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Janice and I have been working at home for a decade.
In these last ten years, we have created and run successful businesses in social media, ecommerce, direct sales and recently photography.
We’ve hired and trained many contractors and employees often giving them such valuable skills and experience that we’ve gladly sent them off to higher paying positions at larger employers or to further their own independent businesses.
We have worked hard and learned so much that it’s hard to see back to where we began. Our road has been steep, rocky, with hairpin turns that have knocked us over and almost out.
But we have been blessed. We’ve had each other and countless supports from varied sources throughout the years.
Don’t get me wrong… we have not “arrived” at success. As we approach our 40th birthday, we are 10 years into our journey of leading exciting, complicated, challenging entrepreneurial lives as business owners who are firstly mothers.
It’s at this stage of our progress that we feel it’s time to really reach out and bring along more women who want to join this pursuit of working at home and/or building businesses.
Now, to be honest, if I were to apply the lessons I’ve learned from my colleagues in Information Marketing, I’d likely change what I’m about to offer to include a price tag… which would of course be crossed out and replaced with a special offer if you act now.
But I can’t help it… I’m hopelessly addicted to the model of free information.
So… what Janice and I have decided to do is create 3 new ways for us to help women find success working from home and/or building their own brands and businesses.
And we’re doing it for FREE.
Here are the 3 new ways we can help you work at home…
- Share Resources and Opportunities through a New Email List
I honestly feel guilty about not sharing all the information, resources and opportunities that I’m gathering daily with women who could use it.But until now, we didn’t really have the right distribution channel for business and work-at-home information. We’ve written some blog posts and occasionally tweeted out job postings or resource links, but we didn’t have a dedicated communication channel where we could consistently get great resources out to the right people.
Now we have created a specific Work-At-Home and Business Building Resource Email List so that we can share targeted quality information to those women (and men) who want to grow their businesses or work at home successfully.
If that’s you, get on this email list now!
- Work At Home Moms’ Strategy Hour – Google+ Hangouts
Every Wednesday at 10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern, I will join fellow blogger and long-time work-at-home mom Kelli Miller to share tips, tactics and straight talk about working at home.You can join live and learn along with us and/or watch anytime afterward on YouTube.
UPDATE: Watch recordings of these Strategy Hour sessions here.
Receive email invites when you sign up for our WAHM Email List.
- 3 Month Social Media Training Programs
Over the years, we’ve hired and trained many different contractors and employees for various short and long term tasks and roles.Often these team members gained such valuable skills and experience working with us that they have moved on to higher paying positions with bigger companies or decided to focus on building their own brands and businesses. While losing fantastic resources is always tough, we’ve been thrilled to see our friends grow and move forward.
This pattern has inspired us to create a special 3 month training program where we provide extensive training so that we can help more women build successful businesses and careers.
(The skills you build while working-at-home apply just as well if you decide to return to a traditional office workplace.)
We will accept applications to the program, carefully review and interview candidates and invite a small number to our team to learn and work with us for 3 months. We anticipate starting with 6 bloggers.
Upon completion of the program, we will provide references and Linked In recommendations to help them move on to new challenges.
UPDATE: We launched our Training Program and selected six fabulous bloggers for our Summer Session. The next session will start in mid September.
Ensure you have subscribed to our WAHM Email List for notification when we reopen applications.
Written by Susan Carraretto, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
Talk with me: @5minutesformom and
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Zina says
Susan, it is inspiring to see you two out there making a difference. Loved these ideas. Simply wonderful.
Tracie says
This is great. I’m definitely ready to take my work from home to the next level. Thanks!
Erinn Sluka says
This is great! I have worked over 11 years in the medical field 40 hours a week and will live my dream as a stay at home Mom this summer when my husbands promotion starts. My youngest enters Kindergarten and work is all I know. I will love a little extra money working at home and I love to write! I signed up above!!
Candice says
This is great! I work 45 hours a week I wish I could work at home. I also wish I could take advantage of your Google hangout except I will be at work. If you so change to a evening hangout I would love to know because I would definitely be there. Thanks for doing what you do and helping other women out.You two Rock!!!
Faigie says
So it took you guys 10 years to become overnight successes huh? amazing
Tulip says
What an amazing way to get an education! I really wish that they taught an online business class in school. You ladies are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
Nicole Robinson says
This is so exciting. Your generous spirit really shines through.
Stephanie says
You two are positively ageless. I’ve been following you for 6+ years and you both still look exactly the same – stunning.
Mira Park says
This is awesome! You guys are truly inspirational 🙂 I’ve just revamped my blog and taught myself how to create a blog on WordPress along the way (I was previously on Typepad). I feel like if I can build one blog now I can build more. It was an empowering experience and I look forward to learning more in this digital landscape we are now in 🙂
Erika says
This sounds like it will be great information! I’m always looking for more opportunities….love to have multiple streams of income! 🙂
**Nicole** says
Very excited about this! I’ve worked at home for the past 3 years, but am always looking for ways to build and hone my skills!
Zelma says
Awesome!! Will this be international?