months old.
stacy kin says
My oldest started walking around 11 months; my second started walking around 10 months and running around 12 months. All I remember is that they didn’t crawl for long!! They keep me on the move all right!
Susan says
We go on “adventures” around the house. We check out what new things are in the toy basket. (I change out some items every two weeks on a rotating basis).
We go to different parks and playgrounds.
jay says
I can’t remember when my oldest started really moving – she rolled forever before she started crawling. My youngest was crawling all over ~8 months
BB says
A special memory of my first grand child was when she looked up at me and told me I was her most fun grandma!
Anne says
My kids were all late walkers, none of them walked until about 14 months. Of course they managed to get into lots of trouble crawling and rolling from 9 months on.
Heather says
My eldest was walking at 11 months, but my youngest took her sweet time–she was perfectly content to crawl around until she was almost a year-and-a-half old.
Kelly says
My son is 5 mths old and I am pretty sure he will be crawling soon. I have been putting him down for tummy time and he makes all the right motions and even moves himself a bit in each direction. Right now it ends up being circles but he seems to enjoy pushing himself around 😉
Courtney W says
My daughter was crawling by 6 months and started walking on her own around 1. And boy did she move and get into EVERYTHING!!
Kendra says
My daughter is nine years old so I honestly can’t remember when she started to crawl but I do remember the rocking back and forth. And then bam she was crawling everywhere. I do remember she started walking around 11 months. So after nine years I’m ready to start again and would love to win this prize pack.
Felicia says
All of my kids crawled around the same time, they were 8 months. My son didn’t start walking until 15 months, my daughter at 14 months, and my other daughter just turned 14 months and is taking about 4 steps so she should be walking around soon.
Photography by Michelle says
My daughter, Hope, was an early walker…she was on the move at 10.5 months. Hasn’t stopping since 😉
Sarah says
My oldest started crawling around 7 months, and walked at 14 months. My middle child didn’t crawl until 8 1/2 months, but started walking at 14 months and hasn’t stopped moving since! The youngest started crawling at 6 months, and walked just after her 1st birthday.
At 1, 2, and 5, they constantly move, and all in different directions!
jeanine says
well i don’t remember off the top of my head when they started crawling. i DO know their walking ages though. my oldest (a boy) walked at 13 months. my second (a boy) walked at 15 months. my third (girl) walked at 10 months. i have a 10.5 month old girl who is taking a few steps at a time right now.
Marcella Cook says
When my oldest was about 9 months he started “cruising” and we lived in Nebraska at the time. I remember a wonderful picture that we had that was of him with one of our friends microphones to his mouth like he was singing. Now that I have my little Monster, it’s different because I’m savoring the moments more. With Monster, he started crawling about 2 months ago and it’s not really a crawl as it”s move forward and try to step while on all fours. Absolutely adorable…but he figured out the crawling in the past couple of weeks. Gotta give him a break though, because he was a preemie and he’s behind in just about everything.
Debra says
My little one was a late crawler and walker…..she crawled maybe at 10 months and walked at 16 months! I had it easy for a while. LOL
Val G. says
My biggest fear about the “moving” stage is the fact that we live in a 3-story townhouse and our baby could fall down the stairs. We will need a few baby gates and a lot of prayers.
Amanda A says
My boys both started walking at 12 months – it is definitely a challenge to keep up with mobile kids!
katklaw777 says
My son was a preemie, 7 weeks early…well he did everything early, he walked at 9 1/2 months. Surprise, surprise!!!
My daughter hit the more normal curve of about 11 months, thank goodness they are 3 years apart and mobility was handled one at a time. thanks.
stacy says
My oldest was walking at 10 months. They were all crawling around 6 or 7 months.
etirv says
Started walking the day the kid turned 6 months!
Jennifer I. says
My little one didn’t start walking until she was 15 months old- which I was absolutely fine with! What a great milestone!
Viktoriya says
my 15-months son started to crawl at 8-9 months, now he almost walks alone
Jennie says
Our first was walking at 9mos. Our second is 28mos and still not walking (he has developmental delays and has spent four months in the hospital). Our third is 15mos and he was walking at 10mos.
JD Seattle says
Our little ones started going mobile at 11 months. One day you could put them on their blanket in the middle of the room and the next day you were running interference at full speed.
Christine S. says
Let’s see…. Sami started walking almost one week to the day after her 1st birthday – man when she figured it how to make those legs and feet of hers work – it was OVER! Where ever she could toddle (and even where she couldn’t) she was all over it! You’d hear her clapping and giggling so please with her self.
Lyle – SuperBowl Sunday (halftime to be exact) 1993. He was just over a year old. His dad came home from the firehouse to pick something up – and Lyle had been trying for a couple of days… he saw his daddy and the look on his face…. he toddle towards his daddy… (oh and the Cowboys WON – Lyle’s middle name is for a place in Texas – Troy’s named after Troy Aikman) so it all seemed meant to be!! LOLOL
Troy – He was closer to 2 when he got it all figured out and took those steps. Well he was a little “top heavy” *LOL* he’d tried to walk and fall over – as if at the waist – and land on his head! Good gosh how that son of mine while trying to learn to walk and walk – scared the daylights out of me.
He would get so worked up with himself if he couldn’t do it… then he’d break out in a big old sloppy drooly grin and try again…
Once he figured it out – well it’s 15 years later and he hasn’t stopped moving yet!
Nicole Elliott says
My daughter started crawling and walking later than most kiddos but I actually loved it since it meant it gave me a little extra time before I had to go chasing after her! 🙂 Now at 2 years old she’s on the move and doesn’t stop! 😀
Gina says
When my twin girls started to crawl and CLIMB, things got so chaotic! We ended up having to take all the furniture out of the playroom–chair, changing table, etc.–just to keep them safe and back on the ground. It was crazy!
Amy says
I remember my oldest daughter’s first steps like they were yesterday. I hadn’t used the video camera feature much on my camera, but I thought I would take a chance and record what she did…and at that moment she decided to get up and walk. It was perfect!
Kathie Flood says
My youngest took his first steps at 11 months – on his 1st Disney vacation! Magical!
Brittany Fell says
My oldest walked when she was about 13 months old, I think (she’s now almost 6 and finally learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!!). My youngest is more independent and started walking at 10 months.
Jody from Mommy Moment says
My youngest was crawling early, I am not sure the exact age, but we took her out of her crib at 6 months old b/c she was trying to climb out!
Yup, an early mover 🙂
The Gosfam says
My oldest was crawling at 5 1/2 months and walking at 9 months, my youngest was crawling at 6 1/2 months and walking at 10 months.
destiny says
My kids both crawled late and walked early my oldest was walking with a push toy at 6 months and was fully walking by 7 months and my youngest was walking at 9 months it is amazing what sheer determination little boys have to get into things. lol…
Lindsay says
My oldest started walking around 10 months. My youngest was moving around 13 months. But, both of them were “on the move” well before that. They both started crawling around like little monkeys when they were 6 months or so.
Crissa Robertson says
One thing I get nervous for about baby’s getting on the move is that my house isn’t baby proofed. I am going to need to get everything out of the way of little hands.
Rebecca says
My first girl was walking just before a year, and hasn’t stopped since. My younger is 5 months and just recently realized that she can roll across the room to get to toys, people, etc. It is so fun to watch her go!
Heather M says
My baby started crawling at 7 months and all of a sudden she wasn’t as cranky! She was mobile and happy to be getting into everything. At 10 1/2 months, she is taking steps toward walking. Very exciting to see her grow.
Marie says
My twins started crawing at 7 months – a week apart. WOW! Trying to keep up with them was crazy. They didn’t start walking until two weeks before their first birthday. I was pretty grateful for that. My youngest started crawling at 6 months and he is so ready to walk (9 months )with his brothers, as he stands up like he has been doing this since he was born.
