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Do you love to read? Do you love books?
Nothing makes me happier than a big ‘ol pile of new books. If you are like me, you will love this giveaway. We are giving away a a bundle of books worth over $120. Please click through the amazon links or the to the publisher’s site to find out more about the books that interest you.
From Hachette Books:
Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter — (read my full review HERE)
Odd Mom Out by Jane Porter introduces us to Marta Zinsser, who moves from Manhattan to an exclusive Seattle-area community. Will she find a way to fit in and still be true to herself?
From Bethany House/Baker Books:
Truffles by the Sea by Julie Carobini features Gaby Flores, a chocolate-loving heroine who is trying to break her habit of dating Mr. Wrong while rebuilding her recently-destroyed flower shop business.
Growing Friendships by Tracy Klehn is a lovely book about friendship. You can find my full review HERE.
From a Distance by Tamera Alexander is is the first book in the Timber Ridge Reflections series, and is not even available until June 1, so you’ll get a sneak-peek. It’s a historical romance taking place in late 19th century Colorado.
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart is a gift-quality devotional book containing 120 devotions which can be read in a rare quick quiet moment.
From HarperCollins:
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life by Sophie Uliano sorts through all the eco-info out there to help you incorporate green practices into your shopping, eating, and beauty habits.
From Penguin Group:
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book by Melissa Murphy (owner of a Zagat acclaimed bakery in Brooklyn) has recipes ranging from fancy tart to simple homey cookies. If you like to bake (or eat baked goods), you have to click over and just look at this book. . . .
Big Green Purse by Diane MacEachern gives tips on how we can use our spending power to make a difference in the world–kind of an eco-nomics course. She also busts the myth that green always costs more. It’s the “green shopping bible” for women who want to know “What can I do?”
Would you like to win this bundle of books worth more than $120? Please leave a comment telling me which book most interests you, and if I draw your name, you’ll win them all!
Enter to Win:
If you would like to win this bundle of books, all the instructions about entering the Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaways are included in the Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaway post (including the code to put our Mother’s Day Giveaway button on your site.)
But here is a quick run through:
- Leave a comment on this post to be entered telling me which book most interests you.
- Post a link to this contest (it is always nice to let your readers have a chance to win too!) and/or link and post a button to our Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaway post. (If you post the button and link to the Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaway, you are qualified to enter in all the upcoming Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaway contests. And we have two weeks of contests to enter!) Non-bloggers are welcome too – we understand you can’t link – but feel free to pass the word on to your friends or write about it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
(This giveaway is open to US shipping addresses only.)
Good luck!
(Have you checked out the other contests in Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaway contest?)
kathy pease says
lorides says
i love to read would really enjoy mrs. perfect
kris says
Mrs Perfect sounds like a good read
Michele says
I would love “Big Green Purse!” (Actually, I would love to read them all, but that one jumped out at me.) 🙂
philip halter says
enter me please
stampedwithgrace says
Trulles by the Sea sounds so yummy 🙂
Pamela White says
From a Distance is the book that most interests me but they all sound great.
L McLendon says
Books, I just love them. Thanks for this opportunity.
Rosanne Morrison says
Quiet moments for a mothers heart
Leslie Lato says
Mrs. Perfect sounds like a great book. I really love & enjoy reading!!
Thanks for the contest!! 🙂
Amy says
Big Green Purse sounds interesting!! Count me in!! Thank you!
Janet says
ty 4 the great giveaway!:)
Charlene Kuser says
Truffles By The Sea would be the one I would
pick.Thanks for the giveaway!
Eva says
for fun
barb wild says
odd mom out! for sure. it reminds me so much of me with my raising of my kids alone! want to win them all!
Ronda says
Truffles by the Sea would be my pick. I read her first book and it was great.
sarah woods says
Bring in the bundle of knowledge and fun!!!!! Best of luck to all who enter and many thanks with wishes for each on Mothre’s Day!!! Thanks SW
MoneyMakingMama says
I hope the text isn’t too small. Where are my reading glasses ?
Happy Mother’s Day Everyone !!!
Cindy says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart looks divine! As do all the others, but that one struck me as one I would buy.
Shannon says
oh how I would love the books!!!
Erica L says
I want to read Big Green Purse. I want to support the environment, and perhaps I’m overlooking things that are within my means.
Melissa Reeder says
All of the books look great! I am really interested in reading Friendships by Tracy Klehn and Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter. These books would be perfect to take with me to the beach this summer. Thanks!
Bev says
I love historical romance books, so I’m sure I would like reading From A Distance. Thanks for having the contest!
kerri says
odd mom out it is something i can easily relate to
Big green purse sounds like fun
Izzie says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book, so I could learn something.
Belinda says
The Gorgeously Green book would be my pick since I’m trying to get more serious about conserving and recycling.
Emmy T says
They all sound wonderful! I love romance, and the green books are needed, as I am new to the green movement. I also love baking. Cool contest!
Beverly Smith says
I would love a new devotional just for moms – so I’d probably be most interested in Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart!
Sarah Z says
Can’t resist food!! The Sweet Melissa Baking Book
Heather C says
From A Distance sounds pretty interesting…but then again, so does Odd Mom Out.
Eileen says
Odd mom out sounds like a good one!
Donna Kozar says
I would most like to read Growing Friendships.
Amy says
My Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks yummy!
Janna says
Tamara’s book “From A Distance” would be great!
I’m just a book aholic in general so it doesn’t really matter 🙂
Lorie Vital says
I could name something about every book that i would look forward to-I used to go get 10 books of every kind at the library-cookbook, novel, selfhelp,how -to. Probably my two favorites would be off the bat-Growing Friendships and the devotional book.I have my fingers crossed!
Gretchen says
I know I could use the Gorgeously Green book!
Timothy Sternberg says
I’d also love to get my hands on The Sweet Melissa Baking Book.
Jodi Adams says
Thanks for the contest, I would love to read Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart. Jodi
Amy says
I would love to read “Big Green Purse” As my lifestyle has changed over the past several years, I’m always looking for a way to be more eco-friendly and shopper savy
mandy says
You know I like to read the Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life! But I’d also be interested in the baking books. I love to read!
Janne says
Gorgeously Green sounds like the most appealing to me.
Lee Klein says
The Sweet Melissa Baking book sounds perfect for me and my daughter who loves to bake!
Courtney S says
These all look great but I really want to read Odd Mom Out. A friend of mine read it and said it’s a great book!
Joanne Schultz says
Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter sounds like a great book! I love to read!
Alex G says
I’m sooo interested in Big Green Purse–I’d love to hear how she “bursts” that bubble. 🙂
Thanks for the give away!
