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I count myself among the many women out there who have gained significantly more techie knowledge over the last couple of years than I ever thought I would have. Through blogging I’ve learned about HTML coding, uploads, feeds and things I never thought I’d know about (or even care to know). My husband gave me a Logitech Squeezebox Boom Network Music Player for Christmas, which involved several steps of installation that allowed this innovative music player to access internet radio and my music library as stored on my harddrive. Instead of pleading ignorance and letting “the man” do it, I figured it out myself. I’ve also set up wireless printers and video game systems, not to mention tried (tried, I say) to diagnose and repair problems on my computer. Being a housewife isn’t what it used to be.
Even five years ago, a woman could consider herself a domestic goddess if she kept the laundry done and managed to get a hot meal on the table a few days a week while also keeping up with social schedules and homework. But now we all need a rudimentary technical knowledge to keep our homes in good working order, and if we have more than basic skills, we can really add value to our family.
No Starch Press offers “the finest in geek entertainment” with books about Lego Robot kits, networking and more. How to Be a Geek Goddess: Practical Advice for Using Computers with Smarts and Style by Christina Tynan-Wood provides the best in technical information written by a woman, for women. She doesn’t dumb it down, but she doesn’t try to show off her expertise with confusing terms and acronyms. This book gave me practical information about
- Buying a computer
- Making the most of your home WIFI network
- Tips to keep your computer running quickly (and notice I didn’t use that confusing power word optimization, nor did she)
- Customizing your own start page and using free scheduling tools
For those less familiar with some of the basics, this book also covers
- Getting online
- Social networking: blogs, facebook etc
- Internet shopping (with sites and tips that were helpful to me, a veteran shopper as well
This informative and highly readable book would make a great gift for your mom or grandmother who has just gotten online or perhaps wants to go beyond just using the computer for email. Because of the more advanced information, it also makes a great reference for any home library.
You can check out the chapter on shopping yourself right now. For the latest information, check out author Christina Tynan-Wood’s blog Geek Girlfriends.
We have two copies of How to Be a Geek Goddess to give away. Leave a comment if you’d like to win, and check this column next week to see if you won.
Due to legal restrictions, this promotion is not available in Arizona or Quebec. Please see our site’s Terms and Conditions of Use for a complete list of our Contest and Giveaway Rules.
The winner of last week’s book, The Centurion’s Wife, is #97 Anita. You should have received an email from me. If not, please send your address to 5minutesforbooks (at) gmail DOT com.
John Deal says
I’d like to win this for my daughter.
ky2here says
I need lots and lots of improvement in this area. I’m getting better but I have tons of work to do to even look like catching up.
Erica L says
I would love to be able to fix things without calling a tech. It took me two days to install a printer, but it’s still not in our home network. Any help would be appreciated.
Holly Cooper says
This would be great! Thanks for the excellent giveway.
This would be SO nice!
Melanie D says
I would love to win this
Heather Sebastian says
Looks like a fantastic book!
Amy Tucker says
Geek alert! I am a nerd, but could be motivated to change!
Veronica Garrett says
I wouls love to win.
Roseann Kies says
Love to learn how to be a Geek Goddess! Thanks!
kathy pease says
Timothy Sternberg says
Pick me!
Ilissa H. says
This is a great giveaway. Since I happen to be a bit of a geek, this book would be perfect for me. I want to learn how to make the most of it. lol Great book. Thanks for the chance.
Marjorie says
I need to be a geek godess! Would really help me on the job, too.
Ana says
love it
Jeanine P says
Nice prize! I would love to win! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
BariV says
I’m the mostest geek
Deborah Wellenstein says
I could really use this-please enter me to win!
diana d says
This book sounds interesting. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway
Kelli Robinson says
Although I consider myself pretty computer savvy, I suspect there is lots I can learn from this book. Thanks for the chance to win!
kathy says
I could really use this book – from cover to cover!
Elizabeth M says
I would love to be a geek goddess!
susan says
I would love to win this, and be a geek goddess!
Lara Aleff says
Sounds like a book I need to read!
Suzanne Reichel says
I’m definitely a geek, so now to work on the goddess part!
Marcy Strahan says
I want to be a Geek Goddess!
I just love this book & hope I win.
If not I will save my pennies & buy it!
For a computer urber nerd like me this book would be both enteraining & informative!
[email protected]
Chrysa says
Looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Kathy D says
would love to read You have the greats books
kitty says
This sounds like a wonderful book! Thanks for the giveaway.