Mary Alice says
It is funny that you pose this question because my son just started crawling THIS WEEK. It is so funny to watch. Before this, he was rolling everywhere. If he wanted a toy, he rolled over to it. It is just amazing how they figure their way around things! 🙂
Kirsten S. says
My first didn’t start walking till he was nearly 15 months, which was fine by me! He just plain didn’t want to — and that stubborn streak has stayed with him, though now he doesn’t want to stop moving! My second child started walking a week after he turned one, and now my youngest, who turned one just short of a month and a half ago, started walking last week. I’m doomed! 🙂
Angela says
My first son didn’t start crawling until 8 months and started walking a month later! He was full fledged running by 10.5 months! My daughter was a little slower. She never really crawled. She had some thing we called a monkey-scoot! It made it very challenging for diapers because she put a lot more “emphasis” on one side over the other.
Stacey says
My oldest was did not crawl for very long and was walking by 11 months and getting into everything. I learned then that the Christmas tree was not our friend…and we had to elevate it off the floor! I have an newborn now and I am looking forward to her crawling and walking plus our house is ready. At least as ready as it can be!
sheri says
My first daughter walked at nine months, but all the my other 5 children have been right at a year (just over or just under)…life has been a chase ever since… =)
Michelle says
Both of my older girls were around 6-7 months when they started creeping (I learned that’s actually what it’s called – everyone says crawling but it’s creeping – who knew!). Our youngest is only 4 months but she’s started to turn in circles on her back. So cute!
Michelle says
All three of my boys were different. My oldest learned how to roll around the house and get into things at about 4 months, started crawling at 7 months and walking at 10 months. Our second was happy to sit and watch what was going on around him until about 6 months and started crawling at 8 months and walked at 11 months. The third one had to keep up with his brothers and started the army crawl at 5 months and crawling at 6 months. He didn’t walk as quickly as the other two, but was walking just after his birthday.
Melissa says
My oldest was walking by 11 months and the younger one by 14 months. Now if I could just keep up with them both!
tanya says
My daughter is 9 1/2 months old and she started crawling when she was 7 months. she had been trying since about 4 months and finally didi it. Now she is always under my feet.
She is always on the go, trying to catch mommy and will pull up on everyone and thing she can reach. She has been trying to walk since she could pull up at 5 months. Well, 2 days ago she finally took her first steps! Now she is really on the move…. I love how Little Movers dont leak no matter how much she is on the go trying to catch her mommy and daddy!!!!
Deidre says
My 3 year old daughter started to walk at 13 months, but my 2 year old son started at 8 months! He sure kept us on our toes! 🙂
Angel S. says
I love that stage when your baby first starts to roll, then sit and crawl. So exciting! My sons started around 7-8 months. Love those tenative first steps too!
kori says
My youngest started crawling when she was at my in-laws! I missed it!
Messy Mommy says
My son started crawling at 9 months and walking at 11 months. My daughter was a little late to the punch. She started crawling at 11 months and didn’t walk until she was 17 months!
Jackie says
I really cant remember when when my oldest started crawling (he’s 11 now) but i do remember he rolled wherever he wanted to go long before he could crawl. My next son (who is 9) crawled at about 7 months. My new baby girl is only 2 months so she a has a while to wait! We are all excited for the day she can crawl. I cant wait to see her chase her big brothers around the house!
Jaimie K says
All of mine crawled around 10 months, walked around 12 or 13. That’s not exact… because really I don’t remember. Is that bad? Hmm… And I guess they all figured out how to move before that with rolling or the army crawl. I love that.
Forgetfulone says
My twins were about 10 months when they started crawling. They started scooting around on their tummies first, maybe about 9 months. Fun days!
susan says
3 kids & I don’t remember these things any more. lol.
Jamie H says
I don’t remember when either of my girls crawled but they both walked at 11 months.
Lori A. says
My son started crawling at about 8 months old! After that, he was go, Go, GO!
Heather J. says
I have three boys. My oldest son (now 4) started crawling around 8 months and walking at 13 1/2 months. My middle boy started to crawl around 7 months and walk at 13 months. My baby is only 2 1/2 months old, but we look forward to seeing him grow and learn to move around.
Melissa P. says
When my son was little he started crawling at 5 1/2 months old and was walking by 9 months. He was definitely a early mover. lol
Crystal says
I have three children and my first starting walking at 9 months, the second on his 1st birthday and my third started at around 10 months.
Kristen says
All 3 of my kids have been different. My oldest started crawling around 4.5 months. She only went backwards, then finally forwards around 7 months. She walked at 9 and ran at 10 months. Middle daughter started crawling around 5-6 months and walked at 9. My last daughter waited until 7 months to start crawling. But she’s almost walking now at 9 months.
Tiffany (As For My House) says
My first started walking about 10 months – yikes! Seems like he was never immobile!
My second was slower, and didn’t crawl until about that age, and walk well after a year.
Then the third right in between… Walked right about at one year.
What a variety!!
Chana says
It really depends what is considered moving,,, I can’t remember when exactly she got to milestones but now she is 2 and doesn’t stop moving!
Margaret says
My boys wiggled, rolled and crawled really early, and were walking by the time they were a year. My grandson followed the same timeline. He’s 21 months now, and running everywhere!
Jamie says
My Little Miss Diva in Training started crawling at 8 months and started walking at 13 months. Once she learned to walk it has been non stop running after her since. She keeps me moving thats for sure!
erin says
he was just shy of 7 months when he really started to crawl. and was a year old when the walking started
Jaime S says
My oldest started crawling at 9 months. My youngest started crawling at 8.5 months. Way too early for me either way! =)
Vanessa says
I have two boys. My older son, who is now 4, didn’t crawl a day in his life! He started walking at 9 months and hasn’t stopped “being on the move” since! My younger son, who is 18 months, crawled at 5 months because he wanted to be where is brother was all the time. It was so adorable to watch him race around the house to find his brother.
Carrie says
My 5 month old son is not crawling as of yet. He does however roll all over the place. I can lay him down on the floor in the living room, go into the kitchen and come back and he has rolled all the way over to the other side of the living room. I can wait to see him crawl for the first time! I know it will be soon!
Laura says
Looking forward to being able to watch our baby walk around our house- but also a bit fearful of not being able to watch every more they make!!
Annie says
I don’t remember when my daughter started to crawl. But walking was right at her first birthday. She was standing and cruising at about 8 months. I love the giveaway!
Jen Cooper says
My son didn’t start fully crawling until around 9 months. He was already about 27 pounds so there was a lot to move! He actually started army crawling first using only one leg to push off. Fortunately there wasn’t anything wrong with his leg, that was just his preferred mode of travel. He began cruising/walking a little bit before his first birtdhay. Now at 19 months the kid is running with no signs of stopping. I am a huge fan of Huggies Little Movers because he doesn’t leak in them even when he’s running a marathon…. Ooooh, there’s an idea for a commercial, baby marathon. 😉
Barb W. says
My daughter waited until her first birthday to impress everyone by walking. My eldest son was very close to his first birthday, and the littlest was walking by 7 months- he just wanted to keep up with the others. Think all of them were crawling around 5-6 months. Remember how the littlest scooting backwards everywhere instead of crawling forward, too cute!
Now, I’m about to be a grandmother and looking forward to my grandchild on the move! Would love to bless my daughter with any of these gifts. Thanks so much for the chance to win one!
Ellen says
My youngest started crawling lat week at 8 1/2 months and it is so hard having a crawler with a 2 and 4 year old. They keep dropping things or leaving out things that are choking hazards for her. Much more stressful this time around.
Beckie Perreault says
My daughter never crawled. She scooted, but not well and not much.
At 10 mos., she took her first assisted steps in the lab waiting room while we were waiting for her to have blood work. She walked holding on to things for several months, until finally, the night before Thanksgiving (US), my husband and I were cooking in the kitchen and she was in the middle of the kitchen floor. She saw our cat go by and apparently thought, “I can’t go fast enough to catch him if I hold on to things.” She stood up and ran after him and has been running ever since. She was almost 14 mos. (She was born 2 1/2 mos. early so her adjusted age was 11 1/2 mos.)