Deanna Aleman says
I’m most interested in “The Sweet Melissa Baking Book.” I love cooking, especially baking, and I love trying new recipes.
Judy Johnston says
Big Green Purse grabbed my attention from the get-go. Suffering from severe environmental allergies, I would be thrilled to discover ways to make my environment more friendly all the while easy on my purse. Thanks for the information on this book!
Andrea says
Big Green Purse sounds really interesting. My husband and I have been talking lately about how it’s expense to go green, and apparently we might be wrong.
Carol Rene' Brown says
What a fabulous selection of books! Please count me in! A BIG “Thank You!” for your incredible giveaways!
Valeen says
Probably the book Mrs. Perfect. I would love to read that and anything I can get my hands on!
Cheryl Free says
They all sound great, but Truffles by the Sea interests me most 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Sand says
Truffles by the Sea naturally!
Teri Meairs says
‘Quiet Moments for a Mothers Heart’ would really give me a much needed devotion and healing time.
Veronica Garrett says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book interests me.
Michelle H. says
I LOVE to cook and to read new cookbooks.
Gianna says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book 🙂
Susanne Troop says
Odd Mom Out sounds like a great read!
sara Bowyer says
I am always looking for a new good book to read!!!! Truffles by the sea sounds good!!!
Rebecca Peters says
I would like to read odd mom out. It sounds interesting
flip says
Honestly, I am torn. Both of the Jane Porter books look really good, but I love cookbooks. The Sweet Melissa Baking book looks good.
Paul says
Me like book
Renee Turner says
Truffles by the Sea sounds really interesting. Anything having to do with chocolate is ok by me.
Rachael B. says
I love cookbooks so – sweet melissa baking book
Shannon Fisher says
I like the Big Green Purse. It sounds like something that would help in todays economy…and Lord knows we can all use help there.
Heather's Habitat says
quiet moments for a mothers heart 🙂
Terri Scott says
I love to read so any of these books would be a great win!
Melissa Resnick says
great contest
Jennifer Schroeder says
All of the books look fantastic! If I had to pick only one to read, I think a would pick The Big Green Purse. I’d love to get some new ideas from it.
jolene says
i’m very interested in the big green purse book, sounds interesting.
Herb Sussman says
Odd Mom Out, sounds like a fun read.
Jane says
Big green purse
Rebecca Snodgrass says
odd mom out would be my fave
Danielle says
The Sweet Melissa Cooking book. Even though I never bake, I am always looking at these books.
Audrey says
Big green purse and sweet melissa baking book are my choices.
kathy pease says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart
Brooke says
Odd Mom Out. The others interest me too and I’d read them all, but sometimes I fantasize about what it would be like to move from NYC, where I live, to stick out like a sore thumb.
Theresa Wagner says
I love Jane Porters books. Odd Mom Out sounds great.
Emilie Pianfetti says
Big Green Purse or Growing Friendships sounds like a great read. I could really use these and maybe I could pick one of them for my book club to read. Then maybe I would actually read the book since I wouldn’t have to find the time to go buy it.
PAT says
Becky says
I would love to read either of the Jane Porter books…Thanks.
Arlene Fortune says
Pls. enter me. I would love to have – literally really have – Quiet moments for a Mother’s Heart, and may I find it there.
kathleen Yohanna says
“Truffles by the Sea” sounds like an interesting book. We will need more tha 5 minutes to read all these books. Great contest.
Carla Pullum says
From a Differance looks real good!
Frances Watson says
I would love to win these books
Marcia says
“Big Green Purse” looks the most interesting to me. We have jumped on the go green bandwagon.
Julie Smith says
“Truffles by the Sea”, because I know how easy it is to get yourself stuck with Mr. Wrong! 🙂
Jason Lawless says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart – my wife would love this one.
Susan White says
Truffles By The Sea.
cheryl says
Jane Porter books interest me the most
Don says
Wife would love the baking book…and so would I!!
Erika Cass Designs says
Ohhh, definitely The Sweet Melissa Baking Book by Melissa Murphy. I’m drooling right now! :o)
Hesper F says
Truffles by the sea. I love chocolate and I love books!
kiyana says
Quiet moments for a Mothers Heart! I don’t have alot of time so I can read one when I get a chance to!
Jessica Harrison says
They all sound great…Truffles by the Sea sounds like my kind of novel.
Shelle says
From a Distance…because I’m a sucker for Romance! Thanks!
irene diaz says
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life!
Molly Capel says
Being a big bookworm, I would love to read any of these. But if I can only pick one, I want to read Truffles by the Sea.
shawna f says
Odd Mom Out sounds like a good one!
tracy holcomb says
big green purse sounds great- i’m working on reducing my carbon footprint.
Joelle says
Intrigues by the Odd Mom Out- I was just at the book store today making my summer reading list:I think I will add several of these to the list. All of them if I win:)
Jennifer Breinholt says
I have had a lot of drama in my life lately and have just decided that I need to read more because it makes me happy. The “Truffles By The Sea” speaks to me because I love the water, I love chocolate, I love new romance, and I love to read. What else could be better that a book that would satisfy all four loves? Thanks for the chance! Jennifer
Auriette says
“Truffles by the Sea” sounds like a delightful, fun-to-read novel. They all sound good (I’m a fan of Jane Porter already), but I think “Truffles” is the one I’d crack open first if I win this bundle of books.
serena says
I would like to read Mrs Perfect, it sounds really good.
Amanda Dickerson says
Mothers Heart looks like such a gentle and inspiring book which really understands the heart of each mom.
Tina Rath says
Odd Mom Out would be my choice.
Linda Moeller says
ODD MOM OUT. porter is a very good author.
Leslie says
Truffles by the Sea sounds most interesting I think, though all sound like they’d be good reads.
Ed Nemmers says
“Sweet Melissa Baking Book”
philip halter says
pick me
Michele Dipert says
I love these books -please enter me in the contest. Thanks
I love anything by Janet Evonovich.
Sarah Lehan says
Big Green Purse would be my choice. I think I’ll see if the library has it if I don’t win. thanks for the contest.
Kim S says
Big Green Purse would be my pick. I have trying to work more “green” into our everyday life.
Barbara Moorman says
Odd Mom Out is the one that intriques me the most, because it seems that I am that Mom, more often than not.
Heather S says
I would LOVE any new book to read!!!!
Eva D says
ohhh!!! new books for summer reading. fun!
callmeabookworm says
Love to win Truffles by the sea.
Coincidentally, I AM GIVING AWAY MANY OF THE SAME BOOKS AS PART OF MY HUGE MOTHER’S DAY BOOK BASH! If you like books, then do come on over. I’m always giving away books 🙂
Elizabeth M. says
What a great collection. That was really hard to pick the one we’d want to read first. I think I’ll go with Mrs. Perfect. I read your review and I can relate to your take on this and the book sounds really interesting. It’s the kind of book I would pick up on my own actually.
