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We unload from the car and make our way down the path.
I am not more than a few steps onto the farm before I pull out my camera and start clicking.
Jackson instantly scolds me, “Mom! We are here for pumpkins, not pictures!”
I don’t mention that we already have six pumpkins at home and at eight dollars per person to get in this pumpkin patch, I am definitely here for the pictures.
But I don’t explain my ulterior motives. I can tell he is not going to be a willing model today. Oh well, I will have to get action shots.
It is a warmish, partly cloudy day and Jackson immediately peels off his winter coat, protesting, “I am hot!” I give in. I wish I had skipped the fleece and turtleneck myself, and undo my coat. He skips happily away, and once again he is the only child dressed in a t-shirt and shorts in October. I look around, most kids still have on their coats and Jackson is definitely the only one in shorts and a t-shirt. “Well, at least he has socks on today,” I laugh to myself.
This pumpkin patch is decked out! Hayrides, pony rides, corn maze, pumpkin fields, a band with dancing pumpkin and corn and even those delicious mini donuts.
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Oh and lots of hay for hay fights. Yep – this is the place to be!
There are three fields and after playing in the corn maze we find our pumpkins. Jackson chooses his quickly. “Man – they sure made these pumpkins heavy!” he complains and manages to carry his a few feet. Fortunately Uncle Rob is here to help out. |
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Now if only we can get these pumpkins back to the car!
What a great day – and we even got some pumpkins.
Susanne says
Your Jackson gives me a chuckle every time! He’s a comedian in the making!
Susan (5 Minutes for Mom) says
Yes, getting Jackson to wear anything but shorts and a t-shirt is a huge battle. It was cold. And he should have been wearing more. His dad (it’s his uncle in the photo) also wears shorts all year round, so it’s especially tough convincing Jackson to put on pants.
Gattina says
He, he always fighting with kids to dress them warmly ! I remember very well.
Michelle in MX says
how darling, and what cute shots inspite of the protests!
Joanne says
I am still trying to figure out why the baby has on pants, sweater, jacket and hat, dad in long sleeves and pants and little Jackson has shorts and a t-shirt. What’s wrong with this picture? Was it a warm or cold day? I find it amusing that there can be such a discrepancy in one family in the same weather.
Lynn Donovan says
Love these pictures. I feel like I am a part of your family. Thank you for inviting me in. What fun. Be blessed, Lynn
Christie says
how cute! i love the pumpkin patch! we took our six month old there friday and i forgot the camera! doh!
amelia says
I love it! “We’re here for pumpkins, not pictures…..” Now that is hilarious!
Adventures in Babywearing says
Glad you got some pics! I have been meaning to post our pumpkin pics and our trip to the sunflower patch!
Jennifer, Snapshot says
Cute pictures! Once when we lived in Texas, we went and cut down our own Christmas tree, after Thanksgiving. It was quite warm, so we have interesting pictures of that!