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Susan here with a painfully humorous story as well as some season appropriate information and sweepstakes from Robitussin®. We have been compensated for our time preparing this post. Also, we are definitely not healthcare professionals.
Have you ever started coughing uncontrollably in a packed movie theatre?
I have and was it ever embarrassing!
Here’s what happened… My family has been having a brutal winter with colds and I was going on my third week of a persistent cough from a cold. I really thought it was under control enough and I desperately wanted to see the movie, American Hustle.
But part way through the movie, my throat started begging me to cough. I muffled a cough into my elbow, but that made more erupt… I gulped water and my eyes began to tear as I hopelessly tried to hold in the coughing.
I felt like the entire theatre wanted to turn around and yell at me to be quiet. But I was in the middle of the middle row of a completely packed movie theatre. What could I do? I covered my face with my coat and tried miserably to cough as quietly as I could. I eventually recovered, but I’m sure everyone in the theatre hated me.
[Tweet “Would you hate someone for having a coughing fit in a packed movie theatre? Be honest…”]
What’s Your “COUGHequence”?
Coughing can destroy your night’s sleep, force you to miss your daughter’s piano recital or embarrass you in a movie theatre.
Whatever your “COUGHequence“, I’m sure you’ll agree that coughs are one of the worst parts of winter.
To help families avoid “COUGHequences” of cold and flu this season, Robitussin® has a variety of products tailored to effectively treat different symptom combinations.
- When you’re traveling, reach for the convenient Robitussin® DM Max liquid-filled capsules to control cough on-the-go.
- When you can’t get to sleep because of your cough, Robitussin® has a maximum strength DM nighttime formula to help keep your cough at bay.
- When your child needs good long relief, thank Robitussin® for their long-acting liquid cough syrup that relieves cough symptoms for up to eight hours.
Robitussin® has effectively treated cough, cold and flu symptoms for more than 50 years, and is doctor recommended and the #1 pharmacist recommended brand among cough, cold and flu liquid combination products.
Enter To WIN in the COUGHequences Sweepstakes
Visit to see the consequences of not treating your symptoms, and the benefits of treating with Robitussin®. Watch the hilarious COUGHequences videos to be entered to win one of three sweepstakes – including a $10,000 trip for two!
Did You Know?
Did you know these cold and flu facts? Find out more here…
- Each year, there are more than 1 billion cases of the common cold in the United States.
- Did you know a cough can leave the body at speeds up to 500 miles per hour? That’s more than 2x faster than a professional race car!
- A cold virus spreads roughly 5 times faster when flying in an airplane.
[Tweet “Did u know a cold virus spreads 5x faster when flying in an airplane? #spon #COUGHequences”]
Robitussin® Cares About OTC Abuse
We care passionately about over-the-counter (OTC) Abuse and we’ve blogged about it many times before. We’re pleased to know that Robitussin® also wants to help you protect teens and young adults from the dangers of OTC and prescription medicine abuse. Click here to learn more about potential medicine abuse.
Disclosure: We have been compensated for our time preparing this post. We are not healthcare professionals and no information in this post should be considered medical advice.
Written by Susan Carraretto, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
Talk with me: @5minutesformom and
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Macys says
Great info – i just hope that most people respect those around them and cover their mouths, ha ha
Aqiyl Aniys says
Hilarious!!! This also happened to me. I took my coat and smothered my face in it trying to cough quietly. I don’t think my coat liked that very much.
This winter my kids have been passing germs back and forth, to the point where I think we’ve only had a couple days without running noses and coughs! This post is packed with information, I really appreciate it!
vickie couturier says
lots of good information,,I just flew an was so worried I was going to cough I thing I ate a whole bag of cough drops an cleaned my hand so much they smelled like hand santizer
Barbara Platt says
I entered. The videos were funny, but so true. I hate coughing and I use to get it a lot.
Jessica T says
Good info – i just hope that most people respect those around them and cover their mouths!
Tracey says
Nighttime coughing is the worst! Thanks for the information!