Angie V. says
With 5 kids, it’s hard to remember exactly when each of them got on the move. I know they were all around 8 months when they started crawling, and most of them were about 15 months when they started walking. All except my youngest – he was crawling by 8 months, but walking at 10 months! And he’s been running ever since….
Annette D says
My sons are now ages 21 and 17 and they have been on the move since before they were one. They both crawled and then walked early. Now they are really on the move! Both have their driver’s licenses and my oldest son has his pilot’s license! My 17 year old rides a motorcycle!
I wish they were still crawling…less worries!
MaryEllen says
My first started crawling around 8 months and walking right at 1 year old. My second is 8 months and will probably be crawling any day now!
Kat says
Our oldest daughter, Briyana, took her first six steps the day before she turned 9 months and she hasn’t slowed down since!
Our only son, Tre, was VERY bow-legged when he was a baby and was nearly 15 months before he could walk unsupported!
Our middle child, Talia, started walking at just around a year old.
Our third daughter, Avalyn, was walking at 11 months old – and not only walking, but DANCING as well! 🙂
Our youngest daughter, Zoe, was standing unsupported at 7.5 months, taking steps 3 weeks later and in a full blown “walk” by 10 months – and CLIMB as well. She would climb on EVERYTHING… haha
Nicole Roberts says
it seems like my daughter came out of the womb talking and crawling, but my son has been so much slower to do these things, which is nice! At 8 months, a little bit of crawling and jibber-jabbering is just fine!
debp says
My son was late walking due to his size, and disabilities. I would say around 20 months he started walking.
[email protected]
Pam says
My oldest took her first steps at her 1st birthday party…then walked the entire length of my aunt and uncle’s house exactly one week later.
My son decided to take his sweet time with walking…he was more like 16 or 17 months before he started walking.
And my 6 month old? She’s trying and trying to scooch around whenever I lay her down–she actually can get up on her toes, (in crawling position) but hasn’t figured out how to use her arms at the same time yet (thank goodness; she”s already growing up too fast!)
Deborah says
Baby River is only 8 weeks old so she is not crawling yet, but Amelie started to crawl at 8 months and hasn’t stopped. She too is a fast mover. What a fabulous prize package! Something for the whole family here and I know we would love it!
Trisha Lynn says
My little girl was 7 months old! When she finally took off it was all over from there she is always on the go now!!
sandy says
my last one about7 months
Sarah G says
My daughter started crawling at 9 months, and began walking at 13 months.
Heather Denson says
My 13 month started really crawling around 10 months after a month or so of doing his army crawl which was so cute because he never does it anymore and has started taking a few steps here and there on his own now but can just about run around anything that he can hold on to and now that he is into everything im really missing those army crawling days.He is discovering a whole new level of things now that were on the move on our feet and up off of all fours
Stephanie says
My baby girl is currently not moving. She tries though, bless her little heart. She loves laying on her tummy she kicks and moves all over the place. Shes only 2 months old and gets mad when she can’t figure out how to move around on the floor. I can’t wait until i can crawl around the house with her and play on the floor together. I’m lookin forward to how much stuff she can get into also. I can’t wait until my little one is on the move!
Edyta Olow says
Our little one had some health issues early on and she seems to be a little behind other kids her age! She started crawling at 12 months and now at 13 months she has discovered that she can pull herself up to a sitting position. At this rate I think that she may walk in 3 or 4 months. We can’t wait!
xinzhang says
My daughter is 6.5 months, she is not crawling yet, but she is trying to do, though, it looks like she crawls backwards,LOL, anyway, I am so exciting to see when she coould learn to crawl, Thanks for Huggies!n
Sarah Keller says
my son was crawling at 8 months and he is now standing up with the help of anything grabbable. and trying to walk but hasnt succeeded yet..
Heather Young says
My daughter rolled from her back to her stomach for the first time at 7 months and at 9 months was starting to inch worm her way around. By 1 year she was still inch worming, but starting to actually crawl. Now at 15 months she’s a master crawler and still a couple months away from walking, but she’s moving and wanting to walk, but not quite ready for it. She was born prematurely and is going to be seen by specialist in the even that she has additional reasons for not walking yet.
Michelle says
My twins (6 months) are only starting to get around well recently. They roll across the floor to steal toys from each other or grab at one another. Honestly, I am in no hurry for them to start crawling!
Stephanie says
My oldest walked at 8 Mo’s! No kidding, I have pics to prove it…My second boy was walking at 11 mo’s but my sweet lil girl is 9 mo’s and sticking to the classic army crawl. She makes it work, she can move in a hurry…maybe she just want’s to be like her Soldier daddy.
Tausha says
My almost three years old starting crawling at 8 months and started walking a week after his first birthday. As for my 5 week old…I can’t wait to see what is in store for us!
Rebecca Hammer says
I have a 10 month old son, Josiah, and a 3 year old, Calvin. Josiah is still not “crawling” but he definetly gets where he wants to go.. and MAN IS HE FAST!! He crawls like an army man up and down the halls and in and out of rooms. Calvin thinks it’s the coolest thing that his baby brother can follow him now and play like a big boy (well, sort of). Calvin gets down and crawls on the floor in the same army-like fashion and the two of them will play and chase each other around for hours. They are such a wonderful set of boys <3
Bridget says
My youngest seems to think that he needs to do everything a lot faster then my other children. He started crawling at 6 months but was not content with that. So he started crusing at 7 months and then walking at 10-11 months. It is so sad because he is the baby.My last and I thought that I would have more time to enjoy the baby stages. Oh well, I am still trying to enjoy every minute any how. ~Thanks Huggies!
Lachelle says
My oldest waited until closer to 8 months to crawl but my current baby started crawling at 6 months! I love watching her explore but it sure makes life even more busy to keep up with her at the crawling stage.
Carolyn says
both of my children started crawling around 6 months…
Aura says
hmm.. I think my 6 year old was walking before a year, I do know he was jumping in his crib by 7 months (destroyed the mattress to show for it) my 2 year old son followed in his big brother’s footsteps and got shoes on his first birthday (he hasn’t stopped for a second since), his twinssister is a real princess and took until her 2nd birthday to get her first pair of shoes and now my four month old seems to be just like his brothers- he loves standing and is really active. I’m just hoping the baby is sitting by 6 months so he can sit in a tube and enjoy the pool this summer.
Michelle says
My son is two years old. He started crawling at 7 months and walked at 1 year.
Rebecca P. says
My little one started walking at the end of nine months & hasn’t stoped yet. I should have known how hard it would be to keep her still as she was extremely active in my stomach. I love every moment of it though.
Tara says
Mine is almost 6 months and is mobile by rolling around everywhere. He is getting up on his knees, but no crawling yet. I fear that it won’t be long. They grow up so fast!
Andrea J says
My little mover pulled up to standing at six months and started walking at 11 months.
rachelhorlacher2 says
My baby is not crawling yet, but I’m looking forward to her exploring her environment.
cindy h says
My son is 15 months old now but has been walking since he was 8 1/2 months old.Let’s just say its alot of fun trying to keep him from climbing up on everything.
saly says
All 3 of my children crawled at around 7 months, and walked at right about a year.
Candice says
I have a two year old that started army crawling at 7 months, crawling with knees at 9 months, and walking at 13 months.
Danielle H. says
She started army-crawling and getting into everything at 6 months, started pulling up to stand at 8 months, started cruising on furniture at 9.5 months and at 10 month is just letting go but not quite taking that first solo step.
Alicia Morgan says
My daughter started crawling at 9months. It was something I strongly encouraged for a month or so and then quickly regreted…once they start moving there is no stopping them. And you can no longer put them in one place and expect them to be there when you get back from the bathroom. We have twins on the way and I can only imagine how fun “on the move” will be with two babie going in different directions all the time 🙂
Kim WEdgren says
My 1st started the “army crawl” at 8 months, my 2nd started the full on crawl at 5 months! my 1st started walking at 13 months, my 2nd started at 9 months!!! They have kept me busy ever since!