Sherri Siler says
I need to learn more about the computer. I would love to win this.
kelly Hedberg says
I could diffenitly use this geek book. I barely know where the on/ off button is,lol,,
Marcia S says
I’m techno-challenged, but would like to be a geek goddess.
Dani says
Sounds like a book right up my alley. Thanks!
Kenna Rogers says
I would love this book! Thanks!
Geri Nyland says
I’m already a ‘geek’, but could use this book to learn how to become a ‘geek goddess’…lol
Kathy S says
I’m the Mom of 2 grown children and have 2 grandchildren and taught myself the computer 6 years ago. I took to it immediately (having always loved setting up my vcr, Tivo, etc), and now my husband says that he can’t believe that he’s married to a total geek! Would love to win this. Thanks!
Leann S says
Would love to win.
sito says
Well, I want to be some kind of goddess, and Geek Goddess would suit me just fine.
Tiffany Hulbert says
I am an engineer, but not quite geek status yet – maybe this book would help! 🙂 Thank you for this opportunity!
Cassandra says
I definitely need to be more tech savvy. Thanks!
Betty C says
Everyone thinks I know so much but I’m just faking it! I need to really know what everyone thinks I know 🙂
Mollie G. says
This would be a great “leveler” in our household — keeping my wonderfully-geek husband from being the only one who can fix the technical things in our lives!! Thanks for the chance!
kayleigh ann farris says
so want it!
kfarris2 [at]horizon [dot] csueastbay [dot] edu
Rose Fisher says
This book would be so helpful to me! Please enter me, too, for a chance to win! Thank you!
Ed Nemmers says
Happy 2009!
Jacqueline says
Please enter me! Great giveaway … thanks for the opportunity! 😀
David says
Sounds like a good book, thanks.
Jack Davis says
Thanks for the contest!
My wife should read this book!
Pegi L says
I’m the super geek goddess!!!!!
chastidy says
This would be great, someone around here needs to know how to work the computer 🙂
amylou says
I think I was a geek goddess before it became popular.
Vicki says
Really neat! Thanks!!
Susan G says
My sister is techie challenged and could really use a copy of this book.
djgroz says
This sounds very useful,would like to win it. Thanks for great contest.
Janice Wright says
I need so much help in becoming a Geek goddess. I lack so much info on the subject. Thanks for the giveaway!
Marion B says
Sounds like an interesting book to read!
Lisa Fosses says
I need this book
Erma says
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
Carolyn says
Boy, could I use this. I’m useless on tech concepts.
Camille says
I want my mom to become a geek goddess next year, when she retires (that is, after she learns how to use the mouse)
jadie says
I would love to win this!!
Tamara Burks says
This sounds handy.
David Clark says
Thanks for the contest! My wife would love to read this book!!!
Diane Baum says
I would love this book
sandra kao says
please enter me
raych says
Oh please oh please pick me. I am definitely the ‘techie’ of our house, but that just means that I’m in charge of phoning my dad for help whenever something goes wrong, computer-wise. I’d love to be able to stand on my own two (very adult) feet.
Jen says
I would love to have this, and share it with my mom, so my wonderful hubby doesn’t always have to help us figure out our computer issues!
Ann Marie Walker says
When I read the title I had to laugh. This would be a great book to have and read. Hubby actually was calling me a geek the other day because I am always “trying” to do different things on the computer. I laughed and said I’m proud to be called a geek, that is my goal in life to be a really good one. lol.. So this book would be perfect !! Thanks
Judy says
I’m a subscriber!
Noelia Gutierrez says
Love it, thanks
Angela Winesburg says
Wonderful contest!!! I would love to win this, thanks so much!!!! 🙂
Karen Gonyea says
I want to win 🙂
Jennifer Hedden says
enter me
Michele says
Please, count me in!
Samantha Pruitt says
i’d love this!
Jennifer Tomas says
I’m up for anything GEEK!!!!
Regina says
I need all the help I can get.
Miss Heidi says
This looks good. Thanks.
[email protected]
Martha C says
Ok… I need this book so I don’t have to depend on the Stevemeister! Not that that is a bad idea…’s one of the reasons I married him!
Andria says
I would love a chance to win
Lauren says
this sounds so cute and useful! great idea for a book..
Annie says
Whoa, do I need this book. I would love to be a Geek Goddess!
Katherine Frazier says
I so need this book in my house.
Melissa D says
I am already a Greek Goddess, so Geek Goddess would be the next logical step…
Judy says
Geek Goddess! Count me In! I’m a geek wannabe!
Terri D says
I’m a real computer geek. Could use this!
Mom on the Run says
I’m a subscriber.
