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5 Minutes for Books managing editor Jennifer Donovan received a copy of this book to facilitate her review, and we were compensated for this campaign, but as always, our writer’s opinions are her own.
I jumped on the opportunity to review this book when I had the chance, because it seemed like exactly the sort of book that my 4th grade son enjoys — funny, kind of science-y, but with a realistic school setting. He hasn’t had a chance to read it yet, but after seeing me reading it, he said that he definitely wants to.
Wilmer Dooley is in 6th grade. The Contagious Colors of Mumpley Middle School kicks off with an entry in his brand new journal, day 2 (as an interesting twist, the journal ends with day 1, once all the secrets have been revealed).
Wilmer has two goals for 6th grade. One is to win the heart of Roxie McGhee (Parental observation: Why must all books, books that 9 – 12 year olds are reading, feature these romances and crushes?? It was a cute plot element that might make the book more interesting to girls, and it wasn’t too over-the-top at all.). His second pursuit is to win the Sixth Grade Science Medal.
Wilmer is working on a history paper about plagues of the middle ages, when the kids at the middle school start to experience their own symptoms, and it’s spreading rapidly. Soon all the kids in the school, except Wilmer and his nemesis Claudius, are infected. They are congested, coughing and sneezing, and changing colors. That’s right, Roxie is pink, and it’s spreading from head to toe. Wilmer’s little brother Sherman is all sorts of colors, changing all the time. The school becomes rainbow hued as the children all change colors.
Wilmer decides that to win the medal, he is going to keep investigating what causes an epidemic to spread so that he can figure out what exactly is going on at his school, and then find a cure!
The story moves along with a journal entry at the beginning of each chapter and then events at the school and at the Dooley household. His dad is a scientist too, and his mom is always whipping up wacky menu items. The story is funny and full of realistic school details that appeal to kids. It unfolds nicely as Wilmer is figuring things out through trial and error.
I figured the cause out right away. I don’t know if the author Fowler DeWitt wanted his grade school readers to figure it out before Wilmer, or if I’m just a lot smarter than the intended audience, but regardless, it didn’t spoil the fun of reading.
This fun tongue-in-cheek video trailer made me smile:
Enter to Win
One of you (U.S. only) will win a $50 Visa card for back to school shopping and a copy of The Contagious Colors of Mumpley Middle School
Michelle Tucker says
I’d use it to get a couple items, such as padded envelope mailers and other office items.
shirley says
I would get some school books.
heather says
commented here
heather says
i would use towards school shoes
Hailie Jordan says
I would purchase some books and some new pens (:
Teresa Moore says
I would use it to buy more daughter some more clothes.
Crystal Rose says
I would put it towards winter boots.
Melanie Johnson says
My son needs some new shirts.
samantha w says
Would buy some fall time clothes for my kids
Miz Vickik says
On new shoes!
cw says
daughter needs some shoes
wendy b says
I will spend it on pens, paper and scotch tape for my school supplies cache.
Janet F says
I would use it to buy a pair of shoes for school.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
AndreaH says
I will use it for school clothes or shoes.
Helen says
I would use it for new school clothes
Heather G says
I will use it to help buy clothes for my daughter.
Glenna F says
I would buy some more clothes for my growing daughter.
Laura says
So many things to use it on, I think restocking on the art supplies is a good idea, that goes so very fast!
Nancy says
I might use it for items for great back to school lunches.
Darlene Owen says
I would buy my granddaughter a new outfit as this is her first year of school
Ben Ellington says
Clothes and shoes.
Becky says
I would use it to buy textbooks.
lisa kay says
I would pick up a few things for My Grandson for school.
Elizabeth says
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! I will use this for office/writing supplies. I never seem to have enough.
Holly Storm-Burge says
My daughter needs some cute coordinating cardigans now that it’s starting to get chilly here, so I would take her shopping. Thanks!
