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Did you know October is “adopt a shelter pet” month? If you’re thinking of adding a pet to your family, this is a wonderful time to adopt a pet. But only if you ask yourself and your family members some important questions first. This post is sponsored by Petcurean.
Deciding to have a dog or a cat join your family is a HUGE decision and you must be aware of the impact a pet will have in your family and home life.
Several years ago, our family adopted a puppy named AJ. He has turned out to be such an enormous blessing to our family… but I admit, we made the decision slightly more rushed than we should have.
Fortunately, everything turned out well for us… but I have learned a lot from the experience and I’d like to offer some suggestions for important questions to consider before you adopt a dog.
10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Adopt A Dog
- Does anyone in your family have allergies?
It is so important to be sure ahead of time that none of your family members are allergic to dogs. If you’ve never had a dog before, you might not be sure.Find out if you have family history of allergies and consider checking with a doctor if you aren’t certain.
- Will the dog be left alone for too long during the day?
If you and your spouse work outside the home and your kids go to school, the dog will have to be left alone during the day. So you need to consider how long the dog will be alone and make sure you’re adopting a dog that can handle it.
- How much exercise can you be sure to give the dog?
Different breeds of dogs need varying amounts of exercise. Be honest about how many walks and runs you can take with your dog each day.
- Can you handle the pet hair?
Most dogs shed. If you or your spouse is going to be irritated about pet hair on the carpet and the furniture, you need to discuss that ahead of time.
- Can you afford it?
Adopting a dog will be expensive. You need to consider the initial cost but also factor in the regular addition to your budget for pet food, beds, toys, etc as well as unexpected vet bills and training classes.
- Are you committed to training a dog?
Training a dog takes time and patience… and often a bundle of cash for training classes.
- Do you have a backup friend or family member to dog-sit for you?
If you have a tendency to stay out late or travel, you may want to figure out ahead of time if you have a friend or family member who will help you look after your dog.
- Do you want a puppy or a mature dog?
Adopting a puppy is way more work than adopting a dog who is already housetrained. But for some of us, we can’t resist wanting to enjoy the puppy stage even if it is hard work. You should discuss with all your family members the pros and cons of adopting a puppy or a senior dog.
- Are you ready to answer personal questions and prove you’ll be a good owner?
Rescue shelters want to be sure the pets are going to be safe and happy. So you’ll need to be willing to answer a lot of questions to prove you’re worthy to adopt a dog.
- Can you be sure you’re in this for the long term?
Adopting a puppy means you’ve made a very long term decision. If you’re not ready to commit to 15 years, perhaps adopt a senior pet who needs a loving home for his last few years of life. But regardless of the age of the pet you’re adopting, you need to be sure that your living situation will continue to provide a good home for years to come.
Tell Us About Your Pet
Have you adopted a pet? We’d love to hear your story. Leave us a comment sharing your pet adoption experience.
Thanks to Petcurean for sponsoring this blog post. Consider Petcurean dog food and Spike treats for your adopted dog.
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Disclosure: This post is sponsored, so extra thanks for reading and sharing.
Written by Janice Croze, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
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Peggy Rydzewski says
We also get our pets from our local shelters.
Kate S says
Besides our rabbit all of our pets are adopted. There are so many in need I can’t bring myself to go to a breeder.
Janice Crespo says
Our latest rescue is actually 2 kittens. One lady has a goat farm and people always decide that she needs more cats and drops them off. Well, they received 2 adult females and between the two moms, they had 10 kittens. She didn’t charge an exorbitant fee to adopt and used the funds to fix and find homes for the 2 adults. Squeaker and Nitro are now a part of our family.
Sand says
I have had dogs nearly my entire life. My youngest is a rescue dog that is the most loving and cuddly dog that I’ve ever had.
Trisha McKee says
We have adopted four bulldogs throughout the years. They are such a joy and they saved me.
Laurie Nykaza says
I have 3 dogs from 2 shelters by my house they are all wonderful dogs 2 female and a male. I also have a 5 year old shelter cat too. Cats can carry Bartonella over 40% do and i caught it and it wiped out my immune system. Its been a very expensive experience all caused by fleas. So just beware fleas transfer this to your pets. So keep flea meds on them all the time. My cats all 4 are indoors only ! I would not give up my pets but do share this info with everyone to just be careful with your pets and protect them and yourself.
Lisa says
I have adopted 5 cats in my life, all came from rescues or from humane societies except for one…a little kitten who found us. He was alone on the streets and came to my dads work. Sweetest cat too.
Abigail Gibson says
I work and travel too much to have a pet. Would love to though.
Kortney Lah says
Yes, actually five years ago yesterday! I adopted my bit of Hope. We went to the shelter just to look and as soon as they brought this spunky, spontaneous, goofy, wild girl out I fell in love and so did my ex fiance. He ended up getting her for me for Christmas and she became my best friend. Followed me everywhere. Now, she is suffering really bad pains from arthritis and we are working on figuring out how to better serve her, it would be great to finally have the answers!
