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I sometimes feel like I’m in the minority without a car that has a backup camera. I wasn’t willing to pay another couple thousand dollars for that option, plus a GPS and DVD system that I didn’t need, so I am simply careful with my Pilot as I navigate the suburbs where I live. Given that, testing Back Up Better lenses and mirrors was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.
The Back Up Better safety products are designed to minimize blind spots and prevent accidents. They include both add-on blind spot mirrors and rearview lenses that attach to the back window of a van, SUV, or other vehicle with a vertical rear window, as well as back up alarms that activate when you put your car in reverse and help alert others to your presence.
I’ve seen the add-on mirrors before and know that there are some vehicles that come standard with them installed. The mirrors are sold in pairs and are designed to be applied to both exterior mirrors. The application process is easy – simply clean the mirror, peel the sticker’s coating, and press to the mirror for 30 seconds.
Because not all cars are the same, they come in a variety of sizes from small ($6.99 a pair with two shape options) to mid and large size vehicles ($12.99 a pair) to full size SUVs and trucks ($12.99 a pair). I applied the mid and large size vehicles mirrors to my car, and I was surprised at the difference the view made.
Without the add-on mirror, I thought I could see fairly well to the sides of my car. I was wrong about the size of my blind spot and honestly quite surprised by how much more there was to see once I placed the add-on mirror onto my side mirrors.
There was a lot that I was missing that I didn’t even realize I was missing – like an entire tree. Having the additional visibility makes me more confident as I’m driving, not just when I’m backing up but also when I’m changing lanes on the road. It’s a great confidence boost.
The Back Up Better rearview lens was one that threw me for a loop when I first took a look at it. It also comes in two sizes, an 8″x10″ size for small and mid size vehicles ($14.99) and an 11″x14″ size for large vehicles ($23.99). I chose the 8″x10″ version for my SUV, and it was a good size.
The plastic mat has a lenticular side and a smooth side. It applies with just water, which makes it easily movable when needed. This is a product I will definitely be taking with me whenever I need to rent a car with a vertical rear window.
There was a bit of a trick to get it fully applied without air bubbles but it wasn’t difficult to squeeze them out, and because you use water to apply them, it isn’t a big deal to pull it off and start over. While the lens doesn’t look that special when you have it in your hand, what you see once you apply it on your vehicle is eye opening.
My regular rear view mirror view:
My rear view mirror view with the Back Up Better review lens:
Again, looking through my rear view mirror without the lens, I don’t feel like I’m missing all that much. Yes, I know I can’t see things directly behind me that are closer to the ground, but I’ve figured out where the corners are on my car. Once I place the lens on my window, however, I was amazed to see the difference in what I was now able to see. Looking straight back behind me was even a bigger difference.
With the added lens, I can see so much more of the driveway behind me. I can see a lot more to the left and right, as well as above and below my window. The image itself is a little out of proportion, but I don’t mind that because I can tell that there is something there that I wasn’t able to see previously. I have noticed that depending on the angle of the light hitting my car, there is a circle on the lower half of the lens that is more opaque than the rest of it, but I still find this invaluable.
Both types of mirrors took a little getting used to, just as it does every time you get into a different car to drive. I am still using all my mirrors and turning to check manually, but my confidence is higher with the additional tools from Back Up Better. In fact, the exterior mirrors are something that I would love to give to my mother who drives a smaller car but could still definitely benefit from additional visibility.
My other friends who have the minivans and SUVs without backup cameras? I know what they’re getting for Christmas!
My only real quibble with the Back Up Better products was their packaging. There were many grammatical and spelling errors on them, which was a little offputting to me, as I wasn’t sure of the quality of the product if the quality of the packaging was lacking. The directions for application of the product and what vehicles they were designed for also wasn’t very clear. To be honest, until I visited the website, I was under the impression that the rearview lens was intended for school buses and other commercial vehicles rather than for my own car. The website was far more helpful and clear, and there were directions included in my order that also made the process easier. I wish that level of detail were included on the packaging of the products themselves, as well.
Enter to Win
25 winners will receive a rearward view back window lens for an SUV, station wagon, minivan, crossover, or small van. Just use the Rafflecopter form below to enter this giveaway. New to Rafflecopter? Watch this 45-second video on how to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
In the interest of full disclosure, I was provided with product samples from Back Up Better for review purposes. I was also compensated for this campaign, but all opinions remain my own.
Skylo says
That is a cheap alternative to rear view cameras although a budget back-up camera is only around $80.
Chad says
I don’t know why all cars don’t have these convex mirrors on them. They are incredible!!
ron bartlett sr. says
thank you. I won
corrie says
me I NEED IT LOL. i am not a good backer uper.
Solducky says
me for sure!
Ola Jaggers says
My oldest son is just getting his license, so I would love for him to have this!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!
Angie says
I’d love to have this!
Wendy McBride says
I really need this on my big truck.
wendym at cableone dot net
joni says
I can really use this.
