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This fall, I hadn’t watched one single scene of a new series or sitcom, my TiVo had been untouched, my couch unvisited. All I had done was work, travel, and parent.
But the other night, my tweeps called me on my madness — they told me to stop right that moment and realign my priorities. They told me to watch Glee.
I had caught the pilot last spring and was completely hooked. I had wanted to watch this season — so badly — but I just hadn’t given in. I had kept tied to my laptop, refusing to be distracted by the TV.
But that night on Twitter, I listened to my friends’ advice. I found the Canadian network that offers Glee episodes online, (yes – did you know we Canadians can’t even WATCH the shows online on US sites?!?) and I watched Glee.
And I fell in love.
I think it would be impossible to not love Glee. It is brilliant and beautiful in every way. Even the villians are hysterical — in fact, I think they may be the funniest of all the characters.
Tonight, I have posts to write and emails to answer. It is 11:30pm and I am painfully tired. But all I want to do is watch Glee.
Glee is a treat that makes your whole day happier. It makes you giddy and excited to be alive.
The only downside is it makes you want — NEED — more Glee.
THANKS to my Glee-loving Tweeps: @jessicaknows, @annisamayhew, @petit_elefant and @looneytunes
YOUR TURN: What about YOU? What are you watching this season? Have you fallen for Glee?
rachel-asouthernfairytale says
Glee. I love Glee. It makes me gleeful.
GLEE is fabulous! Is it Wednesday yet?
Casual Friday Every Day says
Haven’t watched it, but only hear good things. My husband and I got into FlashForward — really like it!
familyfriendlyfoodie says
All, Question for you. I’m new to blogging and wanted to know what are the rules for using photos like the one above for Glee. Did you obtain that from a PR website? Do you have to ask for permission? Thanks so much in advance. -Jenn
Pamela M. Kramer says
I love that show. It makes me laugh so hard. You’re right, I’m left wanting more. I can’t for the next week.
Susan says
Susan here… and I am DYING to watch it!!!
I just watched that trailer and I can’t wait to watch the other episodes!!!!! But I have soooo much to do…. ohhhhhh….
Adventures In Babywearing says
I just caught up on Hulu and watched all the episodes of Glee before last night’s show and I am hooked!!!
Michelle says
I almost peed my pants during the “single ladies” episode. We went to a college football game that weekend and all I could think about was the scene of the football players doing the single ladies dance. Hilarious!!
Dustin | Engaged Marriage says
This show sounds great, I’ll have to check it out. My personal favorite new show this season is Modern Family on ABC…super funny!
Amy says
Glee is awesome!
Janice says
It IS addictive isn’t it??? LOL I just love it – hope those of you who are new to it love it just as much. 🙂
Scary Mommy says
I’ve watched last night’s episode 4 times on DVR. Is there a support group for addicts?
Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) says
I completely forgot that Global TV shows full episodes of their shows until I read this. Great! I love Glee but I had missed the first couple of episodes. I’m going there right now!
Mikki says
When I saw the trailers to this awhile back I couldn’t wait to see it. I missed the pilot but was able to download it and take it on the plane with me. After watching it I quickly called home and told my girls not to watch it (they were waiting to hear my verdict)
The dancing and singing stuff is GREAT!! We even caught the single ladies football version online, but I am SOO SOO tired of shows being so egnausiating politically correct. The girls fathers are gay, the boy is gay, the Glee club teacher loves his wife but is flirting with another teacher at school who obviously has the hots for him..
Then to top it off.. the one girl, who is a Christian, pushes the envelope with sex and then prays..
Sorry to get on my soapbox here but it’s so sad to see them take what could be a half way decent plot and throw it away to be so politically correct.
Again, sorry to vent…
Jingle says
I am so excited to watch the episode from yesterday! I watch them online, too, because we don’t have cable service. It is SUCH a great show!! LOVE IT!
toywithme says
I have yet to watch an episode but I am hearing non-stop on twitter how amazing and addictive it is. I plan to watch it now though.
Erica says
I am still on the fence with Glee. Parts of it are cute…other parts are just weird. Even though I was the dorky, choir girl in school, I still have a hard time relating to the show. I think it’s the school teachers that bug me. 🙂
The Queen Of Re says
Watched it for the first time the other night on Hulu. To be honest, I really did not like it.
Adrienne says
I haven’t watched Glee. But I may have to watch it now. There is a lot of talk about it everywhere.
Candy says
I was a fan of Glee hook line and sinker the second they did the awesome version of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’!! I was a choir loving girl in school so I just love this show.
TCKK says
I’ve never watched “Glee” but I’ve been hearing people Twitter about it. Watching your clip above just sold me. I’ve got to check it out now. Thanks for the heads-up. -Cathy
FamilyFriendlyFoodie says
I’ll make time to watch Glee tonight. I’m in the same boat as you were. I heard great things and have it ready to go on my DVR.
Bess says
We watch Glee here and there…but we’re really big fans of The Office…have been since season 1. 🙂
Renee Garcia says
LOVE Glee!!! I got hooked when they did the promo episode in the Spring too! I’m SO glad it’s BACK!!! YAY!!!
The Gang's Momma says
Well, at the risk of sounding like a dissenter, I did watch Glee a few weeks ago (season premier?) and I had to turn it off. The high school humor about sex and alternative lifestyles and such was not appropriate for MY high schooler sitting on the couch with me. It’s amazing how hard it is to sit through a show that talks about getting past first base when hanging out on the couch with one’s son who has largely remained pure of those conversations in his own life. I couldn’t get comfortable at all . . .
Pink Haired Momma says
I dont watch glee, but after reading your post I just might. With all my nearing wedding strress, baby screams and just general life drama, i sure need a funny little happy moment and I am thinking Glee is just the ticket. Let you know what I think!! Thanks!!
gretchen says
I’m with you….I don’t know what it is, but Glee does make me giddy….is it the feel-good music? Sappy smiles? or maybe it’s characters who experience pure joy when they’re singing? Love it!!