Kam A says
“Growing Friendships” sounds like a great book!
Carissa D. says
Growing Friendships sounds good to me.
Kathy says
I’d like to read Mrs. Perfect because it’s a unique idea – we all know a “Mrs. Perfect,” but this would be a look at her life from the inside out. Thanks for the contest!
CPA Mom says
From a Distance by Tamera Alexander looks the most interesting because I love historical novels. I was going to be a history major at one point!
Liz says
Big Green Purse interests me the most. I like the idea of voting with your dollars.
Lindsie says
From a Distance interests me the most!!
Heather says
Sweet Melissa baking book… I love baking!
dennis says
From a Distance
Dan says
Truffles by the Sea
Paula Harmon says
I’m interested in the 8 simple steps to be green book. I want to go green and if they are simple enough steps, I will do it.
Sherri Siler says
The sweet melissa baking book. I would love to make some things from it.
Jennifer Chiafalo says
I’d love to read Odd Mom Out – I live in Seattle and love to read books set here.
jodi says
Mrs. Perfect sounds like a great, fun, take a moment to de-stress read. Certainly wish I made/had more time to read!
Rene D says
gorgeously green would most interest me in my quest to do some more for the environment….
Pauline says
Odd Mom Out sounds interesting.
Tarah says
From a Distance
Felicia Shapiro says
Odd Mom Out looks great!
James Nason says
I want to encourage my kids to read
Laura Sullivan says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book is most interesting to me.
Teresa Iverson says
Truffles by the Sea please.
Sherri says
Gorgeously Green, am trying to expand and be even more eco friendly!
Clifton Wade says
My disabled wife of more than 38 years would just LOVE for me to win this. She loves to read. Thanks for all the great contests!
Sue Farrell says
Odd Mom Out is most interesting to me since I am having trouble fitting in where we live now. Maybe this bood would give me some ideas of how to deal with it.
Suz says
The Big Green Purse sounds interesting…
sandy says
donate to the local womans shleter
Kerri says
I’m interested in The Big Green Purse. Go Green or Go Home is my motto!!
Traci says
I think The Big Green Purse is te one I look most forward to
Stephanie C says
Fabulous! I love it!
Christy Goodwin says
The Big Green Purse would be awsome for this shopper
Annette Thompson says
From a Distance would really interest me as I grew up in Colorado
Rossana V says
I would pick the big green purse since although I am trying to help in the “go green” lifestyle, I still don’t feel like I’m doing enough.. this book would help!
Paula S says
Great Giveaway! I would love to win the Sweet Melissa Baking Book because I love baking and so do all four of my daughters.
Marion Burgess says
The Mrs. Perfect book looks interesting!
Cas Q. says
Truffles By the Sea interests me the most.
Sue Hrabosky says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart would be perfect for me since I only get 5 minutes here & there to myself. Would be a great pick-me-up in my “mommy time”.
Christine E. says
I love to bake so the Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds great to me.
Emily O. says
Gorgeously Green and the Sweet Melissa Baking Book both sound wonderful.
Mary B says
Big Green Purse
hazel hunt says
William Sims says
I want TO win
Janel says
I would love any of these wonderful books. I would love the Big Green Purse very much. This is an important topic and would love to read what she has to say.
Thank you!
Nikki Barger says
“Quiet Moments from a Mother’s Heart” – now this sounds like a book that all mothers could get so much out of, and I would love to read it! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these wonderful books!
Beth says
I NEED Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart!! I’d LIKE the Jane Proter books!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!!
Michelle B says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds good
Jennifer Short says
I’d love to read Truffles by the Sea. Anything having to do with chocolate is a winner! LOL!
Terra Heck says
All of them interest me, but the one that really pops out is ‘Big Green Purse’.
christy says
Well, I’m sortof a recipe junkie, so the baking book caught my eye. But I really think I’d love to read “Growing Friendships.” I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how adult women develop and sustain strong bonds of friendships — especially those of us with small children, spouses, jobs, and too little time!
Mommy Cracked says
Odd Mom Out sounds like a terrific read. I think we all struggle with the concept of being true to self and acceptance.
Bonnie says
From A Distance, a diet Coke and feet proped up,sounds wonderful to me.
CINDY says
Not Just Any Jen says
Love all books!
Tanya Peila says
They all look wonderful, here are the ones that pop out, Odd Mom Out, Growing Friendships, Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart and The Sweet Melissa Baking Book.
Susan Ledet says
I would have to pick Truffles by the Sea. It sounds like it would be my kind of book for summer reading.
Julie Donahue says
They all look great, but I guess I’ll pick Truffles by the Sea. (Chocolate that won’t hamper my weight loss—and her name is Julie!)
Carolyn Nedrow says
From a Distance sounds interesting to me!!!
Valerie Mitchell says
Kris says
Please enter me. I need something fresh to read.
Amber S. says
I love baking, so I’m very interested in the Sweet Melissa Baking book. Truffles by the Sea sounds like a good book, too!
silentbliss says
boy do I love a good book. Owning them is quite different than borrowing one from the library. They become part of you; they are a part of your life. That being said, i like “Mrs. Perfect” only because I would much rather read a book than go to the movies and this movie DID look interesting.
very nice idea; books.
sparklykatt says
I would love the Sweet Melissa Baking book! I love to bake!
Kristinia says
I love books and if I can afford them I buy them! I’m interested in Gorgeously Green due to the rave in going organic and saving the Earth which is a very big deal right now and I totally agree with it! Also the Quiet Moments for a Mothers HEart sounds relaxing and refreshing! Great contest idea!
K. Cleaver says
I like to read romance books so I’d pick From A Distance.
Jane K says
Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter because I like her books.
S says
Gorgeously Green sounds like a fun read with a conscience – thanks!
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks AWESOME!!!! Please enter my name, THANK YOU!!!!
Meredith Peters says
From a Distance sounds most intriguing. I love historical romance and its the beginning of a series!
Pamela says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book
Max says
Sweet Melissa Baking Book is great
Emily Dawley says
I think the Gorgeously Green books sounds interesting. My husband and I have both recently invested time and effort into making our house and lives more green and I would like to learn more.
Donna says
Truffles by the Sea sounds very interesting to me. I don’t know if it is the truffles or the sea.
DeeAnn says
Truffles by the Sea by Julie Carobini. Anything to do with chocolate is right up my alley!
E Valente says
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life
Kari Colledge says
From a Distance
Kym says
Big Green Purse sounds like an interesting read.
Mel says
This would be just in time for my summer vacation. Sign me up please!
