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In addition to our ThermaCELL #MosquitoFreeSummer Twitter Party, we’re thrilled to offer this additional giveaway. Note that this campaign is sponsored.

Mosquitoes can be such a nuisance and interrupt your outdoor summer fun. But ThermaCELL is here to help! ThermaCELL is an area mosquito repellent that you do NOT spray on. There are various ThermaCELL products including portable appliances perfect for individuals hunting, hiking or fishing as well as a series of lanterns.
Every ThermaCELL mosquito lantern creates a 15 x 15-foot zone of protection.
- Repels mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums and other flying insects
- Registered with the EPA
- No open flames or hot wax; safe to use
- Comfortable: No smelly lotions, sprays, or oils
- Convenient: Compact, portable, and easy to carry
- Dual-function: Provides repellent and light
How it Works
Watch this video to find out how it works…
Leave Mosquito Bites In The Past
I spent my childhood summers and long weekends in the interior of British Columbia in a cabin by a fishing lake… basically “Mosquito Country”.
I’ll always remember the stickiness and the horrible smell of the mosquito spray that my mom layered on us. If only we’d had ThermaCELL back then!
(This photo was taken about 1979 at our cabin. That’s Janice in the red coat, and I’m the other twin in the blue. We’re with our mom, brother and sister. Our father was taking the photo.)
[Tweet “I’m leaving mosquito bites in the past! #MosquitoFreeSummer”]
Enter Here To Win
Enter below to win a Patio Lantern and a $100 American Express Gift Card.
Leave us a comment telling us when and where mosquitoes bother you the most. Then use the Giveaway Tools form to enter.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by ThermaCELL.
Written by Susan Carraretto, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
Talk with me: @5minutesformom and
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ellen casper says
They bother me the most at night in our backyard patio area.
Thomas Murphy says
mosquitoes bug me the most at night in my back yard.
Tabathia B says
In my backyard when my daughter is playing in her sandbox
Katie says
The mosquitoes keep me from enjoying my patio!
CharityS says
On my patio in the summer.
Darlene Kimsey says
As I am trying to sit on my back porch!!!!
Karen Glatt says
The mosquitoes really bother me on the back porch-deck area! I need a Thermacell Patio Lantern to kill these bugs!!
Megan says
On the back porch, or while camping.
Tamara B. says
The bother us the most in the evening when we sitting outside on our patio.
Lesa Moats says
in my garden
shaunie says
Usually when I least expect it such as standing at the post office on one of the hottest days
Betsy Barnes says
Here in the mountains of North Carolina, mosquitoes start showing up around June and they are everywhere! The worst time of the day is around sunset and dusk. We use tiki torches when we sit on the deck and wear long sleeves, thankfully, it does get much cooler at night. 🙂
Cori Westphal says
It’s almost ALWAYS here in MN! But dusk is absolutely the worst. Campfires at our house require a good layer of bug spray!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Jeanna says
They bother me the most at dusk! It stinks because I feel like I have to hide indoors!
Dana Cerrito says
In the evening. My backyard is full of them
Deidre LeDoux says
Right around my house are a lot of trees. Mosquitos are real bad.
Deidre LeDoux says
Right around my house are a lot of trees. Mosquitos are real bad. I cant step foot outside without repellant. I come inside with a million bite
Deidre LeDoux says
Right around my house are a lot of trees. Mosquitos are real bad. I cant step foot outside without repellant. I come inside with a million bites.
Naila Moon says
Anywhere near large bodies of water.
Staci A says
In our backyard, when we use our fire pit at night.
theresa J says
Backyard at night
Karen says
Everywhere! With all the rain we’ve been getting, they are especially heavy this year:(
Jake B says
In my back yard!
lana says
the back porch
Trish F says
Mosquitoes and biting black flies bother me right here at my own home, it is hard to even enjoy the outside deck in the late afternoon, I guess that is what I get for living in the woods.
Daniel M says
before dusk everywhere around here
gayle gildehaus says
The worst place for them are in my back yard.That happens to be where my garden and my clothesline are.They eat me up!