Adrianne B says
I would use the Back to School bucks to add to our homeschool curriculum.
kathy dalton says
i would get more back to school clothes for my grandson
John Joseph says
Will put it toward paper and supplies
mary j says
New workout shoes.
debbie says
I’d give it to my daughter who just got her first teaching job! She could sure use that money in her classroom.
Pam H. says
I woukd use it for new shoes. Two weeks into the school year, and already he has a hole in his shoes.
Crissie says
Ellie W says
I would use it for foods to pack in my boys’ lunches.
April Yedinak says
I would get shoes for my son.
Teresa Thompson says
Fall clothes and shoes for my granddaughter.
Linda Meyers-Gabbard says
Food for lunches.
Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)
Karen Lynch says
I would use it to get some fall clothes for my daughter.
Angela M. says
I would use it to buy some new clothes, socks, and shoes for my daughter!
I would use them to purchase some new shoes for my son
Kelly D says
I would buy tissues and hand sanitizer for the school year.
Nannypanpan says
I’d get new sneakers
Liz says
The kids need pants, so that’s where this would go!
Charlene S says
I would get some new school clothes.
Julie Smith says
I actually laughed out loud at this trailer! So cool! I would likely use the gift card to get some new khakis for my son; he went through a growth spurt and most of his pants from last school year are now WAY too short!
Madeline says
I’ll buy some clothes for my daughter!
Steph says
My kids could use some more crayons and some new t-shirts.
Rochel S. says
My son needs new shoes!
Kymberly Pray says
Amazing how quickly the cost of basic school supplies adds up. They are needed and necessary every year, so it seems I am always running out to get more paper, pencils and the like. The Visa card would go a long way towards stocking us up.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Liz says
Send to my niece for her children.
Tabathia B says
I would use for more school uniform for my daughter
christine jessamine says
I would buy a few more outfits
kasia says
would buy something cool for my little one
deanna says
I need to buy shoes!
Patricia says
Books and art supplies.
riTa says
I’d use it for my grandson’s upcoming birthday.
Alison Shoepe says
I’d buy more yarn 🙂
Jenny Ham says
I will use it for unexpected expenses
Shari says
My son’s class has a wish list of things for parents to bring for use during the year. I’d be able to get a few more things off the list. 🙂
T.h.Ransom says
I would use it to get my daughter some new shoes for school
Karla S says
For back to school clothes!
Jennifer Hayden says
New shoes for the boys!
HappyMomC says
I will buy products with box tops for education and then submit it to give money to the school!
Louann Brown says
Mystery and humor, sounds like a 6th grader to me! My grandchildren would love this book.
emily l says
I will use them to buy my son some new undies and jammies to replace those he’s outgrown!
Kerrie Mayans says
I would get new polo shirts for my son since he loves wearing them
Angel S. says
Socks and underwear! Man those can add up! Thanks for helping out!
Angel S. says
Socks and underwear! Man those can add up!
Cindy B says
We need to buy some football cleats!
Ellen B says
new sneakers are needed right now
Daniel M says
would use for books
Shirley says
I’d use it for new shoes
Tammy S says
I am sure we would use it for books. We can never have to many books.
Martha C. says
I would of course buy more books! I need this one to read aloud to my class!
Martha C. says
I need the book to share with my class and the gift card would be to buy more books of course!!!
Martha C. says
I need this book. Sounds like a perfect read aloud for my fourth grade class (can’t believe Kyle is in fourth grade!) especially with my crazy scienceness. I would use the gift card to buy more books!!!!!
Katie Curry says
I would use it to buy groceries for healthy lunch choices during the week!
AaronZenz says
Thanks for the chance to win! Books, books, books…
Jessica B. says
I’d buy my sons new shoes.
K.Pugh says
I’d buy a few things for the kids.
Thanks for the chance.
Jeanna says
I will buy my son some more khaki shorts for his uniforms!
