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This is part of a sponsored campaign from DreamWorks Press. In addition to other compensation, writer received a promotional code to aid in her evaluation of this product.
My 10-year-old son actually loves to read, but this summer he has not read nearly as much as he has in years past. Why? He’s been a little distracted with handheld devices and the computer. It’s my fault. We’ve been busier, and though he likes to read, when given a choice, he prefers gaming, and I haven’t enforced no-electronics time like I should.
What if you can combine your children’s love of those little devices with real reading?
Dreamworks Press has recently introduced Dragons, a moblie app for apple devices. It’s $4.99 with additional chapters planned at $.99 each.
My son is a strong reader, and while there are 3 reading levels — 5 and under, 6 to 8 or 9 and up — Kyle still thought it was too babyish for him. That makes sense to me. If he’s gaming, he wants to game. He doesn’t quite buy the ploy. However, younger kids who just want the opportunity to play with Mom’s phone or iPad often will do anything you ask, and I love apps like this that combine reading with play.
I looked at the storybook app myself, and I loved it. You can turn narration on or off. With it on, the story is read to you, and the words light up as it’s read, providing visual enforcement. Regardless of my son’s opinion, the 9 and up option, really does provide a story on their level with larger vocabulary and a more dramatic story. The youngest 5 and under setting is read slightly slower and the words are shorter and simpler.
This storybook app looks amazing. When you log in, you see Toothless right there, and the graphics look good. In the journal section you can read Hiccup’s observations supplemented with drawings. This section did not feel “babyish” to me at all. Unlike the storybook sections, which read like a picture book with only a few sentences per page, the journal is in true notebook format, perfect for those looking for a more complex story.
Of course the characters are familiar to fans of the movies, but the stories are told in an original way (not just a rehash of the plot of the movies).
I’ve tried explaining it, but this video shows everything:
My 5th grade son proved to be a bit old for this, but I highly recommend it to older preschoolers up through third grade or so.
JoAnna Carpentier says
I think that my little sister would love it!
Virginia Rowell says
My grandson, who just started kindergarten this week would love it!
s riches says
My nephew would like to have this app.
tracey byram says
My grandson would enjoy this app.
Joshua Kohl says
Yes very much so and my son would as well
Denise Donaldson says
my daughter would enjoy it
Sand says
My nephew would love this app!
Thomas Murphy says
My son would like it.
Sarah L says
My nephew would get a kick out of this app.
Thanks for the contest.
AEKZ2 says
My son would enjoy this app.
Buddy Garrett says
Our daughter would enjoy it.
CharityS says
My son would love this app.
Trisha McKee says
My daughter would definitely enjoy this.
Tabathia B says
My daughter would enjoy this
heather says
I want to win this one for my friends boys.
Terry Cross says
My grandson would enjoy this.
I think our son would love the app
Breanne says
My nephew would
Jennifer J says
My nephew would take my phone and I would not see him for hours if I had this app!
Roxann says
My son would love this.
Rebecca Lock says
my son would enjoy this
Kim Smith says
My nephew would love this app
Coriander Warren says
my daughter would definitely enjoy this app. we all love the movie!
kathy pease says
I think my son Jordan would like this
Miz Vickik says
My daughter would like it!
mel says
i think my girlfriend would
Jenny Q says
My son would love this! The app looks like fun.
Jennifer Paige says
My nephew would go coo-coo over this app.
renee walters says
My kids would enjoy this app.
Robin says
My grandson would love this app.
Ed says
Josie would enjoy this!
Julie Hawkins says
My kids would really enjoy this app
Peggy Rydzewski says
My grandson would enjoy this app
amy deeter says
i think my daughter would enjoy this app
danielle hall says
i think my nephew would love this app
Geoff K says
My nephew Jake for sure – he’s a big Dragons fan and a tech junkie already!
Meghan says
I think that my son might enjoy this app!
amy m says
my niece would love this app
Tara Woods says
My two youngest nieces would enjoy this app.
Amity J says
Both of my daughters would like this..
Amanda G. says
My daughter would love it!
Jennifer R says
My daughter would enjoy this Dreamworks Dragons App.
mary j says
My husband and my neighbor’s boys
Barb Stenby says
My son & I would enjoy this App
Meredith Newton says
My granddaughter would love this
joni says
My daughter would love this app.
Brittney House says
My son would love this.
Erica B. says
My nephew would enjoy it.
Tram Le says
My nephew would enjoy this app.
Leah B says
My nephew, for sure!
Holly C. says
my grandchildren would love this app!
Sarah Hall says
I think my grandson would use this app.
Jill Myrick says
My son loves “Dragons” and would love this app.
Holly Kennedy says
My husband, Mark. He travels a lot and loves his music.
Paula Michele Hafner says
My son would love this. He loves the Train Your Dragon movies.
stephanie baker says
my 14-year-old foster daughter would LOVE this!
Jason Vaughn says
My friend’s son would enjoy it.
danielle Marie says
i would. how to train your dragon is one of my fave movies. obsessed!
Sarah B says
I would like this app! You’re never too old for a fun app.
erica h says
My son would love this game
Lisa V. says
My grandchild would enjoy the app.
ET Pruitt says
My little cousins would enjoy the app.