Sandra says
Very well written! I am an avid reader and the books I enjoy the most are the ones that are genuine, and the ones that I can relate to in all or some part of my life. This is one is it. It is so funny how timing is so perfect. As I was reading the review and she was talking about building strong relationships with other women at church….I looked behind me (God). I sing in the choir at my church and I know this review was for me. What really got my attention is that there is a guide available too, to help me in doing that. It is so true that a lot of our insecurities stem from bad personal experiences when we were younger and they do carry over into adult hood. Reading this review was really a word of encouragement for me and I really would like to read this book because it is not easy building friendships with the fear of betrayal, and/or getting hurt. Yes, like she said, we do need friendships; it just feels so risky and I try to protect my heart by keeping my distance. I know that my fellow church members are my brothers and sisters in Christ, but it does hurt me deep down to know that I am toiling with the friendship issue. I could go on; but to make a long story short, once again, very well written. I look forward to reading all of the listed books.
Soha Molina says
Odd Mom Out seems interesting to me. I saw it at the store and looked interesting.
Pamela says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book interests me because I enjoy baking.
Mary says
The Odd Mom Out sounds interesting — I am a bit of a introvert, myself….
Angela J says
I like books, the cookbooks appeal to me, I already have enough other books on my list to keep me busy.
Sarah Berry says
I would love to read the “Big Green Purse” I would love to be environmentally consious without having to break the bank.
Steve Scott says
My wife’s reading addiction is breaking the bank.
Anthony Hedden says
enter me
christel says
I don’t bake much but my daughter loves it. The Sweet Melissa Baking Book would be perfect.
Misti K says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds great… I’m such a cookbook fanatic!
Lachelle says
“From a Distance” looks like it is right up my alley! I love books.
Audrey says
Truffles By the Sea sounds like delightful reading. They all sound nice, and I hope to win!
william causey says
the sweet melissa baking book
Holly says
From a Distance sounds like a good read!!
In the Trenches of Mommyhood says
Odd Mom Out sounds right up my alley!
K Bothager says
Oooo…I’ve been wanting “Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life” ever since I saw her on Oprah for Earth Day!
Alice C says
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life
Monique Rizzo says
The sweet melissa cookbook is really cool!
Melissa says
I’ve picked up “Odd Mom Out” several times so this would be the perfect oppurtunity to actually read it!
Jonelle says
The Gorgeously Green book is one I’d love to read!
Lesha says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart 🙂
Chrysa says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks great – I love cookbooks!
Jodi B says
Love to read…would love this great assortment of books!
Kari Follett says
The sweet melissa cookbook or Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life . Thanks!!
Barbara Fox says
I think I would like the Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life book best. I am trying to go green and would really like some ideas!
Heather DeMill says
Truffles by the Sea is the one I want to read. I used to work at a flower shop so I am sure it will bring back memories….
Krispy_Kremer says
I’d love the “Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life” book – always welcoming new ideas to help be eco-friendly 🙂
Tonya says
Oooh, a mother’s day where i get to do nothing but read? sounds too good to be true.
I LOVE to read, so these would be perfect! Big Green Purse really interests me.
tim brown says
like um all
Jennifer C says
I’d love to read Growing Friendships or Odd Mom Out for sure.
Dana D. says
Thrillers are my bag!!!
Jennifer M. says
Odd Mom Out by Jane Porter. I’ve really enjoyed other books by this author.
Desmond says
Odd Mom Out, for sure
Graham says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book
Sara M. says
I’m most interested in the Sweet Melissa Baking Book! I’m always driven by sweets!
Heather says
Hmm. I’m torn between Big Green Purse and the Sweet Melissa baking book, but I guess Big Green Purse because I already have lots of recipe books.
AmyG says
I love reading! I would love to check out the “Odd Mom Out” book. But they all sound really good!
Diana says
They all sound great, but I’m interested in big green purse to see how better to shop green.
Kari says
I have just requested Gorgeously Green from the library….that looks most interesting to me!! Thanks for a great giveaway! My button is on! 🙂
DW says
Let’s spread the joy of reading.
dawn horns says
Gorgeously green
Sarah says
From a Distance looks good, I love to get into a good series!
Karen Bull says
I am interested in Truffles By the Sea…love the rebuilding and transforming of lives! Normal everyday issues:) Thanks!
Steffani says
I always love a new read.
Lynnie says
Big Green Purse sounds interesting
Truffles by the Sea is a book that I see alot of myself. Thanks for the opportunity
Susan Chester says
I would love to read Big Green Purse the most. I am taking an environment class in school, and we have to post environmental tips, so this book would come in handy.
Gail Gunter says
“From a Distance” would be my choice.
larry says
from a distance would be my first choice
Vicky Boackle says
great bunch of books.
Vicki Wurgler says
I love recipe books so my favorite would be the Sweet Melissa Baking Book
joaaanna says
It’s a toss up between The Sweet Melissa Baking Book and the Big Green Purse.
Jason says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks like a book I’d like.
Amber says
Any type of cook book is always fun to have! 🙂
Mitzi F says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. I love recipe books.
Amy C. says
yay for books. Please enter me!
Deborah Rosen says
I’m most interested in “The Sweet Melissa Baking Book.”
Liz says
Truffles by the Sea looks like a fun read. Please count me in!
Lisa says
Oops, forgot to list the one that looks most interesting to me on #293. I would have to go with Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart. I love inspirational books that promote reflection and spiritual/personal growth!
Susan says
Odd Mom Out looks interesting to me.
Lisa says
I’ve been looking for some new reading material! Perfect for summer reading!
Jodi says
I’d love to read Big Green Purse. I’ve often thought that we all need to pay more attention to the messages we send when we make shopping decisions.
Dawn Olsen says
From a Distance looks like an interesting read!
scarlette monahan says
truffles by the sea-what a great name
Cynthia C says
All look very nice, but I’d particularly like to read Big Green Purse.
Dorothy Davidson says
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life, I want to learn more about going Green.
Adrienne Gordon says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book because i love to cook new recipes
Jean Fischer says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds sweet
Cathie says
From a Distance, cause I was born and raised in Colorado. I’m an avid reader and would love to win this prize!
Katie says
Mmmmm books!
Bobv says
I would have to pick The Sweet Melissa Baking Book, please enter me.
Corey says
Gorgeously Green because I am beginning to be very interested in “turning green”!
Renee says
I love cookbooks and the Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks fantastic.
Danielle S says
I am Most interested in Gorgeously Green!