Marianna says
My adopted dog fills my life with joy!
Linda Vonhold says
I can’t adopt as I am allergic but my daughter in law has a 2 year old Rott that we dog sit occasionally. He is the most friendly and loving dog I have ever met! He was cooped up in a condo all day with his first owners as they worked too many hours to spend a lot of time with him. He now has a nice fenced in back yard to run and play in, and my son in law is in College so he is home a lot. They take him on trips, to the local parks, on daily walks and lots of pictures & videos. I would love to win this for them, as they truly love and appreciate “Calvin”, their new addition to our family!
Breanne says
I adopted my two dogs when I lived in Hawaii. A lot of people take their pets to the humane society when they move off the island because they don’t want to pay to relocate them!
Samantha Schlyer says
I have not had the change to adopt a pet dog or cat, I did adopt a snake one time though from a friend.
Diane Wallin says
We rescued Harley from a Farm. His mom had kittens and the farmers didn’t need more cats so they socialized the kittens and got them ready for good homes. two yeas later we adopted Jewel through a rescue group. Someone had left her, what they believe to be her sister and a bunch of kittens on the side of the road in a box. The rescue group vetted all the cats and got them ready for adoption. Oliver was living in our apartment parking lot. Everyone assumed he was our outdoor cat and didn’t bother him (he wasn’t). After a few months it was below zero and we didn’t have the heart to leave him outside, but he was skittish and didnt want to come in. One new years day it was again below zero and my boyfriend just went out and scooped him up – he was practically frozen. we kept him in our finished basement away from our other cats. He started playing with their toys and using a litter box without issue. We figured he was someones lost cat so he took him to the vet to get checked out and scanned for a microchip. He had fleas, worms and a nasty gash on his leg that the vet said was from another animal attacking him. We tried to find owners, since he had been neutered already but nobody came forward. We posted his picture and asked around and after a month or so our vet was like – he chose you, you are his humans now. Oliver has some PTSD the vet believes is from being taken from his mom too young, and being abused. You cant wear hats or hoods around him, you cant hold anything in your hand, he hides food where he thinks no one will find it. He sucks white blankets. We have had him about 6 years now, and only in the last year can my fiance pick him up and hold him. Oliver is very afraid of men in general.
susan smoaks says
we have adopted three pets. first a kitten. then a 2 year old lab mix and now we have a mixed breed medium sized dog. we love to adopt pets that is the only way we will get new pets.
Jessica Whitehouse says
Our pets were always rescues or shelter-pets. The cat we have now was a stray, abandoned and starving. He was only about 4 weeks old and flea infested. My husband told me we could NOT keep him and planned to take him to the vet the next morning. That first night, the kitten fell asleep on my husband’s chest. Needless to say, 3 years later Tiger’s favorite place to nap is still on my husband’s chest.
Rose Santuci-Sofranko says
We actually have 3 rescued cats….but they weren’t adopted from a shelter, all 3 just showed up on our country property and were homeless and/or abandoned. Our other kitty we took in after his human became ill and passed away. Thanks and God Bless!
Robin Abrams says
We adopted our puggle 3 years ago. I also rescue cats at this time we have 9 of them
Caryn Coates says
We adopted our cat
Cynthia R says
I have adopted three cat strays over the last 15 years. I love and enjoy each of them, couldn’t imagine life without them.
Erica B. says
We only adopt.
Beth T. says
All of our dogs have been rescues. Right now we are a five dog family, and the most recent addition is Lottie. She is estimated to be 12 years old and has been with us for 6 weeks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog who loves being part of a family more than Lottie does. She is a snuggler, a greeter, an “instant relative” to all of our visiting aunts, uncles, and nieces who are greeted like Lottie’s long-lost relatives. She loves to rest her head on a pillow, to settle in on a blanket. Most of all, she appreciates being loved. Having Lottie in our home, as part of our family, is a rewarding experience every day because she is so grateful for the simplest things, and reminds us of why we undertake the chores and expense and worries that come with pet ownership along with the happiness. We do it so that an old dog knows the comfort of being part of a family rather than spending one more night on her own..
Priscilla P. says
Every dog I have ever owned (I have owned a lot of dogs), except for one that was a gift, I took in off the streets. They are usually starving, wormy, sometimes hurt or have the mange. I can’t help myself, I feel so sorry for them. Man breed these beautiful creatures, and trained them to depend on humans for survival; then man abanded them. What does that say about humans?
sylvia says
Right now i have 2 dogs, which were adopted from a friend who’s dog had puppies and 2 cats. One cat was a shelter rescue and the other was a kitten rescued from a farm. love them all
Pat Schwab says
All our animals have been adopted. Our first baby was Tiger Lily who died last December. I took the kids to the library to return books and movies and borrow some more items and they were having a dog adoption event which was a complete surprise. We ended up falling in love with our girl and adopting her. She had very distinctive stripes and looked like a tiger until she got older and I miss her every day. We also adopted a wonderful cat (she adopted us ) and had her for a few years until she got cancer. Now we have a puppy who will be a year old this month. I wish I could afford to adopt and give homes to more animals. All of our pets have brought us so much love and joy. Everyone should adopt strays and give them loving homes.
sarah says
We’ve adopted a few cats and a dog when I was a child. Each quickly became a member of our family.