I need this book int he worst way. I want to be a social media person, but have technological issues. Know the lingo, just don’t know how to make it work.
Linda says
I am a subscriber.
Jenn S. says
Would love to expand my computer usage knowledge.
Susan Ledet says
I know how to “use” the computer for my needs but would love to know more about computers and how they work. I need to be a Geek Goddess.
Carla Pullum says
Count me in can’t wait to read this!!
Brenda says
To learn more, so I don’t have to ask my kids so much, thanks for the giveaway
Julie Donahue says
I’m a subscriber
Julie Donahue says
i have your button
Julie Donahue says
I need to keep up with my beloved Geek!
Kim says
I’m a subscriber!
Kim says
This would be such a handy book for me! Thanks for the giveaway!
Marie says
I would love to be a Geek Goddess 🙂
Gabriel J. says
Please, enter me, great prize!!!
Cascia says
That sounds like a very interesting book. I am not very tech savvy. Maybe I should learn a thing or two. Like you I also need to be more organized in 2009. Thank you for sharing this information!
JanMary says
That is the book for me!
Jill H. says
Definately going on my “must read” list. I used to be much more “up” on the tech side of things…but then i had kids..and stopped working in the tech sector…..maybe this will help me get back in the saddle.
Stephanie says
Definitely looks like a good read…and the topic is so timely! I’d love to become even more “geeky” in 2009 and this book just might help me in that journey.
Christina Brunetti says
Would Love to have this.
SallyMS says
I need all the help I could get when it comes to computers….
Ginny says
This book looks great!
Terri says
would love to win
Angela J says
I can use this, really, my main computer just went down with a Trojan virus (after I ignored a bonus “install virus–” window)
Karen P says
Another great contest, please enter me. 🙂
Jill W. says
I’d love to win, thanks!
Sarah says
enter me!
valerie mabrey says
count me in to win
Jason Nickolay says
Looks like a good book for a gift
jayne says
I love to learn something new everyday! Thank you!
veronica sandberg says
computers always need to learn more about them
Zoly says
There is always something new to learn about computers.
Kathleen Fick says
I want to be a Geek Goddess,instead of computer failure!
Ashley says
This sounds great! Enter me please! 🙂
Linda Howard says
Please enter me. Thanks!
Susan C says
I would love to win. I need help!
Jennifer Barr says
i’d love to win this book 🙂
Kristen says
I have always been a self-taught technology person, but lately this stuff comes in faster than I can keep up and now I need help!
Serena says
Sounds interesting…count me in, please!
Francine Anchondo says
Thanks for the giveaway
Zoe Lee says
I would love to read these, sounds fun. Thanks for another fab contest.
Bobv says
Great prize, enter me please.
Karen B says
Even us greatgrannies would like to become a Geek Goddess!
Stephen Saunders says
anything geeky is cool. Enter me please. 🙂
dorothy l says
I would love to win and I need this book
Kim says
I’d LOVE to win this!
Sandy Cooper says
I would love this book.
alissa says
i would love to learn from this book.
Shawnna says
This would help me out a LOT. Hope I win.
judy haley (coffeejitters) says
ha! I’d love to get my hands on this book.
Linda says
Good Luck to all
Teresa C says
I have read excerpts from this book, and I think this would be helpful to anyone, man, woman or child, who needs tech help. Thanks.
herblady says
I really need this because my husband knows next to nothing about computers and I have noone to turn to for help. I’m a complete dummy about technical stuff! Help! Pick me! (please)
Susan Smith says
This sounds like a helpful book.
Melanie S says
Thanks for the great review! I’ve added this book to my “wanna read” list…and since they don’t have it in my local library’s collection, I’m putting my name in here. : )
Dawn says
What a perfect book!
Rebecca C says
I am a geek so I would love this!
Shirley says
I need both of these! Hope I win
Brian N. says
go vegan
christopher h says
love to win this
Adrienne Gordon says
enter me
Christina says
I’d love to learn what to do when viruses infect computers or when, say, my Spy Sweeper won’t work, suddenly, because it’s incompatible with the new Windows update!
michelle maddock says
I’d love to have this book I’m 50 and just startsd to learn about computers thanks.
janeh says
There is always more to learn…..ot would be fun to become a geek goddess!
Anne says
This looks tres informative and straightforward! I’d love it!
judy brittle says
I am learning but can always use the help. This book sounds great! Thank you so much!
Pat says
There’s so much I need/want to learn! This book would really help.
Thanks for the contest. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2009!
Anna says
I would love to win this book. My son is a computer engineering major. Whenever I have a question, he pushes me out of the way and quickly takes care of the problem. Not the way to learn to fish!!