Jen V says
I would use it for a new winter coat for my middle daughter. She is outgrowing hers.
latanya says
buy clothes and some ink
Amanda Sakovitz says
id buy new clothes
Cynthia R says
i would use back to school bucks towards a winter jacket, that’s one thing left on list need to get.
Thomas Murphy says
I would buy my kids some clothes if I won.
Merry says
I would buy my son a new winter jacket
Teresa says
I would use it to get snow boots and snow pants for my Kindergartener!
shelly neuhouser says
I would use it for school clothes
Diana C says
Back to school clothes.
Diana C
Sonya Morris says
I would use it for more clothes for my girls.
shelly neuhouser says
Would use the gift card for school clothes
Heather says
I’d use the gift card for underwear and undershirts!
Megan M says
I’ll use it for socks. It seems that no matter how many pairs I stock for the beginning of the year, we need more by the time only a couple of months have gone by!
shelly says
I’ll use it for jeans & shirts for my teenager
Brittany says
To purchase more school supplies and a winter coat for my daughter.
Mia Dentice Carey says
Buy my son new shoes….
this last pair barely made the 1st 3 weeks of school =(
**Having problems getting my comments to post =(
Mia Dentice Carey says
Buy my son new shoes….
this last pair barely made the 1st 3 weeks of school =(
Mia Dentice Carey says
Buy my son new shoes….this last pair barely made the 1st 3 weeks of school =(
Erin McAllister-Pyle says
I would buy my son more new clothes!
Erin McAllister-Pyle says
oops! Please delete this dup comment? Thanks!
Erin McAllister-Pyle says
I would use it to buy my son more clothes!
Sheila K. says
New clothes for my niece!
Crissy D. says
I would buy my son a new bookbag
Janet W. says
I’d use it to buy fall clothing for my grandsons.
Mozi Esmes mom says
I’d let my daughter choose!
Tristen s says
I would use it for our teacher wish lists.
LaVonne says
I will buy homeschool supplies for my Kindergartener.
Kristin says
Probably to get those last-minute things that I always seem to forget…highlighters, calculator, maybe some White Out, more filler paper, it adds up!
Elena says
I would buy a new backpack
Anne Lehnick says
I’ll put it towards buying daily school snacks and some jeans when it gets cooler.
Kathy Stevenson says
I would buy clothes for my daughter.
Noreen says
School backpacks, we didn’t replace them this year
I would use it for the endless school supply list.
Jessica To says
I would get my son a new lunchbox and backpack.
Kelly Brown says
I would give it to my son to read and spend the money on school supplies-that is a never ending cost!
rea says
I would use it to buy clothes for my son.
amyc says
My daughter is in desperate need of clothes. That’s what I would buy.
Wehaf says
I would buy a bunch of books I’ve wanted for a while.
Jessica T says
Get my daughter some new shoes
Beth - TheAngelForever says
I will use the back to school bucks to get the boys more jeans. Amazing to see how much the kids grew over the summer.
Anne says
Jeans and shirts for my grandchildren.
vickie couturier says
get some school jeans for the grandsons,they need them
Sandy says
More school needs like socks, etc…
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I’ll put it towards a winter coat for my nephew!
Sadie B. says
I would use it on new kids shoes.
Kelly D says
I would buy a pair of dressy shoes for my daughter and a few supplies for her class, like hand sanitizer.
Mami2jcn says
I will buy socks and underwear.
robyn paris says
i will use it to buy a backpack
Katherine says
My son needs new basketball shoes
Lisa Brown says
i would buy new jeans
Selene M. says
I will buy extra fine blue Sharpies and envelopes.
Wild Orchid says
I would buy my son some new jeans and sweaters!
Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Marti Parks says
I will buy socks, underwear and a few other supplies.
Terra Heck says
I’d use it to purchase socks and athletic shorts for my son. I’d also purchase a scientific calculator. Thanks.
mrsshukra says
I will give it to the teen who can use it for school supplies and books!