Danielle says
We adopted our boy from prison. He had been through the prison program a couple of times and no one had ever even asked to see him. He has turned out to be one of the best family members we have ever had.
KellyPC says
We haven’t formally adopted a pet in years but years ago on xmas eve we were coming home form a party, really late & while my husband was paying the cabbie I heard a kitten cry. I found her & brought her in gave her some food/water & let her warm up a bit. in the morning I put her outside, we were thinking that she accidentally escaped while visitors were leaving or people were carrying packages in.
The next night as we were coming home from dinner she ran into my mom’s house as soon as she opened her door (my mom is my next door neighbour) we let her in to eat & warm up again while I searched kijiji, craigslist, local facebook groups & lost pet sites to see if I could find her people. No luck & we put her back out in the morning again.
On boxing day we were coming home from dinner with my hubbys fam, a snow storm had started in the morning & it was pretty nasty outside. As we were walking towards the house I told him that if she followed us in again I was keeping her. I was looking around & didn’t see her or see any fresh kitty tracks in the snow. I was searching in my purse for my keys & my front door opened, my mom was inside with the cat. She had been & forth at our doors as the storm was picking up & my mom brought her in. She had her in her house too but the kitten was terrified of her huge Golden Retriever.
I kept up looking for lost pet postings online & in the neighbourhood but nothing ever came up. She had 5 kittens a couple months later, it was so sad to see her pregnant because she was so tiny herself. When they were old enough we got the whole batch fixed, the mama too & we found a home for one kitten, my mom took one & we still have mama, the other three kittens & their adopted Unlce Gizmo. lol
Cheryl Chervitz says
We have adopted all three of our dogs. The lastest was Whitley, hes a chihuahua/boston mix. He was at a local rescue when I found him online.
Maritess S says
We have adopted 2 cats from AARCS-Calgary and they have been very beneficial to my daughters. I am so happy they are part of our family.
Bonny Dixon MacIsaac says
All my fur kids are rescues. Some were older ones that needed love and attention for their final years and the others were young ones needing much attention and training. Some had little social skills and I had one that took four years to just curl up near me she had been so abused over her lifetime. I will credit an animal whisperer for helping me with her. I will do whatever it takes if I make a commitment. I love them all!
Mark V says
I have never adopted a pet buy my girlfriend has, she gave a black lab a home and took her away from a situation where she was locked up all day and very badly nourished. If we ever get another pet it will be from adoption.
HEIDI C. says
All of our pets have been rescued ones. Right now, we are blessed with 2 sweet kitties and an adorable pug (who was part of an animal seizure). The adoptions were smooth and easy.
colleenmarie says
MY parents just recently adopted a dog and they had a great experience
Elizabeth E says
I have two adopted cats from the shelter. Do you know if the sponsor would also let us pick cat food as part of this prize?
Elaine Douglas says
yup i adopted my cat Nala
Doris Humber says
We just recently adopted an almost 6 year old English Bulldog. Although he came from a loving home previous to us, he unfortunately couldn’t travel out of the country, to where the family was permanently moving. Because of his age, and being a flat-face breed, it was way too risky to put him on a long flight, and they were moving to a really hot climate. So the family made the heartbreaking decision to give him up for adoption. We already own a 6 yr old English Bulldog and thought this would be a great opportunity to give our fur baby a brother. The family was particular about where they wanted to rehome him. Since we already have experience with the breed, it made their decision that much easier. Although this breed comes with many Vet expenses, I prayed to God for a sign that we were doing the right thing.
We ended up getting him on this past Thanksgiving Day….feeling that this was our sign for us to be thankful that we could provide him with another loving home. The two dogs get along great, and although our new family member has been with us just under a month so far, it feels like he has lived here all along. Our hearts grew so much bigger adding him to our family. And he’s happy with his new home.
We will now always make sure we adopt! What a heartfelt experience it has been!!!
Andrea says
We adopted our Red Heeler mix , Champ, about three years ago. He was surrendered because his family was expecting. While it’s sad that they would give Champ away, I am glad that we’re the family that got him. He is a great dog! Always happy and wagging his rear end (he doesn’t have a tail). Thanks for the great giveaway!
Kathy Davis says
We are schnauzer lovers. Our first schnauzer, Willie was left in a shelter after his owner died and his elderly wife could not care for him. I had just taken a year off from work to take care of my mental health. A dog seemed like a good idea for me and I went to check Willie out. He had not been cared for and needed a loving home. I took him home and we both healed together. We have since had 3 other schnauzers. Gracie is our current sweetie and we got her from a lady who was moving and could not take her with them. Her loss our gain.
