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Susan here to let you know about a clever app that parents are loving. While many aspects of parenting in this digital age make life harder, apps like this make up for it. This post is sponsored, but as always, the views and opinions expressed are my own.
Ah, the post-holiday season… We are in that awkward stage of winter where the Holidays have passed, but we still have a few more months of short days and long nights ahead of us.
We also have credit card bills coming in from our holiday expenses (yikes) and lo and behold—also a powerful cold and flu season in full swing.
As soon as the kids recover from one strand of cooties, it seems another one swoops in to take its place. And as busy moms, sometimes it’s really hard to take time of work to take care of a sick kiddo. Or, worse yet, if those of us who believe we are impervious to the nasty little bugs that seem to flourish this time of year find ourselves feeling suddenly icky.
(And yes, I’m sneezing and sniffling as I type this.)
The Merck Manual Consumer app is an absolute lifesaver in these moments. The free app is loaded with tons of useful information about health and wellness. Written by professionals in ways that the everyday person can understand, this handy little app is a plethora of insight.
Picture this… Your youngest wakes up in the middle of the night (ALWAYS the middle of the night) because she is feeling icky.
You stumble downstairs in the dark to search for the thermometer and step on a rogue Barbie that was left on the stairs. You twist your knee and almost fall down the stairs the rest of the way and cursing that you didn’t bash your head because then maybe you would be unconscious through the bout of flu your child is suffering.
You find the thermometer and limp back upstairs and discover your precious little angel is, indeed, running a fever. You dose her with antipyretics and wait until she falls asleep and shuffle back to bed.
When you wake up in the morning, your baby’s temp is still there, and your knee is the size of a grapefruit.
Here is where the Merck Manual Consumer App comes in handy…
Not only can you do double duty checking your daughter’s symptoms, but you can also do a little research on your knee while you’re at it.
Instead of rushing to the doctor’s office to have your daughter seen, you can quickly determine that her symptoms are pretty typical for whatever is currently floating around, and she will be fine with some rest, fluids, and lots of snuggles. Your knee, on the other hand, may require more examination.
The handy little tool is an invaluable resource for busy moms on the go.
It does not require any personal information to download, and is free of ads and commercials.
You can get in, get out, and be on your way with the information you need to make a decision: to see an orthopedic surgeon for your knee or to ice it and elevate it and wait and see.
To download the app for free, Android users simply need to go to the Google Play store here. Apple users can download the app for free as well by visiting the iTunes store here.
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Disclaimer: This app does not replace medical advice. Please see a doctor if you or your child needs medical attention. This post is sponsored, so extra thanks for reading and sharing.
Written by Susan Carraretto, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
Talk with me: @5minutesformom and
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