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Jennifer, 5 Minutes for Mom’s assistant, shares her insight into the movie, The Guilt Trip, in this giveaway. She received a copy of the movie but her opinions are her own.
I am so excited about the April 30th release of The Guilt Trip. Did you see it when it was at the theater? To me, this would be the perfect movie to sit and watch with your mother — and now you can, because we are giving away The Guilt Trip Mother’s Day gift basket, filled with goodies. The basket will also include a special copy of the movie — just for you Mom!
About The Guilt Trip
The “hilarious and heartfelt” story of one man’s cross-country road trip with his mother, THE GUILT TRIP hits the road on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital Download and On Demand April 30, 2013 from Paramount Home Media Distribution.
Screen legend Barbra Streisand and comic master Seth Rogen “are the perfect comedy duo” (Shawn Edwards, Fox-TV) in director Anne Fletcher’s (The Proposal) delightful and heartwarming comedy that is “packed with laugh-out-loud moments” (Meriah Doty, Yahoo! Movies). As inventor Andy Brewster (Rogen) is about to embark on a road trip to sell his latest product, he feels compelled to invite his mother, Joyce (Streisand), along for the ride. Across 3,000 miles of adventure and antics both Andy and Joyce discover that while they have their differences, they also have more in common than they ever realized.
An ideal gift to share with your mom on Mother’s Day, THE GUILT TRIP will be available in a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack with UltraViolet™. The two-disc set comes packed with over an hour of hilarious bonus features including featurettes on Barbra and Seth, a look inside Barbra’s world, an alternate opening and ending, over 10 deleted scenes and an uproarious gag reel. The film will also be available as a single-disc DVD.
The Blu-ray release available for purchase will be enabled with UltraViolet, a new way to collect, access and enjoy movies. With UltraViolet, consumers can add movies to their digital collection in the cloud, and then stream or download them – reliably and securely – to a variety of devices.
Enter to win
One reader is going to get their chance to win this wonderful spa gift basket as well as the special Mother’s Day copy of The Guilt Trip. Use the Rafflecopter form to enter this giveaway. New to Rafflecopter? Watch this 45-second video on how to enter!
Rebecca says
To Illinois from Colorado when I was 18.
Linda Kish says
As a child, we would travel from New Jersey to Tennessee in the summers. I loved those trips.
Karla Sceviour says
When we went to Florida has a family when I was a kid.
Krista says
When I was 16 week took a family road trip all the way across the country and back. I had to help drive because my mom got something in her eye on our first night out. It was good trip though!
CharityS says
Trips to my grandmother’s house.
Judy Schwartz Haley says
a couple years ago, my mom moved from Seattle to Alaska. My 2 year old daughter and I accompanied her on that road trip, and we took a long winding scenic route through Banff on our way. Let me tell you, 2,000 miles with a senior citizen and a toddler was exhausting – but we had a blast.
ally marie says
it was a bonafide road trip to TN. We had so much fun.
Savannah miller says
My mom refuses to go on road trips! So sadly we are lacking in fun road trip stories 🙁
Liz says
My mom did a lot of the trips to get me from college. It was always fun.
Krystal says
Best road trip with my mom was from Boise to Salt Lake with a new baby. It was the longest drive ever, but with my mom it was great!
Ellen B says
we used to go shopping all the time
Cassie says
I love when we go antique shopping…always my fav times 🙂
Stacie says
When she would come with me for work to santa barbara and slo! so much fun!
julie_bolduc says
yes going to Toronto
Brenda Penton says
I’ve never taken a road trip with my mother 🙁
Harmony B says
She picked up my brother and I from school when I was 14 and drove to Disney world from jersey
Julie Davis says
We went to biloxi wihen I was in college and lost all our money!
kelly g says
Driven back to our home state
Emma says
sadly I have yet to take one.
amy rouse says
sadly, my mom and I are estranged so I can’t recall a great road trip. 🙁
Tammy Shelton says
Texas to california
sarah sar says
the best road trip was to Niagara Falls one hot summer day…we had a great time!
Theresa J says
I actually dont remember taking a true road trip with my mom
Wayne Lecoy says
Please enter me in your giveaway.
It would be great to win this spa gift basket
as well as the special Mother’s Day copy of The Guilt Trip Blu-ray/DVD.
In response to your question of
What is the best road trip you have ever taken with your mom?
The best road trip i took with my mother was actually by train
because i don’t drive .
We went to Vancouver,British Columbia in 1998 to visit relatives.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
Dayna Wilson says
We used to drive the Alaska Highways between Whitehorse and Vancouver all the time!
