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Join Janice and I for a lighthearted chat with Dawn Meehan from Because I Said So about the crazy behind the scenes life of professional mom bloggers.
Laughing at the Busy Lives of Professional Mom Bloggers from 5 Minutes for Mom on Vimeo.
This is the second video of our series of four interview segments with Dawn. Watch our first video with Dawn here.
Give your readers something to laugh about. Embed this video on your own blog and link to Because I Said So. (Or you can link back here.)
What about you?
How busy is your blogging life?
Do you leave countless emails unanswered?
What time do you get to sleep at night? Or wake up in the morning?
What about hate mail… have you ever received any?
Watch more of our video interviews with your favorite mom bloggers.
Rick says
A big Dawn fan. Thanks for sharing her with me/us.
trisha says
How busy is your blogging life?
We work on our blog 8-10 hours a full time.
Do you leave countless emails unanswered?
I get on average 500 emails a week…so Yes, many are unanswered.
What time do you get to sleep at night? Or wake up in the morning?
I go to bed at midnight and get up at 7am
What about hate mail… have you ever received any?
Hate mail, blogging about me, blogging about our site, crap talk everywhere. LOL! It rolls off. Im way to busy to read it anymore! Keep making me popular, i dont care. 🙂
Susan says
Okay Ladies, Lani pointed out that I never answered the questions about Janice and myself… so here it goes…
How busy is your blogging life?
Beyond busy! Indescribable actually… b/c our blogging life blends outside of our blogging life and becomes our entire online life which also includes our ecommerce stores. (Well, Janice doesn’t do anything with the ecommerce stores, but I do.) Also, for us now it also involves coordinating team efforts… so less writing sometimes and more coordinating.
Do you leave countless emails unanswered?
Literally thousands. So please forgive us if you don’t hear back. And always resend and nag… squeaky wheels get oil.
What time do you get to sleep at night? Or wake up in the morning?
This varies all the time. But generally we are night owls and work best in the middle of the night. All nighters happen on a regular basis. (Then we sleep in the day to recuperate — we still do need a ton of sleep.)
What about hate mail… have you ever received any?
I don’t think so… but then again we do have lots of unread email… so maybe we’ve missed something along the way.
Lani ~ The Wooden Porch says
P.S. What about you girls?
Michelle says
What about you?
How busy is your blogging life? at times busy if I have gone somewhere with McKenna and have taken alot of pictures* 100 or more*
Do you leave countless emails unanswered? yes!!!!
What time do you get to sleep at night? 12 am or later..blogging and reading message boards at night to catch up are great or shop!!! LOL.
Or wake up in the morning? 7 am…
What about hate mail… have you ever received any? nope..I’m glad that would upset me alot..
this was fun .thanks Janice and Susan 🙂
Lani ~ The Wooden Porch says
How busy is your blogging life?
I’ve slowed way, way down and determined that I will never be a power blogger, and that’s just fine. I can’t maintain a home, homeschool, work at home, and stay on top of the kids if I spend too much time with my hobby. After two years of blogging, I’ve found a great balance.
Do you leave countless emails unanswered?
No! I don’t get many!
What time do you get to sleep at night? Or wake up in the morning?
Used to be around 2AM – 7AM, but that just had to stop. I was a zombie. A crabby zombie! Now it’s 10PM – 7AM
What about hate mail… have you ever received any?
YES! My neighbor found my blog and left me an anonymous AWFUL comment and called me out on not really being a Christian (we also go to church together). She still doesn’t know I know it was her and she still reads my blog not knowing I have a stat counter. It’s funny because I’m awfully tame in what I write. Now if I really let loose and let my guard down and was super honest with my feelings, life, let downs and failings… well, it wouldn’t be pretty, but then nobody’s dirty laundry ever is, is it?
peppylady says
Gee I’ll answers all of your questions.
1. How busy is your blogging life? Yes but now I learn or I should say I put my self on a time limted.
So many cool bloggers out there.
Do you leave countless emails unanswered? I’m terrible at this. I need to set time to take care of my e-mails.
What time do you get to sleep at night? pretty early sometime before the chickens.
Or wake up in the morning? Before the chickens.
What about hate mail… have you ever received any? I don’t know if you call this hate mail. I had one blogger e-mail and said she want nothing to do with me because of my faith.
Oh well.
I thought it was pretty cowardly to e-mail and stead of saying on my blog (face to face)
I have or know of few great things going around the blog world..just stop on by.
Plus I have survey on my side bar.
Doll Clothes Gal says
Great psot and insight into a busy bloggers life.
How busy is your blogging life? Very busy – I keep 2 pretty much up to date.
Do you leave countless emails unanswered? I try not to – my goal is to answer all mails by the end of the next day.
What time do you get to sleep at night? Or wake up in the morning? Sleep at midnight; wake with the kids at 7am
What about hate mail… have you ever received any? Thanksfully I have not….so far.
Maddy says
How busy is your blogging life?
Do you leave countless emails unanswered?
Yes, but I usually get there eventually.
What time do you get to sleep at night? Or wake up in the morning?
Bed [to read] at about 11 – 1 a.m. Awake at 4 – 5 a.m. [yes, I am that werewolf]
What about hate mail… have you ever received any?
3 times – they were all mis-understandings, once I managed to unravel them.