Angelica Dimeo says
No I have not adopted a pet. My kids grandparents adopted a couple dogs though
Tara Liebing says
My son and I went to the local shelter to adopt our first cat, he really wanted a kitten but I wasn’t sure about that. There was an older cat that was sweet and I tried talking my son into getting him. We went back a couple times and the same cat would greet us and follow us around. We ended up adopting him at 7 years old he is now 12 and he is the best cat! If you are getting a first time cat I would recommend adopting an older cat.
Sarah De Diego says
We have adopted three street dogs from Mexico. We’ve had our current one for two years (how time flies). Before the dogs, we had a cat from the humaine society that lived over 18 years! Such a great organization.
All of our animals eat Petcurean when we’re in Canada (they eat something else when we’re in Mexico for 5 months a year).
Besos Sarah.
Elena says
I have adopted two dogs and two cats from our local shelter. They are our babies.
Kelly D says
We have adopted a dog and a cat. My husband drove a state away to get our dog and we adopted our cat from a local shelter. They are both great pets.
Sab Edwards says
All of the cats we had adopted us (basically walked into the house or hung out at the house as strays and once we could get them indoors they stayed) All of the ferrets we had, were all from someone else, (we didn’t go to a pet store to get them, so most people consider that a type of rescue)
Nicole says
I adopted my last two cats. Both have been seniors that the rescue was having difficulties finding homes for. My old man cat, Odin, was considered hospice and only expected to live a few months (he lived another 3 years!). And the female I have now, Sadie, was in a foster home waiting to be adopted for 1.5 years. She’s 14 and a sweet, but cranky, old lady.
Becca says
I have adopted almost all of my pets. My current dog, Hunter, was adopted from a high kill shelter. They didn’t like their reputation though, and are now a no kill shelter!
Lori Walker says
We have yet to adopt a pet.
Pauline Milner says
Here is our little guy’s adoption story:
Casey’s Homecoming Story
Hi Everybody! My name is Casey Alonzo Milner and I just arrived yesterday, Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2016, at my forever home in Saint John!
It has been a long, tough journey for me to get here but I am settling in really well.
I was born three months ago (My brother, Skyler, suggested that November 11th could be my birthday because no one knows the exact date that I was born. Sounds great to me!).
Unfortunately, I had a very rough start in life. I was born in Puerto Rico where they call dogs like me Satos.
Some mean people were driving on a busy highway and slowed down just enough to throw me, my brother and my mommy out of their vehicle and onto the side of the road. Thank goodness a nice man saw what happened and stopped to rescue us. This happens all the time. It is very sad.
He was homeless himself and lives in his van. He kept us safe with him until he could get us to All Sato Rescue.
When we got to the rescue place we were cared for by loving volunteers. Everyone there were so kind-hearted. They believe that all of us Sato dogs do really matter and they immediately worked on finding homes for us.
Before we could come to Maine, we all got our rabies, distemper and bordetella vaccinations, got de-wormed, had Frontline medication for flea and tick prevention and had our stool samples analyzed to make sure everything was okay with our health. They did all that with funds provided by donors! Wow!
When we were good to go, we began our long journey to Maine.
I got to go on my first plane ride! We stopped in Miami, Florida then on to Logan Airport in Boston where more incredible volunteers picked us up and took us to Tall Tails Beagle Rescue in Freeport, Maine. Again, all of these expenses were covered by people who care and donate money to help us reach our new forever homes.
We arrived at Tall Tails on Tuesday, February 9th where Chris and his friends took awesome care of us!
On Wednesday morning, I had to have an operation. They said I was getting ‘tutored’ but I really didn’t feel any smarter when I woke up!
Thursday afternoon, Chris told me that he had found me a forever home. He said a mommy and daddy were sad because their doggie had to go to Rainbow Bridge and their home was so lonely. He said they were super nice with tons of love just for me and they would be picking me up at the adoption fair at PetCo on Sunday, Valentine’s Day! I know I only had 3 sleeps to wait but I was so excited that I could barely sleep!
When we got to PetCo, I sat quietly on my leash, waiting. I tried to sit really tall. I wanted to make a good first impression! Every time I saw people come towards me, I wondered if it was them, but they just smiled at me and walked right on by.
Then, I saw them! I knew it had to by my mommy and daddy because my tummy felt funny, almost like I had swallowed butterflies! They both squatted in front of me and I ran right to them. I kissed my mommy and she hugged me. My daddy patted my head. They were so nice and gentle. My mommy picked me up and I snuggled into her soft shoulder. I had come such a long way but it was worth it! I was going home!
Mommy and Daddy had a list of names to choose from and they both thought I looked like ‘Casey’ would fit me. Mommy said to daddy that it would be nice if they could get a sign that it was the right name for me. They did not have to wait long!
When we went to register my adoption with the PetCo people and get my adoption welcome package, the nice lady who waited on us was named – you guessed it – Casey! How cool is that! My middle name, Alonzo, is my great grampie’s name and a popular dog name in Puerto Rico, a salute to my heritage!