Kaela says
My little man is not really one the move yet. He scoots and rolls all over the place. But we put him in his walker and he is all over the place running into things and people. We are going to be in trouble when he learns to crawl/walk.
Christy says
My little guy is only 4 months…BUT he is beginning to scoot on his chest across the floor.. looks like crawling may be in our near future LOL
Marie says
My 4 yrs old walked at 12 months crawled at 7!
My 3 yrs old crawled at 6 months and walked at 11 months
My 11 months crawled at 5 months and walked at 9 months!
Kat Poth says
All three of my little ones walked right around the 12 month mark. The one I am expecting now is kicking so much that I think he might come out walking, lol!
Darla Laughlin says
My daughters both started walking by one year, my son was preemie and he didn’t walk until he was almost two years old. My oldest daughter was crawling by 5 1/2 months, my middle child (girl) could crawl at 3 weeks (yes, weeks, and I’m not lying), my youngest (boy) did not crawl until he was 1 year old.
LaVonne says
My daughter started crawling at 5 months. She is still in diapers at 2 1/2.
goldie says
My little boy started crawling at 6 months and a week – he did it leap frog style, and now at 9 months, he’s still doing a variation of that first crawling style…
Andrea says
My 2 year old started moving at around 6 or 7 months. My son is nearly 4 months, and started rolling over when he was 10 weeks old!!! He is going to be moving all over before long! The doctor didnt believe me that he was rolling over that early! Then, she laid him down to test his head strength, and he started rolling right there on the exam table!! Atta boy!!!
Christina says
Molly is only 5.5 months old, but already she has discovered that if she’s on her belly and kicks her legs a lot, she can move! And, she has discovered that she doesn’t have to stay on her belly….she can roll over! She’s always been one to kick her legs or want to be standing, so I can only imagine what I’m in for!
Shelley says
My little one is on the move at 6 months, its just “scooting” right now…but I know it won’t be long before hes in full go mode
Amanda Bierle says
My oldest was crawling by 6 months, and walking by 10 months, my middle one was crawling around 8 months and walking at 13 months, and my youngest stared crawling 7 months, and walking by 11 months.
Alissa says
My oldest started walking right around a year old. My newest has yet to start moving much at all.
Sarah Caviness says
My little one is STILL not crawling at a year old.. but he’s so close! He’s gonna be a big trouble maker when he does start moving.
Natalie J. Vandenberghe says
My oldest was walking by 10 months (I can’t remember when she started crawling). Now, she is a mother to my first grandchild. Exciting times are ahead for all of us. Orion will be a “Little Mover” before we know it. For now, I’m holding him as much as I can.
lynn says
None of our 4 little sweeties walked before a year. And I can’t remember when they crawled, without digging out their baby books! Our current toddler did not walk until 16 months. Now, at 2, there is absolutely no stopping her.
Michelle says
My oldest started crawling at 6 months and was walking by 10 months. My middle child was crawling at 12 months and walking by 14 months, and my youngest started crawling at 8 months. Don’t know when she’ll start walking yet, as she’s only 9 months.
Jillian says
My 2 oldest girls started crawling around 7 months and were both walking at 10 months. My youngest is only 5 months right now so she is just rolling right now and she seems a little more lazy then the other two but we will see I am sure she will want to catch up with her sisters soon!
Anna says
My first started crawling around 8 months. By the time she was cruising on furniture, I couldn’t imagine how walking could get her into any more mischief–boy was I wrong! I didn’t think little legs could move so fast–especially when they know they’re doing something forbidden! Now my third is toddling around causing all sorts of mischief –she’s currently decorating EVERY wall in EVERY room with some kind of mark! I still can’t seem to keep up with those little legs–even after years of practice 🙂
melissa s. says
My daughter ( 3.5) walked at 12 months, and never crawled…my son (14 mo) crawled at 9 months and is still not walking…
beth gormley says
melinda started at 16 months–she was a preemie
Becky K says
My oldest, who is now 5, started being mobile at 3 months when she would roll around our house. She was crawling at about 7-8 months, then went straight to walking at 10 1/2 months!! Our littlest is almost 5 months and has just starting really rolling both ways. I’m sure he’ll be “cruising” around the house in no time!!!
Rebecca says
man…mine was in a hurry to move…he started to scoot about 4 months and was crawling at 5 months and is now cruzing furniture at 6 months…time sure does fly by! I miss my little bundle to just sleep so i could stair at him all day, now i chase him all day 🙂
Heather says
I have five children. Four out of the five are mobile. I am thankful to say that they all learned to walk between 12-14 months. I was glad becuase it kept them out of trouble for just awhile longer 🙂
Sarah says
My daughter crawled and walked very late–crawled around 10 months and didn’t walk until 18 months. But she was chatting away at 10 months! My son is the opposite–crawled at 6 months, walked at about 12 months but at 2 years old still isn’t talking much.
Lynnette says
My youngest daughter (13 months) is now ‘on the move’. Anika started 2 months ago testing out her legs on my bed (with me close by). First it was standing next to me then bouncing and now she off…and doing the hands in the air walk. She trying to keep up and let’s everyone know not to leave her behind.
Deanna Sena says
mMy oldest starting walking at 9 months….three days before Christmas. My second was 1 year old…two weeks after her first Birthday. My twins turned one last month and have yet to walk….not rushing it though….plus I love the crawling stage!!!
Kim West says
My 1st little boy started crawling at 7 months, walking shortly after at 9 months! #2 started crawling at 8 months and FINALLY RAN, not walked, on his first birthday! Now I just wonder when #3 will fall into the mix!
Nicole says
My 3yo started crawling at about 5 months and walking at 11. My little one is only 3 months so no going on the move yet just scooting in circles.
Rebekah says
My baby is not yet moving…but is almost there! I’m worried about everything he’s going to get into once he officially starts crawling. Right now he just rolls all over the room and scoots forward by putting his butt into the air and his head on the floor and pushing. Once he really gets moving, he’s going to be a little troublemaker!!
Naomi Roberts says
All three of my little girls started around 7 months. Guess they all felt like they should take thier time doing it but I was sure glad once they started, it seems they have so much more fun once they are mobile!
Rebecca says
My 16 month old little boy started walking right at 1 year. And my 11 month old started right around 9 months… she’s not fully walking yet, still steps at a time, but getting close (she’s gotta catch up to her older brother)!
Adrienne says
My son started crawling around 7-8 months and walked on his 1st birthday!
Abby K says
I was not ready for my oldest son to be on the move, I don’t think I realized how quickly it happens! By 6 months he was crawling, he didn’t spend very long in the “rocking” phase.. he was ready to go. Not long after he learned to crawl he was pulling himself up at the coffee table, this was at about 8 months. By maybe 10 months he was walking along the furniture and anything else he could use to help keep his balance. It took him only about a month or two to work up the courage to walk from one thing to the other without holding on to anything (although only if they were just inches apart) Not long after his first birthday he was all over the place. It was like he really got the hang of walking one day and was suddenly a pro! My youngest son is still itty bitty and just started rolling over a few days ago. I am looking forward to him learning to crawl so he can start to play with his big brother. However, I am fearing when he learns to walk because then I will have two children running around causing chaos! (They are so much fun when they do though!)
Jessica E says
My older 2 started walking on there 1st Birthdays, my baby is 8 months old and he just started crawling on his knees this week and mastered how to pull himself up on the furniture.
Tenessa says
My daughter started walking at a little over 1 year and my son started early at 8.5 months
Becca says
My oldest daughter started crawling around 8 1/2 months and was walking just before her first birthday. My youngest daughter was crawling by 8 months, walking at 14 months. Her twin brother was crawling (army style!) by 7 months but didn’t walk till 16 months. And since then they’ve all been in non-stop action, except when sleeping!
