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Fine Living/Travel Expert Lisa
Get to Know the Life Stylist behind The Domestic Life Stylist.
Today we are pleased to announce that Lisa will be joining us in a weekly feature known as “Ask the Domestic Life Stylist”. Lisa is no stranger to 5 Minutes for Mom. She has contributed several posts and recently completed our blogging education program in December.
Every Friday Lisa will answer a question from a reader about home, food, travel & fine living. She will also be a regular guest writer here so you can look forward to reading her posts as she spills the beans on “How to Live Life at Home with Finesse and Style™”
You can submit a question here…
But first, let’s get to know this wife and mother of 2 a little bit more.
Where do you live?
I live in Maryland just outside of Washington DC with my husband of 12 years and two kids.
What was it like growing up in the DC area?
Actually I was born and raised in the Caribbean. So every now and then I have to hop on a plane and recharge in the tropical sun. My sanity requires it.
How old are your children?
Our daughter is 4 years and our son is 6 months old.
You have a 6 month old? That is crazy! How do you find time for it all?
I have 24 hours and a full plate like everyone else. Late nights and lists get me through.
Describe your favorite vacation spot.
Bali by far! I’ve been twice and would visit again in a heartbeat.
Do you travel with your kids? Yes, all the time. Actually my daughter was only 18 months old on our first trip to Bali. My son has traveled more than a couple of times.
If you weren’t spending your time blogging what would you be?
A pharmacist. Actually, I am a licensed pharmacist.
So, you have been blogging since 2009, which post is your favorite?
How to Survive Bed Rest Like a Pro. Writing that post was very personal for me. But, I felt like I had to share my experience with other women that may be going through the same thing. Since hitting publish, that piece continues to get more views than any of my other posts.
Besides being selected among the “Top Home Management Blogs” three years in in succession on the Circle of Moms, what has been your biggest blog accolade that you have received.
Well getting to share the blog space with you talented ladies here is pretty sweet. I love that women will have a place to get their questions answered about food, raising little ones, travel, fine living and life by a real person.
You keep mentioning fine living, what does that mean?
When I say fine living I mean living life with refinement and a certain flair. It doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. But it can if you want it to be.
I know that you write and create your own original recipes. What is your favorite food?
Really? That’s like asking me which child is my favorite. But my bliss can come in the form of ice cream, fried plantain, salt fish pate’
fresh guac…see, I can’t stop myself.
Where should readers submit their questions?
Submit a question here. I will select one question to answer every Friday, starting next Friday 01/17.
If you are a blogger, this is a great chance to have us feature and link to your blog!
To read more about Lisa and her blog visit:
Lily Kwan says
I look forward to reading Lisa’s weekly feature. Thanks for sharing!
courtney hennagir says
I would be dreaming about that sunshine every day if I moved from a place like the Caribbean!
Tammy Woodall says
Hi Lisa. You joined a great blog. I’m looking forward to reading about your travel tips.
Teresa says
… ice cream! I have to agree, especially homemade ice cream
Jayedee DeWitt says
welcome lisa! i look forward to hearing more from you!
Helen says
nice to meet you Lisa look forward to hearing from you
Meagan BS says
wow you seem like such an interesting woman! i’ll have to check out Bali if we ever get to take a real vacation lol
Dominique says
Love getting to know you! Will definitely have to submit a question to see about getting linked on such an awesome blog =)
Holly Storm-Burge says
Welcome Gorgeous Mamma! I love to travel; wish I could do more of it!
Georgia Beckman says
I enjoyed this post & finding out more about Lisa. It’s refreshing & inspiring that she accomplishes so much. It’s so easy to get in a rut & “stuck” when you’re raising your family but it sounds like she’s doing a great job & enjoying life to the fullest.
Annmarie W. says
I completely respect anyone who can make a yummy guacamole!
Pam H. says
It was fun to get to know Lisa. I, too, live in Maryland and live ice cream.
Diana Stanhope says
Hello Lisa, nice to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you.
MARY T says
Hello Lisa! I’m looking forward to reading your posts about fine living!
Karen Glatt says
I was very impressed by reading about Lisa and her lifestyle. What an energetic person that makes time for the things she loves. I am looking forward to some new recipes! How about writing about giving some tips on How to take care of an elderly parent.
Lisa Brown says
I always wanted to be a pharmacist as well; good career. Great interview, it was great getting to know lisa 🙂
Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist says
Thanks for the support Lisa. I should have clarified in the interview that although my background is in pharmacy, helping to raise our family and blogging on lifestyle topics is my current focus. I keep my license updated so I moonlight here and there. I look forward to reading your questions.
Rebecca Parsons says
Wow she is a wonderful woman who has full plate and does a super job! Love to learn about the bloggers who write the fantastic posts.
Wendy says
Hi Lisa! Glad to see you on here, I’m looking forward to your posts on this site as well:)
Bonnie Way says
Hey, nice to meet you!!! I gotta go check out your bedrest post… my mom was on bedrest with me and my twin brother so I’ve always heard stories about it. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you around here more!
Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist says
Thank you Bonnie. Wow! I can’t even imagine what being pregnant with twins along with being on bedrest would be like. Thanks for the warm welcome.
Anni says
Congrats! Looking forward to hearing your answers and getting tips on fine living… wishing you continued success!
xoxo, Anni
Tammy S says
I think Lisa will be a great addition to the team. I look forward to her post. I am always looking for new recipes to try. Welcome aboard Lisa!
Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist says
Thank you so much Tammy. I love creating new recipes. I hope that I can be a new resource for you
Marti Tabora says
I’m looking forward to getting to know Lisa. We have one thing in common, I love fried plantain too!
Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist says
Awe yes…fried plantain…Nature’s candy.
Cheryl F. says
It was great learning about Lisa. I look forward to reading more of her posts.
Lisa-The Domestic Life Stylist says
Thank you Cheryl. Such a pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful team. I look forward to responding to your questions.
Ankita says
nice Article Susan… Just wanted to know more about Bali if possible.