We had a long drive but I got to sit on my mommy’s lap the whole way. It was the coldest day so far this year, but, inside, my heart was toasty warm!
Mommy and daddy assured me that I would be with them forever and nothing could ever change that. They told me to take all the time I needed to learn the rules and I would never, ever, ever, be punished for anything I did. They promised to work with me and if I did get into mischief, they would just say a firm ‘no’. I also found out that my bathroom is indoors. What a relief! That white stuff is cold!
When we got home to Saint John, my mommy and daddy showed me where my potty was (it is a litter box) and I used it right away! They showed me all around my new home. Holy moly, is it ever big! Thank goodness my mommy let me follow her around so I could find my way through all the rooms on my own by following my scent.
They also told me funny stuff too. Things like there is no wrong way to sit on the sofa, that I could ride on the vacuum cleaner if I wanted to and I can have my friends over but no loud music and only PG (Puppy Good) rated movies!
I had some supper then settled into my bed which is right on the bottom of my mommy and daddy’s bed and is really comfy.
I was super good the first night in my forever home. I slept for almost 6 hours before I had to go pee! Daddy had built me a wooden box to use as a step and I can get up and down off the bed all by myself.
This morning, after breakfast, I learned how to use the stairs because there are lots of them in my house. I also found my toy box. I am telling you it is doggie toy Heaven in there! It only took me a few minutes to pick some favourites and haul them up onto my bed.
I even played a game with mommy. I dropped a toy on the floor and she would pick it up for me. Again. And again. And again. I don’t think mommy got much of her writing work done but it sure was fun!
Oh, I must tell you – I think there is another puppy here that looks exactly like me! I saw him over in mommy’s closet door and I barked at him. He barked back. I think he must always stay in the closet door because he does not follow me and is always there when I go back and look. Mommy and daddy laughed. I think it is funny too. A dog who lives in a closet door! Silly!
Mommy and daddy keep telling me how blessed they are and how lucky they are that God put us together. I am lucky and blessed too.
Also, my mommy and daddy want to do something really extra special for the homeless man who saved my doggie mommy, brother and me and for the shelter in Puerto Rico. It is only because of their kindness that puppies and dogs like me get a chance to have a wonderful life. If you want to help too or if you want to find your own rescue puppy then please let my mommy know. She says you can PM her. I hope you know what PM means since I am only beginning to learn all of these new things!
Oh, and I also think I should be eligible for dual citizenship so mommy is going to write a letter to the government people on my behalf. I would write the letter myself, but it is really hard for me to hold a pen as I do not have opposable thumbs.
I sure hope to make more new friends really soon! I am tired so I am going to have a little nap now to recharge my batteries.
Thanks for reading my story.
Love, Casey
Sully Sully says
My first cat ever was adopted. I had her for 11 years and loved her with all of my heart. She loved to play and was my sidekick.
tammy ta says
I have adopted many pets over the years. Dogs, turtles, chickens. My cat adopted my family though.
Brad Kinchen says
I adopted a 6 month old cat who I call AJ, he has made my house much more livelier!
Irene Eichler says
Not only have we adopted many pets … but my daughter works with a pet rescue .. . Our most recent adoption was a tiny baby calico kitten that was abandoned in a box on our front step sick and hungry . She is now a little trouble maker … it is amazing what a little love and kindness can do to unwanted pets !
Billie R says
I’ve always wanted to adopt a pet but somehow I keep acquiring them such as my brother brought over a puppy because the person that was supposed to pick him up never showed. That was almost seven years ago. My cat Kai was born on my porch to a stray and my cat Po was just wandering around outside as a teeny kitten so I brought her in.
Alexandra Y says
We have two rescue dogs.
nina bergeron says
We recently adopted a kitten.
erica hall says
We knew immediately that Zack would become part of our family when he shoved his nose into my daughters shoe. Out of three pups needing homes, he was the bravest, lol.
Lynne B says
We adopted our dog at a PetSmart Adoption Fair. We attended every one in our area but when my daughter and our dog met, we knew she was the one. She’s the perfect dog for our familly!
Carly Daring says
I haven’t adopted a pet but we do have a dog. I hope to adopt more in the future.
Jill Rivera says
We were heartbroken after our 9-year-old shelter male puppy passed. We missed Lucky, so much. The house just seemed lonely. I looked at Petfinder and found a female, which looked similar to Lucky. It has been 12 years and Datoka is gray like Lucky was. She still plays like a puppy, but a little bit slower.
Dana Rodriguez says
I have two cats I adopted!