Danielle says
Both of my children started crawling around 5 months and were walking by 10 months. I always couldn’t wait but then they were in to everything.
Heather Kelly says
Our son started crawling at 7 months, and walking at 9 and a half months, so crazy. Our 10 month old daughter just started crawling on May 9th, Mother’s Day!!! She has been pulling herself up now too, a week after she first started crawling. Now she’s so in a hurry to get moving.
Leslie Lloyd says
My first son crawled at 6 months then walked at 10 months. My second son crawled at 7 months and walked at 11 months.
Julie says
My son has not started crawling yet, he is 7 months, but he sure gets himself to where he wants to be by scooting himself everywhere!
Mica says
My youngest son finally started crawling at 8 months and now he is 9 months and he gets in to everything. He is also trying to walk already and he will hold on to something to stand up and then he lets go and claps for himself, lol. We love Huggies diapers! There all we have used for all three of our boys!
Jo Ann says
I have boy/girl twins that will be 10mo on June 1st….and they are on the move!! My daughter started crawling in March and has been ahead of her brother by about a month, he started crawling in April. Now that they are both on the move my son chases (crawls) after his sister…they both laugh and think its so funny. I somtimes have baby races, LOL!! My daughter is much faster so I give my son a head start sometimes so he can win too :). I love watching them learn and grow!!!!
Alyssa LoGreco says
My little guy started crawling at six months and walking along the furniture just days later. It all happened so fast we were frantically trying to make the house safe as we found a new area to babyproof every day. My biggest fear was of the stairs and though we kept a gate up I also taught my son how to crawl down the stairs backwards right away just incase he ever slipped past an open gate.
Faith says
Everyone had me worried when they acted suprised when my little one Olivia wasn’t crawling at 9 months. Just when I started to think it was never going to happen… she was off crawling everywhere. Now… at 15 months, she’s is busiest little bee I have ever seen!
Christie says
I have a little preemie on my hands, though I have no doubt the motivation of keeping up with his big sisters will get him on the move soon.
Jasmine Idley says
I remember when I thought my daughter would never walk, and I remember watching her very first steps…it was breath-taking. She didn’t begin walking until 15 months old, but I’m glad she’s a late bloomer! 🙂
Adrianna says
when my son first started to show he was going to start crawling it was for a phone and as he started to crawl he showed more and more the interest in computers and every phone possible. now we cant keep him off of anything electronic.
Elise H. says
My toddler was 7 months old when she started to crawl. As soon as she started, buddy, she was G-O-N-E! I was so excited inn the beginning & in a week I was thinking ‘How am I going to survive this?’ Luckily, she was a good baby. Now my other little one is 17 weeks old & already has her elbows off the ground, knees under her butt & butt in the air. Today she started arching her back…I guess I’m gonna be ‘in for it’ sooner than I thought! 🙂
Corrina says
My son got up on all fours at 5 months and was moving backwards shortly thereafter. At 6 1/2 months, he crawled forward. The next day, he crawled over to our bed and stood up. He’s our little perfectionist. He waits until he “knows” he can do something perfectly, so when he crawled, he crawled like he had been doing it for months.
By 4 months, my daughter was inch worming herself along the floor. I knew I was in trouble. She was crawling by 5 months…she did not give me much time to enjoy her infanthood.
Kimberlee says
Our little man was a late crawler… and walker for that matter! He didn’t crawl until he was 11 months old and he walked at 13 months! Huggies diapers are the best by far… I have tried them all, and hated all but Huggies! Thank you Huggies for making such a wonderful, dependable diaper!!!
Carrie says
My little one is days from crawling, He can get all over, but he does it by rolling and pushing himself backward. It’s only a matter of time till he’s crawling! The thing I’m looking forward to the most is not having to worry about him falling down stairs like I did his brothers.
mai see says
my son started crawling at 5 months and walking at 9 months.
Shari Gerhard says
McKenna started crawling when she was 6 months old and started walking when she was 10 months. She hasn’t slowed down since!!
Mariel Spencer says
Kaylee was seven months when she started to roll around, and then finally crawl. But her crawl was more like a wounded soldier, she dragged herself across the floor. And then after hanging with a friend of mine’s daughter who was crawling like a normal crawler, she was quick to pick it up. But just as quickly, the next thing I noticed was her hanging on things, pulling herself up… and now she walks around stuff flawlessly. She is afraid to walk on her own, but she could do it with a little more confidence. I walk with her, holding only one hand, around our little one bedroom apartment. I am only twenty one, and her father twenty five and we couldn’t be more proud of how far we have come, and how far she has come. It’s been an amazing experience, even as young parents… and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I can’t wait until she is walking completely on her own. Thanks.
Talitha Rieken says
Max started crawling on Superbowl Sunday. He was doing his usual standing in the middle of the floor and clapping as the football flew across the tv screen and as my husband and I were curled up on the couch relaxing and watching the game we all the sudden saw blonde curly hair go past the coffee table. We took a double take and realized that Little Man was walking!! The game all the sudden didn’t matter and we were grabbing the cameras and phones to send video to the grandparents…we missed the end of the Superbowl game this year but it was a memorable day :O)
Marla says
Wow, when did my little man start moving? Its been so long, I can’t really remember an exact age but I want to say 6, 7 months. Now he is walking and won’t slow down!! Kind of wish he would go back to crawling.
Shannon M says
My first started moving around 6 months. It was great! But I felt like I was missing out cause I was always working than. I have a 2nd due in a month (i’m 36 weeks) so I guess I will have to see with this one!
Nicole says
My first baby crawled at 9 months and my second crawled at 7! Does that mean my next one will crawl at 5 mos?
Lingab says
My oldest never crawled. She rolled everywhere and started walking at 10 months. My youngest started crawling at 8 months(day before Thanksgiving) and walking a few days before he turned 10 months. I am always on my toes with them! 🙂
Kim says
Both of my kids were early walkers. My son walked at about 10 1/2 months and my daughter at 9 months. Seems so crazy!!
samantha says
Both of my boys started crawling at about 9 months and walking by 11 months.
Jamie Clark says
I have a 6 week old son and he is already a mover and a shaker. The first time we put him on his belly he scooted almost 2 feet along his blanket. I am thinking he will be running in no time. I can’t wait to see him chase the puppies and an slightly fearful for the kitties tails 😉
Jackiw says
My son started crawling at 9 months-he started climbing at 9 months too. We were pretty busy with him for a while.
Sarah says
My son isn’t crawling just yet, but he sure does love to flip! I have to say, I am most looking forward to crawling along with him, and seeing who can beat who on a race to Daddy!
Maggie says
My oldest son started crawling at 6 months and walking at 9. My younger son was a little slower. He started crawling about 7 months and walking when he was 11 months.
Sarah Dymond says
My daughter, now 3, started crawling around 7.5 months. I thought she would never do it! But then, she started walking full-on at 9 months! She surprised us all! After watching his older sister get around so easily, my son, now 20 months, started “army-crawling” at 5 months! Though, he didn’t up and walk until about 10 months, once he started, he never stopped. Both love to run and jump everywhere, and Huggies have saved us from many leakages!
Julia Sayrie says
My daughter is 11 months old, she started crawling at about 6 months doing the inch worm, then progressively started to crawl 🙂 Now she is starting to stand up and walk around the table, and trying to stand and push her toys.
Candace says
My first 2 children now 4 & 5 started crawling backward around 10 mnths and then were walking by 12 months. I have a feeling our 2 month old is gonna start way earlier trying to keep up with his big bro and sis and our dog!
Stephanie Ellis says
Our son started crawling at 8 months and walking at 12 and he hasn’t looked back since.
Vanessa says
Our son started crawling when he was 9 months old, walking at 11 months and just keeps getting faster! We are currently pregnant with our second and I’m looking forward to them playing and running around together!
Mindi says
My kids started crawling between 8-9 months!