Sadie B. says
They bothered us on vacation at the lake.
Ellie W says
They bother me the most when I’m sitting in the stands at both of my grandson’s little league games.
jodi says
anywhere. my little one is allergic and swells like I have never seen before!
angie says
evening around 7pm when relaxing with family outside
Tammy S says
They usually bug us in the evenings in our backyard. We have a stream that runs through our backyard so there is always some mosquito’s near by.
steven weber says
They are the worst at night in the summer, especially if it rained earlier in the day.
danielle says
While camping and sitting outside at night
Kathy stevenson says
Every night in our backyard!
Linda Szymoniak says
We get the most mosquitoes in our back yard. Our yard backs up against what used to be an empty lot. There was a duplex built on part of it, but they don’t always keep the grass and brush cut down bordering on our lot. Too many places for mosquitoes to breed and hide there.
Michelle S. says
They are worst in the evenings when I take the dog out for a walk.
Megan Cromes says
they usually bother me at night in the summer.
Dameon s says
Every year when we go camping the Mosquitos are the worse. I’m glad I found this solution I hate spraying myself and kids with chemicals this seems like a better alternative.
Jenn M says
Our yard in the afternoon, they are the size of helicopters.
reaaly need this. thanks says
My deck is where I unwind but keep jumping up for the repellent spray
Thanks 4 the offer
reaaly need this. thanks says
Thanks 4 the offer
Matthew P says
Mosquitos bother me the most when i am out in the backyard relaxing.
Teresa says
Anytime I go outside in the grass or in the woods, they bother me.
Laura J says
Our Mosquitos have been horrible this year in our backyard! Poor little Carter has had so many bites when we try to go outside and play. Its worse at night…but they are always out there! Just horrible this year.
Natalie F says
They are awful in Wisconsin. If you are in the woods or as soon as the sun goes down, they get you bad. I can’t stand them. I can’t even run through our beautiful woods right now because they will eat me all gone!
Colleen Boudreau says
In my backyard at night.
At night and in my backyard, those little suckers come for blood! 🙂
Stacey Roberson says
The mosquitoes are terrible in our backyard around sunset. My ankles are the first place they go for. And they don’t seem to bother my husband or son, just me.
christine j says
mine are always bothering us on our back porch
CR Williams says
Mostly in the evenings.
Lisa m says
At the lake. Can’t even enjoy the water
AM says
honestly, anywhere & everywhere. my arms tend to get bit the worst though.
Jennifer H says
When we go camping they are relentless.
Beth Cole says
We went camping and I was attacked!
Denice P says
Mosquitoes usually bother me the most at night time when I am sitting in my backyard relaxing.
Cindy Brooks says
Mosquitos are my enemy! I am a mosquito magnet and they will fins and bite me if they are anywhere within 100 yards!
Barbara Montag says
Mosquitoes are the worst when we’re at the lake.
thank you
nannypanpan says
they bother us most at night in the tree area of our yard
Austin Baroudi says
At my mum’s campground!
Jennifer M says
When I am out in the yard during the summertime
Theresa says
When I’m outside visiting with family at night is when they bother me the most.
Angel S. says
When we are camping!
Linda Kish says
When I go for hikes. And, I am allergic to them.
Kim Kihega says
Mosquitos tend to bug me most in the evening. We play on the trampoline which is by the woods and there is just so many of them!!
kwai ping yip says
I had horrible experiences while fishing with my dad, at the beach and the parks, I’d always end up covered with mosquito bites. They are the worst since I scratch them uncontrollably at night and end up with bloody, scabby legs and arms in the morning.
Krista M. says
Out on our deck is the worst for me!!
Tammy Woodall says
All I have to do is walk outside to get attacked no matter what time of day it is. I know this is unrealistic, but, I think if mosquitoes had telepathy, a loud call into the wild (or cell phones (ha-ha)), they communicate to each other that the target has appeared and its time to attack.
Kirsten says
In the evening when I am trying to take care of my plants.
maria says
At night on the patio.