Karrie says
Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter sounds good to me
chris h says
truffles by the sea sounds cool
Lisa says
I’m most interested in Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart, as I have a hard time finding enough time for my devotional during the day. Big Green Purse is a close second – I’d love to do more green shopping, if I knew how to make it more cost-effective for my family.
wilson Ribadeneira says
wow this would be great
Stacey M says
I would love to read The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. I love to bake and I frequently search out yummy recipes to make for my family.
Liz says
Mrs. Perfect. Please enter me.
Amber says
I would have to say that Mrs. Perfect would be the book that I would most like to read right now.
Thanks again!
[email protected]
Pauline M says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book, though late in life, I’m just starting to try out recipes for my family (we used to be a take out bunch) and I’d really love to try some deserts.
Jessica T says
Big Green Purse interests me most at this moment . . . but most of them look like I”d love them!
Stacey W. says
My mother is always baking things and delivering them to my house. She doesn’t bake for herself. She bakes for everyone else, even her dog. For Christmas last year I got her a doggie biscuit cookbook and she’s been baking her beagle little treats. While a lot of these books will make a fun read, I’d love to give my mother The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. If I win, she’ll have a cookbook giving her ideas of even more things to bake me. 🙂 Thank you for the contest.
Aisling says
This is a great collection of books, but I’d most like to read Gorgeously Green.
Amy W. says
I like Jane Porter, so I’d love to read “Mrs. Perfect”.
Deanne S says
“Quiet Moments For a Mother’s Heart”. I really enjoy
inspirational reading.
Sharla says
Mrs. Perfect looks the best to me but they all look wonderful. Reading for me is as fun as eating chocolate!
Erica G says
I would like Odd Mom Out. I think I can identify.
Barbara Baker says
“From a distance” seems like it would be such an interesting book to indulge my fancy…the other books are just as interesting too.
This is a great contest…I always love sitting on my rocking chair in the evenings with a book in my hands.
Donna W says
From a Distance would be my choice.
I would love to win this great prize!!
Mary Casper says
Odd mom out sounds good but they all sound good
Shay says
If selected I’d like a copy of Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life I’d love to start living more Greenly.
Cathy Wilcox says
I think Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart is the one I would enjoy the most.
Sandra says
The book that interests me most is Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life. I am in the process of trying to find or make products that are more earth friendly to use around our home. This sounds like a great reference.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
Jill Myrick says
I think that Odd Mom Out would definitely be my favorite of this bundle. As it would seem to fit me the best.
Thank you so much for the wonderful contest.
I would LOVE to win this bundle !!
Patty says
oooooo enter me!
LifeatTheCircus says
I would love to read some good books. The one that interests me the most is Mrs Perfect and From a Distance. Thanks!
Patti says
Gorgeously Green looks like a great read! Thanks!
Miranda Allen says
Odd Mom out
Deb Klein says
Please enter me~I love to read and all the books sound great!
Linda Grieser says
I love books, enter me please!
Ann says
The Melissa baking book would be the one I would read (use) first as I love to bake. Thank you so much for this fantastic giveaway!
donna says
From A Distance sounds like my kind of reading!
caleb says
If I win I would give them to my mom…she would love From A Distance
Jill says
Awesome!!! Count me in.
Linda says
I love Tamera Alexander!
And I love to bake!
What a great giveaway!!
Bailey's Leaf says
Gorgeously green sounds great!
Daniel M says
sweet melissa baking book
Tonya Froemel says
I want to read the Sweet Melissa Baking Book. I love baking. It is like thereapy for me.
Lauri says
I would love the bundle of books. Reading is my favorite past time when I do get to do it. I am really interested in the “Quiet Momment of a Mother’s Heart”. Being a mother of 4, hopefully this book will give me some insights. Thank you
Jill L says
Quiet moments for a MOm’s heart. Sounds relaxing.
Teresa says
i would so love mrs. perfect
Teresa says
Mrs. Perfect sounds so interesting
Susan Snyder says
Truffles by the Sea sounds delightful!
Shirley Younger says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book
jan koontz says
the bakeing book
irene says
my choice would be From a Distance
Dara Nix says
The book that most interests me is Truffles By The Sea. The description of the book was something I could definitely relate to!!
Carol Harrity says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds like a winner to me. I love to bake and am always alert to new recipes.
Sharla T. says
Truffles by the Sea . . . I can definitely relate to the heroine who loves chocolate and is dating Mr. Wrong!
Shelly says
Mmm, the Sweet Melissa Baking Book!
Naghma says
i’d most like to win Big Green Purse. thank you.
Teresa says
I want to read Mrs. Perfect because I strive for perfection but can never get there
Teresa says
I need timeouts sometimes so i would love to read Quiet moments for a mothers’ heart.
Janet F says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book caught my interest.
israel y says
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life is my favorite in the list of books, thanks for the contest!
diana says
I like a few on your list:
Truffles by the Sea – I love chocolate and books that involve chocolate.
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life and
Big Green purse because I’m trying to be more environmentally smart.
I love books, I just need more time to read.
P Hafner says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sound like a cookbook that I’d enjoy reading. (Yes, I really do read my cookbooks)
Shannon Baas says
The baking book.
kelleythejewelrylady says
After your review of Mrs. PErfect….I really would like to give that one a try.
Thanks for the great contest!
Peggy Miller says
The Bible
Christine Sullivan says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart sounds just lovely.
big greem purse green is great
Nora Scott-Platt says
Odd Mom Out to me is one that I would be interested in.
Sharon Jones says
Sweet Melissa Baking Book for sure…thanks!!!
Sandra - Illinois says
Books have always been my passion. The historial novel based in Colorado sounds so interesting, but so do many others. I have always said I hope they have a big library in heaven because there is no way I can read all the books I would like to in this life. [email protected]
Mommy Bee says
I’d love to read Gorgeously Green!
Katie Martin says
The big green purse and gorgously green. Thanks.
kim place says
Big green purse sounds very interesting to me.
Sherri Bailey says
Truffles by the Sea would be my pick. Sounds a lot like my life!!!!
Eloise Carlson says
Quick Moments for a Mothers Heart would be a great book, I would be able to sit down and read a little inspiration on a daily basis. Thanks for a great giveaway, I just love books!
Trisha says
Truffles by the Sea sounds like a great beach book – great giveaway!
Ana says
From a distance
Maja says
Mrs. Perfect
Angel says
Truffles by the sea
Marsha says
I enjoyed reading your review of Mrs. Perfect and am most interested in this book.
Sheri F says
I’d like to read Gorgeously Green.
c. clemens says
Odd mom out i would say, if i was to pick only 1.
Jennifer Mowers says
Odd Mom Out
Barb Brinker says
I love to read, and these would make some awesome gifts.