Joy says
My first son (now 2) was in no hurry to move! He didn’t roll over from his back to stomach until he was 8 months old! But by 9 months he decided he was ready and took off crawling one day, with no rocking, rolling, or army crawling beforehand! My second son who is 6 months just started rolling over, but isn’t great at it. He much prefers to do the “backwards inchworm” around the room and rub what little hair he does have off the back of his head!
Jenn H says
My little guy was on the move at 6mos. Holy cow have I been busy? He is now 8mo, pulling up on everything, crusing along furniture and about ready to walk. I have been baby proofing like a maniac, and we actually just switched to the little movers diapers about a month ago and I LOVE them!
Sarah Davis says
My son started crawling around six months and started walking around a year without his walker! He is into everything and if you turn your back for even a second he’s headed down the street! Thankfully we live on base and there is a strictly enforced speed limit because kids all over base wander out all over the streets. My daughter is only 2 months so obviously she isn’t running around yet but when she starts I imagine they will go oppisite directions and I’ll need go go gadget arms just to catch them!
Sharesa says
Both of my girls started crawling at 4 months!
Jesika Forsyth says
My daughter I never thought was gonna move. Finally at 10mos she started crawling, and she was off. What made her crawl??? My make up bag…and to this day (now three) she will still do anything to get into it! Exactly a month after she crawled she started walking, I was so proud to see her tottling about on her 1st bday.
My son is another story. At 5 months he was all out crawling, hands and knees getting where ever he wanted to be, 7 mos standing, 8mos creeping along furniture. Then he stopped, his birthday is in 5 days and the only thing new he’s done is letting go of the furniture testing his balance. But that’s okay he’s still quite the little climber as he can pull himself up on the couch with no problem. Pretty sure when walking starts not much will change!!!
Cassie says
My first was preemie so he was late crawling but he was walking just after age 1. He also did this thing where he scooted backwards on his head. My second crawled & walked a little earlier than the first one. My newborn is already trying to turn over at 3 mos.
Stacey says
All three of mine were walking in their 9th month
kathie says
My first son didn’t crawl until 10 months – my second son is already starting to crawl at 4 months! Gotta keep up with his brother!
Erin says
My youngest started moving about 5 months to keep up with her big brother and she hasn’t stopped since!
natasha mann says
my 1st son who is now 4 crawled at 6 months and my new baby is 3 months and seems like he just wants to jump off my lap and start running to play with his brother.
Sharon says
Oldest crawled at 10 months, and walked at 15 months. Second crawled at 7 months and was running by 11 months. Third crawled at 8 months and is walking well at one year.
Ruth B says
I remember one night telling my husband, “I don’t think our son is EVER going to sit up.” The next day he did. 🙂 From there, it was all over–crawling by 6 months, walking by 9 months. That boy (now 2) was always destined to be on the go! Our little girl (thankfully) is taking her time more than he did–at 8 months old, she’s just transitioned from scooting to actual crawling, and we’re having to baby proof all over again.
Melody N. says
My little man is 6 months old and just starting to get moving! I’m looking forward to him being able to get around because I can see the way he looks at everything like he wants to go GET IT!
Melissa W says
My daughter started crawling at 6 months and walking at 10. Emerson is content to watch things and hasn’t started to crawl yet.
KLTTX says
I cannot remember when either of my boys started crawling (bad mom, I know) but my oldest starting walking at 16 months and my youngest at 12 months.
Laura Alberts says
My sweet boy started army crawling at 7 months and now at 9 months he’s a master crawler and pulls up to a stand!
karel bumgardner says
My 4 year old started running before he actually crawled or walked. He just pulled up and took off. He was 11 months old then and while we were relieved that he was moving we were worried that he wouldn’t stop and he hasn’t yet. LOL My 10 month old started crawling when he was 6 months old and started walking about a month ago.
Megan says
My little one isn’t ready yet, she does however like to wiggle and squirm now! My biggest fear when she starts her on the move stage is EVERYTHING! I’m afraid she’ll find something I missed vaccuming or sweeping and put it in her mouth! She’ll crawl and pull herself up onto something and it fall but I guess my biggest fear is this; She growing! Plain and simple my little girl won’t be the baby I brought home fromthe hospital! I’m afraid to blink and she’ll be crawling! I am excited for her to take the next step or I guess crawl in life but to me she’ll be growing up too fast!
Miriam says
We have twins, and our son started walking at 12 1/2 months, our daughter is just now starting to really walk on her own at 13 1/2 months. Since our son is more practiced, he can now steal her pacifier or a toy or sippy cup and run away and it frustrates her no end. But she’s working on her stability and soon she’ll be able to catch up with him!
Jana E says
I think it was most memorable when my daughter started walking because she was a preemie and was born so early she was a little behind on most of her development. She actually started walking whenshe was 11 months old and one day she just decided to stand up and walk across her room while I was folding laundry. My husband grabbed the camcorder and ran in in time to get a few steps but she has been on the move ever since. My son who just started walking would cruise around or crawl around but finally decided to start walking (almost running) on Easter weekend of this year. we were gathered around the table at my parents house and he just stood up and walked over to the table.
Ashley says
My son started crawling at 8 months old and was walking at 11 months.
My daughter is currently rolling across the room at 5 months old and she started doing the army crawl. I have a feeling she will be crawling very soon!
Corinne says
Our little one was on the move before he could crawl. He’s a climber and would climb right over us if we lay on the ground. I would say around 5 mos old was when he could climb successfully. When he started crawling forwards which was around 7 mos, he would push his booster seat across the floor to our couch, step onto the booster seat and step up onto our couch. Now at 1 yo he just climbs up our couch directly.
Rachel says
Our little wiggle Emalyn hasn’t started quite crawling yet but she’s a rockin’ and a rollin! I can’t turn my back on her because when I do she’ll roll to the other side of the room! Just in the last couple of days she’s started rocking back and forth a few times then she’ll drop back to her belly. Last night we were hanging out in her room; Mommy was sitting on the floor going through the closet trying to sort through her clothes, fits vs outgrown etc. Anyway… she climbed up on my leg and just started rockin! I immediately changed my focus, moved her back from me a foot or two to try and encourage her to crawl to me and she took one crawl? step? whatever you would call it towards me then fell flat. Of course I RUN to grab the camera to try and capture this moment on film for my husband and it doesn’t repeat. Oh well… it’ll happen eventually and I know I’ll just cry when it does because that will mean my baby isn’t a baby anymore…she’s growing up. Now I understand why people have multiple children 😀
Dielle says
My 6 kids have started crawling anywhere from 7 months to 11 months, and walking from 11 to 18 months (one of my girls is legally blind and it affected her early milestones). One of my girls crawled kind of late because she rolled everywhere she wanted to go and was pretty fast about it. Why crawl?
Tiffany Lee says
My little one is 7 months old now and has been on the move for about 4 weeks! He started pulling up last week and I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s off and running!
Rebecca says
My first son started crawling at about 7 months old and walking at about 11 1/2 months. My second son is learning from my first. He was an early crawler at 5 1/2 months and started pulling up soon after that. He was walking at about 9 months. He is 11 months old now and basically is running! Gotta keep up with that big brother!!
Shandiin says
Most of our 5 children started crawling around 6-8 monthes. Then they all started walking between 11-13 monthes. Once they start they don’t stop!
heather says
Our last one “combat crawled” at 4.5 months and started crawling on all fours at 5.5 months! He wants to keep up with his older brothers. Now he crawls over to them and climbs on them like they are jungle gyms!!
Marlena U. says
Our daughter started crawling around 6 months and took her first step the day before she turned one! It was pretty exciting! With the first…we were so excited for all the milestones. Now that we have #2…we know better and realize that once they start moving…your whole world changes!! lol!!
Rose Habart says
Both of my babies first pulled themselves up VERY early. Around 5 or 6 months. Luckily it took them a long time to get moving after that 🙂 Gracie took her first steps the day before Mother’s day ( so sweet) at 9 months old. And Gabi took her’s a few weeks ago during her eighth month. She still hasn’t fully gotten the hang of it though, so she still crawls everywhere.