Bons says
They bother me most when I go hiking in the summer
amber rizer says
They really bother us I’m the evening/night time. It’s been so bad here lately we can’t even enjoy sitting on our porch!
jamie says
In my whole yard! Everwhere! Day or evening. More at dusk and when I go in my garden!
Lorene says
At the beach
Cheryl Free says
Mosquitoes bother me most any time of day when I’m outdoors.
Cassie W. says
They bother me on my daily walks. It makes it miserable!!
Donna George says
They bother me ALL the time, except at high noon. I get bit every time I go outside
amanda hardesty says
They bother me the most while camping, especially along the river
Cindy H says
They bug me most when we are out in the evening and at summer events.
Rob Brydon says
Oh the mosquitoes here are huge and attack without provocation all they need is a little shade and they are out by the hundreds for the buffet on my family. A 15 x 15 foot safe zone would be the entire back deck which would be perfect.
Jennifer Essad says
they bother me most around 5 pm when I’m out in the yard w/our pup I have to cover up to play w/her
Susan Smith says
Mosqitoes bother me in my backyard the most
mysweetiepiepie says
The bother me the most when I’m working out in the veggie garden and sweating up a storm.
Maureen G says
The early evening when it is humid outdoors is when the attacks begin.
Bridget Patterson says
the mosquitoes bother me the most in my backyard and they love my ankles
Shelagh P says
On the deck at our beach house.
Shari Alligood says
Mosqitoes bother me in my backyard the most!
Cheryl K says
I would definitely use it either on my deck or while gardening!!
Hazel says
On Camping Nights and Outdoor Parties.
melinda gail ( says
when im out in my yard swing
Keya says
Mosquitoes bother me the most on my balcony.
Rachel Fuller says
In the woods they are the worst!
BobbiJo Pentney says
Mosquitos bother me the most in the garden.
stacy philip says
anytime i step outside my back doors and night time it gets worse
darci says
They are crazy bad in the spring..and continue into the summer I am in the northern part of bc…lots of standing water….
Maria B says
When I am sitting outside, they really bother me.
Heidi P says
On our backyard deck…just step outside & you are swarmed
Susan Smith says
On my deck around my house.
deb cohen says
early am and early eve they bite my legs
Julie Fields says
They are horrible around our house and are always eatting us up.
Linda F says
On my deck after dusk!
jennifer capin says
they love my ears and neck while playing soccer with my Son in the backyard
Lindsay T says
They’re the worst when were camping!
Christie Lombardo says
At night on my deck are the worse with mosquitos
jobeth says
Our yard we are by a creek
Rushell Tuggle says
Outside, on the back deck in the evening! We have an empty house next door with tall grass and it seems impossible to keep the mosquitos away.
Kelly P says
Our backyard, front yard, patio, everywhere
Judy says
At home! Early mornings and later in the evening is the worse!
Stephanie says
In my backyard!
stephen radford says
sitting outside cookign on the grill for parties
Heather B says
Ugh I love in Maine Mosquito country!!! They bother us most when playing disc golf!
mary says
In summer parties at the park or the lake.
angie depue says
anywhere and always outside by my pond!
They bother us in the evening while we sit out on our deck.
Terra Heck says
Mosquitos bother me the most when I am camping and hanging out outside. The evening time is the worst. Thanks.
Idaho Jill says
The question for me should be ‘When and where do mosquitoes NOT bother you the most?’! Seriously, they love me. If I even step out of the house to get meat off the grill, I get a bite. No one else will get one bite and I will get 12 just sitting outside for an hour on the patio. So this year I vowed to try even harder to make them go away. I use essential oils, mosquito spray, and take odorless garlic pills twice a day. So far this summer, I have only had 3 bites!
LaVonne says
Usually August and September here in Washington state.
vickie couturier says
they bother me most when we are at the lake
Jason says
Everywhere!!! We have gotten a ton of rain this year in MN and the annoying jerks are everywhere! You can’t even go outside! When will Science figure out a way to wipe them off the planet?
Audra O'Hara says
They drive me nuts while I’m gardening in my flower beds; especially when it’s been rainy.
Shanna says
In the evenings when we go for walks around the pond. Yuck
Katherine says
When I am out gardening or berry picking
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
They bother me at night when I’m sitting in the backyard!