Sierra Rendon says
I’m very interested in learning how I can make this a better Earth for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so I would be most interested in reading Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life by Sophie Uliano … but I’m an avid reader and would be thrilled to have the whole bunch to read by the lake this weekend! Thanks!
Alicia says
le livre.
Shannon H says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart, cuz I need a devotional, and From a Distance cuz I like historical fiction:-)
Anita Yancey says
I am most interested in Odd Mom Out. This is a great contest! I love to read.
Celeste Campbell says
Sweet Melissa Baking Book because I LOVE to Bake! My mother considers herself a non-baker, but she is addicted to books — and I admit I inherited that addiction! But given that Mother’s Day is around the corner, I’ll just take the baking book and bake for Mom, and give her all the other books. I know she’ll let me read them eventually!
Liz says
Well I love books and my daughters love books so I’m definately hoping I win. You can see 2 of my 4 bookshelves in my house on my link. Yay…
Cindi says
Hello, I really enjoy reading historical romance.
“From A Distance” sounds wonderful to me! Thanks,
Michelle M says
Odd Mom Out interests me the most. I had read an excerpt of this book, and it looked really good!
Beth says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks awesome!
Jana (sidetrack'd) says
Sounds like some good reading. The Big Green Purse seems like it would be a very interesting read.
the mama hood says
I would love to win the Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart, because I need some quiet moments! lol! The Sweet Melissa Baking Book is one I have been wanting!
LivingforGod says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart interests me most.
rebecca marbas says
I love baking so Melissa’s book on baking would be great but I have also been a victim of the green is more expensive theory so am interested in the Gorgeously green ….ok I want them all!!! LOL
Linda Pinto says
I like the Big Green Purse.
Thrifty Domestica says
The book Gorgeously Green looks fabu! I am always looking for more green living ideas and tips!
jeanette malan says
Mr. Perfect
Jill says
this is so great. seriously, there is nothing better than a bunch of free books on your doorstop.
well, a maid maybe… but this is totally second to a free maid!
Mom to 2 Boys says
I Love books and these all sound fabulous! THanks!
Charlsie Swadley says
Oh Pick me pick me! I love to read!!!
Ken says
The perfect gift for Mom.
Deanna Greene says
OOH! Pick me, pick me! 🙂 I love books and love giveaways!
Crystal B. says
I love books. Count me in.
Sue says
Oh please enter me, I’d love to win the Sweet Melissa Baking Book, I have a daughter in love named Melissa! Thanks!!
Meg says
I like Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart (boy, do I need this most days!) and The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. Gotta get some cookie baking on, right? Thanks!
Shannon B. says
I was intrigued by the Mrs. Perfect review yesterday. If I don’t win I will probably buy it anyway!
Susan says
Any of the books sound interesting
Dan Smith says
All the books sound interesting
orville says
From A Distance
Margaret Smith says
From A Distance sounds like a great book. Thank you for offering this giveaway.
Ruth :) says
I would have to say Odd Mom Out – because I feel like I’m so living my own version of that now having moved from a metropolitan area to a small New England town :).
Carol Laux says
I would love to read the Sweet Melissa Baking Book!
Laura H. says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book!!
Christina C says
I am an avid reader so this would be perfect for me. The button’s on the blog.
Colleen Jensen says
Growing Friendships sound good
Melissa says
It’s kind of a toss up between the two “Green” books–I’m interested in both of them.
carissa says
so many good ones! BUT…I would probably choose From a Distance
Kristinia Clos says
I love books and will read anything! Your listed on my blog as well! We love 5minutes For Mom!
Shelley says
I would love the Sweet Melissa Baking Book.
Ronni Fox says
They all sound great but “Quiet Hearts,etc” speaks to me.
Gloria Walshver says
The book Odd Mom Out by Jane Porter would excite me since I love to read.
Natalie says
The baking book sounds great!
Kimberly Cook says
Truffles by the Sea
Susan P. says
I’d like to read Odd Mom Out as a follow up to reading Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter.
No blog to post a link to!
Jennifer Barnett says
I’d like to read “Big Green Purse”. I try to buy Green products, but many of them are significantly more expensive. I could use the tips in this book.
Shirley Morgan says
Reading has always been a big part of our family life. One daughter is a teacher and has a huge collection of books. Would love to help her increase her library for the kids.
jen says
i think i would lean towards the big green purse. i’m really interested in making some greener changes for my family and receiving a book that highlights some of those improvements would be a lovely step on that journey!
(although, quite honestly…i’ll take a good read wherever i can get one!)
thank you!
oh amanda says
I’d love to read Truffles by the Sea b/c I read the first in the series, Chocolate Beach!
Denise says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book
Lisa Hafer says
Sweet Melissa looks like a great book, I love to read and cook.
rachel says
Odd mom out is such a cute book, I loved it.
I would love to read her other one.
Or the baking book. Yum.
Wendy says
Definitely From a Distance
Adrienne! says
I would love these!
Tara says
I love to read. This would be a great win.
Katherine Frazier says
Odd Mom Out sounds like a good read.
Michelle Rosborough says
My fav would be the Big Green Purse
alemos says
Odd Mom Out — but really any book that has words makes my heart beat faster.
cheryl says
I think they all sound good! But the Big Green Purse interests me the most right now…
Sara says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds divine! I love baking. However, I’m always in the mood for a good novel, too, so I’d have to say I’d also enjoy Mrs. Perfect.
Melanie says
After seeing her on Oprah, Gorgeously Green is the one I’d like to read first, though the Jane Porter books look good too. I’d love to be able to take them to my book club as suggestions. Thanks for the chance to win!
Chrissy says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart looks great! I’ve been needing some books for this summer and this would be a great start!
Amira says
Mine would be Gorgeously Green, I was going to the library this weekend to pick it up!
charline s says
I would like the Big Green Purse. I am starting to learn so much about going green.
Mary B says
I love the bake so the “Sweet Melissa Baking Book” looks great! But, I love books as well so all of them would be fabulous!
Tara says
From a Distance by Tamera Alexander. I love historical books and one that takes place in my homestate sounds great to me. The others sound great as well.
Belinda Abel says
“Odd Mom Out”, but I’ll live vicariously through any book you throw my way!
Audrey Peterson says
I’ve been wanting gorgeously green for a while
lace says
I’ve seen good things about gorgeously green. I would love to check out that book. The others sound wonderful as well. I love to check out new authors and books.
Michele says
Fabulous! There were a few that really caught my interest…but I would have to say that the book “From a Distance” sounded like it would be a great read. I’m crossing my fingers that I win! I love books!
Karen says
I am most interested in the Gorgeously Green book. We are gradually trying to become more green in our household and I am always interested in learning about simple ways to help the environment!