Marty C says
We adopted an older dog whose previous owner passed away. The only bad part of the experience was that she had trained him to go potty on pee-pee pads and, at 12 years old, he was too old to easily retrain. He kept mistaking things like bathmats and small rugs for pee-pee pads. We’ve gotten rid of most of the rugs for now. He’s a sweet dog and my daughter adores him.
wendy browne says
Thank you for saying “Adopted” and not “rescued” to describe pets from an animal shelter. I have pulled (shelter gives you the animal if you’re a pet rescue) many dogs from my city shelters over the years, fixed them up and rehomed them to great families. I’ve had some dogs (and two cats) from shelters but most came from people who had litters and were trying to place them versus go to the shelter. My current Boston Terrier came from craigslist, he looked so sad and dirty and I couldn’t say no. :C He would love these treats!
Michelle says
Three of the four dogs I’ve shared my life with were adopted dogs and all were amazing and loving companions.
Mary Danieli says
Kirby was a shelter kitten in Fort MacMurray. MY brother’s ex sent her to Vancouver to get her out of the cold and now Kirby happily resides in Burnaby where she is a great mouser and even better birder.
tamatha hunter says
all 3 of my fur babies are rescues, can’t imagine our lives w/o them
Jen R says
I have adopted both a dog and a cat. My dog is a 5 year old Jack Russell Terrier mix and my cat is a 1 year old ginger shorthair. I adopted them both through the local shelter and they are very important parts of our family.
Kristie says
We haven’t adopted a dog, but next time we get a dog, I’d like to adopt!
Marissa M says
I have not adopted any pets but my grandmother has adopted a bunch of cats!
Juliee Fitze says
We adopted our dog Dusty. Plus we take in strays until they are placed.
Dorothy Ransom says
We adopted a little dog. Everybody loves her and she loves everybody. When she was rescued she was in such bad shape they couldn’t tell what breed she was. At first, it was difficult for her. She was afraid of so much. But in time, she has recovered and her little personality comes out more everyday. She is so special, I can’t imagine life without her.
GoMovies says
Nice suggestions for important questions to consider before adopting a dog!
Stephanie Phelps says
I have I adopted Brandi when she was just a couple of years old and she was abused at her last home! She was scared and nervous to be around anyone but today 10 years later she is still happy healthy and always ready to give you love!
Kelley Moore says
All my cats are rescues and i even now have 5 foster kittens.
Nikki H says
We have 2 adopted dogs and 2 adopted cats!
lynnei says
Two years ago, a friend told me about a kitty she’d met through her workplace. We fell in love with her photo! Before we knew it, we had adopted this cat through our local humane society. She has changed our lives. We love her and she loves us! Our lives are forever changed for the better!
Cheryl says
I love helping out pet shelters with adoption, but I haven’t had good luck with them. The first dog I adopted ended up with liver disease from ticks and died shortly after I got her. The second was supposedly spayed, but turned out to be pregnant and ran away. She was just too scared of anyone and anything from an abusive past.
Lester C says
I haven’t adopted a pet yet!
buttmuffin says
we adopted a terrier/chow mix 3 years ago and then this year we adopted a lab/terrier mix. I don’t know what we would do without them!
Diane T says
I haven’t adopted a pet but I would love to one day
London Seo Agencies says
It’s nearly impossible to find educated people for this subject,
but you seem like you know what you’re talking about!
nickie says
I have not adopted a pet, but I would like to someday
Ken C says
Yes we adopted my daughters dog Daryle he was from a shelter and is the sweetest dog
Cynthia C says
I have adopted two cats. One was from an abusive situation.
Jen D. says
Many, many years ago wee adopted a mixed breed dog, Duchess, from our local shelter. Our current dog, Tillie, is a Bichon that we adopted from her owner when she was under a year – she’s now 14 years old. We recently lost our beloved cat Libby to cancer, but had 5 wonderful years with her. A neighbor had died and his adult kids put her out…she adopted us first. Right after Libby died, Maddie showed up at our house. She’s a blue eyed white cat with light orange on her ears, legs, and tail. She’s very thin, but we’re nursing her back to health. She has had a good check-up from our local vet, so just plenty of TLC needed. She’s been a great comfort to us and we feel she was a gift from God to help us heal over our loss of Libby.
Ashley C says
We have sort of “adopted” pets. We have never gone through a shelter, but we have taken in many stray or unwanted dogs over the years! We have one “adopted” dog right now that we found last year. She just celebrated her one year “gotcha-versary” with us and we couldn’t love her more!
Marc says
Realize that time management is a myth. No matter how organized we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day.
Time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.
Another key step in successful arts and crafts
projects is simplicity. That means there should
be very few set up tasks involved such as cutting, organising and measuring.
Few tools should be needed and the set up and clearing away should not take longer than a few
minutes either side of the activity. With just one or two teachers in the class, the children must be able to work
for the majority of the time on their own which means there should be minimal reliance on the teacher
for carrying out the project. Again this makes simplicity
a crucial aspect of any craft activity.
At 11 a.m. a Butterfly Hunt will take place around the Children’s
Center where colored butterflies will be hidden in the snow.
At the count of three kids will race over to dig up the buried butterflies, some of which are worth prizes.
Interactive snow sculptures will be set up for decorating and playing on.