Carolyn G says
I want to be a geek goddess!!!
Sara Amos says
I would love to give this to my mom so she could catch up with her two daughters!
Karen Ruth says
OMG I wish to be a Geek Goddess. could never been a Greek Goddess, so what the heck, try the next besst thing.
Kat R says
this would help hone my online and techy skills
Ana says
nice prize
Kathy Scott says
I am technology challenged so I think this would be a great book for me.
robyn scollo says
My kids are geeks. I am NOT! I need to desperately catch up to them!! They know I barely know how to check my email!! Scary!
Baba says
I would love this. Not sure it would make me a geek godess tho. I just hope I’m not too old to learn. LOL
DJ says
Sounds like a handy book to have.
Andria says
What would my husband do if I were a geek goddess? Thanks for the chance!
dan tynan says
well, if you like this writeup, you’ll probably love my interview with the author, which you can find here:
Barbara H. says
So I finally learn how to use the CD player & everyone switched to MP3s. At last, I can program the VCR, but everyone switched to DVDs. I can access the internet, but everyone left me for blogs, twisters, twitters, twaddles, whatever. And what the heck does 404 error mean, anyway. Yeah, I need the book.
Jamaise says
Ooh yeah, I would love to be a geek goddess. After reading, I could share with my MIL who only knows how to check her email!
Samantha R says
I would love to win this book!
Jung A says
this book would really help, since i just know the basics!
Virginia Murr says
My forte has never been computers, but I would certainly like to change that fact!
Brian says
This would be perfect for my wife, who is just on the verge of discovering her inner geek.
susan varney says
love to win
Darlene says
I must have this! I have a geek husband who isn’t that great about sharing information. How fun would it be to tell him “I did it myself”
michele anne jaquays says
Oh, pick me, pick me as winner
Abby says
I would love to win! What a fun sounding book!
shannon Baas says
Looks like a good book.
Jen says
I am only a semi-geek and I want to reach Geek goddess status, so I am hoping i win. 🙂
shannon says
i wish i were a geek goddess! what a cool book!
Tracey says
I NEED this book!!
Denise says
I could really use this!
Rhonda Struthers says
I need lots of help in becoming a geek godess. Please enter me.
Pamela Kramer says
You got me on this one! I would love to read it.
C. clemens says
enter me please
Stacie says
This sounds exactly what I need to read!! Please count me in 🙂
Susan says
I’d love to win this so I wouldn’t have to ask my son so many questions. Thanks!
Christine Jensen says
What a fun, informative book. I would love to win!
Angie L says
I’d love to win. I need some help with me geekdom.
Keeling says
I’d love to win!
Babette Hussein says
I would like to keep up with my son he is thirteen and already is showing off to me and his dad.
Beth/Mom2TwoVikings says
Me, me, me! *jumping up and down*
Katrina (Callapidder Days) says
I love all things geeky. Please enter me. Thanks!
ellen cunningham says
I’m a geek I admit it. I’d love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.
Michael Capp says
I’d love to win!
SANDY says
hey I wanna be a geek goddess too- better than Miss America anyday in my book
Aisling says
I know enough to get by, but not nearly enough to create (or fix) anything. I could definitely use this book.
Joelle says
This would be a perfect gift for my mom! She’s so fearful she’ll click on something and her whole computer will explode 🙂
Maddy says
I don’t know about a ‘geek ‘ goddess. Any kind of goddess would do for now.
Ginnie says
I’ve learned a lot but there’s so much more I want to know. Maybe this will help.
Meg Munson says
This sounds like a great read!
Misty says
I have to agree that I have also learned a lot of techie information as I have setup my family blog and my facebook site…but there is more yet to learn. I always ask my husband what html code i need to do certain things..because my compose feature always needs some html code added for the formatting to work.
Jess says
I’m a biology nerd, but I’m far from the Linux geek I want to be…
Noreen says
I bet this book would be very helpful for me, I wish to be a geek godess 🙂
Stephanie'sMommyBrain says
With a computer programmer for a husband it’s all too easy to just let him set things up and problem solve. (Now I know why my mom can’t set the vcr timer!!) But blogging has me moving more and more into the geek world by choice. My hubby even brought a couple of html books home for me to read to help with the tech side of blogging. Funny what we can do when we have an interest in it. Maybe some day I’ll learn how to erase the messages off my answering machine… or not. = )
Casey says
Pick me! My husband is a HUGE self-proclaimed geek. I better get working if I’m going to become his Geek Goddess!!!