Julie says
Baby #1: Crawled at 10 months, and walked at 11.5 months
Baby#2: Crawled at 7 months, and walked at 14 months
Baby#3: Crawled at 6 months, and walked at 10.5
Avary says
He was crawling on his 5 month birthday! At 8 months he started ‘creeping,’ but did not walk until 14 months…
Mandie Wade says
Both of my girls were moving around at 8 months. The older one started cruising, she never crawled… the youngest started crawling and still is!
Tonya says
My daughter was crawling by 7 months and walking by 11 months. Now (at 23 months) she doesn’t ever stop! Even in her sleep she moves a lot.
Katie says
My daughter was 7 months when she started crawling and 8 1/2 months when she started walking!
Mandy says
My DD was practically on her own by 10 or 11 months. We’ve not slowed down one bit now that she’s running, sliding and climbing!
Kelli B says
My daughter started crawling around 8 months…things were so peaceful before then!
Tami says
My oldest started walking at 19 months–hard start in an international orphanage, but walked within two weeks of being with us–amazing what TLC will do for someone! My 5 month old is crawling–backwards but not forwards! Won’t be long!
Julie Thorderson says
My first two were around 8 months when they started to crawl and 12 months when they started to walk. My third one didn’t start really walking until he was 16 months. And my last is only 3 months old so we’ll see! I have only been using Huggies with my last child. Why? because I thought they were too expensive. It wasn’t until I got into doing coupons that I found out that I can get Huggies cheaper than the store brand. Krogers and Walgreens are always having a sale. When I started using Huggies (not me but my baby, haha)….wow, what a difference. They fit great and no leakage. I was hooked!
Traci Bryant says
My daughter was walking at 9 1/2 months but my little guy is still not walking yet, just cruising. He just turned a year old. 🙂
kristina clark says
hey daughter started crawling at 4 months, and really got the hang of it at 5 months
alarson says
My little guy just started rolling over the other day. He did it once that day and did it again this morning.. I am excited for the day he starts running- I know others fear it, but I am just excited to see him so full of life and challenging the world!! 🙂
Macey says
My son started walking around 10 months-it was very fun, but it was time to childproof 🙂
Kara Griffeth says
My baby girl is only 5 months old so she isn’t on the move yet but I have a feeling that she is going to be into everything! So I can’t wait until she gets more mobile but then again it is kinda scary that she is going to be able to get into to everything!! 🙂 Lock up the cabinets now!
Prateek Goel says
We have 2 precious ones and want more
Richa Verma says
We have 2 (3 year old girl and 10 month old boy) and we definitely want more..
Catherine says
My daughter started crawling at 6 months and was walking by her 1st birthday. She’s now 16 months and running everywhere!
Jana Pierce says
My little ones both were on the move and walking at 13 months… they started crawling right around7 months
Megan Weihrauch says
My little guy started moving around at about 6 weeks!! He started rolling over then, so early. He is only 16 weeks so he isn’t crawling just yet, but he will soon.
Liz says
My daughter mastered rolling at about 6 months and was walking before her first birthday. My son REFUSED to walk until about 6 weeks ago and now he RUNS everywhere (15 months).
Andrea says
Right around 8 months my daughter started scooting… and one week before she turned 1, she was fully walking.
My son is 3 months now, so we have a few more months of “I am leaving you here, don’t go anywhere” and he’ll actually listen ha ha!
Thao says
It wasn’t that long ago but I still had to go back in my photos to see when the boys started moving. They both started crawling last Nov which put them at about 9 months. And they have not stopped moving since.
MageeMommy says
My little guy started rolling over and scooting at 6 months and then at 13 months was taking his first steps. There was lots of crawling backwards times inbetween that. 🙂
Anne says
My oldest started doing the back scootch at 6 months, and was cruising by 7 months – never found much time for crawling. My youngest found rolling to be a fun method of transportation until about 7 1/2 months, at which point he discovered the “army” crawl. He has just now realized that if he picks up his belly, he can go over things – and he thinks that’s pretty fun!
Wehaf says
My little one hasn’t started crawling yet, but he’s pretty wriggly!
Katherine Barnett says
Jazmyn started half crawling when she was about 6 months.. crawled on all four at 7 months and WALKED a week before her first birthday!
Krystal says
My daughter started crawling around 9 months. I’m excited to see when my son starts crawling…he’s just 2 months today! 🙂
Barbara Manatee says
I have 3 little ones, all who met their milestones at different times! My daughter crawled right around 6.5 months and walked at 13 months. her twin brother crawled at 8 months and walked at 18 months. My youngest crawled at 6 months and walked at 14.5 months.
Stacey says
both my girls started crawling around 7 or 8 months and started walking between 9 and 10 months!
Shannon says
Fletcher is 8 months…and almost crawling! He spins in circles on his belly, and rocks back and forth on his hands and knees….I’m expecting him to take off any day now!
Erin Pyle says
Wow. It feels like so long ago, but it wasn’t. My son is now 18 months but he started crawling at 8 months. 🙂
Thank you for the entry!
Jana (sidetrack'd) says
Our oldest started crawling about 6.5 months and walking the day before her first birthday. Middle child started crawling about 6 months and walking about a week before his first birthday. The baby is 4 months old and is already scooting around the floor; haven’t been able to keep her on a blanket since she started rolling about a month ago.
Linda Kish says
Oh… and that was walking not crawling
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Linda Kish says
6 1/2 months. And he never slowed down
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Summer says
I fear them getting in to everything, I know this from experience watching kids. Thanks for giveaway!
Judith says
All my kids and now my grand kids were walking in their 9th month except one that walked at 8 months 26 days.
crystal says
my son weas a fast walker by age 1 my daughter prefered to crawl because she could crawl faster lol i used to hold things she wanted up to where she could only reache them if she walked andi use to hold her hands and have her walk with me
Jamie says
My son started army crawling at about 7 months. He didn’t crawl until about 11 1/2 months and then he started walking just after his first birthday. 🙂
Amy Brewer says
My son starting crawling at around 7 months and he never stopped. Always on the move.
T with Honey says
Princess crawled for a few weeks then went right to crawling at 12 months old. Squirt is crawling, cruising and thinking about taking steps without any support at 10 months old.
tara says
so at 3 months my daughter rolled over for the first time. maybe a month after that she started doing an army crawl across the hardwood floors. at 7 months she took her first steps. at 8 months she was walking all over on her own. now a year and a day i cant keep up wiht her. i blink my eyes and shes disappeared around the corner and out the door!
Marj McClendon says
My first child did not walk until 16 months. My youngest made up for it..he was walking full bore at an eary 9 months.
Jamie C says
My oldest daughter started walking after she turned 1. My baby started crawling at 6 months and has been trying to walk ever since. She will be 1 on June 24th so maybe soon 🙂
sarah pacilio says
My daughter started walking at 11 months 🙂
Sarah Pacilio says
I would really love to win! You have no idea how much this would help. Thanks for the opportunity
Lesli C says
My oldest (3 now) started walking when she was 10 months old! And boy did my life change! My youngest (17 months) didn’t start until she was 13 months, which I was just fine with! lol!
Angie says
My kids were all walking by a year of age, the youngest at 10 months.
hippie4ever says
I can’t remember when he started crawling, it’s in the baby book though, but he took his first steps unassisted and not holding unto anything at 10 months 🙂 and 🙁 …. so tired
Stephanie Lynn says
My little guy has a few developmental delays so walking was a huge milestone for us. I can still picture the day in my head as if it was yesterday. He was 18 months and 12 days old. Thanks for letting us all share our stories! ~ Stephanie Lynn
Becky M says
My little man started crawling at 11 months and walking at 13 months!
mary simonton says
my grandson came out kicking and crying nd has not stopped since he never really crawled just started walking at 8 months now hes 2 and runs
Tamara B. says
All three of my children started at 10 months and walked at about 11 months. The funny thing is my one son when he started to walk within two days he was running. He never stopped he wold run from room to room all day long and I use to call him My own little Forrest Gump. Today he is number two in the county in track & field at his school LOL. My grandson is too young yet to move but I bet he will be a tornado when he does and I worry about him falling or bumping his head.