Karen Drake says
I think my daughter would love this app, it looks like a lot of fun.
Patricia says
My two boys would enjoy the app!!!
kyl neusch says
My niece would
Michelle Weaver says
My little cousin would love this app.
Suzanne says
My 2 year old enjoyed reading this book in the app. I do agree that the price is a bit high, but it may be due to the httyd being the subject. I am not sure how frequently they will put out new books to read through, but my little guy wanted more. We have read it twice, but wish this app was developed with more chapters instead of just one. I like the interactive pages and the age levels it reads with. Overall very nice graphics and user friendly even for little ones to navigate with some help.
Douglas Houston says
My little nephew would like this app, he’s seen both movies.
janna johnson says
My nephew likes this movie
Mariah says
My son would enjoy this app
Michael S. says
My grandniece would love this. She loves to play games on the phone!
cyndi br says
My grand kids would enjoy this app.
Allison says
My sister who is 13 loves this movie! AND My 21 year old fiancee lol!!
shaunie says
Would have to say that my god-son would love this app
Kristi C says
My son would love this.
Amber S. says
My youngest son would enjoy this app.
rickel bart says
my daughter would love this app!
sonia garcia says
My daughter would enjoy the app.
Virginia says
My niece would love it!
Nicole C. says
My sons and daughter would love this app.
Steve Stone says
my son jake would love this app.
xty cruz says
My nephew will really enjoy this app
Kathy Stevenson says
My daughters would love this app.
Kathleen says
My daughter
kport207 at gmail dot com
Dara Nix says
I am tempted to say my granddaughter would enjoy it, but I would probably enjoy it also!
Lexi says
My son who is 6 would love this app! And I think his sisters would enjoy it too!
Jennifer H says
I think my seven year old daughter would enjoy this app.
Monique Rizzo says
My daughter would enjoy this app.
Sue Ellison says
My six year old son would love this app.
jeni lutz says
My boys would enjoy this
Nannypanpan says
My son would like it
Daniel M says
my nephew loves the series!
Tari Lawson says
My son would like this app.
paige chandler says
My daughter would love this app
vickie couturier says
my grandkids would enjoy this
Tammy S says
I know both my kids would love this app. They both are huge fans of the movies.
Kim Keithline says
My son would enjoy this app
Nicole says
My son and my daughter would really enjoy this app, looks awesome!
kim kihega says
I think my youngest son would love it!
Casondra king says
My daughter would love it
harold says
My grandson would love it.
Meagan bs says
my daughter would love this app.
Heather S. says
My daughter would love this app! Thanks!
gayle gildehaus says
My three boys would like this.
kjasus says
our whole family will! i love this movie as much as my son
Stacy N says
my daughter would love the app
Natalia D says
My both kids would love this app.
LaVonne says
My six year old daughter is a huge Dragons fan. She’d love this app.
denice p says
I think my niece who is in the 3rd grade would enjoy the app. She needs reading lessons and this would probably keep her entertained.
Barbara Montag says
The grand kids would so love this app!
thank you
Lauren U says
My son would like this app
Nancy says
Our granddaughter would enjoy this app, I think.
Jessica says
My nephew would love it
Linda Lansford says
My grandson would enjoy this app
brandy g. says
My nephew would enjoy this app.
Deb Ford says
I think my boys and I both would love this app!
My niece would enjoy this application.
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
My grandson would like it.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Kristie says
Both my kiddos would love it! 🙂
Lasonda says
My grand child.
Claudia says
My son, Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Serge B says
My son would like the app
Kim Ripley says
My daughter would enjoy playing it!
Amy Pratt says
My sister’s kids would love it.
Cynthia C says
My nephew would enjoy this for sure.
ellen casper says
My sons would enjoy this app
Crystal F says
My youngest daughter would like it. Thank you!
nickie says
my son would enjoy this app
soha molina says
My daughter would enjoy it.
ReggieMann says
My niece would enjoy this app very much
Russell Moore says
Any of my 6 grandkids would really enjoy this App.
Luna S says
My daughter would like the app!
shanna says
My sons! Definitely =)
Meghan Malicoat says
I think both my 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son would like this app.
Elizabeth Drake says
My nephew would enjoy this app!
Steph says
Both of my kids would enjoy this app.
Danielle Lima says
My daughter would enjoy this app.
Margaret Smith says
My sons would like this app.
Julie Lynn Bickham says
I think my youngest daughter would love this app.
Elizabeth says
I’m curious to see it myself!
Terra Heck says
My youngest step-daughter would like this app. Thanks.
Sharon Schoepe says
My 5 year old twins would enjoy this app
Amanda Sakovitz says
My niece would enjoy this
Katherine says
My nephew would love it
Noreen says
My daughter love how to train a dragon
Cheryl Free says
My niece would enjoy this app.
Elena says
my son would enjoy this app
Jessica To says
My son would enjoy this.
Jessie C. says
My kids would enjoy this app.
kelly g says
probably both my kids
Erinn S says
My 6 year old son is a huge HTTYD2 fan
Janet W. says
My oldest grandson would enjoy this app!
D Schmidt says
My older son would really enjoy this app.
Rebecca Parsons says
I think my stepson would be the one to enjoy this game.