Sunshine G says
Portland – it was a blast!
tina harwood says
a trip to hilton head with my mother
Carey says
One of the best road trips I took with my sister before either of us were married with our sweet kids. We drove to Virginia from Florida she was going to be married soon. We had all kinds of problems, car overheating, her car almost dragging the ground with too much baggage, on and on but we had so much fun laughing about it. We had to spash each other with water at times when we couldn’t find a exit to rest and had to keep putting in water in the engine it sounds silly but all the problems made many laughs. We actually look back on that trip and laugh every time. Definately not a pleasure trip but it was really funny!
Carey says
looks like a fun gift to enjoy hope I win!
megan h says
it wasn’t much of a road trip as it was a 2 week trip to England. She was born there and we have family there so it was my first time to a new country and to meet the family it was amazing and i can’t wait to take my daughters one day hopefully with my mom too!
Tammy Dalley says
We drove 4 hours together just for for a day of shopping , it was nice to spend a whole day with just my mom!
hollowsins says
I would have to say the trip home from the hospital with my first born was pretty special
Emilia says
We went down to California through the Redwood forest, great memories
maria says
We’ve actually never taken a road trip together, but many long car rides!
Jessica Gunderson says
When I moved home after living 2100 miles away from my mom. We rode home together and now I live a couple houses away and it’s WONDERFUL!! LOVE her!!
Mary I says
The Best road trip was when Mom and I went down east to my niece’s graduation.
Georgia Beckman says
We used to go to Nashville IN every fall. My mom, both of my sisters & my aunt. (My mom’s sister) We would stop & eat breakfast first (OF COURSE!), enjoy the scenic fall drive to Nashville, hit all the shops & eat our way through the day.
ashley says
The best was going to disney world!
Lori Bazan says
We did a mother daughter road trip to New York…it was great!
Erin says
My family lived pretty far in the middle of nowhere, TN, so any car ride was considered a road trip. My mom and I always had a blast where ever we were going. I once told my mom about a dream that I’d had when I was a child, which my butt was filled with helium! I thought she’d never stop laughing and it has become an inside joke that is mentioned almost every time we’re together now :]
Tabathia B says
Probably to myrtle beach, sc
Garrett says
We traveled from Texas to Illinois one time.
Chuck says
We took a long trip to Wisconsin together.
Leah Shumack says
My mom passed away when I was 11 so I don’t remember much. But I know we traveled in the car to Cape Cod a few months before
Lori D. says
We drove to Arizona a long time ago together.
Don says
We had gone on a few camping trips together.
Jennifer H says
chicago to florida when my hunny moved to be with me 🙂
Jeannie says
Definitely a shopping trip to the outlets in Seattle with my mom!
Sarah B. says
Across the country!
Margot C says
Along the Eastern Seaboard up the Massachusetts to see old battle grounds (sounds odd but was fun)
Deb K says
My Mom and I used to take road trips all the time~but one time we had to bring a camper back for my Dad and we had no idea how to drive hauling that! We laughed so much and just thinking about it now makes me smile 🙂
I sure miss my Mama but Thank God for all the good memories.
Shelly Sawicki Lash Neuhouser says
Drove to Vegas!
Amy Z. says
We drove to DC together to explore the capital!
Robyn says
We went to Iowa to visit relatives, and it was just the two of us. My mom shared so many stories about her childhoodl How devestating it was losing her Mom when she was so young. She also shared all the wonderful memories they had together. I realize why she is such a strong person, and an awesome Mom.
judy gardner says
our yearly treks to gatlinburg, tennessee were always fun!
John says
I and my Mom went to Florida.
Natalia says
We went to visit our relatives during Easter vacation.
samantha w says
Have never taken a road trip with my mom, but hope to take one with my kids when they get older
Jennifer L. says
Driving out to the Maritimes from Toronto when I was a kid was a lot of fun.
Jenn B says
Best road trip was a trip from San Antonio, TX to Biloxi, MS. I road in the back of the station wagon trying to keep the cat she found at her mom’s house inside the box. =) I was 11 years old.
Cathy C says
I have fun memories of the road trip we took to Galveston Beach when I was a kid! Lots of fun in the sun!
Jeanette Jackson says
One of the best was when we drove to New York from Ontario Canada to visit my mom’s aunt.
Kate says
We drove from NY to FL to go to Disney World!
Carolyn Y says
When I was a kid and we went from Toronto to Montreal, those were the best road trips with mom.
Beth C says
Drove to Minnesota to visit my aunt. Fun time!
Stephanie G says
My mom and I drove all around Oregon one time, we went to Crater Lake and saw all the Rose Garden and all the sites in Portland, it was one of the only road trips just the two of us have taken and it was a lot of fun for both of us!
Staci A says
Driving out to visit my sister at college.
Mary W says
Camping at Yellowstone National Park was a blast together.