Laura says
I’m looking forward to our little Sam being able to get to toys on his own, but I’m also fearing our smallish condo won’t be enough for him!
Queen Bee says
I have three children. And they all started crawling right around 9 months old. They didn’t walk however until closer to 14-16 months old. They figured once they could move on their knees there was no real hurry to walk. I love watching them learn this development of a whole new world!
rolonda says
My son crawled around 6 months in a funny looking way, and he learned to walk at 13 months running on his tippy toes.
LV says
My baby just started walking last week! It’s so fun! He’s overdue (18months), but he’s battled some health problems that made him a bit behind, but he’s doing so great now! I love Huggies brand diapers. Awesome!
Idaho Jill says
My daughter started walking at about 11 months.
Mama Bub says
My son started crawling at about 8 months. With this new little one, I’m terrified of having two mobile children at once so I plan to enjoy the baby blob stage as much as possible!!
Judith says
My first started crawling at 4 months, second at 5, and third at 5 months…being pregnant at 40…I have to say that every stage will be a new adventure for me.
Jen A. says
My son is 4 so he is running, lol, but my niece is 2 and started moving at 13 months! They are just now starting to play so good together and it is so much fun!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Jen A.
Kathy Stevenson says
My daughters both started walking right around 12 months.
Tracy P says
My son started walking shortly after his 1st birthday.
Mami2jcn says
I have 3 children. My first son crawled at 8 months and walked exactly on his 1st birthday. My 2nd son crawled at 8 months and took his first independent steps the day before his 1st birthday. My daughter is currently 9 months old and started crawling at 7 months. She’s cruising now and I expect her to walk pretty soon!
Vickie Coutuirer says
when my kids were small ,im thinking they were around 8 months to crawl,it was early i know that,kept me so busy
Linda Stewart says
My oldest daughter took her first steps on her first birthday. She had been crawling and pulling up for quite a while but had no interest in walking. On her first birthday she simply stood up and took off. She didn’t stop until her teenage years when ‘lazy’ set in! My youngest daughter has mild right side affected CP so her development was a bit delayed. She didn’t take her first step until she was about 14-15 months. She didn’t crawl until about 11 months. Lil Man … he’s was the impatient one. He crawled early, was pulling up way before I thought he should and he started walking at 8 months. Of course he chose to do that while I was on the opposite side of the USA and I missed it. Lil Bit … he followed his Mama’s foot steps and started taking his first steps on his first birthday.
JRG says
Our son was moving quite early; he also decided not to crawl much – just walking.
Angi says
Both my boys sorta skipped the crawling stage by spending all of a few months crawling before standing upright and running. The oldest walked by 10 months and the youngest walked around 14 months.
Nicolle B. says
My daughter was the earlier bird than my son (2nd child). She started rolling over, crawling and walking sooner than him. She walked at 13m and he did at 15m. Now he runs at 25mo…so funny! I miss the crawling stage 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
xenia says
My kids were both pretty lazy when it came to walking. Neither one really did until around 16 months! It seemed like forever!
Toni says
Mine all started walking between 10 months and one year 🙂
Liza says
My son is 9 months old and not on the move-crawling. I’m excited to see him go, but also know I will have my hands full!
Kendra Field says
We’ve had 40 foster babies and they have all been “on the move” at different times…usually the army crawl is the giveway that times are a changing for good. I love when they start to walk!
noreen says
crawling about 6 months, walking 13 1/2 months and when she started walking it really was running
Crystal says
Both of my kids crawled and walked a little on the late side — crawling just before 11 months and walking around 16 months. At the time, I was soooo worried about it, but about 2 weeks after they started, I was thinking WHY did I want to rush this?!? Thanks for the chance to win!
Miranda says
My itty bitty hasn’t technically crawled yet, although she scoots around backwards on the wood floor like a professional mop.
Roxanne D. says
My 1st son never really learned to walk. I say this because at 13 months he figured out how to stand up without holding on and took off full force running around the playground. 🙂 He’s 3 yrs old and hasn’t stopped yet. I lost the rest of my baby weight, 15 pounds, in less than two months because I was chasing him around so much.
My 2nd son is 7 months old and isn’t quite mobile yet. However, he’s getting there. The other night I left him on his playmat with his Papa “watching” him and when I came back in 10 minutes later, the little stinker had pushed himself off of the mat and had turned around a good 180 degrees! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us when he starts running around. Those first baby steps are so adorable, when they are all wobbly and unsure. It’s amazing how quickly they catch on and learn how to walk, or in my case, run! 🙂
Jennifer says
My 6.5 month old is rocking and rolling on her back right now. It’s only a matter of time!
Elizabeth says
all three of my boys started walking at about 9 months… then my daughter, the youngest waited until almost a year old. at that point i was able to recognize that for the blessing that it was! having them move only makes things more challenging!
Muthering Heights says
My son is creeping, and is starting to crawl on his knees…he is really chasing his sisters around! Fortunately, they “little mamas,” and are great about helping me keep inappropriate objects out of his hands and mouth! 🙂
Laura says
My daughter started crawling and pulling up at 6 months. she’s 8.5 months now and only walks while holding on to furniture.
Kathleen says
My littles all walked at different ages. The earliest walker started at just 9 months the latest 14 months. Not so unusual the firstborn was my late walker and the youngest the earliest.
Jessica says
My son started walking exactly at 1 year old.
Katie says
Both my kids started walking at about 11 months.
Erin Thompson says
My oldest never crawled, she went straight to walking at 11 months. My youngest was a very fast crawler, and she started at 8 months!!
Krystina says
When Brendon started crawling, he never crawled for his toys or to me, it was to a piece of paper, or my cell phone, or the wipes container! he army crawled for a long time, almost forever, but he never did the reverse thing. now he’s on all fours, and in to everything! I miss the nonmobile stage *sigh* 🙂
Laurie says
Since we are in the planning stages, there’s no little movers yet… but I am getting ready and am looking forward to all the joys and fears that come with it. Baby proofing is a must, that’s for sure.
Amy says
My lil guy was on the move about 10 months old he was going after a kitty cat we had
Ivy says
She started creeping/crawling just before her 5th month and taking her first solo steps at 9-1/2 months.
Samantha R says
Our boy started crawling forward on his daddy’s birthday when he was 8 months old
Jackie says
My little one is now 4, but she started crawling at about 9 months, I think – and hasn’t stopped since! I’m curious to find out when this new little one due this year will get on the move….in another year or so!
The Diaper Diaries says
Mine has just started and it is making my life crazy!! I miss when he was stationary 🙂
Trina C says
My oldest son started walking right after his first birthday. My current little one is still crawling, he just turned one a couple of weeks ago. It was so cute, it took him a while to learn to crawl with his bum up in the air. He did the “army crawl” for about three months, but boy was he quick.
Cat - 3 Kids and Us says
Our little ones have always been quick to their feet, but none more quickly than Emma. She started scooting across the floor around 5 months, was full on crawling by 6 months and hit the ground almost running at 8 months. Our other two children started crawling around 8 months and walking by 10 months.
Becca - Our Crazy Boys says
It was about 10 months for both of our little guys… A scary age for head bumps!
Michelle C says
Our 8 mon. twins are rolling around, jumping ( in bouncy seat) and very ready for take off!! Their 2 yr old sister is a speed demon.
Regina says
My little ones was on the move at 8 and a half months and hasn’t slowed down since!
purple moose says
My first crawled at just before 7 months and walked the week of his first birthday. My second was later, maybe 9 months crawling and 15 months walking. My third was somewhere between the two!
Michelle says