Jennifer J says
They bother me the most at the lake when we are enjoying the evenings outside!
Nicole Sender says
They bother me at dusk when I’m out in the garden.
mrsshukra says
Outside in our lanai!
Amanda E. says
Day and night. I live along the Gulf Coast where there are species that bite during the day and not just the evening.
Priscilla P. says
I can’t set my foot outside without getting eat up!
claudia m says
all the time ! we live in the middle of the woods ~ mosquito heaven 🙁
Claudia says
The mosquitoes bather most at the evening when we sit on the porch and go for a evening walk, thank you!
Sonya Morris says
My backyard and almost all day but worse in the evening!
Susan Christy says
They bother me when I’m sitting on my patio in the evenings. They are worse than ever this year.
iamalighthouse says
They most bother me when camping and cooking in the evening over a fire!
shelly peterson says
In our yard at night is the worst or when your camping.
Jennifer Tamez says
On my backyard patio is where they are the worst!!
Janice Cooper says
At night when we are sitting in the backyard or at the park
janetfaye says
Mosquitos bother me in the early evening when I am in my yard or going for a walk.
@CraysMom says
Honey I live in Louisiana…………… I need to say no more !!
Peggy Johnson says
The mosquitoes have been particularly bad this year on our deck and in the backyard, especially in the early evening
Stacey b says
They come out the worst in our back yard in the evening / night time!
Megan F. says
Our very own backyard is horrible! I feel like I am going to get carried away from all the mosquitoes! We do have a lot of bats, but they don’t eat all the mosquitoes. They devour me!
Michelle says
at night when i go outside to relax on the patio, Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Erin Ellis says
They bother me the most on our back patio. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
fairyfractal at gmail dot com
Michael T says
We sit outside in our back patio area around 6 to 7pm and thats when they seem to attack in squadrons.
Amanda Sakovitz says
at night when i go into my house
Aly says
They bother me when we’re outside – whether on the patio or having a picnic at the park. It’s been so incredibly rainy this month and the mosquitoes are AWFUL.
Gina M says
They bother me the most when I am sitting on my deck. I can’t sit out there for a single minute without getting bitten.
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Charles says
On my front porch in the evening
Elena says
they bother me in my backyard when I do gardening
Janet W. says
They bother me the most in my own backyard! Especially in the evenings. They are attracted to my legs for some reason!
Meagan bs says
they bother me most when it’s hot and humid and they tend to get my legs bad!
D Schmidt says
They bother me most early evening in the back yard.
Rebecca Parsons says
IN the evening the really come out. We have a pond and they sometime feel like they are going to carry you away they are so thick.
latanya says
In our backyard in the late afternoon.
Cheryl says
In the evening on my deck or patio–almost can’t sit outside in the evenings.
april yedinak says
Mosquitoes bother us the most in the evening when we try to sit on our front porch.
Mami2jcn says
We have a pond across the street and I hate that the mosquitoes seem to attack during the evening.
Liberty T. says
I am a magnet for mosquitoes and it does not matter where I am outside they always attack me!
Kristie says
Usually in the evening after a run or while I’m working in the garden.
Wehaf says
They’re worst in the evening in our backyard.
Jessie C. says
Evening outdoor parties and camping nights.
Kelly D says
The mosquitoes bother me in my backyard, especially when it is later in the day.
Amethyst Moon says
I live in Florida, there is no way to avoid them. My backyard is terrible!
Dawn says
As soon as I step out my front door, I swear that the mosquitoes are waiting for me. I can’t be out in our yard for more than five minutes without my legs having multiple bites!!
Rochel S says
In our backyard especially in the evening!
Sara Haaf says
They always bug me, but are worse at night and they love my backyard!
Derrick Johnson says
EVERYWHERE! We live in South Louisiana and in the Spring and Summer,especially after it rains,the biting critters come out in full force! We basically have to drench ourselves in bug repellent just to go outside! UGHHHH!
@CraysMom says
Me toooooooooo I live in the swamp !
Melissa M says
Our backyard, they are really bad!