Erika says
We haven’t yet, but it would be a blast!
paula says
we went to west virginia to see my best friend and his family. best trip ever!
kathy stevenson says
We drove to California from Illinois! It was long but fun!
Forgetfulone says
not too far… drove my mom to CS to watch my nephew, her grandson, graduate from college.
Ashley says
The best roadtrip I have taken with my mom would be when we went to see my aunt and uncle in dyersburg, tn.
Belinda McNabb says
The best road trip taken with my mom was to fargo. A whole weekend of shopping and mom and daughter time
Minerva says
My mom & I went to the movies with my little sister. I wanted to see a love story & my little sister want to see a cartoon. It was the weekend so some kids from school was there too. Asking to see the movie with them instead of with my family, my mother said ” No this is our family day!” I replied ” I don’t want to see a cartoon! I want to see a teen love story with kids my age! So my mother grab my and said ” I will show you a love story! In front of my peers she reached to put her arms around me & start hugging & kissing me! I was so mad & embarrass I went in to see the cartoon with them & did not asking for any candy, pop or popcorn! Lol
Michelle Christiansen says
it’s gonna be this summer! we’ve driving from DE up to RI!!!
Lee says
Retirees and golf carts! My mom and I went to The Villages in Florida to visit her side of the family. I was fascinated by the elaborate golf carts people rode around in. We went to Daytona Beach and didn’t get in the water!
Jennifer Marie says
We went to west virginia and had such a nice drive and time together.
Lacey says
We drove from Michigan to TN about 10 years ago. We had an absolute blast!
Amy L says
My best road trip with my mom and our entire family was when we drove from our home in Ohio to Virginia Beach over 40 years ago, when I was a child. We went to Chincoteague island to see the wild horses. We swam in the ocean every day. We had dinner at a seafood restaurant. With 6 kids in our family, that trip was such a luxury, and we had the best time.
Susan P. says
My family used to drive from PA to CT for Thanksgiving and Easter and from PA to MI in the summer.
meredith says
when we went to check out colleges
Kathy S says
I don’t think I’ve ever done a road trip with my mom. Wish I could have though.
Idaho Jill says
We used to drive to Chicago to go window shopping…and to Cincinnati for Kings Island. I haven’t been on a road trip with her for a very long time though!
Kristie says
When I was in high school and she took me to a special event that I was attending. We had a nice 9 hour (over 2 days) drive 🙂
Carla D. says
We have never been on a road trip together.
Ellie W says
The best road trip was from Dallas to a little town in Tennessee to see my mother’s childhood home.
shelly says
Best road trip ever to the White Mountains in NH
Madonna says
my grandmother raised me so she was my mom. When I was little we used to ride the greyhound buses all over to visit her kids. The most memorable for me was our trip to Richmond VA. They had drug dogs sniffing everything in the station. I was about 8 so had never seen such things coming from rural WV.
Madonna says
going to wheeling wv to see Elton John
Cassandra Eastman says
We had so many as kids, but the one I remember best was probably our trip to Florida!
LaVonne says
Washington to Lodi, CA for a health conference.
nannypanpan says
such a tough question..she’s a backseat driver…i guess last yr when we drove to the zoo another state away
[email protected]
Jennifer says
To and from college. Texas to Utah.
Caroline B says
Going to Georgia back when I was looking at colleges.
lisa bolduc says
i have never taken one with my mom. i have taken one with my dad
Melissa P. says
Camping trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.
Barbara Montag says
My Mom and I went on a spur of the moment road trip to see the Black Hills.
We had such a great time!
Thank you.
Angela E. says
We went to Chicago together a time or two.
Rachel says
Trip to MI to visit my 1st home as a new wife, we had her over for Mother’s Day!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
When we drove to Niagara Falls!
latanya says
we have not gone on a road trip
Wehaf says
We had a marvelous family trip to Niagara Falls when I was little!
Vickie Couturier says
we rode to florida together an went on a cruise an then drove back,wonderful!
Van says
We drove to go camping together with the whole family.
June S. says
When we drove down to Texas together one time, we had a good time.
KATHY says
We constantly went on road trips. But a favorite weekly event every Saturday was to dress up in our favorite outfits, go downtown, have lunch, and have lots of fun window shopping.
Sadie says
Best road trip – to Seattle through South Dakota. It was beautiful.
Tracy F. says
We took a roadtrip from austin, tx to colorado. That was some major bonding time!
Vunda V says
does a road trip to the mall count?!
ginette4 says
great roadtrip with my Mom was when we went to visit family in Maine, what a great time, so much talking and being with my Mom
Vera Khule says
I never went on a road trip with just my Mom.
Kathy says
I have never been able to take a road trip with my mom but planning a trip to my brothers on a plane with her
Charlene S says
To the beach. Our trips were always full of laughs.