LL: Ok, my first stop would be the Japanese restaurant SHIMA, then, because you should never shop hungry, the
Market Gourmet where I would first peruse the ice cream section and maybe get a carton of their Vanilla Snowflake Laloo Goat Milk ice cream, then their olive oil collection and then over to their mini travel peanut butter packets.
Look, I have one here! It’s almond butter!
The most common piece of furniture one might find in a game room
is a pool table. While the shape of a pool table is standard, the sizes are not.
There are regulation size pool tables which can be as large as 8 foot
long and then you have your smaller than regulation tables which are
usually 6 or 7 feet in length. As for the material pool tables are made of, most of
them are made of wood but the type of wood can vary greatly and because of this, the price of the tables themselves can vary from hundreds to thousands of
Wayne Couzens says
We have had strays our abandoned cats for most of our married life. I can’t think of them being out there alone.
Jonnie says
We adopted our pup, Layla, a little over two years ago. The day she came home, she quickly taught us that it’s Layla’s world and we’re all just living in it. She loves to be pampered but always shows her appreciation with lots of kisses. She is such an important part of our family and makes sure she spends some time with each member of the family every day getting her love.
Kathy B. says
We have had many rescues of various breeds over the years. When our last one passed away last April we said “no way, no more dogs”; it just hurt too much to lose them. But within the week we came across a stray that looked so much like our Belle we had to bring her home. She is an EXTREMELY excitable lab that can run like the wind and makes us laugh out loud. She is very intelligent, sweet, and loving. We are blessed to have her. Life wouldn’t be the same without a dog. Her name is Ellie Belle.
Kathy Clark says
I knew I would fail the test to own a dog but I more than pass for owning cats I have adopted over the years. My most recent is a 3 year old adopted from the SPCA. He is prone to constipation that has resulted in four vet visits. He was removed from a breeder so I suspect his problem results from the breeding. Of course I don’t have insurance. I am buying wet food at the vets but would like to try Petcurean because he really misses his kibbles and this product may be good for him to evacuate. Incidentally, I love dogs. When I retired I became a volunteer dog walker at the local SPCA. Good for me & the dogs
harold says
We adopted one 2 years ago, the grandkids have never been happier, and after training her properly she is the best pet we have owned.
Sarahjferg says
I rescued/adopted a kitten that was wondering the alley behind a restaurant in the town I grew up. She was skin and bones. Now she’s a little chubby, but happy! I named her Frizzabella.
Sandy Klocinski says
I have an adopted Chihuahua (actually he is a doberman trapped in a Chihuahua’s body). He is my best buddy and kept me going when my hubby passed away last year
Maria says
I adopted my dog when he was 3.5. He is so wonderful, he came fully trained and this made it so easy for my family to adjust to him
Marlene V says
We have adopted several pets in the past. 1 cat and a dog.
Karley Moore says
I got my dog Muppie at a garage sale. A man pulled up and asked if anyone wanted a puppy because he was on his way to take it to the pound. He had gotten it for his kids, but they wouldn’t take care of it. I wasn’t looking for a dog, but I HAD to give it a home. That was 9 years ago!
Klydra Pugh says
We have adopted dogs and cats over the years
Thanks for the chance
Rust says
Our Malamute was adopted ~7 years ago. He’s happy and healthy, and mostly over his separation anxiety.
Keri justice says
Yes. We adopted our dog PJ from our local animal shelter about 4 years ago!
Carol Denny says
We adopted many of our dogs from the OHS. Our dog we have now came from a friend who had her at 3 weeks old. I got her at 7 weeks.
Debbie White Beattie says
I didn’t adopt from a shelter, I bought both of my dogs but we did rescue all 3 cats that we’ve had and we will be getting shelter dogs in the future
Havan Furmaga says
Hello Nest owner Havan Truong Furmaga now faces charges of accomplice
to now officially guilty husband sex offender Jakub Feliks
Furmaga. The state of Texas and the DA’s office is now looking into the knowledge of wife Havan Truong Furmaga and the
sex abuse of minors. “We believe that Furmaga (Havan Truong) had known of several of the minors being molested as there is alleged evidence that photographs were shared between the couple over text messages” Investigation continues as Furmaga may be facing allegations of aiding
in the sexual abuse of minors at Children’s
Health. Havan Truong Furmaga, Havan Truong, Havan Furmaga, Hello Nest LLC, Hello Nest,
Edible Birds Nest, Ha Truong Furmaga,
Shelly Leatham says
All of our pets have been adopted! We always say that they rescued us! They give so much love and are a huge part of our family. We currently have a blue pit who is 6 months old and is the big baby. Prince is afraid of our 14 yr old cat, Simba and his much smaller 7 year old Shih Tzu sister, Gingerbelle!
Dawn says
Both of our dogs are rescues. Abby’s gotcha day was 10.25, 3 yrs she’s been our handful and baby girl.
We also have a white rabbit that we rescued from the streets.