Vickie Couturier says
They all sound really good ,but From A Distance sounds like a good curl up book for me,please count me in,thanks
Sandy - Em';s mommy says
Growing friendships sounds like a book I might invest in even if I don’t get to win. Ever since moving away from home it seems like I haven’t been able to develop a true friendship like I used to have. This sounds like a good book. thanks! 🙂
Jaime says
I think Quiet Moments For a Mothers Heart would be great! I like little pick me ups that I can read fairly quickly, but can help me feel positive.:)
Kristi P says
All of them sound great but my favorite would be the book, “From a Distance,” since I love historical romance novels. Thank you!
Lindsay says
Odd Mom Out sounds perfect for me, I moved to my city a year a go and have yet to find my place here.
Sharold Friedrich says
I think the best of the lot is Odd Mom Out.
Roseann Kies says
Mrs. Perfect fits me to a tee!
Teri Meairs says
With two ‘babies’ in their twenties, I still worry about them does’nt get easier. ‘Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart’ sounds like the perfect encouragement to Let Go And Let God.
Anita says
The Sweet Melissa Baking book sounds great!
Kellys Krazy Kids says
Mrs. Perfect please!
Rachel says
I saw the author of Gorgeously Green on Oprah and was really interested in that book.
kellyt says
Mrs. Perfect or Odd Mom Out look interesting to me!
Worlds Greatest Mommy says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds divine.
Annette says
Big Green Purse by Diane MacEachern
Linda Ellis says
Big Green Purse – I need ideas on what I can do to help our earth more. (although From a Distance sounds very good also)
Michelle says
Ohhh, the From a Distance sounds good. Please enter me!
Courtney says
I like “Truffles By The Sea” because the title is so cool!
courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com
Summer says
I’d love to read them all, but I am particularly struck by the chocolate lover-themed book as well as the devotional book. I just finished my mother’s devotional for this past year, and I would LOVE to have another. Reading is one of my most intense passions, and this would be the perfect prize for me!
Margaret Herrin says
Psychological thrillers.
Stacey says
I would love Big Green Purse. I have recently made some more changes in our to make us Green friendly and would love to become more knowledgeable about this subject. Thanks!
Michael Capp says
Gorgeously Green
Mya Brooks says
Growing Friendships sounds like a fun read, but gosh, so many great books, it was really hard to choose!
janet says
I almost always choose historical fiction . . .From A Distance sounds like a good read!
Sky says
I’m a librarian…so I’m always reading!! Yesterday I added to my list Mr. Perfect, I like that particular genre.
anthony says
I would give these to my girlfriend if I won…she would love From a Distance
wayne says
Gorgeously Green would be my pick
Jennifer Perkins says
We recently cancelled our cleaning service and decided to do the housework on our own, so my choice is Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life, since this book includes tips on maintaining a green home.
jo evans says
Love them all!!!
Jennifer E says
Hmmm I think all of these books sound like so much fun – but I have to say, the baker in me is drawn towards The Sweet Melissa Baking Book (but seriously, the historical romance, green living books and The Odd Mom Out are all big contenders) basically I love to read and this whole list sounds fantastic.
Magi says
I’m an avid reader. This looks wonderful!
cerella says
I like the historical stuff….so I would read From a Distance first!
Maureen says
Odd Mom Out – looks fun and my type of light but good reading. That said, I would defintely enjoy the whole stack of new books to read. Thanks! Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)
cherie says
from a distance sounds great!!
Sheree Warner says
Its a nice list of great books but I would pick “Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart ” as being what interests me the most at this moment! Thank you and Have A Good Day!
Carolyn says
Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life (Paperback) 😉 Thanks.
Amy - Essential Family Living says
I love books. The moms devotional book would be a blessing to me!
Jana says
Gorgeously Green 8 Simple Steps To An Earth Friendly Life…I’m trying hard to change our lifestyles to hopefully have a better life for my children’s children…actually…all our children. This book could help me make better decisions on how to “go green”. Thanks for the opportunity!
Tonya Keener says
I need this something awful
Kellyn says
I love the sound of all of them, but the one that caught my eye first is The Sweet Melissa Baking Book.
Jeni says
Truffles by the Sea sounds like something I would really enjoy.
Tonia Rowe says
Being a Mom and finding time to find friends too is really hard. Odd Mom Out sounds like a great book I would like.
Karen M says
Please enter me! I would love to win any of the titles. I’m a VORACIOUS reader!!
Lori says
Odd Mom Out sounds like a great summer read to me!
Kristyn Martin says
I would love to read Quiet Moments For A Mother’s Heart.
Linda White says
Mrs Perfect and Odd mom Out sound really good!
Cory says
This is a great give-away. I like “Growing Friendships” and Quiet Moment for Mom”. Thank you for offering these. Take care, Cory
Love christian storys, how done it storys. just love to read good books not trash.
erin says
Reading is my FAVORITE pass time. Odd Mom Out sounds interesting. But really they all sound interesting. I could put on here reasons why I would like them all but i won’t. I would love to win those books!
Tami says
I’d like to read Growing Friendships.
(Giveaway is in my sidebar.)
Annie says
Jane Porter books! I’ve been meaning to get these and read them.
Becky says
What a great giveaway! I am most interested in From a Distance. Thank you!
mjenningsdesigns says
I want the BIG GREEN PURSE! Thanks!
Morning Rose says
I love to read! Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart sounds delightful.
Andrea says
Great selection!
Elizabeth G says
I’d love to have a quiet moment and read Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart. Thank you!
Marilyn says
Carpool Diem sounds really relaxing to read – thank you for the contest
nicole barr says
I would really like to read quiet moments for a mothers heart
christina says
I think i would enjoy ‘from a distance’. I love anything 19th century and I am a romantic at heart.
Christina DeMarco says
I would love to read Big Green Purse!
Hannah says
ok, I would have to say my top picks are “big green purse” on the practical side, b/c I am always interested in learning new ways to be “earth friendly”…and just for the sheer pleasure of reading, I would say “From a Distance”, b/c I love historical romance/fiction. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
randi says
Baking is one of my favorite things to do so I’d really like the “Sweet Melissa Baking Book”. Thanks for another great giveaway!
joanne117 says
I would love The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. I have been to her shop and it is wonderful.
Shane says
“Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart” is my favorite. What mom couldn’t us a few “quiet moments?”
Lisa says
I LOVE to read!! I can never pass up a bookstore. Odd Mom Out sounds interesting to me!!!
Tracey Byram says
From A Distance looks like my kind of book. I love historical novels. If they are well written, they give you an idea of what life was like in that time period.
Amy says
I would love the The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. Please include me in your drawing.Thanks~Amy
Louise A Brouillette says
The Big Green Purse sounds interesting.