Crissy D. says
I went to Niagara Falls with my mom
Terra Heck says
When I was a freshman in high school, my mom and I took a road trip with my brother to a relative’s house. It was supposed to be a six hour drive but took nine instead because we got lost. We didn’t let it deter us though. We laughed, talked and shared memories. Thanks.
Christine Jensen says
Our family took a road trip to Mesa Verde in Colorado, my mom was with us (as it was our whole family). I really enjoyed it, as I learned so much there (I was about 11).
Tammy S says
The best road trip was when my sister, mom and I drove 8hrs to go back to our home town. We told old stories about things we did in the past. I have never laughed so hard for so long.
Elena says
The best road trip was to Yosemite Park
Angel S. says
It would have to be our roadtrip to Disneyland when our son was young. What a great trip!
Andrew P says
As a child, going on a roadtrip to Niagara Falls
Rosemary ford says
Going to beach with my mom
A trip to our summer beach home in SC – with shopping for antiques all along the way.
Will G says
Only went on one road trip.. it was for a surgery she had to have :\
Karen Lynch says
My mom doesn’t like to travel, last year my teen daughter and I went for a girls trip to MN and had a good time. We are hoping to do this yearly.
courtney d says
The best road trip I’ve been on with my mom was our drive on the “Road to Hana” in Maui!
Ani says
Driving up to Canada was the best road trip with my mom.
Kelly D says
I think our best road trip is when we visited the sites in Washington DC last summer.
mrsshukra says
Have not taken a road trip with Mom!
Bud L says
My mom and I drove threw Iowa to find the place her mom was born. Fun trip – Would love to do it again some day
Stephanie wolfe says
My Mom and I drove through Erie, PA & NY wine country. We stopped at every winery along the way and got lost trying to find many of the off road wineries. Our goal was to have a great weekend away on the Canadian side of the Falls. We had THE BEST time EVER. That was the last girl trip my mom and I took before I got married and had 4 babies. I do wish I had been able to relax a little more if I had only known then what I know now:0) And yes, mom was pretty much always right:0)
Anne says
We went with the whole family and enjoyed these times together.
Christine Kozanda says
best road trip was lost in Vermont on the mountain with all the runaway truck ramps wondering if we were going to live lol we’re from flatland area and so not used to that stuff – but we survived
Christine Kozanda says
my mom would love this!
Donna O'Neil says
I’ve never been on a roadtrip with my mom….my mom doesn’t even drive. I have taken roadtrips with my daughter and we have gone to San Diego.
Cynthia R says
never took road trip with just my mom, the whole family was there for a few 12 hours rides.
Ashlie says
All over the mid-west!
Carol Yemola says
I once went to Gettysburg National Park with my mom. She was so much fun and it was such an interesting trip.
beth cole says
When she took me to college for the first time!
Teri says
It has to be when we went down to check out my college and sign my lease for my first appartment. It was kind of our last big trip before I moved out on my own.
Heather Hayes Panjon says
Took A Roadtrip To My Mom’s Hometown! Great Memories!
Thao says
The trip to Disney when I was about 12. That was the best family vacation we ever had.
Anne Lehnick says
My mom does NOT like riding in the car, but when I can get her in there, she always enjoys riding with the grandkids. So I’d say, any road trip we’ve taken since I gave birth to my son 6 years ago has been a good one with her.
angie says
when I was a kid we traveled to rockhome gardens what an awesome trip
Debbie Bashford says
When we went to Niagara Falls
Tabitha P. says
probably has a kid going to disney
Ashleigh Swerdfeger says
On a camping trip. It was nice that my family was able to spend time together outdoors.
Jennifer Thomas says
Wow… It was the early 80’s. We were moving cross country from FLorida to California.. My Mom, My sister and baby brother.. My dad was in a Uhaul… It was definitely interesting.. Texas is a REALLY LOOOOONNNNG state! 😉
jeannine s says
driving to my aunt’s house to pick up my prom dress my aunt made me
Kim barnes says
best road trip was going to the beach with my Mom.
Renee Woodling says
To visit an Great Aunt… Fun Fun
Anne Taylor says
it was in the 70s. My mom was driving a mini and took me and my 2 siblings from Victoria to the interior of BC and into the Rockies! All in our teeny tiny mini lol At one point I remember being surrounded by bikers on some stretch of highway…my mom was terrified but I thought it was a blast lol
Steph says
I took a trip with my mom to Scottsdale AZ, to visit her sister and her dad. It was crazy but fun.
Molly Martin says
My mom & I drove across country from Oregon to Tennessee to get me to UT for college. It was loads of fun. We did all the silly touristy stuff on the way like seeing that enormous prairie dog in Kansas. Fun times!