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Do you multitask?
I imagine most moms will say, OF COURSE! And I’d especially expect a hugely successful, mom blogging, mother of five, work-at-home mom to say that multitasking is a given.
But apparently I was wrong. Hear how Gabrielle Blair (Design Mom and Kirsty co-founder) has built her fabulous online career.
Work-At-Home Mother of Five Reveals Her Secret To Work/Family Balance from 5 Minutes for Mom on Vimeo.
Me? I’m constantly multitasking… sometimes much more than I’d like to be.
A year ago I finally resorted to hiring a nanny to help with my girls during the day. With my children well entertained, I am able to have some dedicated time to work. (Although, I still have interruptions to nurse Sophia and drive Julia to preschool etc.) But even within my work, I tend to multitask more than I should, which can be stressful and less productive.
But for many moms (especially work-at-home moms), working with our children by our sides is a necessity and often a wonderful blessing.
What about you? Do you blog or work-at-home while multitasking with kids? Do you juggle homeschooling and online activity at the same time? Or do you prefer focusing on one thing at a time?
This is our third interview webisode with Gabrielle. We have our fourth and final interview with Gabrielle planned for publication next month. Sign up for our RSS feed to ensure you don’t miss it.
If you missed the first two, catch up now.
Gabrielle Blair Video Part 1
Gabrielle Blair Video Part 2
susieshomemade says
I do both. I multitask brainless stuff when my daughter is here. For tasks that require more thought, I compartmentalize.
tracey says
yay gabrielle! so wonderful to see you here. as far as i can tell sister, you’ve got it goin’ on in a big way! : )
Erin says
I am a blogger, podcaster and freelance publicist. I work all sorts of hours. But I could never get the big freelance assignments done with the kids around. That’s work for when they are in school or at day care. I compartmentalize well (most of the time). If I am paying someone to watch my kids, then I must be billing a client during that same time. Non-billable work happens late at night or on the weekends.
Lisa says
I am so happy to hear from someone else who doesn’t multitask well. I have had to accept the fact that I operate differently and am still trying to learn how to get things done while only focusing on one thing at a time.
Stacey says
I am one of those few women (and moms) who cannot multitask. I cannot multitask to save my life! I guess that is why I am notorious for making lists. I have to write everything down or it will never get done. So, I can’t multitask and I have a non-existent short-term memory. Are you as surprised as I am that I have not forgotten either or my children at the grocery store yet? Oh, just give me time 🙂
Kimberly/Mom in the City says
I blog and work at home as a parenting writer/guide. Caring for my kids (4 and 1) is my number 1 job though.
Sometimes I multitask, but I try not to do that too much. I mainly work when the kids are having their naps/quiet times or are in bed, since I choose not to have a babysitter/nanny. When I have an outside meeting or work-related activity, that’s when I use childcare.
Alyssa says
I wouldnt’ be able to work if I didn’t multitask. I never have time alone. My kids are always with me so multitasking is a must. Like you mentioned some of us aren’t able to afford the childcare so we have to do what we have to do.
Petula says
I am a multitasker although I have greatly reduced the amount that I do at once. This is the first time, in more than a year, that I’ve been able to work at home without any of the children here for about five hours each day. I try to focus on work/blog-related activities, but sometimes I find it necessary to throw in a load of clothes or clean up. I’m thankful for the time I get to work uninterrupted and in quiet so that I can focus on my children more when they’re here.