Sue H. says
I’d give this to someone I know drives a van or large SUV.These I’m sure have saved many lives.Thanks for the great giveaway! 🙂
bettye says
Great addition for those are us who are peripherally challenged 🙂
bettye says
Great addition for those of us who are peripherally challenged 🙂
Angela Kinder says
I need this the most! It took me 5 minutes (or what felt like 5 minutes) to back up from a spot at the library because I couldn’t tell how close I was. Of course, I blamed my being sick the day before, but I felt so embarrassed that it took me so long and the people had to wait for me. 🙁
Julie says
I need this the most!
Emily says
My spouse does
Viva says
I’m the one who needs this!
Carol Irwin says
what an awesome extra safety device
pamela james says
That would be me!
Fiona N says
I would love to win it for myself because I usually get hard time to back up 🙁
Thank You for the giveaway!
Brittney House says
definately me. lol
Shannon Baas says
Me as I will be driving in a lot of traffic.
cassandra says
the gift of safety is a great one
Karen Gonyea says
My 18 year old new driver could use this !!
Jennifer Peaslee says
me, I hate backing up!
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
think my hubby does
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Virginia Rowell says
My daughter needs this the most!
Jennifer Clay says
I want to win this for myself.
Chrissy Nestor says
Probably me lol
chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com
Diana Hatch says
Would love for my son and daughter-in-law
Claire says
I do need this! It’d be for me!
vikki Billings says
My son could use this the most
Jemima P says
I need it! It would just make me feel so much better.
Jamie says
I need this the most!
Robert Pyszk says
I need this the most
Cheryl Rahkonen says
My husband could use this most. He has backed into our daughter’s car, our son-in-law’s car and almost ran over the dog. He really could use this.
dale bartlett says
i really could use this.i suck at backing up straight.hard to see out the back some times
LT says
I could use this the most!
Kristin Sawatzke says
I could use this for my tahoe!
Glenna F says
I need it the most.
Clenna says
I need it most. I keep turning around to check the back of my car so I don’t hit anything.
David says
Backing up isn’t generally a problem except for at the grocery store, but I do concur with the other comment regarding a trailer.
Tabathia B says
my 18 year old daughter 🙂
Kristi L. says
I need it the most for when we are hauling our pop up camper.
Tim says
Neither of us have been involved in an accident, but it always helps to have that extra bit of security.
Emily Acker says
My oldest sister – she can hardly see at all when backing up, because of the car seats in her van.
Kathleen Conner says
This would be for me–I’d feel more comfortable.
Heather Poindexter says
lol, me! I have a SUV and its hard to see behind it!
Carolyn Ann Colley (Griffith, Smith) says
well that would be me & my husband, my husband does most of the driving these days
Jackie Griebel says
My husband, he backs into things all the time with his truck
Staci A says
My hubby could definitely use it!
I defiantly need this the most
Alison S. says
Me! I’m paranoid about making sure I never hit a child, or anything else.
Christine says
I need this the most.
Thanks for the chance!
HappyMomC says
I need it the most, very bad while reversing the van.
Angie Vinez says
ME. Backing up has always been my least favorite part of driving. And, now that I have a 15 year that has her permit, I’m certain this would come in handy for her as well.
Megan Raines says
i totally do!! I am horrible at backing up!
Daiva says
I do! I am not very good at backing up!
Norleans Louisiana says
OH definitely my dad. The guy thinks he’s so safe and really he’s not–it’s a bad combo of poor skill and overly confident. Thanks for the post and chance to win!
Jen V. says
I am the one who needs it. We have lots of kids who play on the street in my neighborhood. I am always paranoid I won’t see one of them.
Cindy B says
that would be me when I’m driving our SUV!
Idaho Jill says
We would put it on the family car, so we would both use it
Bud L says
My husband…
Bud Lisa
RC form name
Wehaf says
I need it most, as I’m a new driver.
Rebecca says
Me! I could use it!
Crissy D. says
I need it, Im not a very good driver
Susan P. says
I have a minivan which has good visibility but is still highher up than our sedans, so I would use it.
Lacey J says
Probably myself! We drive a hybrid and its ridiculously hard to see out the back window
Jill G says
I need this. I am the one leaving the driveway during the day when the kiddos are out.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
My mom needs this!
Karen Medlin says
I think the teen and myself
mrsshukra says
We all do!!!
Kelly D says
I need this the most.
angie says
my youngest son could use this
Natalie S says
most likely me since i drive a big car
Rhonda Clemens says
I would say both hubby and I, a parent can never say they are the safest or the best driver, there is always room for improvement!!
[email protected]
Melissa Belle says
Sadly I’m the driver who needs this the most, we just moved and the place we live in now the driveway is weird and not easy to back out of, I’m always so close to hitting the lights or trees!!
sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
Ashley S says
I would give it to my husband! lol but I’m sure he would say I need it!
Anitha Kuppuswamy says
For my husband
Daniel M says
probably my sis, after she hurt her neck she has trouble looking around
WinItMama says
I definitely need this! LOL
Jenny says
This would probably be for me.
Stacie Fontinell says
Me! I have to back out of our driveway and we have lots of kids in our neighborhood that play in the street! I would love this!
Sandra K321 says
I could use it. I drive a Jeep and it is hard to see behind it.