Robyn Bellefleur says
2 of our 4 dogs are rescue dogs. I love them so much. Our first rescue dog (Micha) was being abused by her owner, so she was taken away from him and we adopted her from the rescue home. Our second rescue (Honey) came from a guy who found her roaming the streets and because of that she was so skinny and sick. He was going to drop her off at an animal shelter, which we did not want to happen, so we took her home and nursed her back to health. We feel very fortunate to have them in our family.
Gabrielle says
We have adopted several shelter pets – most recently an adorable 10 year old rat terrier (he’s 14 now). Hadn’t intended to choose a terrier (or a senior, for that matter), but being very familiar with terriers because several of my friends had them, I knew enough that when my heart said “yes” to the soft brown eyes looking sadly at me through the bars of the cage, my brain could say “yes” too. I have not regretted it for a moment. He has been such a joy. I know that many people are reluctant to take on seniors, but they have so much love and fun and delight to give, and in the case of more “energetic” breeds, they can even be the better choice.
Edye says
My family and I adopted our chihuahua and we love her! It has almost been a year and we can’t imagine life without her <3
Surinder gurm says
Our mini Aussie was returned by first owners, given all the shoes he chewed there were times when we thought about it too. Last year it was very hard finding a rental that would take a dog. True love checking up on me hourly at night when I was recovering from double broken ankles.
Chris L says
We adopted a little stray that was abandoned by his mom cos he was the runt– Best fluffball every
Cindy Peterson says
I am not sure if I adopted a dog or a dog adopted me. The people that owned him before said he would not eat. He was very skinny. We have not once had him refuse food. In fact, he was so easy to train because he is so food motivated. He never wants me out of his sight. I am very lucky to have hime in my family.
melissa says
7 years ago we adopted/rescued our dachsund Tippy. We were warned she barks at everyone and was typically ignored / looked over at the shelter due to the excessive barking. The staff brought her out to me and my family and she didnt bark or growl once. we knew it was meant to be and took her home. Shes been a loving member of our family ever since. She loves sweaters, beggin strips and belly rubs.
Aarone Mawdsley says
yes i have before
Kasey says
Yes, we adopted our doggie Molly just over a couple years ago. We knew she was ours after the first kiss! Couldn’t imagine life without her as she’s brought a lot of happiness into our life’s at a time when things were really hard.
Joni Mitchell says
They had $10 adoptions because the local shelter was full. We went going to only get one dog. There were 2 sisters who were alreiady 10 weeks old. I couldn’t separate them so now we have Sophie and Gracie, born on the 4th of JUly.
doglas says
Carol Lane says
My fiancé and I adopted our dog Lucy from a shelter 2 years ago, and we couldn’t be happier with her. Smartest, sweetest pup around!
Betty Jane Wojnar says
I adopted my beagle 7 years ago. She is so sweet to my kids.
Fredrick Pauly says
I wonder if my dog Charlie would like it?
Fredrick Pauly says
Charlie was a rescue dog. He’s a great dog.
Julie Bolduc says
We adopted a dog 11 years ago she was 1 year when we rescued her. She was very skinny and also had frost bite to her front paw she lived a good 10 years with us a d passed because of cancer she will always have a very special place in my heart since them we adopted a Chihuahua from a family with very young children and when I was at there house the toddler was throwing the puppy around so sad but she is happy now that she is in our care
Andrea Hickey says
After a serious near death experience I adopted a dog to help me with the loneliness I was facing. My Lab, Brody turned out to be the best blessing in my life so far. He’s the friend I needed.
Calvin F,. says
I adopted my cat from the shelter 🙂 Very sweet and friendly.
Kimmy Ripley says
We adopted my sweet rescue Stormy in January of 2016. She is just the sweetest girl… full of love and cuddles. She is a part of our family and we can not imagine our lives without her in it. She really truly warms our hearts!
Sandi Tymchuk says
My sister and her family adopted a mature dog from a rescue shelter. She has found Ceasar Milan’s dog training tips helpful–especially for Murphy to be subordinate in the family “pack” (he is much less stressed and overreactive, too!) It is wonderful that Murphy is so loved, now!
Mindy Glenn says
All of our pets have been adopted from shelters and we’ve been adopting for 20+ years. Adopted furbabies make the BEST additions to your family! They are so happy and KNOW INSTANTLY that you are saving them. We’ve always had an instant connection with our furbabies. We currently have 3 dogs and 3 cats as part of our family. My eldest daughter just got married and has 1 dog and 2 cats. In the weeks following Hurricane Katrina, my eldest daughter volunteered at the animal shelter with displaced animals. When she was old enough to work, one of her 1st jobs was with a local animal shelter. My youngest daughter currently volunteers at our local animal shelter.
Stephanie LaPlante says
We have 8 beautiful rescues in our house. It was never planned, but between 5 people with giant hearts, it just happened. Our oldest is 17 and our youngest is 3.
SEO service says
Thanks for finally writing about >Adopting A Dog Will
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