Ginny says
Odd Mom Out
Mama Zen says
I would love to read Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart!
Alexia says
I can’t believe that I have never read ANY of these books! Please, please, please enter me!
SJ says
I love books! Count me in!
Ashley says
The baking book sounds great!
Kathy says
Truffles by the sea sounds like a good book.
Heather says
Ooohhh, lots of great sounding books!
Blessed says
I like the sounds of all those books – I like reading new titles though so “From a Distance” sounds interesting to me!
jules says
Quiet moments to a mother’s heart…love the book
3beez at bellsouth dot net
Lee says
Yum. That Sweet Melissa’s cookbook is calling to me.
grubmama says
I would like to read the woman’s devotional…when I have a quick moment.
Kindra says
THE BIG GREEN PURSE sounds great! I am always trying to be a better, greener shopper and mom!
Carol says
I love baking and would surely love to win so I could get my hands on that cookbook!
Kathleen Dalton says
From a Distance sounds very interesting. I love to read historical novels.
The Gang's All Here! says
Growing Friendships interests me the most. I am a huge that women need other women and I’d love a resource like this to further and deepen my own relationships in a healthy way that I might lead the Moms Group in my church more effectively!
Tammy says
Truffles by the Sea looks like a book I would love to read! I love chick-lit. Especially in the summer when I need a good read! Please enter me in the book contest. I love to read!
Steph Elias says
I think I would like The Sweet Melissa Baking Book by Melissa Murphy. I am always looking for new stuff to bake for my kids. Looks like it has some great recipes.
Kathy Davis says
I love to bake and I love Books……
Shaina Pearce says
I want to read MRs. Perfect. Also the Sweet Melissa Baking book, would be interesting.
mary says
I’ve taught preschool this yr and gone back to school. So, my leasure reading has been lacking. I would love to fill my summer with a good leasure read, whatever the topic.
Barbara Schantz says
My sister’s name is Melissa and she loves to bake, so the Sweet Melissa Baking Book would be a perfect book for her to use with my daughters!
chupieandjsmama says
Odd Mom Out sounds like a great book!! Add me to the list me. Thanks for the contest 🙂
Piseco says
I’d love reading all of them, but I suppose I’m most interested in Mrs. Perfect since reading your review! Thanks for the contest.
Modern Mami says
They all sound great, but Odd Mom Out sounds like a fun read!
chyk says
The sweet melissa baking book. sounds yummy!
Megan says
What a great way to get ready for summer reading!
Odd Mom Out…sounds good!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Dawn Fiske says
Truffles By The Sea….I love the Outerbanks of NC and chocolate. This would be a great book to read while laying out.
Frances says
Odd Mom Out sounds great.. all sound interesting! I am definitely in on this one!
Amanda P. says
Big Green Purse. Sounds like just the book to teach me how to shop green.
Amy says
I love to bake – Sweet Melissa Baking Book would be #1 on my list but they are all of interest to me – to much to read/do not enough time!
Felisha says
Gorgeously Green sounds interesting to me.
I have been trying to find ways to “green” my beauty routine.
Cocoa says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book and Truffles By the Sea sound great!
Noreen says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book by Melissa Murphy is the one I want the most, my daughter and I are always baking together
Zandra says
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart…I’m in need of a new little devotional!
The Pumkin Patch says
I have been wanting to read Odd Mom Out forever……and that Baking Book would be great too!!!
Krista says
Ooo, the Jane Porter books and From a Distance sound like my favs! All of them would be great though!
Spaghettipie says
definitely the Sweet Melissa Baking Book, although you have several in the list that I’ve been interested to read. Thanks!
Deanne says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book looks, well, delish! I’d love to add some more goodies to my baking repertoire!
Tanya Moyer says
What a great giveaway! I can’t choose just one book that interests me. They all sound great, but the Sweet Melissa Baking Book, because I love to read cookbooks and the Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart, because as a busy mom, I’d love a quiet moment! Thanks for offering these!
Sandy says
I think I would most enjoy “Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart” I barely have time to read the back of a cereal box let alone a long devotional….so this book would great! count me in…thanks :O)
Carol G says
The Green purse really has peaked my interest, especially the part about things not costing more. I posted a link dierectly here and also one to the giveaaway site as well, but the photo in the link wouldn’t work for me.:(
WherestheBox says
Mrs. Perfect sounds like a fun read – I was intrigued from your earlier review of it. I am a voracious reader, so this is the perfect giveaway for me!!
Tammy and Parker says
I think I would really enjoy Mrs. Perfect.
Alicia says
Books-love them!!!
Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart is a gift-quality devotional book containing 120 devotions which can be read in a rare quick quiet moment.
Robyn says
I think I would be most interested in Odd Mom Out. Thanks!
Jen says
Mrs. Perfect sounds intriguing, thanks for the chance! says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book sounds perfect!
Kim says
I’m thinking that the Big Green Purse book would be just the kind of information I’ve been looking for. I’m also intriged by From a Distance since I love historical fiction. When it comes too books, I always have a hard time choosing. I love them all!
Fresh Girl says
I’m really into baking these days, so I’m most interested in the Sweet Melissa Baking Book! 🙂
Smellyann says
COol, I’d love to win – thanks!
Elaine says
I am very interested in both the Quiet Moments for a Mother’s Heart and the Gorgeously Green books. Oh gosh it would be great to have all of these! Thanks so much!
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
I’d be really interested to read the Jane Porter books! 🙂
melissa says
Count me in, I love to read!
We are THAT family says
Definitely the Sweet Melissa Cookbook, because food interests me the most often!
Cassidy says
The Sweet Melissa Baking Book is the one I’m looking forward to most, although they all sound great.
Hillary says
Odd Mom Out looks interesting. Being from Seattle, I always enjoy books that take place in or around my hometown.
Dolly says
big green purse and sweet melissa baking book are my choices. i’m a book-a-holic.
Jen says
What a great bundle of books!!! I’d love to read them all. I’d have to say the one I most look forward to is Truffles By the Sea…I’ve tried to win that two times before, so I’ve been anticipating reading it!
Kim Davis says
What a GREAT contest – Truffles by the sea sounds wonderful!!!
Bebemiqui says
Odd Mom Out
Leslie says
I loved your review for Mrs. Perfect…I’d love to read it now! Great offer…thanks!
Alana Gray says
Great giveaway – some of those titles are on my summer reading wish list.
Jennifer C. says
I’m very intrigued by The Big Green Purse. I have gotten quite interested in ways that my family can help reduce our impact, but the fact that “green” things tend to cost more has been an obstacle. Thanks for another great give-away!
Amy says
I LOVE baking, so I’d also love to get my hands on The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. Thanks for the chance!